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Dressing Down by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:36:49
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:29:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Dressing Down by Pan
  2. (Mom / Filly)
  3. public
  5. (18/03/2017)
  8. ---
  10. >you are a mare
  11. >you take your filly to the mall
  12. >she complains about having to try on clothes
  13. >that doesn't deter you
  14. >ponies need formalwear
  15. >can't be a nudist at a funeral
  16. >not that anyone you know is planning on dying soon
  17. >you take a break a little later and head to the food court
  18. >but again don't win any points with your daughter
  19. >you make her eat cheaper and healthier than her preferences
  20. >scrunchies, grumblings and mumblings
  21. >but she gets through her hay, to her credit
  22. >you get her to sit in a dressing room and try articles on while you hunt around for more
  23. >she's old enough to be alone there
  25. >dressing rooms are a weird concept
  26. >public nudity is okay in this suburb of Las Pegasus
  27. >but you're not supposed to slip in and out of clothes in the middle of the store
  28. >you suspect it's a carry-over from the high fashion boutiques of snooty Canterlot
  29. >there, nakedness is on the books as indecency
  30. >it's basically unenforced
  31. >just another thing the lawcolts throw at you if you're caught desecrating a historic fountain or plotting a rebellion
  32. >the common-law history of corporal punishment is linked to nudity as well
  33. >it was thought lewd (naked) ponies would be encouraged to hide their indecency with clothes if they had cane stripes on their rears to motivate them further
  34. >nopony wants to show those off
  36. >lost in thought, you haven't been in "efficient mommy" mode
  37. >back at it, you gather up some seriously cute dresses
  38. >horseshoes worth tap-tapping together in delight
  39. >modest panties, you became what you hate
  40. >your mom opposed "whorses" and didn't encourage you dressing like one either
  41. >you swore you'd be different, but here you are walking away from the lacy stuff
  42. >like there's a force-field around it
  43. >you have enough to keep your daughter busy now
  44. >she should be done trying on what she has
  45. >you go back to her stall
  46. >pick up your hoof and knock on the door
  47. >no response
  48. >"Tornado Bolt"~
  49. (knock knock)
  50. >"You there?"
  52. >hearing no response and seeing no little hooves under the door
  53. >you wait a little more and lower your body under the crack to verify nopony's there
  54. >"Tornado?"
  55. >nothing
  56. >shit, what are you gonna do with all these clothes?
  57. >you set them on the bench outside the stalls
  58. >the clothes you asked her to try on are scattered around the empty stall
  59. >she bolted!
  60. >upset and a little worried, you do too
  61. >where'd she go?
  62. >you facehoof
  63. >the place she's been asking to go all day
  64. >The Enchantment Encampment
  66. >you have to consult the map closest to J.C. Bits
  67. >you're sure your daughter knew exactly where it was
  68. >not close to where you are
  69. >nothing is compact in this mall
  70. >no reason to be, plenty of land in the surrounding area
  71. >you're at the cacophonous entrance
  72. >after a brisk trot and a watering-hole break
  73. >where could she--
  74. >oh there she is
  75. >at least she made it easy
  76. >it doesn't count as hiding when she's prancing around on the giant piano meant to entice ponies walking around the entrance
  77. >a small crowd is watching her
  78. >3 adults and 5 foals
  79. >Tornado is making a pleasant melody
  80. >if this world had a theme song it would sound like that
  81. >okay, problem sorta solved
  82. >filly hasn't even seen you yet
  83. >you don't want to break up a happy couple
  84. >but she could've gotten lost or hurt
  85. >even if not, she skipped out on an arduous chore
  86. >you huff a bit as you settle your resolve
  87. >her actions warrant a spanking
  89. >"Tornado!"
  90. >(gulp) "H-hi mom!"
  91. >"Why did you leave the dressing room?"
  92. >would you like your rump roast rare, medium, or well-done, young filly?
  93. >"It was so boring mommy, I waited forever and finished trying on all the stuff you gave me."
  94. >"You did?"
  95. >"Uh-huh."
