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Do It Yourself by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:36:09
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:27:22
Expiry: Never

  1. Do It Yourself by Pan
  2. (Rainbow / Scootaloo)
  4. (26/12/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Dropseat jammies and a new manebrush
  10. >Dashie "hid" those two presents in one obvious corner of Dash's closet
  11. >She knew Scoots snooped through there in the past
  12. >Scoot got home from school about an hour before Dash clocked out of her weather duties every day
  13. "Dear Scootaloo,
  14. If you're reading this, it means you've been putting your muzzle in places it shouldn't be. Yes, I knew you might look through here and be tempted.
  15. >Abort! Abort!
  16. It's too late to back out now, young filly. I'm disappointed in you, but you will make good using the gift you unwrapped early.
  18. First, unwrap the other present that you found here. Don't worry, you won't get in any more trouble than you and your flanks are already in.
  19. >Not that it was any surprise to Scootaloo, but seeing the oblique spanking reference made her even more nervous
  21. Disregard the note in the other box. That note is the same as this one, just flipped around for you to be opening this box second. Yeah, I'm that awesome. Thought you would know by now.
  23. What I DON'T want you disregarding in the other box is your new manebrush. Notice its strong oak backside. You will be feeling it on your backside soon enough. Give it a test swat if you want.
  24. >Scoot decided to pass on that opportunity
  26. Use the bathroom if you need to. I want you to focus on your upcoming spanking.
  27. >gulp
  28. >To buy her some time and get her mind off the note, Scootaloo took care of her restroom needs
  29. >She was fidgety and nervous, so even the bathroom took longer than usual
  31. Done? Put on these PJs. They were supposed to be a comfy way to stay warm in the winter. Sadly it seems you were too eager to try them out, and it is your bottom that will be staying warm today.
  33. Undo the rear flap. Carry your new manebrush downstairs and put it on the kitchen table. Since you've been putting your muzzle in places it shouldn't be, now you need to put your muzzle in the one place it needs to be - the corner of the living room.
  35. NOW, young filly."
  36. >Scootaloo didn't know what to do
  37. >Rainbow Dash spanked her all the time
  38. >But would Scoot really go along with all the pre-spanking setup when she was all alone?
  39. >The note couldn't spank her
  40. >But Dashie sure can!
  41. >How long has it been? Will Rainbow be back early?
  42. >Scoots scrambles to get the pajamas on
  43. >Partial compliance will buy her some sympathy
  44. >Her hoof hovers over the dropseat
  45. >Will she really undo her last line of defense against a manebrushing?
  46. >Eep! Rainbow said to go fast and I've taken too long! She could be home any minute!
  47. >Fear motivates Scootaloo to invite the cool breeze of the cloud home over her cheeks.
  48. >The last step, and the hardest one
  49. >She takes the manebrush in her mouth (ew! this tastes awful!)
  50. >and walks downstairs
  51. >She sets the manebrush where it needs to be
  52. >Lets out a sigh
  53. >And does what she's never done before
  54. >Put herself in the corner for her own spanking
  56. >Now, the waiting starts...
  57. >All she can feel is the cool air on her rump
  58. >All she can think about is how hard that wood will smack her fanny
  60. >Scoot's muzzle is touching two of the cloud walls
  61. >It was harder to do it this way, but Rainbow wasn't the only pony who insisted on the double-touch
  62. >The CMCs got in trouble in the Belle household and all three of them had to get a very close look at the walls of their house
  63. >Scootaloo's snout was jammed into the corner so far that she could only see the walls to her side
  64. >Her head blocked out most of the light
  65. >Alone with her thoughts and without any distractions
  66. >I'm getting spanked as soon as Dash walks in the door!
  67. >She clenched her butt
  68. >There's no hiding what I did and I don't even get extra time to find the implement, change clothes, or use the bathroom!
  69. >unclench
  70. >it made her feel safe, but she couldn't do it forever
  71. >I can't stall!
  72. >Dash has me over a barrel for sure!
  73. >Scootaloo's thoughts drifted into a language-free emotional dread
  74. >Then they drifted to other matters
  75. >I haven't been on my scooter in a while
  76. >And it's been even longer since I've gotten better at it
  77. >I'm in a
  78. (some muffled noises outside)
  79. >she jumped
  80. >Is that her?
  81. >Is that somepony else?
