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Driving a Hard Bargain by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:37:14
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:32:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Driving a Hard Bargain by Pan
  2. (Discord / Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy)
  3. semi-consensual, bondage
  5. (26/07/2017 - 06/10/2017)
  8. ---
  10. >A foggy night in Ponyville
  11. >But the resolve of these two ponies is clear
  12. >"Discord! Let us go!"
  13. >"So soon? I just transformed you and already you want to go back. We still have to deliver presents to all the good foals in Ponyville!"
  14. >He cracks the reigns, whipping each pony on the bum.
  15. >The bells lining each pony's body ring out.
  16. >AJ and Rarity grunt, trying and failing to pretend the nip on the butt didn't hurt.
  17. >"Mush!"
  18. >In fact, the reigns don't have enough control to only smack one pony's hindquarters and not the other.
  19. >Discord easily could have modified the reigns or used a different implement, but he chose not to.
  20. >The shared punishments will keep these ponies working as a team.
  22. >"We have some stops to make throughout the night."
  23. >"We will deliver some presents all the while, of course."
  24. >"It's a lot of work. I trust you ponies I really do, but we need more than just you two if we want to reward all the nice fillies and colts in this town by the time Celestia raises the sun."
  25. >They keep quiet
  26. >Wisely assuming anything meanspirited will be met with a reprisal
  27. >He pulls up on the reigns and they come to a stop without a word.
  28. >They even whinny cutely
  29. >It was weirdly instinctual
  30. >Discord grabs a wrapped gift from his sack and leaves it by the front door
  31. >"We're staying on schedule thanks to you two..."
  32. >a gentle appreciative buttpat via the reins
  33. >small snorts in annoyance
  34. >"Here we have our first pickup."
  35. >Discord turns his claw into a key and opens the lock to Sugar Cube Corner
  36. >The captives use this opportunity to blow off steam
  37. >"The nerva that Discord! Who does he think he is?"
  38. >"All I ask is to be treated like a lady. Not a common mule! Hmph!"
  39. >Rarity raises her muzzle in contempt
  41. >A minute or so later Discord is sneaking out the way he came in
  42. >carrying Pinkie in his arm like a hoofball
  43. >"How did Discord get you?!"
  44. >no response
  45. >she's not moving either
  46. >This worried the two reinponies
  47. >"Discord.!"
  48. >He turns the lock on Sugar Cube Corner and Pinkie springs to life as if she was one of the toys Discord was delivering.
  49. >Kicking, bellyaching
  50. >"Hey! Put me down!"
  51. >Hoofsies flailing in the air, her bottom is accessible
  52. (SMACK) (SMACK)
  53. >"I know my rump is cute, but come onnn! That kinda hurt! What's the big idea?!"
  54. >"Pinkie my dear, I'll explain on the way. But I need you wearing these sleighbells for safety and would you mind helping your friends pull my sleigh?"
  55. >"Yes I -would- mind! You pulled me out of a stone slumber! I've been learning from Boulder!
  56. >"It's a game, Pinkie. We're trying to deliver presents to all the good foals in Ponyville!"
  57. >"YOU'RE Santa? Why didn't you say so?"
  58. >She holds up her front hooves and lets Discord outfit her with the reinpony garb
  59. >Discord leaves a note on the door of the bake shop
  60. >Borrowing baker bonight. I mean tonight.
  61. >- Discord
  62. >"Hya!"
  63. >The restraints make contact with each pony's flanks
  64. >three sets of bells ring out, and they are off
  66. >The ponies mush with minimal complaint
  67. >"Who knew there were this many foals in Ponyville?"
  68. >Discord retorts
  69. >"Just enough to fill the schoolhouse, not one more."
  70. >Pinkie takes him literally
  71. >"What happens when a new foal is born?"
  72. >"They build a bigger schoolhouse."
  73. >The sleigh is getting lighter
  74. >The ponies are making progress
  75. >"Next stop, Fluttershy's cottage."
  76. >The ponies park outside and Discord politely knocks on the door
  77. >at the sleigh, the ponies complain about the cold
  78. >"Fur coats go a long way, but the longer we're out here the harder it gets."
  80. >at the cabin:
  81. >A bat screeches
  82. >A mouse squeaks
  83. >Paws and claws scurry
  84. >Fluttershy opens the door
  85. >"Discord?"
  86. >yawn
  87. >"What are you doing here so late? Usually you crash in your dimension if you're going to be out after sunset. I hope you didn't wake Rainbow."
  88. >She's tapping her back-left hoof
  89. >Discord stands on the tip of his hoof and claw to see farther into the room
  90. >"I'll deal with her soon. But first, you. Do you trust me?"
  91. >"Of course I do."
