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Apple Bloom's Photos by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:34:50
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:19:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Apple Bloom's Photos by Pan
  2. (Applejack / Apple Bloom)
  3. F/f, rugbeater, over barrel, non-consensual
  5. (27/06/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >"Why do I have to get my picture taken? It's such a waste of time."
  11. >"Hush, Apple Bloom. Your granny 'n I think it's important to look back on how you grow up."
  12. >"But I want to go crusading!"
  13. >"Apple Bloom, you *always* want to go crusading. The two hours AT MOST that this will take will not be the two hours in which you get your cutie mark."
  14. >"Granny Smith, please! I can get some lousy picture any day, but the crusaders aren't going to visit Rocky Bottom Bog again for a whole 'nother *week*!"
  15. >"Ye'll forgive me if I don't show much sympathy, squirt."
  16. Apple Bloom groaned.
  17. >"Apple Bloom, you've been pestering me about this all day. No means no. You're getting your picture taken and that's final!"
  18. >"But what if I--"
  19. >"That does it, missy. 20 times we've had this conversation today and that's at least two too many if y'ask me."
  20. >"Wait, but I can--"
  21. >"No more 'buts' out of you, young filly. The only 'butt' I care about is yours - over the barrel. Fetch the rugbeater and meet me in the barn, pronto."
  22. >"Big Mac, Granny Smith, you gotta help me! I don't deserve this!"
  23. >"Listen here, young filly. You've been bothering us all day! Applejack chewing you out was the first time you've been quiet since sunup. You've earned this rump-roasting, little foal. In fact, if AJ hadn't volunteered I had half a mind to do it myself."
  24. >"Eeyup."
  26. Apple Bloom went to the kitchen. Hanging on a hook was the family rugbeater, which was rarely used on rugs. It even had a degrading label above the hook.
  27. >When Apple Bloom won't listen to
  28. >reason, her rump sure will!
  30. She trotted outside to the barn, weapon of her destruction in her mouth.
  32. >"Thanks for making it out here on such short notice. I hope I'm not interfering with any crusading. Everything is set up. Over the barrel, little one."
  33. It was a 3/4 size barrel, and Apple Bloom's front hooves made it to the barn floor, while her back legs and rear-end remained totally exposed over the top of the barrel.
  35. >"I hope after this you'll learn to listen the first time."
  37. Applejack took the handle of the rugbeater in her mouth and did two practice swats on nearby bales of hay. She then approached Apple Bloom, brought the rugbeater high towards the ceiling, and turned her head in the opposite direction to bring it stinging into Apple Bloom's bottom.
  39. >"Yow! Okay sis, I learned my lesson. I'll be good!"
  41. Applejack didn't bother answering with anything other than another spank.
  43. >"C'mon AJ, this isn't right! I gotta look my best for my picture!" (SPANK)
  44. >"In fact, I should go right now! Whaddaya say?" (WHAP)
  46. Tears were now welling in Apple Bloom's eyes. Applejack wasn't cruel, but a little bit of crying meant that the punishment was working, and the naughty filly shouldn't be granted a reprieve just yet.
  48. >"Since you're (SMACK) so strong, you have to end this soon, okay?"
  50. (WHAP) (WHAP) (WHAP)
  52. The spanking seemed to have taken Apple Bloom down to half her age. Her crying in pain and humiliation was almost incoherent.
  54. >"*Sob* I'm sorryyyyyyy! No more! (SPANK) I don't ever (SPANK) want to (SPANK) do it (SPANK) again-n-n!"
  56. Applejack opened her mouth and let the borderline torture device fall to the ground.
  58. >"Your punishment's over, Apple Bloom. You can get up now."
  60. Apple Bloom shot up from the barrel and madly attempted to soothe her burning behind by rubbing it and jumping around the barn.
  62. Cheers and whistling came from Granny Smith and Big Macintosh, who evidently spectated some of the proceedings.
  64. >"You guys were *sniff* ... watching me?"