  82. >What do ponies think of me when they see me in corner time constantly?
  83. >I'm not a foal!
  84. >Hmph.
  85. >She knew all too well that ponies could look in to the living room when they passed in front of Dash's house
  86. >Rainbow lived in an uncrowded area
  87. >Every noise in corner time made her incredibly nervous
  88. >It takes an agonizing second to process if the noise is outside or coming from her future spanker
  89. >After her first few meetings with the naughty corner, Scootaloo went outside Dash's house and found that it was far too easy to see into where she served her corner time
  90. >In reality, ponies weren't very concerned with a single bratty filly in the corner awaiting a spanking
  91. >Such a sight is common in Cloudsdale
  92. >But for Scootaloo, center of her world, every single noise was a pony outside grinning at the little foal ready for spankies
  94. >Scoots' cheeks flooded with embarrassment
  95. >"Why does that pony have to be watching me?"
  96. >"What if it's a pony couple?"
  97. >"Or worse, a family with foals."
  98. >"They're all laughing at me because it's not their rump in the corner."
  99. >"The grown-ups probably think I deserve this."
  100. >"Adults always do."
  101. >Dejected, she concluded:
  102. >"I do deserve this."
  104. ...
  106. >"I should just leave the corner. Tell Dash that I just got her note and was about to follow the instructions."
  107. >"I've WASTED all this time staring at stupid walls!"
  108. >The winter air was doing her and her bottom no favors
  109. >Every time an air current passed through the house, Scootaloo was reminded of her compromising position
  110. >Her butt totally exposed to the elements
  111. >and soon enough, to the element of loyalty
  112. >"How soon?"
  113. >"HOW SOON?!!"
  114. >full clench
  115. >"This has to be the longest corner time of my life."
  116. >"Ugh! If I wanted to leave I could've done it and come back by now!"
  117. >"Rainbow would never catch on!"
  118. >"But-"
  119. >An annoying voice in her head told her
  120. >"You deserve this."
  121. >She nudged the wall with her hoof
  122. >"I wish my conscience wasn't ganging up with Rainbow Dash to make me miserable."
  123. >Any second, Rainbow could appear
  124. >Scoots' only rest came when her mind wandered away from her imminent whapping
  125. >As soon as she re-focused, her anxiety came back fully
  126. >Heightened, in fact, because forgetting she was about to be spanked meant losing track of time
  127. >She had no idea how much time had passed
  128. >"Not only that, there's no law that says Rainbow Dash comes home at five every day."
  129. >"She could be late."
  130. >"That would leave me and my dumb rump sticking out forever."
  131. >"My behind would become a tourist attraction."
  132. >It FELT like her longest corner time ever, but time passes differently in the corner
  133. >A supposed five-minute time-out seemed to take an eternity when she said a naughty word in front of Rainbow Dash
  134. >"Hay, I learned it from Rainbow Dash."
  135. >"She just doesn't want me making the same mistakes she did."
  136. >That didn't stop Scootaloo from being bitter about her current punishment
  137. >Rainbow was such an emphatic and physical teacher
  139. ...
  141. >"Ah!"
  142. >She heard the door open
  143. >Scootaloo kept her mouth shut, disciplined even as she was about to be disciplined
  144. >Ohno
  145. >Her long-distance captor was finally--
  146. >"Scoot, I'm home!"
  147. >I'm not supposed to talk in corner time, but do I make an exception here?
  148. >"Scootaloo?"
  149. >No, it's probably part of the punishment.
  150. >"Oh, there you are. Um... I see you got the note?"
  151. >Scoots turned out of the corner and moved a hoof towards her idol.
  152. >"Hey, back in that corner, missy! I didn't say come out."
  153. >Stupid! I should've known better...
  154. >"I'll be right back with your new manebrush. Don't move."
  155. >I can't take this!
  156. >"Wow, it was just where I said it should be. I'm impressed you followed all those directions, Scootaloo. DID you follow all my directions? You can answer me."
  157. >I didn't go in the corner right away like a good filly...
  158. >"Um..."
  159. >"What is it, Scootaloo?"
  160. >"I um... I really tried to follow your directions, Rainbow Dash."
  161. >"And?"
  162. >"And I did but.. um... I didn't exactly go straight into the corner. I started doing what you said step by step, but at the I read the last part all at once without doing it right away. And it took me a minute to put myself in the corner."
