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Cadance Foalsits by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:35:39
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:23:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Cadance Foalsits by Pan
  2. (Candance / Twilight, Shining Armor)
  3. F/f, F/M, hairbrush, bent over, corner, non-consensual
  5. (03/07/2014)
  8. ---
  10. The last school-night of the week in young Twilight Sparkle's house.
  11. >"Kids, your father and I finally got time off work. That means we're going on a trip by ourselves for the weekend."
  12. Night Light nodded in agreement with his wife.
  13. >"Are you leaving money for us?"
  14. Shining Armor demonstrated the practicality an older brother needs to have.
  15. >"Yes, sort of. You won't be in charge of it. I'm having Cadance help out while we're gone."
  16. >"Twily's old foalsitter? What, we're supposed to go over to her house and beg for change?"
  17. >"No, she will come here."
  18. >"Can't you just give me the money and cut out the middlemare? You've trusted me other times you've gone out."
  19. >"It's more than that, Shiny. This time it's for a few days. The most we've ever left you two alone was for one night."
  20. >"And did anything bad ever happen?"
  21. >"No, you're right, nothing bad has happened..."
  22. >"That proves it! I don't need Twilight's foalsitter and *my* classmate coming over here to give me my *allowance*! You act like we'll blow it all on ice cream the first night, then starve."
  23. Night Light, listening intently but never speaking until now, fielded the gentlecolt's question.
  24. >"Cadance isn't going to give you the money. She's going to be responsible for it the entire time. We're having her foalsit you two."
  25. Twilight was okay with the proposition:
  26. >"Yes! It's been so long since I've seen her! Shining Armor gets to talk to her at school all the time. Lucky."
  27. And Shining was not:
  28. >"WHAT? I *graduate* this year. I start *guard training* in the fall. There's a reason you stopped hiring her, and it's because I'm mature enough to take care of us while you're gone."
  29. Twilight Velvet was once again leading the conversation.
  30. >"Sweetie, don't think of it like that. We know you're responsible. Sometimes it just helps to have two responsible mares and stallions in charge instead of one."
  31. >"We just don't want to worry while we're on vacation."
  32. >"Think of it like this: Cadance can watch Twilight while you go out with your friends!"
  34. >"Yeah, I suppose..."
  36. Satisfied that they were all in agreement, Twilight Velvet got to the last thing she needed to say.
  37. >"I know you have a lot of experience supervising Twily, but while we're gone, Cadance is in charge. She's been foalsitting for years now, and has done it a lot more than you have. Probably made it through more foalsitting disasters than you have too. So just be nice and obey what she says; if nothing else, as a good role model for Twilight, so Cadance can get her to bed on time and so on."
  38. >"We're making sure you two make it to school, then leaving for our train. Cadance will come home after school and will stay at the house until we get back four nights from now."
  40. >"Got it."
  41. >"Yay! Three days with Cadance!"
  43. ...
  45. >"Hey, Shining Armor. Looks like I'm helping you watch the house for a few days."
  46. >"Yeah. Sorry you have to spend your weekend over here."
  47. >"No problem. I get paid *and* I get to catch up with my pal Twilight!"
  48. She gave Twilight a noogie.
  49. >"Never leave, Cadance!"
  50. Shining Armor and Cadance laughed at Twilight's dependence.
  52. Partially to show off for his crush, Shining Armor worked on his homework while Cadance did the same on their first night together. True to Twilight Velvet's word, the second evening of Shining Armor's freedom was spent playing cards at a friend's house. He was back by midnight as he was told.
  53. >No big deal; Mom has the same rule.
  55. Earlier that day, Cadance and Twilight went "exploring". Which led to Twilight being covered in mud. Which meant Cadance took an active role in bathing Twilight that day, instead of merely supervising like she did on the other day.
  57. >"You wash what you can, Twily. I'll try and help."
