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Undercover Blues 4: The Last Spank-Cry by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:31:23
Updated: 2022-03-20 17:27:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Undercover Blues 4: The Last Spank-Cry by Nomine
  2. (Cadance / Chrysalis)
  3. unf
  5. (13/11/2016)
  8. ---
  10. The scene was frozen, both adults in the room standing stock still as they stared at each other. One, a disguised changeling queen, was still holding a sniffly and sobbing filly with a glowing red bottom. The other was that filly’s mother, now enraged beyond all reason at the sight of her little baby crying into the shoulder of a false fake giant bug.
  12. The only thing keeping things from immediately devolving into violence was said filly. Chrysalis wasn’t willing to drop her down, and Cadance wasn’t willing to endanger her child further by advancing…what was to stop the bug from hurting Flurry? Even more than she already had?
  14. The tension kept rising between the two of them, Chrysalis staring at Cadance, and Cadance staring at Chrysalis. Western music played in the air, somehow reaching the palace from the visiting street band from Appleloosa.
  16. Finally, though, Chrysalis broke the silence by sparking her horn and enacting a healing spell on Flurry’s bottom. Immediately Cadance started forward, but the moment the redness started to fade, she stopped, stunned by what she was seeing. Why in the sun was this bug healing…
  18. Chrysalis, meanwhile, was focusing on the spell, repairing damage and removing the soreness as she formulated a plan in her mind. If she could get Cadance mollified, maybe she could escape this situation and keep her head firmly attached to her shoulders. But that would be tricky, she was easily angered…as Chryssy’s own punishment at her hooves showed!
  20. Once that bum was restored to its pristine pink, Chryssy set her on the bed, and then immediately flashed her magic all over her body, shrinking into Flurry’s form and whirling herself with Flurry in a circle…a classic maneuver used by changelings since time immemorial. She could see it working, too…Cadance looking at her, then at Flurry, then back at her.
  22. Sadly for the queen, she couldn’t copy one thing, and she realized too late what gave her away as she and Flurry looked at each other…the tear stains on the child’s cheeks were her undoing. The hapless queen had time for a single “Eeep” before she found herself snatched up and shaken violently by the Crystal princess.
  24. “I warned you…I told you never to come back here again!” Cadance all but screamed, “And now I find you here beating my daughter in my form!!! Give me one good reason I shouldn’t have you executed!” she ordered, the fire in her eyes burning Chrysalis’s spirit.
  26. “F..Flurry…skipping school…faked sick…” the queen managed to stammer out, only to receive an even more violent shake.
  28. “She was not faking! I took her temperature myself this morning, and her hooves were all cold and clammy. She even was curled up around her tummy, moaning in pain!” Cadance snarled, only to be brought up short when Chrysalis started laughing. “What is so funny?!”
  30. “You…actually bought the whole tummyache routine!” the queen howled, her mind analyzing still. If she could distract Cadance, break the chain of her anger or redirect it, she might yet get out of this unscathed. “It’s the oldest trick in the book!”
  32. Cadance’s anger grew more pronounced as she gripped Chrysalis more tightly, but the queen could see part of her suspicions diverting to Flurry now. “It’s easy…tummyaches are hard to confirm, and they come and go with time. So when she’s curled up in pain, she licks her hooves and makes them cold and clammy.”
  33. “And the fever?” Cadance snapped, now looking very suspiciously at Flurry.
  35. “Easiest of them all to fake, there’s a dozen methods.” Chrysalis said, honesty in her voice. “Your little angel here played you this morning so she could play and not have to go to school. Trust me, I know all about excuses. You should be thanking me…I took care of punishing your daughter for you.” She said, but that last sentence proved to be her undoing.
  37. Cadance had started to drop her as she turned to look at Flurry, the small foal doing her best to hide her face. At the mention of Flurry’s punishment, however, Cadance snapped right back at the overly talkative queen, hatred returning to her eyes. Then, suddenly, she calmed, her voice changing from an angry snarl to a sibilant whisper.
  39. “Oh, I’ll be /thanking/ you, alright.” She smirked, grinning evilly. “Thank you for assuming the form of a foal again, because I have a perfect idea of how to deal with this incident now…” she told the captured monarch, going over and taking the seat Chrysalis had left vacant on the bed, plunking the disguised changeling across her lap and holding her there tightly. “Since Flurry got such a mean spanking from you…I think it only fair that you get a nasty one from me.”
  41. Chrysalis, despite being clumsy and arrogant, wasn’t stupid enough that she could have mistaken Cadance’s plan for anything else. Silently she cursed the ill luck that had made Cadance find her way back at precisely the wrong moment. Still…at least it was only going to be a spanking, nothing she wasn’t used…
  43. “AAAOOWWWYY!!!” she screamed as the leather belt met her butt. It was worse…she wasn’t used to this! Her bottom couldn’t take…”OWOWOWOW!” she cried out as spank number two met with her rump. Already she was sure it was glowing red.
  45. Cadance wasted no time in setting a hard, painful pace, lashing the belt across Chrysalis’s flank left and right. Wondering how she could be doing it so fast, Chryssy finally made out the telltale sign of a horn…she was holding the belt in her magic while her hooves kept Chryssy still and barely able to thrash and kick.
  47. Fifteen…twenty…Chrysalis lost count after twenty five spanks, hoping and praying she wasn’t in for the full number she had given Flurry. Howling and whimpering, the queen tried to struggle free. Every movement was met with a tightening of the grip around her barrel and hindlegs, and a flurry of spanks from the leather to her cheeks.

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