  164. >"Okay. When you say 'a minute', how long do you mean?"
  165. >"No more than one hundred and twenty seconds, Rainbow Dash!"
  166. >(heh) "Affirmative, cadet Scootaloo."
  167. >"Was it hard to do what the note said without somepony watching you do it?"
  168. >"It was torture!"
  169. >"Well it -was- a punishment. You can come out now and sit on the couch."
  170. >"Thank you, Rainbow Dash!"
  171. >Scoot bolted out of the corner and plopped herself on one end of the cloud-couch
  172. >Rainbow was already sitting on the other side
  173. >"Try thanking me when I'm lighting up your rear-end."
  174. >Scootaloo curled her tail around her backside
  175. >Is that subconscious?
  176. "One thing I didn't realize when I wrote the note was how cold the house would be while you waited."
  177. >"Um, yeah, it can get chilly with all the drafts."
  178. >"That's what the PJs were for. That's why I got them for you."
  179. >Scoot flushed red, feeling silly for ruining a thoughtful gift
  180. >"But is your butt cold since it wasn't covered?"
  181. >"Yeah... a bit..."
  182. >Scoot rubbed her head with her hoof sheepishly
  183. >"That's good, because I can warm it up for you."
  184. >Scoot squirmed on the couch
  185. >Drat! I walked right into that one!
  186. >We'll talk about how you didn't follow the note later."
  187. >gulp
  188. "For now, you're getting a spanking for going through my stuff and opening a gift you knew was supposed to be for Hearth's Warming."
  190. >"Later?! I'm gonna get spanked twice for telling the truth?!"
  191. >"And deserve it."
  192. >"SHUT UP!"
  193. >Rainbow moved to the center of the couch and patted her lap with her hoof
  194. "Scoot your boot, kiddo."
  195. (snif) "Okay..."
  196. >Scootaloo used her front hooves to support herself as she lifted onto the couch
  197. >She flutters her wings in nervousness and to give her a little boost
  198. >With Dashie grabbing her front hooves and leading her into position, she climbs over Rainbow Dash's lap
  199. "Eep!"
  200. >Rainbow grabbed Scoot's back legs and uses them to move her butt to the center of Rainbow's lap
  201. >Scootaloo had no say in the matter
  202. >First she had to watch the corner, then she can't even decide how her keister is placed on Rainbow Dash's lap
  203. "Just setting up your bottom, Scoot. Same as always."
  204. >She pats Scootaloo's rump, wanting to lighten Scoot's mood
  205. "Let's get this taken care of, then you can tell me about your day."
  206. >"Y-yeah! No problem, Rainbow Dash!"
  207. >She's scared out of her mind.
  208. >The corner time proved very effective at making her think about her impending chastisement.
  209. "Uh, Scootaloo?"
  210. "Yes, mom- Imean, ma'am?"
  211. "-This-"
  212. >Rainbow patted her rump through Scoot's tail
  213. >It was practically grafted onto her hindquarters
  214. "Has to go."
  215. "Yeah... sure."
  216. >She stops clenching her tail so close to her tail-end
  217. >It flutters once, anxiously, around her bottom
  218. "C-can you do it?"
  219. "Sure thing, Scoots."
  220. >A whispered "ah" when Rainbow sweeps the naughty tail out of the way
  222. (CRACK!)
  223. >Scootaloo didn't even see Rainbow grab the manebrush
  224. >She was a tough filly
  225. >She was going to prove it to Dash and not make a noise
  226. >"Not for the whole spanking!"
  227. >"Ow!"
  228. >Two good stingers to each of Scoot's rear cheeks
  229. >Rainbow followed up a full swat with a quick smack onto the same cheek
  230. (inhale)
  231. >"There goes that plan. I'm such a foal!"
  232. >"I wasn't expecting (ow!!) the double-tap."
  233. >Her bottom had no time to recover
  234. >Rainbow's pace was not a gallop, but it was no slow jog either
  235. (CRACK!) (WHACK!)
  236. >Almost all of Scooty's booty was being assaulted
  237. >Every few seconds a new imprint of that awful brush onto her backside
  238. >"It stings worse than it tastes!"
  239. "OWW! Rainbow Daaash--!"
  240. >"At least she's staying away from my sitspots."