  58. Cadance and Twilight each had soapy rags in their hooves that they dragged over various parts of Twilight's fur. Thanks to physics and Twilight's still-developing grasp on magic, Cadance put herself in charge of Twilight's hindquarters. It took vigorous scrubbing, but soon the caked-in mud was gone and Twilight's wet, soapy rump was the purple it was meant to be. Twilight didn't mind all this attention. She was giggling and having a good time throughout the experience.
  60. >"Okay Cadance, I think I'm clean now!"
  61. >"Not yet, little filly. We have to wash under your hooves."
  62. >"Come on Cadance, look at me! I'm clean!"
  63. >"We're cleaning your hooves and that's final."
  64. (TAP)
  66. To prove how final it was, Cadance gave Twilight a light pat on the bottom with her hoof. It was more to get her attention and demonstrate who was in charge than to inflict any pain. Always willing to impress her caretaker, Twilight changed course immediately.
  68. >"Okay! I'm sorry, Cadance! I don't need a spanking!"
  69. >"That's good to hear. Now let's see those hooves."
  71. ...
  73. The two ponies were on their best behavior throughout the weekend, both trying to impress Cadance but for different reasons. As the weekend came to a close, they woke up for school on time and helped Cadance pack their lunches. After coming back home from school at the end of the day, they just had to run out the clock until their parents returned.
  75. And run they did. They ran through the house, Twilight chasing Shining Armor.
  77. >"You two should go outside if you want to horseplay."
  79. They ignored her, running around the kitchen table and up and down stairs.
  81. >"It's hard enough to write this essay without you galloping around. You need to go outside, 'kay?"
  83. >"Sure thing, Cadance!"
  85. Shining Armor hollered, slightly low on breath. He led his pursuer out the back door and around the house a few times. But he was getting bored and Twilight was gaining on him, so he ran back inside. Twilight was unshaken, and Shining Armor made one last-ditch effort to escape: jumping over the coffee table.
  86. >There's no way she can make that.
  88. Turns out, there was no way Shining Armor could make the hurdle either. His back hooves grazed the lip of the coffee table, which made him trip and fall. The front-underside of his body provided the friction necessary for Shining Armor to slide to a stop on the tiled floor.
  89. (CRASH)
  91. And Shining Armor was right. Twily couldn't make the jump either.
  92. But that didn't stop her from trying. Glass was everywhere. When her weight shattered the table, Twilight lost balance and her momentum carried her front knees over the same wooden edge that foiled her older brother. Her center of gravity incongruous with the contortions of her body, Twilight flipped head over hooves, and her rear landed within two feet of her brother's.
  94. Cadance had aspirations for that butt. But first:
  95. >"Oh my gosh! Is anypony hurt?"
  96. >"I'm okay."
  97. Shining would have said that even if he were actively on fire.
  98. >"Me too, Cadance. Do you want us to help you clean this up?"
  99. >"I most certainly do. But first I have some business to take care of. Young colt, young filly, come with me."
  101. Cadance approached the table that was now a memorial to her unfinished essay, and opened her light-blue saddle bag with her front-left hoof. She used her magic to rifle through it, and pulled out a wooden hairbrush, painted pink to match her fur. Cadance set the brush on the floor.
  103. >"Twilight, come here and stand in front of me."
  104. Shining Armor sat on the floor near the table, not wanting to sit in Cadance's chair and positive that he wasn't allowed to leave yet. Besides, as Twilight's brother, Shining wanted to make sure that Cadance didn't cross a line in her discipline.
  105. Shaky and unsure, Twilight Sparkle slowly walked to the center of the room. She looked up at Cadance.
  106. >"Turn around."
  107. Twilight Sparkle, never a troublemaker, went cold.
  108. >Why didn't I listen to her? She's so nice to me...
  109. Turning clockwise, Twilight got into position.
  110. >"Sweetie, I'm going to cast a spell on you, so I need you to hold still for a few seconds. You'll know when it's done. Okay?"
  111. >"Okay, Miss Cadance..."
  112. A pink aura surrounded Cadance's horn; sparks flew. The aura grew to include a line from Cadance's horn to Twilight, and Twilight herself was now shrouded in Cadance's pink aura.