  92. >"Will you help me with something important?"
  93. >"Anytime."
  94. >Her impatience is fading into kindness
  95. >"I treasure our friendship, Fluttershy. Thank you."
  96. >He grabs her for a squeezy hug, cradling her bottom
  97. >they embrace for a longer-than-normal hug
  98. >she blushes
  99. >"Now, head over to my sleigh-"
  100. >Captain smooth bends down to let Fluttershy hop out of his arms
  101. >"And saddle up with those sleigh bells like your friends have."
  103. >Discord heads inside the cottage
  104. >He conjures himself a mining helmet
  105. >he's so dramatic
  106. >Discord sees Rainbow Dash snoring on the couch
  107. >he grabs her like he did Pinkie Pie
  108. >Rainbow is out cold
  109. >Discord drops her semi-gently into the snow by the vehicle
  110. >she wakes up
  111. >"AAH! What in Equestria are you doing?"
  112. >"As you can see, Rainbow, I'm taking your friends on a ride and I'm hoping you can join us."
  113. >"It looks like they're tied to the sleigh and they couldn't leave even if they wanted to."
  114. >"I want to stay~"
  115. >"Quiet, Fluttershy."
  116. >she sinks her head down
  117. >"Okay but I wish you listened more."
  118. >"Rainbow Dash, I ask you this. Am I a bad draconequus?"
  119. >"I thought you were the only one. You don't exactly pass the niceness test with flying colors. I would know."
  120. >Discord looks offended, but almost everything is an act with him
  121. >so it's hard to tell
  122. >He points at himself,
  123. >"Me? Bad? I know I *used* to be bad but I am fully reformed! I've saved Equestria!"
  124. >"Seeing my friends covered in sleigh bells reminds me of stuff you did before you were reformed."
  125. >"It's not like that at all, Rainbow Dash; let me prove it to you."
  126. >"I'm getting the feeling I don't have a choice."
  127. >Pinkie cuts in
  129. >"Oh hush. I did what I had to. And I'll do what I have to to assemble my team of ponies! We're close to delivering all the presents but I definitely need some fliers for the last part."
  130. (hmph)
  132. >"In fact you're using up the time I'm supposed to be saving..."
  133. >"Bringing you was supposed to make things faster. You have to the count of three to come willingly."
  134. >"He's serious, Rainbow. Best to just do it."
  135. >Rarity and Pinkie agree
  136. >"3"
  137. >Rainbow Dash tries to fly away
  138. >Discord snaps his paw fingers
  139. >Dash's ears and wings have traded places
  140. >She rapidly sinks back to the ground as her ears flutter uselessly against the weight of her torso
  141. >Discord catches her with a harness
  142. (jingle)
  143. >some pained noises later and Rainbow joins the team ahead of Rarity
  144. >"I hope you all can work together; we can stay just about on schedule if we cooperate."
  145. >"Sure thing, Discord~"
  146. >Rainbow is still grumpy
  147. >"Bottle it, Fluttershy."
  148. >"This matter needs to be addressed. Luckily for your attitude, little Button was getting this as a warning alongside his present."
  149. >Discord pulls a pruned tree branch out of his toy bag
  150. >"Don't go running off when I release you, or this switch will look like a twig compared to what comes next."
  151. >He coarsely removes the bindings that Rainbow had just put on
  152. >Discord, smiling ominously, pulls a chair out of his bag
  153. >this weirds out Applejack
  154. >"He shouldn't have room for all this junk in that sack of his."
  155. >"Of course everything else he does is so logical."
  156. >The behaving ponies can't do much but watch
  157. >The fog is closing in, limiting their distant vision
  158. >the reigns around their snouts limit their peripheral movement
  159. >So this show is all they can see
  160. >as Discord puts the chair in the snow
  161. >sits on it
  162. >and dumps Rainbow Dash over his lap
  163. (WHOOSH)
  164. >strike one leaves a mean red welt across Rainbow's whole backside
  165. (WHOOSH)
  166. >the second stripe joins the first to make an X on her firm rear
  167. (WHOOSH)
  168. >"And one more to really get to the seat of the problem."
  169. >"Ah!"
  170. >"Back you go."
  171. >Dash mumbles some embarrassed backtalk
  172. >"I'll show you... next time you..."
  173. >Discord removes his eyes and rolls them down the path to Button's house
  174. >Other than that he ignores Dash and grabs Button's "nice" present
  175. >having already taken his "naughty" reminder for a test drive
  176. >Fluttershy worry-gossips while Discord sets the gifts outside
  177. >"What do you think he did that warrants that?"
  178. >"Apple Bloom says he's a big smarty pants."
  179. >"Playin games instead of homework. If ya ask me he could use his pants smarting once in a while."