  241. >"--for now. WHY DID I HAVE TO PEEK?"
  242. "Scoot-"
  243. (SMACK)
  244. "A-"
  245. (SMACK)
  246. "Loo!"
  247. (SMACK)
  248. "You knew better and you went hunting around for presents you're getting in a few weeks anyway. Don't give me that 'Rainbow Dash' junk. You're tougher than that."
  249. >Scootaloo did not feel tough
  250. >Sniffling over her mentor's lap
  251. >The crack of the brush was nothing like the almost loving feeling of a hoof
  252. >Even if that hoof was lighting up your tush
  253. >This brush felt sterile
  254. >Even worse, it was bigger than Rainbow Dash's hoof
  255. (snif)
  256. >Each sting covered more area
  257. >Scoot's keister was entirely pink
  258. >Warmed up just like Rainbow Dash promised
  259. >Some splotches of red were forming across the parts of her rump with the most cushioning
  260. >Dash focused her efforts there
  261. >Each (ah) smack (no!) made Scoot feel like a naughtier and naughtier foal
  262. "I hope you think of this next time you want to sneak around places you're not supposed to be."
  263. (CRACK!)
  264. "OOOW! Rain-"
  265. >Scoot stopped herself
  266. (CRACK!)
  267. >Searing pain across both of her undercurves
  268. "Umh-!"
  270. "We still need to discuss following directions in this household."
  271. >Scoot was resigned, quiet, and still sniffling from her spanking
  272. >She nodded
  273. "Mm-hm."
  275. "But for now, tell me about your day. Let me brush out your mane and tail."
  277. >Scoots was no longer bothered by her current position
  278. >Nothing had changed
  279. >She was across Rainbow's legs with her rear-end very accessible
  280. >But she trusted Dash to not sneak in any bonus swats
  281. >"Maybe if I did something bad..."
  282. >But she shook that thought from her mind.
  283. "We learned more about how cultures around Equestria celebrate Hearth's Warming. I never thought of it before, but there aren't pine trees in the desert!"
  284. "Is that so? We never learned about that! Soon you'll be smarter than me!"
  285. >Rainbow Dash brushed Scootaloo's mane, listening to the adventures of the day
  286. >She was on the tail by the time she heard about how she went looking around Dashie's closet
  287. "I'm sorry I went looking where I wasn't supposed to, Dash. I guess I was too impatient."
  288. "Don't sweat it, kiddo."
  289. >Dash had come across a stubborn patch of Scoot's tail
  290. "Hey!"
  291. >Scoot shimmied in minor pain
  292. >Rainbow gave her some time to get over it
  293. >But it was getting hard to brush her
  294. >Dash held the manebrush against Scoot's left rump-cheek.
  295. "..! Rainbow Dash!"
  296. >She squirmed even harder after feeling that wood against her butt again
  297. "Calm down, Scootaloo."
  298. "I-- I will!"
  299. "Good filly."
  300. >Dash completed the brushing without further complaint.
  301. >This was the kind of parenting Rainbow Dash loved
  302. >Sure, she technically was not Scootaloo's mother
  303. >But just after a spanking, a filly was on her best behavior
  304. >Little patches of red against a pink backside told Rainbow she did a good job
  305. >A little squirming red fanny below Scoot's tail when she got to the tough parts
  306. >But Rainbow could brush out Scoot's tail without backtalk
  307. >and have her not look like a neglected foal
  308. >Scoot's old family life broke Rainbow's heart
  309. >Even the rosy cheeks were good in Dash's eyes
  310. >It's nice to show that there's somepony out there who cares whether Scoots does right or wrong
  311. "Now, about what you told me."
  312. "Yes, Rainbow Dash?"
  313. "First, let's get this covered up."
  314. >Dash started to re-hook the rear flap of the pajamas
  315. "No!"
  316. >Dash looked at her
  317. "I... um... it feels better like this."
  318. "Suit yourself. Sit up though."
  319. "Okay."
  320. "Scootaloo, I'm... -proud- of you. Not many fillies would do all the stuff I asked in the note without somepony to watch over them."
  321. "You are?"
  322. "You bet your butt I am! You knew you did wrong and gave yourself the first part of the punishment that would make it right."
  323. "But I... I didn't do it right away."
  324. "You're right, you didn't. But how do I know that?"
  325. "Um..."