  113. Twilight fell to the ground, in a way. Her front legs gave out. Her back legs were strong as ever. Twily tried to get back up, but her knees could not support her. Then she tried to relax her back legs and lay down, but they wouldn't move. She resigned to the floor, backside high in the air. Shining Armor noticed that Twilight's tail was resting on her back, out of the way, rather than down in its natural position. Twilight had other things to think about.
  114. >"I'm done with the spell, Twilight. Caretakers like me use it to make it easier to discipline naughty fillies and colts. It's totally harmless."
  115. >"Th-that's... good... to hear..."
  116. Still a little shaky, especially with her current position.
  117. >"Twily, I'm going to give you a little spanking. You've been good most of the weekend, but I can't let your behavior tonight slide. Ready?"
  118. (INHALE)
  119. >"Ready..."
  121. Cadance levitated the hairbrush into the air and swung the wooden part of it into Twilight's behind.
  122. (WHAP)
  123. >"I know it stings, Twilight, but this is for your own good."
  124. (SPANK)
  125. >"I don't want you growing up into a spoiled brat who doesn't respect authority."
  126. >"I respect you, Cadance! I respect you!"
  127. >(Just stop hitting me! I don't want you to think I'm a baby...)
  128. (WHAP)
  129. >"I believe you, Twily. You just made a bad decision."
  130. (WHAP)
  131. >"But I wouldn't be a good foalsitter if I didn't discipline a naughty foal who needed a good tailside-torching."
  132. (SPANK)
  133. >"*Sniffle* wh-what about my brother...?"
  134. >"He'll be punished in a manner appropriate for a colt his age."
  135. (THUD)
  137. >"That's six, Twilight. Do you want any more firm whacks on your backside?"
  138. >"No, Miss Cadance."
  139. >Good. She learned her lesson.
  140. >"Will you do what your told?"
  141. >"Yes, ma'am."
  142. >"And listen the first time?"
  143. >"Yes, Cadance. I'm sorry, Cadance."
  144. >"And what's going to happen to you if you don't?"
  145. >"I'll get a spanking on my tushie."
  146. >"Good. You're still my favorite filly. But I still need you to go to the corner and think about what you've done."
  147. >"Okay..."
  149. The spell was still active. Moving while under its effects was almost crawling, a fitting bookend to a foalish punishment. Twilight scooted passed her brother, who got an up-close look at reason number one not to cross Cadance. Twilight's bum was a gradient of red, most intense in the middle of her cheeks. It probably still stung.
  151. Shining Armor got up and walked towards the stairs.
  152. >I'm glad I've grown out of that.
  153. >"Where do you think you're going, Shining Armor?"
  154. >"I'm going to get started on my homework until Twily's done with her punishment. Then we can clean up the coffee table. Then my parents will get home, and you'll tell them what happened, and I'll probably be grounded for a month."
  155. >"You should go into fiction writing instead of guard school, Shining. None of that is happening."
  156. >"What do you mean?"
  157. >"You owe an apology to my hairbrush. Your bottom has agreed to say it on your behalf."
  158. >"Wh-what are you talking ab-whoa!"
  159. Cadance pulled him to the middle of the room with her magic.
  160. >"You watched Twilight get her cute little rump spanked, right?"
  161. >"Uh, yeah..."
  162. >"Now it's your turn. Turn around."
  163. >"Cadance, don't be ridiculous."
  164. >"Until this is over, I'm Miss Cadenza to you. Got it?"
  165. >"Miss Cadenza, why are you doing this?"
  166. >"That's better. I get the impression that you think you're too old for this, so let me assure you that any naughty pony under my control will get what's coming to them. Doubly so for a naughty colt, since they mature slower than fillies. You proved that tonight, Whining Armor. ... Now, turn around, please. Don't make me ask you again."
  167. >"NO! I'm not getting spanked like a two-year-old."
  168. >"I'm sorry you feel that way."