  180. >"Ugh! Can you talk about something else?"
  181. (snicker)
  182. >"Sorry, Rainbow."
  183. >When Discord returns, Pinkie has to reconcile what she knows with what she saw
  184. >"I thought you were Santa?! How can you be Clopus too?"
  185. >he boops her nose
  186. >"I can be anything you want me to be. But we have to get going."
  188. >Pony sleigh team is showing that sack of toys who's boss
  189. >houses passing by faster and faster with each new pony
  190. >Right now they are even flying above the town
  191. >"How are we doing this?"
  192. >"The magic of our good deeds, dear. I told you I was reformed."
  193. >Rarity doubts this is the full story
  194. >"We're not foals. Discord, you can tell us the truth."
  195. >"I know Discord, girls. He wouldn't lie to us. Right, Dissy?"
  196. >"Indeed. It's awfully hard for a do-gooder to make it in this town if he's been second-guessed all the time."
  197. >"Ah'm not second-guessing nopony, ah just... it's the kinda story I woulda told Apple Bloom when she was a little filly. She wouldn't even believe you if you told her that tonight."
  198. >"Well I believe you"
  200. >"Hold that thought Pinkie. I have a package to unload."
  201. >Discord throws a gift at a chimney
  202. >It hits the brick and bounces onto the roof
  203. >"Oh well. There's always next year. What were you saying?"
  204. >", Discord. Or should I say, SANTA CLOPUS?"
  205. >"Look at us! We're flying *some*how."
  207. >"I think you're just saying that because Miss Dashie doesn't want another widdle spanking."
  208. >"Don't act like you've never been spanked, Miss 'Prim and Proper until she's over daddy's lap!'"
  209. >"You hooligan! I told you that in 'confidance'!"
  210. >"Girls, we're losing altitude..."
  211. CRACK!
  213. >"Ah! Discord, don't butt in like that."
  214. CRACK!
  215. >the ponies talk over each other
  216. >"Girls, the
  217. >"Anyway, Rainbow,
  218. >"fog. I don't
  219. >"that was
  220. >"know how much
  221. >"completely undignified!"
  222. >"lower we can go."
  225. >"Can you cut the arguing? I don't think Discord likes it."
  227. >"Only when she takes back AAH!"
  228. >Discord gets even more emphatic
  229. >"Fillies, I don't want to give you a proper spanking, but if that's what it takes I will find a way to fit it into our schedule. Maybe give all of you miscreant ponies a raincheck for tonight, a spanking for tomorrow, and guaranteed placement on the naughty list for next year."
  231. >the side that wasn't even arguing urges agreement and goodwill
  232. >"Come on, everypony. Let's forget about all this bickering and do the job we were meant for."
  233. >"I'd rather not get smacked again. We just need to focus."
  234. >Dash and Rarity aren't thrilled by this option, but it beats a butt beating
  235. >all the ponies except Rainbow, putting on a tough exterior, massage their flanks after this latest outburst
  237. >"Discord, I gotta ask though. Forget the stuff we were talking about earlier. Why the spankings? They're super humiliating."
  238. >the others agree
  239. >"M-hm!"
  240. >"But that can't be the reason a reformed draconequus such as yourself is using them."
  241. >"You are wise, Rainbow Dash! In between corporal punishments, I suppose. In short: don't blame me, blame biology!"
  242. >the reinponies look at each other
  243. >"You work faster and focus more on the task at hoof with physical reinforcement!"
  244. >"And the tush, or anatomically speaking, the rear-end, is the safest place to give a pony a little whack."
  245. >"We wouldn't want to hurt anypony, right?"
  246. (mumbled agreements)
  248. >"Last addition of the night."
  249. >They approach the castle
  250. >"You want Twilight to join us? We have enough trouble getting her out of the castle, and we've known her longer than you!"
  251. >"I'm going for a speed record and I need her."
  252. >Discord waves his claw from his head to his torso, quickly
  253. >a suit appears, following his movements, soon dressing him tip to tail
  254. >Soon Discord phases through the front door like he's made of water
  255. >"Showoff"
  256. >"Shh! He'll hear you!"
  257. >He finds her without much difficulty
  258. >"Twilight."
  259. >Discord jostles her awake
  260. >"Aaaaah!"
  261. >"It's just me, Twilight."
  262. >processing...
  263. >"What do you want?"
  264. >"I don't have much time. Just come with me outside. I've already rounded up your friends. Do I have your interest?"
  265. >"Wow! This must be important."
  266. >"Let's walk and talk. It's no emergency, but I will be disappointed if you don't join us."
  268. >"Hayburgers, are you crazy!?"
  269. >"Sorry Pinkie, I liked the delivery on the old joke better."