  326. "Because you TOLD me, you silly filly! Don't you know how much courage that takes?"
  327. "Uh, yeah, I guess."
  328. "Not 'I guess'. You know as well as I do how many times I've busted your behind to try and set you on the right path. And you were honest with me when all it did was guarantee a sore bottom sometime in your future."
  329. >"I'm so sick of spankings!"
  330. "Um..."
  331. "But because you were my perfect little filly, I'm going easy on you. Today and tomorrow."
  332. "Tomorrow?"
  333. "Yeah, you're not getting out of spanking number two. But I'm telling you right now it won't be as bad as today. I just want you thinking about how the flame in your hindquarters is going to be rekindled tomorrow because of that little doubt in your mind that said you shouldn't listen to me."
  334. >Scoot was taking all this in, a mixture of relieved and anxious
  335. "You got out of two minutes of corner time, and your punishment for that is a whole night of thinking about tomorrow morning when you get some extra spanks. But like I said, since you were good, you get to know ahead of time it's going to be more like a slap on the rear than anything else."
  336. >The fire in Scootaloo's backside was already dying down
  337. "Listen, Scoot. Someday somepony might ask you to do something where you can't wait two minutes to think about how it's going to affect you. But, we'll talk more tomorrow. Let's have dinner."
  339. ...
  341. >Scootaloo was trying to fall asleep
  342. >She was still in her comfy jammies
  343. >The flap re-secured, now that her behind wasn't in pain
  344. >"I can't believe I'm getting ANOTHER spanking tomorrow. It's not fair."
  345. >"Okay, maybe it is fair."
  346. >"And maybe it won't be so bad."
  347. >Dash taught her calming techniques for when fear overcame her
  348. >"I've been spanked lots of times..."
  349. >"Too many times."
  350. >"Rainbow Dash said it would just be a slap on the rear. No problem."
  351. >She put her mind elsewhere
  353. >Soon enough, it was morning
  354. >Scoot came downstairs, expecting breakfast to be ready
  355. "Scootaloo, let's get your spanking taken care of, then you can eat."
  356. "Aw, Dash..."
  357. "This'll be better for you. You don't want a spanking on a full stomach. Did you use the restroom yet?"
  358. "Um, yeah."
  359. >Rainbow won't have to hear any bathroom-related excuses when she's roasting Scootaloo's fanny
  360. "Okay, come here then."
  361. >"!!! So soon?!"
  362. >Scoots followed Dash into the living room, just like before
  363. "It's going to be a short one. Do you think you can take it standing up?"
  364. >"What? That's new. I hope I can..."
  365. "Absolutely, Rainbow Dash!"
  366. >her confidence doesn't fool Rainbow Dash
  367. >But it might fool herself
  368. "That's the spirit. Let's get you out of those PJs first."
  369. >"But then there's nothing between me and that brush!"
  370. "But--"
  371. "You can keep them on if you want. I just figured you may as well take them off now since you aren't wearing them to school... you -aren't- wearing them to school, are you?"
  372. "No way! I would never live that down. I'll take 'em off."
  373. >Rainbow helped Scoot out of them
  374. >Scoot fumbled with the shirt portion as she takes it over her head
  375. >"No, not the brush!"
  376. >Rainbow had used the time to grab the manebrush from the coffee table
  377. "Okay, now turn around. We'll be done before you know it."
  378. >This was a weird feeling for Scootaloo
  379. >Forcing herself into the corner was weird
  380. >The only thing between her rump and that wooden brush was a little bit of geometry
  381. >In other positions, the spanker always helped her
  382. "C'mon, Scoot."
  383. >While Scoot was being absentminded, Rainbow Dash took her by the hoof and guided her to turn around
  384. >It would have been easier for Dash to just walk behind Scootaloo, if she wasn't going to turn on her own free will
  385. >But having some level of control over the proceedings would make Scoot more comfortable
  386. "Just like last night, Scoot. Move your tail."
  387. >She draped her tail over her right side, leaving her tushie unprotected
  389. (SMACK!)
  390. >"I thought she said this would be easy!"
  391. >the crack to her lower-left of her rump was more than a slap on the rear
  392. >before she had a chance to feel too sorry for herself, Dash inundated her with four more spanks, including two sitspot smacks
  393. (CRACK!)
  394. >The hard wood of the manebrush collided with Scootaloo's rear loudly
  395. "OOOW!"