  66. >"Eeyup. You really had it coming. I wouldn't miss it for the world."
  68. >"What Big Macintosh *meant* to say was that he cares about you, and wanted to make sure you got the punishment you needed."
  69. >"...Unless I'm misunderstanding him, and he was making fun of you. In which case I'll have to borrow the family rugbeater and remind Mr. Macintosh that his large, easy-to-hit backside can be made a shade redder than it already is."
  71. >"N-no ma'am."
  72. He said meekly with a deep blush.
  74. >"Apple Bloom, put the rugbeater away and meet us at the kitchen table for directions to Camera Shy's studio."
  76. All four ponies walked back to the house.
  78. >"That was some mighty fine work, Applejack. I'm proud to have you for a granddaughter. But you learned from the best, didn't ya? If anything, I say you were too soft on her."
  80. To prove her point, Granny smacked Apple Bloom's flank one last time.
  82. >"Ah!"
  84. Apple Bloom's vocalized shock caused her to drop the rugbeater. She bent over (inadvertently showing off her freshly-disciplined bottom), picked it up, and ran ahead.
  86. ...
  88. >"So since this is a priceless photo opportunity, I'm going to wear a nice dress, right?"
  89. >"'Fraid not. Granny 'n' I talked it over, and you'll be dressed as you are now."
  90. >"But I'm not wearing anything! Everyone will see me..."
  91. >"You got that right, kiddo. We figure you've been actin' like a little foal, so you should dress like one for this picture."
  92. Mindful of her damaged posterior, Apple Bloom pressed one more time.
  93. >"Uh, can't I just wear a nice, simple, dress? It'll make me look classy and cute!"
  94. >"No can do, AB. You'll go out there naked as the day you were born. No need for that big-city modesty just because yer sister tanned your hide, now."
  95. Applejack laughed. Apple Bloom *did* look ridiculous. Her red fanny may as well have been glowing - and the criss-crossed stripes left nothing to the imagination. Apple Bloom had been spanked silly like a little foal. There was no other explanation. Her thought continued:
  97. >Just like there was no other explanation when I was sportin' a similar pattern on my backside at her age. Ugh. But it made me into the pony I am today.
  99. >"Granny Smith, tell her what you used to tell me."
  100. >"If you're getting too big for your britches, your britches have to come off."
  102. >"Run along now, Apple Bloom. You don't wanna be late."
  103. >"*Sigh* okay..."
  105. The studio was a half-mile from the farm. Apple Bloom knew that most of the ponies she passed probably saw her perdicament.
  106. >Thankfully, no comments so far, and almost two thirds there...
  108. Diamond Tiara was the first. She approached from the opposite direction.
  110. >"Hey, Apple Bloom. Gorgeous day, isn't it? Where are your friends?"
  111. Apple Bloom stopped moving to be polite. Running passed Diamond Tiara would only draw attention to herself.
  112. >"At Rocky Bottom Bog. They're trying to be frog-wranglers."
  113. >"If I know you, you should be right there in the mud with them. What happened?"
  114. >"I *would* be, except on account of me havin' to get portraits photographed today."
  115. >"Oh, pictures, how fun! Daddy takes me to get some practically every week."
  116. >"That's uh, great, Diamond Tiara."
  117. >"I'll say. I wish I were in your shoes though; going all the time makes it lose the magic. ... But what would an earth pony like you know about magic? And speaking of your shoes, where are they? I always have a new outfit whenever I have a photo op."
  118. >Apple Bloom wished she would 'shut op'.
  119. >"Well, uh, usually I do have an outfit, but this time I decided to go back-to-basics."
  120. >"Can't get much simpler than this. Lemme take a look."
  121. Apple Bloom cringed in anticipation.
  123. Diamond Tiara paced around Apple Bloom and gasped at the sight before her. From behind Apple Bloom, she took advantage of this wonderful bullying opportunity.
  125. >"Well, well, AB. I knew you were a blank flank but it's rare to see your blank flank spanked."