  270. >"Give her the short version, girls, we need to move."
  272. >"Discord's delivering presents like he's Santa, and he needs our help to do it before sunup."
  273. >"Why could you possibly need me?
  274. >"You see that fog? It's been closing in all night."
  275. (yawn)
  276. >"So? Just do it in the morning."
  277. >"I don't know what stories your parents told you, Twilight, but most foals don't picture Santa as a tall, fangy, jangly, former monster. We have to do this before daybreak."
  278. >"I'm going to bed. I've read about dreaming of sugar plums and this year I finally asked Luna to help me do it."
  280. >"'No' is no option here."
  281. >Discords actions were by now disturbingly typical
  282. >"Discord, sir, she'll come with us. There's no need for that."
  283. >Discord makes Twilight stand still, tail out of the way and tush uncovered
  284. >halfhearted attempts to placate Discord are all Twilight gets from her friends
  285. >they want to help her, but if they argue too forcefully it's their own rump on the line instead
  287. >"I was saving this for Rarity-"
  288. >"Oh? Moi?"
  289. >"As a gift for her helping us tonight, but looks like we will get some early use out of it."
  291. >Discord moves with impossible speed, winds up a good crack on Twilight's bottom,
  292. >"Hold it!"
  293. >Only to have another objection from fussy Twilight
  294. >"I've dealt with you before. This was all in polite good fun but if you think I want to revisit my foalhood I'll make you so disfigured you'll look like a normal animal."
  295. >"Twilight, we're on a schedule. Do you want to explain to Princess Luna why we couldn't deliver all the toys in time? All your other friends went willingly."
  297. >none of the five captives agree
  298. >"Huh?"
  299. >"More or less. Look, you're coming with us, if we have to visit Luna right after to chat"
  300. >Discord pats Twi's behind with the manebrush
  301. >"About your attitude, we will. Just a touch-up for your rump, then we really must be going."
  303. >Discord flicks his paw at Pinkie-on-a-mission-like speeds
  305. >Twilight's backside never even has the chance to regain its normal shape
  306. WHACKsmackSMACKsmackSMACK
  307. >A foal's rump would be worn to the bone from an onslaught like his
  308. crackWHAPsmackCRACKwhap
  309. >Twilight is an alicorn, and a stubborn one at that, so she only ends up with some good sobs
  310. >"Aww! Aaawww!"
  311. >"Sheesh, I've never seen a filly go through the stages of a spanking so quickly."
  313. >Discord declares the proceedings to be done
  314. >"Enough."
  315. >Carries her under his arm,
  316. >Outfits her with a harness, and attaches her to the front of the pony team...
  317. >backwards
  319. >None of them know how, but Twilight's backside is literally glowing red
  320. >Her buttpower cuts through the fog better than the lamps on the street
  321. >Applejack smiles, in spite of herself
  323. >"The gang's all here. Reunited at last. Hya!"
  324. >a crack of the reins for good measure,
  325. >swatting each pony's rump,
  326. >and they tear off faster than ever before
  328. >All the good foals in Ponyville got their presents
  329. >Not even the adults knew how
  330. >Discord did give presents to his helper ponies, even though everypony except Pinkie acts much too old for such silliness.
  332. >Applejack, a well-behaved pony who suffered the injustice of the reigns all the same, got onesie pajamas like the kind Big Mac got last year. She was jealous of his, but never told anypony.
  333. >Discord got Luna to teach Twilight how to better control the content of her dreams, to achieve her sugar plum goal
  334. >Rainbow received an ominous present: one of the nastiest-looking switches she had ever seen.
  335. >Discord explained that though it looks fierce,
  336. >and whistles uncomfortably when swooshed through the air,
  337. >it cannot inflict any pain.
  338. >Perfect for pranking younger ponies like Scootaloo, and maybe even Granny Smith.
  339. >Rainbow has a few half-cooked prank ideas involving the Apple family, but she's worried Granny will spank her once the truth is revealed.
  340. >This Discord incident has shaken her belief that a pony can age out of spankings.
  341. >Pinkie got a tray of cookies shaped like Discord
  342. >They were meant to be shared with the Cakes, but they never even saw them
  343. >Pinkie ate them all in the morning
  344. >For Fluttershy, Discord treated her like a pet for a day.
  345. >Apparently that's been one of her aspirations for a while
  346. >Rarity got the manebrush used on Twilight's flanks
  347. >She uses it around Twilight every few moons as a joke
  349. >It was the Mane 6's first Rump's Warming Eve
  350. >They resolved to reconvene next year
  351. >And keep the spirit of the holiday,
  352. >working together to help foals
  353. >Teamwork is its own reward
  354. >But avoiding a spanking is a bonus
  355. End

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