  396. >If you focused, you could see six pink marks on her backside
  397. >Each smack helped them run together even more
  398. >In the blink of an eye, the weather pony rained down four more smacks
  399. >Two on the fatty part of her behind
  400. (WHACK!) (CRACK!) (THWACK!) (SMACK!)
  401. >And two focused on Scootaloo's undercurves, to drive the lesson home
  402. "And that's why you should follow directions."
  403. "Wha--? Is it over?"
  404. "Why, do you want more?"
  405. >Rainbow gently poked her in the ribs
  406. "No thank you! I just..."
  407. "Apology accepted. Let's eat. Don't do it again. That sort of thing."
  408. "You're the best, Rainbow Dash!"
  409. "What do you know, you actually -did- thank me for spanking you!"
  410. "Hey! No fair!"
  411. "Admit it. You wouldn't be living here if deep down you didn't think you needed a good flank-warming from time to time."
  412. >That makes Scoot blush like crazy
  413. "Doesn't bother me one bit to do it. All part of the job. Sometimes I'm breaking up clouds to let the heat through, other times I skip the clouds and heat up your butt directly."
  414. >Scootaloo giggles
  415. "How about some eggs for my favorite little pony?"
  416. "I'm NOT a little pony. Hmph."
  417. "Then what are those marks, little filly?"
  418. >Dash cooked the eggs over Scootaloo's complaints
  419. "I--! Well it's--! It's not fair! You set a trap for me because you knew I'd look through the closet."
  420. "No, I just took the needed precautions. My parents tried to foal-proof the stove. The foalproofing didn't work, and my mom saw me trying to cook on it when I was little."
  421. "I bet you got it good for that."
  422. "Sure did. Got a whole rump roast all to myself. Now THAT kept me away from the stove until I was older."
  423. "Just like me and your closet..."
  424. "Yeah, asking you nicely didn't work, so I'm hoping this will. If it happens again my only option is to find a horsewhip or something."
  425. >Terror fills Scootaloo's eyes
  426. "Rainbow Dash!! You wouldn't really do that, would you?!?!"
  427. "Eh, don't go places you're not supposed to, and we never have to find out."
  428. >Rainbow Dash makes a plan to leave a conspicuous "horsewhip order form" lying on the table if she ever feels Scootaloo is in need of a very stern warning
  430. >By the time Scootaloo left for school, the marks had disappeared
  431. >The lesson, Dash hoped, had not
  432. >Scootaloo reported every gory detail to the other Crusaders at lunch time
  433. >They had an agreement to covertly report every spanking, no matter how embarrassing
  434. >In the wrong hooves, the details would be perfect for character assassination, so they spoke in whispers
  435. >If the marks were visible (they almost always were), the other crusaders inspected the naughty flanks for damage
  436. >On unlucky days where multiple crusaders arrived with sore tushies, they ranked their butts against each other
  437. "You got off real lucky, Scootaloo!"
  438. "Rarity or my parents would never let me off that easily."
  439. "But girls, I spent practically my whole life in that corner! You don't know what that's like!"
  440. "Ah don't really get corner time except when I'm at one-a yer houses."
  441. "I get it all the time. My family says it's just part of the spanking."
  442. "But never an hour! A whole hour of anypony on your street able to see you waiting for your spanking!"
  443. "Are you sure it was an hour?"
  444. "Well, no. But I had to wear buttflap PJs while I waited too! All I could think about was how cold my butt was!"
  445. "You're lucky your sister isn't a unicorn... and a seamstress..."
  446. >Sweetie Belle sighs
  447. "I've had dropseat pajamas forever. My rear flap drops down whenever I'm bad."
  448. "Then what?"
  449. "Sometimes it's just that as a warning. Other times I get swatted. Sometimes they'll take my ear in their magic and haul me off for a spanking right then and there."
  450. "I should count my blessings."
  451. "Do you think she was serious about the horsewhip?"
  452. "I don't know, but I do NOT want to find out. Agreed?"
  453. "Uh-greed."
  454. "Are there any other punishment reports for today, girls?"
  455. "Nothing to report, ma'am."
  456. "Then I draw this meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Unjust Punishment Investigation Team to a close."
  457. >All three of them recite a pledge
  458. "May our flanks be unharmed, even when we deserve it."
  460. End

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