  169. She spun him around with her magic, although Shining did resist and make it harder for Cadance.
  170. >"Cadance, please don't do this."
  171. She spanked him once with the hairbrush.
  172. >"It's Cadenza. Now hold still, unless you want some unintended consequences."
  173. >Unintended consequences are fine with me.
  174. He bolted towards the back door and left the house.
  175. >"Stay in the corner, Twily."
  176. And Cadance followed him.
  177. >"Don't you dare leave this yard, Shining Armor!"
  178. He no doubt heard her as he rounded the corner to their side yard and made his way to the front yard.
  179. >There's no way Mom and Dad would let me get away with disobeying her like that. They'll sympathize with avoiding a spanking, but not running away from home.
  180. >I am too old to get spanked... right? Who does she think I am?
  181. >"Shining Armor, get back here!"
  182. Those were the last words he heard from Cadance. He looked back as he rounded his fourth corner and was coming up on his first lap around the house, but did not see Cadance anywhere.
  183. >Or is that Cadenza? What a psycho.
  184. He was thinking too two-dimensionally. Cadance tackled him from above, having flown over the house and into the backyard.
  185. Before he could get up, Cadance cast some kind of spell on him. Then when he tried to continue running, his front legs wouldn't stay taut.
  186. >"I am FURIOUS with you right now, Shining Armor. Take your spanking like the stallion you are or the foal you're acting like, I don't care. But at this point I can definitely catch up to you either way."
  187. (WHACK)
  188. (WHACK)
  189. >"What the fuck!"
  190. (WHAP)
  191. >"You use that word like it makes you seem any older."
  192. He began to crawl away, futile as it was.
  193. (SPANK)
  194. Cadance towered over Shining Armor's head, as she paced between his face and his backside.
  195. >"Yet here you are, in your backyard, getting spanked by your foalsitter."
  196. (THUD)
  197. >"And unfortunately for you,"
  198. (WHACK)
  199. >"I can keep up this pace."
  200. (THUD)
  201. >"Careful now, Whining Armor. You're heading towards the front yard. Is that really where you want to be paddled by your classmate's hairbrush?"
  202. (THUD)
  203. >"Where everyone can see just how naughty you've been?"
  204. He started to cry, and stopped moving.
  205. >"I'm glad to see I'm getting through to you."
  206. (SPANK)
  207. >"There is a lot of stubbornness welled up in your bottom, Shining. And as your foalsitter, it's my job to beat it out of you."
  208. (WHACK)
  209. An interruption.
  210. >"C-can't we do this in-inside? *Sniffle*"
  211. A spank for insolence.
  212. (THUD)
  213. A wince. A lurch forward.
  214. >"Let's look back for a moment. Where did I originally want to spank you?"
  215. (SPANK)
  216. >"Ow! You wanted to-"
  217. (SPANK)
  218. >"Ow! Spank me inside."
  219. (SPANK)
  220. >"Young colt, you had your chance and you blew it. So this is the consequence."
  221. >"I know it's been a few years since mommy put you over her knee and spanked you silly, but if you ask me, she left more work to be done."
  222. (WHACK)
  224. Twilight's parents brought their things into the house and noticed Twilight in the corner.
  226. >"Twily, what happened?"
  227. >"Where are Cadance and Shining Armor?"
  228. >"Shining and I got in trouble for breaking the coffee table. They went outside and Cadance told me to stay here."
  230. Night Light and Twilight Velvet walked towards the back of their house and looked out the window. Cadance was beating Shining Armor with a hairbrush. Twilight Velvet opened the window.
  232. >"Shining Armor, did you break the coffee table?"
  233. >"Not exactly..."
  234. (SPANK)
  235. He blushed for many reasons. He was being spanked by his crush, his parents were watching, and there was an implication that he was an idiot for breaking the coffee table.
  236. >"Alright, yes, I'm partially to blame for that."
  237. (THUD)
  238. >"Is that why Cadance is spanking you?"
