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Earful by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:37:33
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:33:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Earful by Pan
  2. (Celestia / Twilight)
  3. corner
  5. (18/02/2018)
  8. ---
  10. "Twilight. It's time for another lesson in princesshood."
  11. "Yaay! What are we-- ow! My ear!"
  12. "We princesses are very busy, Twilight. Surely you know this. Stop dawdling and come here."
  13. >Twilight almost falls onto her back, but she turns herself around
  14. >The firm tug on her ear is a constant presence directing her to Celestia
  15. >As soon as she crosses in front of Celestia's field of vision, Twilight is unceremoniously hoisted into the air
  16. >Her eyes meet Celestia's
  17. >"That stunt you pulled with the hippogriff treasure was not your finest moment, Twilight Sparkle."
  18. "No, Princess, it was not. All's well that ends well, right?"
  19. "Queen Novo is a longtime ally of Equestria. You would do well to not trample a government under your hoof just because it is not your own."
  20. "I thought diplomacy was going nowhere!"
  21. >Twilight looks down, feeling less comfortable with Celestia's stern gaze
  22. >Another magical aura guides Twilight's chin to face Celestia again
  23. "Young Twilight, you need patience. Negotiation is about relationships more than facts. Taking the time to get to know your negotiation partners is critical to success. Queen Novo told me you had scarcely shaken hooves before you tried to backstab her."
  24. "When you put it like that, nopony sounds good, Princess..."
  25. >Twilight kicks her little front hooves in shame
  26. >She would be pawing at the ground if she weren't a few feet above it at the moment
  27. "Well, keep what I said in mind. I have an appointment in five minutes, so let's make this brief."
  28. "Make what brief, Princess Celestia?"
  29. (please don't be spanking, please don't be spanking...)
  30. "Your spanking, of course. I promised Novo I would and it sounds as though a princess in -her- kingdom is suffering the same fate. Now then..."
  31. >Twilight is turned away from Celestia
  32. >Magic is shifting all over Twilight's body
  33. >The aura supporting her torso moves lower, Twilight having no choice but to float along with it
  34. >Twilight feels her tail being lifted straight up
  35. >"Wait! Princess! I can--"
  36. >"Hush, Twilight Sparkle."
  37. >A quick painful tug on her ear
  38. "In a thousand years I have heard it all."
  39. Smack!
  40. >Celestia's hoof connected in the dead-center of Twilight's left rump cheek
  41. >Even without Celestia's gauntlets, her hooves could move with impressive force
  42. Smack!
  43. >Celestia aimed in almost the exact same location, still focusing on Twilight's left side
  44. Crack! Crack!
  45. >It continued this way for three minutes, Celestia only ever spanking the middle of Twilight's cheeks
  46. Smack! Crack!
  47. "Oooow-Aahaaaowwww! Sweet Celestia that hurts!"
  48. "Sweet me? Even when being punished like a filly? Why thank you, Twilight Sparkle."
  49. >Celestia was dangerously close to uproarious laughter
  50. >"Owwww, that's-- OWWWWW!!"
  51. >Celestia was not going to let her finish a sentence
  52. >Three minutes of antics like this had left the middle of both cheeks severely reddened
  53. >Most of Twilight's body felt nothing at all, but those two parts of her plot were scorching hot
  54. >Twilight's tears fell freely
  56. "That's right Twilight, let it all out."
  57. >Celestia stopped spanking Twilight and turned her back around for a hug
  58. "I have to go now but I think I am getting through to you."
  59. "To help you learn patience, go to the corner and watch the walls for an hour."
  60. >A dizzying array of spells burst forth from Celestia's horn
  61. >Twilight felt funny as some of them connected with her
  62. >Others seemed to be cast on the palace itself
  63. "But Celestia..."
  64. >she whined, only for the dreaded ear tug to make a return appearance
  65. >The spell humiliatingly guided her, red backside and all, to the corner
  66. >Twilight turned her head out of the corner just long enough to see Celestia leaving the room
  67. >As soon as she did, her ear was pulled back into compliance
  68. "I will have a maid check on you in an hour. Oh, and Twilight?"
  69. "Yes, Princess?"
  70. "I will have a mage in here later to detect how long your muzzle was in contact with the corner. I suggest you endeavor to make that number as high as possible. Hmm..."
  71. >She casted one last spell, a manebrush floating over to Twilight's punished hindquarters
  72. "I thought the ear spell would be enough, but that should really keep you watching those walls."
  73. >Twilight could hear the shimmer of Celestia's magic just behind her rear-end
  74. >It was going to be a long hour.
  75. END
  77. -----Appendix:-----
  79. >Omg amazing, now I really want to see a sequel with twilight standing in the corner. I don't know why but it sounds so satisfying.
  80. Would you want the internal monologue of Twilight or just when the maid checks on her? Or perhaps some commotion happens sooner than that...
  82. two guards sneak off to what they thought would be a vacant room to make out / flirt. They have to carry on a professional conversation with spanked little Twi-Twi.
  83. >Twilight can't look away from the corner
  84. >Every time she gets excited and looks away, she gets a smack on the rump and a grab of her ear
  85. >She has to try as nicely as possible to get them out of the room, to avoid further embarrassment
  86. >The guards are so worried about being caught that they stay a very long time, trying to ensure Twilight "buys" the story they are telling
  87. >Twilight would believe they were Changeling spies or the Saddle Arabian delegation as long as it meant that they LEFT THE ROOM!
  89. 2. Twilight's horror at learning there is a fire in the castle. Or is it a drill? How will it compare to the fire on her behind if she dares to leave the corner with the hairbrush still on patrol?
  90. 2b. Celestia localizes a fire alarm solely to Twilight's room, just to troll her.
  92. 3. A castle staff meeting is there (some subcommittee or another). The combination of practical logistics and stick-in-the-mud bureaucrats prevents them from leaving and finding another room. Twilight just stays put.
  93. >The maid comes to check on her while the meeting is still ongoing
  94. >Humiliating shenanigans ensue
  95. >Maybe the maid fails the first attempt at disarming the manebrush and it gives punishment swats to Twilight, thinking she is trying to cheat the system

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