  126. >"Oh, that? It was no big deal."
  128. Apple Bloom put on a cool demeanor in hopes of ending the line of questioning about her still-smarting behind.
  129. >"No big deal? (Giggle) If you say so. I've got important business to attend to, so I'll send you on your way."
  130. >(SPANK)
  131. Instinctively and from re-ignited pain, Apple Bloom whinnied and galloped forward a few feet before doubling back around.
  133. >"Why you little piece of no-good--"
  134. >"What's all this commotion?"
  135. Rainbow Dash swooped in to stop what her schoolyard experience told her was a brewing fight.
  137. Diamond Tiara got in the first word.
  138. >"I was just catching up with Apple Bloom here. No problems to report."
  139. >"On the uh... contrary. She was teasin' me about my rump."
  141. >"Is that so?"
  142. >"S-sort of."
  144. >"Listen, you two. I patrol the skies to prevent much bigger issues than this. If I hadn't been here, you two would be at each others' throats by now, which means I'm obligated as a citizen and a pegasus to fly in. But believe me when I say I'd rather be doing other things."
  146. Both nodded.
  148. >"Diamond Tiara, if you think my pal Apple Bloom's keister is funny, I can have your dad send you over to Sweet Apple Acres to get a matching design on your own butt."
  149. >"Th-that won't be necessary, Miss Rainbow Dash."
  150. >"Glad to hear it. Stay out of trouble, you two."
  152. Rainbow Dash, Diamond Tiara, and Apple Bloom parted ways, and before anything else terrible happened, Apple Bloom was at the photographer's front door.
  154. >Camera Shy's Photo Studio
  155. >Come on in!
  157. She pushed open the door and entered the building. There were four main areas. On the left, closed, locked, and windowless, was the darkroom in which photos were developed. Apple Bloom was standing in a waiting area which had two small benches placed up against the town-facing wall. Straight ahead, separated by a partly-glass wall, was the studio, and on the right was a small office that Camera Shy had just walked out of.
  159. Camera Shy was a minty-green unicorn pony. While she wasn't nearly as fashion-conscious as her friends back home, in laid-back Ponyville she was among the most stylish. Still, Camera Shy was definitely behind Rarity (who, in her opinion, took fashion a little *too* seriously) and the occasional out-of-town visitor. Her current style: wearing her brushed mane down, with a dyed cyan highlight to compliment her naturally brown hair.
  161. >"Hi there! Do you have an appointment?"
  162. >"Yes, ma'am. I'm Apple Bloom, here for photos at three o'clock."
  164. >"Oh, I remember you! I took your picture last year at my old location! Wow, you've grown!"
  165. >"Thanks! I get that a lot these days."
  166. >"I have you scheduled for just two poses, so you should be out of here pretty quick. Follow me."
  168. They went through a doorway in the middle of the dividing wall and entered the studio. A camera and a large light, both on stands were set up on the left, and a wooden stool was sitting on the right. Behind the stool and mounted on the wall was an unassuming roll of backgrounds, similar to the roll-down maps one would find mounted at the front of a classroom above the chalkboard.
  170. >"So, Apple Bloom, this is what you're wearing for your portraits, right?"
  171. >"Yeah... but not by choice."
  172. >"What do you mean?"
  173. >"My family told me not to wear anything."
  174. >"Why is that?"
  175. >"I don't want to talk about it."
  176. >"Alrighty, have it your way then! Hm... I don't get many undressed fillies, but I do love working within artistic constraints."
  177. She paused.
  178. >"I got it! We'll go for a 'child of nature' look. I know just what to use. Sit on the stool, please."
  180. Camera Shy started setting up the scene. She used her unicorn magic to lower the second backdrop into the shot, a serene forest with a few large rocks.
  182. Apple Bloom waited for Camera Shy to walk passed the stool before she started walking to it. It was a pitiful gambit to eliminate the exposure of her spanked rump, which Camera Shy still hadn't noticed.