  239. >"Yes! Mom, you gotta do something! She's gone crazy! Tell her to stop! Tell her I'm too old for this!"
  240. Twilight Velvet turned him down.
  241. >"I stopped spanking you because you seemed mature enough to respond to other punishments. But that was based on your attitude, not your physical age."
  242. (SPANK)
  243. >"No colt who carelessly breaks a coffee table is too old to be spanked for his foalish transgression."
  244. (WHAP)
  245. Cadance winded things down.
  246. >"I hope you've learned your lesson, Shining Armor."
  247. (TAP)
  248. >"If there is a 'next time', I hope you remember this time as a warning for what happens to naughty foals... of any age."
  249. She dropped her hairbrush and made her final point with her hoof.
  250. >"Because of the way you acted, because it's only fair, and because I think you need to be brought down a few pegs, you are to stand in the corner of the yard while I talk to your parents and Twily. March!"
  251. (WHACK)
  252. Shining Armor's rump was on fire, and he didn't need to be hit anymore. He was crying like a newborn foal. So he, at last, did what he was told. He was most of the way to the edge of the yard as the other family members returned with Cadance. She picked up her hairbrush again and levitated it perilously close to Shining Armor.
  253. >"Sorry I didn't have time to clean up the glass from the table. I had other things to deal with."
  254. (WHAP)
  255. It was a light tap, but not as light as it could have been. Twily, Night Light, and Twilight Velvet laughed at their red-bottomed family member standing alone in the yard. Shining's Armor had an obvious, red chink, and all it took was some slaps on the rear.
  256. >"Not a problem, Cadence. Do you have all your things?"
  257. Cadance put her hairbrush back into her saddle bag.
  258. >"Now I do."
  259. Twilight Velvet cast a spell on Shining Armor. His tail immediately relaxed from its former unnatural position, resting on his back. The counterspell for what Cadance used on the two ponies that night could only legally be taught to caretakers and parents. While spanking was practiced less and less in Canterlot, such archaic laws were still on the books. Forbidding troublesome fillies and colts from learning how to undermine their parents, teachers, and foalsitters preserved the effectiveness of the original spell.
  260. >"Shiny, sweetie, come over here. You can walk now."
  261. He got up, for the first time in a while, and walked to the group.
  262. >"You owe Miss Cadance an apology."
  263. He actually did feel some guilt, and it wasn't just afterglow from his behind.
  264. >"I'm sorry, Miss Cadance, for wrecking the coffee table."
  265. >"And?"
  266. >"And for running away when you tried to..."
  267. >"What?"
  268. He lowered his voice to a mumble.
  269. >"... spank me."
  270. Twilight Velvet prompted her son for an addendum.
  271. >"And what will happen if you disobey the pony in charge again, Shiny?"
  272. >"I could get spanked."
  273. >"Nothing is off the table with you, young colt. If you flunk out of guard school you can bet that your rump will be a lot sorer than it is today. I may even get Cadance's help, since it seems her methods produce such wonderful results."
  274. >"That... won't be necessary."
  275. He blushed a deep red, but not as deep as his red keister.
  276. >"See you at school tomorrow, Shining."
  277. >"Y-you too."
  279. ...
  281. The next day, Shining's classmates were merciless. Twilight didn't encounter much trouble because she was younger, and spanking was more common in her peer group. At Shining Armor's school, his friends, acquaintances, random girls, and even some teachers made comments.
  282. >"Woah, what'd your parents do that for?"
  283. >"Nice butt."
  284. >"You must've sat in something, Shining."
  285. >"That must've really hurt."
  286. >"I'll do that to you in a heartbeat if you stop paying attention in math class."
  287. >"Achilles' heel is old news. Shining's ass is his weak point."
  289. Cadance protected her victim's confidentiality, for the time being. She only brought it up among ponies who already knew about it. "Shining got spanked by his Mom the last year before he graduated" became the official story. But when Shining Armor and Cadence got married...
  291. >"Wash the dishes, young colt, or I'll have to spank you again."
  293. END

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