  96. >"Which ones fit?"
  97. >"There's two piles in the dressing room, I'll show you which pile fits when we get back."
  98. >would take a lot to lie about that
  99. >at least she's honest then
  100. >"You know you're not supposed to run off like that, young filly."
  101. >"I know..."
  102. >she shuffles her hoof on the piano and it makes a sound
  103. >"Come here"
  104. >you plop your bottom on one of the keys
  105. >you aren't used to butt sound effects, but your filly sure is
  107. >she's within hoof's reach of you now
  108. >she approached when you asked and is compliant in scooching across your lap
  109. >her backside is up in the air and exposed now
  110. >thanks to your clever back-leg placement
  111. >shame she didn't walk out wearing one of the dresses she tried on
  112. >then she'd be in trouble for stealing too, you suppose
  113. (SWAT)
  114. >"Dearie, you shouldn't run away."
  115. (SWAT SWAT)
  116. >"I know mom..."
  117. >you're repeating yourself
  118. >foals barely listen at all when you talk to them
  119. >it's only by slapping their hindquarters that you can briefly activate the nerves in the inner ear
  120. >it's all very scientific
  121. >having been observed and tested with impromptu experiments over many generations
  122. >"I'm glad you know. This spanking should just be a study guide to remind you of the main points."
  123. (SPANK) (THWACK)
  124. >"Aah! Ow!"
  125. >you're warming up
  126. >as her rear-end does too
  127. >you spank once every few seconds
  128. >you're not aiming for a high score
  129. >or a once-in-a-lifetime thrashing
  130. (SPANK)
  131. >"I'm not too upset, honey."
  132. >"You're n--!"
  133. (PSSH)
  134. >"(ow) -not?"
  135. >"I should've been-"
  136. (SMACK) (SMACK)
  137. >"More understanding and picked up the pace."
  138. >you're not even whacking at full force
  139. >but you're getting through
  140. (SPANK)
  141. >Tornado Bolt is starting to kick
  142. >"Just try to communicate more,"
  143. (SPANK) (ping~)
  144. >Tornado Bolt is still making music
  145. >she's kicking out her front hooves and hitting the piano key in front of her
  146. (SMACK) (bong_)
  147. >and her back legs hit the key behind her for a lower sound
  148. >back legs mix with backside percussion for a lovely duet
  149. >"and I'll try and be more fair to you. Okay?"
  150. >she's starting to sniffle
  151. (spank)
  152. >your spanks are dying down
  153. >you didn't realize at the start
  154. >but you don't want to go passed this point
  155. >nopony was hurt
  156. >"No more sneaking out, got it-"
  157. (swat)
  158. >"-my little Windy?"
  159. >(giggle) "Moooom~!"
  160. >she blushes
  161. >You scoop her up
  163. >There was still a small crowd
  164. >The parents were satisfied, maybe a little disappointed you didn't do more
  165. >you thought the splotch of pink on Tornado Bolt's bottom went well with her coat for today
  166. >the foals, on the other hoof, were all cowering in terror
  167. >two were sitting, three were reaching back with their hooves to cover their rumps
  168. >all of them wrapped their tails tightly around their keisters, protecting their valuable assets to the best of their abilities
  169. >"Hey Bolt, you want to play around on the piano some more?"
  170. >(snif) "Really mom?"
  171. >"Yeah, sure. I've been cooped up in clothing stores all day."
  172. >Tornado Bolt was beaming
  173. >"Just don't sneak off again."
  174. ...
  175. >"Or you'll have to change your name to Tomato Butt."
  176. >"Aw, Mom..."
  177. >she looked back at her tush, wondering how tomato-like it got
  178. >you played around with your filly for a few minutes
  179. >both of you having a blast
  180. >then got off the piano and let her do more solo music
  181. >you saw her hopping around
  182. >pushing four keys, one per hoof
  183. >even doing spin moves, pink backside or no
  184. >not a care in Equestria for who sees it
  186. >rules are rules
  187. >but even you see
  188. >sometimes breaking them is worth heat on your seat

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