  184. As Camera Shy finished turning on the lights she was going to use, Apple Bloom still wasn't on the stool. She was struggling to climb on it with her front two legs, but it was too tall.
  186. >"Oh, lemme help you with that. It's the one thing I don't like about the new place. But I swear all the photos turn out better at that height. I still need to buy a little stairway for it."
  187. >"Uh,"
  188. Before Apple Bloom could protest, she felt two hooves under her cushy backside pushing her up. Apple Bloom made it onto the stool and turned around so she was sitting and facing the camera.
  190. >"There, that's much better. It looks like somepony's been naughty though, hm?"
  191. >"Well..."
  192. >"Oh, don't act like I'm blind! I suppose it was a waffle-making mishap, then?"
  193. >"No, you were right. I got spanked by my sister."
  194. >"That must have been embarrassing."
  195. >"You can say that again."
  196. >"Just mind your manners while you're here or I'll put you over my knee myself. I've spent too long doing this to have to deal with insolent little foals. And you wouldn't be the first filly to think that was an idle threat only to suddenly become a believer."
  197. >"Don't worry ma'am, I'll be good."
  198. >"Good. Now our first pose is very simple. Just look right at the camera. ... That's it."
  199. Camera Shy walked over to Apple Bloom and directed her to pivot a fraction of a degree.
  201. >"Perfect. Now I'm going to take three pictures. Smile!"
  202. (CLICK)
  203. >"Good, keep that smile on!"
  204. (CLICK)
  205. >"Last one. Say 'red apples'!"
  206. >"Red apples!"
  207. (CLICK)
  209. >"Great job, Apple Bloom. Now we're going to do three profile shots, and we'll be all done, okay?"
  210. >"Sure."
  211. >"Turn and face that window on your right, please."
  212. Camera Shy nudged Apple Bloom to turn even more. Normally a profile shot was strictly a side-view, but Camera Shy was getting creative because she knew the client and now was intimately familiar with the subject.
  214. >Granny Smith loves that sentimental junk.
  215. >If she could have Apple Bloom be one-month-old forever, she'd do it.
  216. >So what better way to emphasize Apple Bloom's childishness than by including her spanked filly fanny in the shot?
  217. >And if she doesn't like them, I'll offer a refund. Maybe Apple Bloom will get in trouble again on the day of the appointment and once again have to bring her cute little tushie to my studio.
  219. >"Exactly that, Apple Bloom. Smile!"
  220. (SNAP)
  221. >"You look adorable."
  222. (SNAP)
  223. >"Your granny will love these."
  224. (SNAP)
  226. >"Anything else?"
  227. >"No, Miss Camera Shy. Thanks!"
  228. >"I'll have those delivered to Sweet Apple Acres as soon as I get them. Bye!"
  230. >Apple Bloom was pleasant customer. I can't believe how uncommon spanking is back home.
  231. >My internship in Canterlot was much rockier than my business in Ponyville.
  232. >Foals are still rowdy here, sure, but most of them know when to settle down.
  233. >And the ones that don't, get a spanking.
  234. Camera Shy chuckled.
  235. >I remember the first time I spanked one of those brats. His behavior was completely different afterwords. His mother said she's spank him too once they got home.
  236. >My friends just don't understand.
  237. >It's one thing you don't learn in Canterlot Photography School.
  239. ...
  241. Weeks later, Apple Bloom's photos were developed. The best ones for each pose were given larger prints. Camera Shy delivered them in person to explain the poses to Granny Smith.
  243. >"Here are Apple Bloom's portraits, Granny Smith. I wanted to show you the second print in particular."
  244. >"Oh my, that looks wonderful. I love it! Apple Jack, come look at Apple Bloom's pictures!"
  245. >"Granny Smith, you know how they say the camera adds 10 pounds?"
  246. >"Yeah, somethin' like that."
  247. >"I think a spanking takes off two years. Apple Bloom is cute as a button in this."
  248. >"I couldn't agree more. Maybe I should give her more of the same for next year!"
  250. END

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