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On Fire 0: A Hearty Crisis by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:29:23
Updated: 2022-03-20 14:49:28
Expiry: Never

  1. On Fire 0: A Hearty Crisis by Nomine
  2. (Mom / Colt)
  4. (20/03/2017)
  7. ---
  9. I shuddered as I stared at the wreckage before me. My textbook, scorched to cinders! I mean, sure, it was a boring history textbooks, not one of the special books my best friend brought for me…but those books were fireproof! Which, clearly, this one wasn’t…hadn’t been.
  11. And, right on cue, there came the telltale clip-clop of my Mom’s hooves up the stairs to my room. She must have heard the screaming…or smelled the smoke…or maybe felt the heat…
  13. Either way, I was in for it now…Mom told me NEVER to practice my elemental magic inside my room, only in the special room she and Dad made for me when I got my cutie mark. Mom was gonna flip when she saw this…my book burned to ash, and my ash in for a serious…
  15. “HEART!” my mom cried, the door to my room slamming open as she rushed in and grabbed me tight. “I smelled the smoke. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Were you burned?! What did I tell you about using Fire magic in the house?!”
  17. Oh great…it was gonna be a panic-lecture. Settle in, readers…this could be a long one.
  19. Wait…hey Narrator, got the signs?
  21. >One Very Boring Lecture Later
  23. Thanks, Narrator!
  25. “Young colt…oh, you are in so much trouble…but I’m just so glad you’re okay. And it was just a book. We can replace the textbook out of your allowance…that can be your punishment.” Mom finished up by saying before finally taking a breath. She must be part whale or something…
  27. Wait. Only my allowance? I wasn’t going to get spanked?
  29. “Mom…I’m not going to get a spanking?” I asked her, looking up, giving her my Patent-Pending Puppy Peepers.
  31. “No, sweetie. I think we can let this one slide, since I’m sure it was an accident.” She told me, smiling and kissing my cheek.
  33. I rubbed it away…sheesh, Mom, I’m almost eight now!...and then something occurred to me. A good joke might make Mom even happier, maybe she wouldn’t even tell Dad!
  35. “So Mom?” I piped up, hoping this would work.
  37. “Yes, Hearty?” she replied, smiling down at me.
  39. “Were…were you going to spank me at first?” I asked, feigning curiosity, since I knew the answer already.
  41. In answer, she levitated my hairbrush off the dresser, making me wince. That thing was only reserved for the worst of the worst. Thick ebony wood…tough bristles…the works. Even carved with my real name.
  43. “, um, if you would going to use my brush, was my butt in a bit of a crisis?” I asked, setting it up and hiding my grin.
  45. She nodded. “I guess you could say that, yes.” She told me, looking curiously at me now.
  47. “So you could say that if you had spanked me it would have been a…Cris-Ass!” I chirped.
  49. The next thing I knew, Mom had sat down, tossed me over her knees, and was raising the…
  51. Oh bugger…
  53. OWWWWW!!!!!

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