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Give and Take by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:38:20
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:38:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Give and Take by Pan
  2. (Granny Smith / Shopkeeper)
  4. (22/07/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >orange filly steals from shop in Ponyville
  10. >shopkeeper chases the thief but loses track
  11. >shopkeeper finds another filly (Scootaloo) who looks the same as the thief
  12. >Pleading and promising from Scootaloo that she didn't do it
  13. >keeper spanks her until Granny Smith intervenes
  14. >"Ya didn't do it?"
  15. >"No ma'am!"
  16. >Granny puts her hoof on the filly's rear
  17. >"Ya SURE?"
  18. >(...!) "N-no Granny!"
  19. >She spanks her right cheek, then her left
  20. >(Aaah!)
  21. >"Positive?"
  22. >"Really Granny!"
  23. >"Let 'er go, miss... no filly can lie with a backside that red."
  24. >The owner is embarrassed now for having disciplined the wrong filly
  25. >"Sorry Granny, I thought..."
  26. >"Ya didn't think nothin'."
  27. >"Hehe, I guess you could say that."
  28. >She is nervous now
  29. >Granny is unpredictable and known to have an antiquated style
  30. >Owner tries to make it right
  31. >"Sorry, young filly. How about I take you back to my shop and make it up to you?"
  32. >Sure enough, Granny had an opinion on this
  33. >"That's smart. ... But it don't do much for the smarting in her fanny."
  34. >Granny points to Scootaloo's rump and she blushes
  35. >"Yes that's a shame Granny but she will have to talk about this with me back at my store. C'mon, little one."
  36. >She starts walking, hoping to end the awkward encounter
  37. >But it's just starting
  38. >Granny bites the owner's ear and pulls back on it, making her poor ear stretch tight
  39. >(OW!)
  40. >She stops moving
  41. >But this just seals her doom as Granny knows it works and keeps pulling
  42. >Walking backwards to the very same stump Scootaloo was just smacked on
  43. >(AH!) "Stop what are you doing?"
  44. >"Hold yer horses. Just givin' you the same medicine ya gave Scootaloo,"
  45. >" 'Cept -you- got the chance to be cured by it."
  46. >Granny sat on the stump
  47. >Any non parent would have an impossible time maneuvering a squirming, anxious, desperate pony over their lap for a well-earned spanking
  48. >But Granny had more practice than almost any pony in Ponyville
  49. >Not just with her children and grandchildren, but all their friends
  50. >And any foal with the nerve to steal from Sweet Apple Acres soon lost their thieving spirit
  51. >Right around the time they found out how many nerve endings a pony's posterior has...
  52. >Much to some foals' mortification, Granny would even have impromptu corporal punishment lessons
  53. >Whenever Granny found out a family didn't spank, and were at their wits' end, she invited them to the barn for some Apple hospitality
  54. >Some squeamish parents wouldn't want their precious foal spanked until they were sure how it worked
  55. >In those horrible cases, the Apple family fillies and colts had to take turns being the demo rump
  57. >Granny knew this pony would be feisty
  58. >so she took the needed precautions right away
  59. >Tail pinned to her back, along with her dominant hoof
  60. >the one this mare spanked Scoot with
  62. >"Kicking and bucking already and we haven't even started yet. My my..."
  63. >Granny patted the round flesh in front of her
  64. >"Have ye ever been spanked, missy?"
  65. >"NO! And I'm not going to start now!"
  66. >"That's not what it looks like from up here."
  67. >"Fact is, I can barely hear yer bellyaching 'cause yer head is so far away."
  68. >"I figure I should take my answers from yer butt instead."
  69. >"It's higher up." (PAT PAT)
  70. >"How 'bout I deliver this message to you, you naughty rump?"
  71. >"Can you pass it on to your owner?"
  72. >Granny swore she just watched this rump shake "no"
  73. >"And I'll just watch your expression and listen for any sounds you make to know if I'm getting through." (PAT PAT)
  74. >that sets her off for sure
  75. >Before, it was like she was trying to run off Granny's lap
  76. >Her butt was mentioned, and so unceremoniously patted
  77. >So she started squirming left and right, like she could tumble off Granny's capable lap
  78. >She repeatedly flexed and unflexed her glutes, like her tush would avoid its imminent pain with their feeble motion
  79. >(SWAT) "You can't do this! I'm a grown mare!"
  80. >"A grown mare who's never had her hide tanned."
  81. >"No wonder yer so--" (SWAT) "darn--" (SMACK) "uppity." (WHACK)
  82. >"Maybe I should have you come to the farm every week for a month or two and learn all about corporal punishment."
  83. >"Ah could teach ya about the wooden spoon..." (SPANK)
  84. >"The switch..." (SPANK)
  85. >"The riding crop..." (SPANK)
  86. >"OW That won't be necessary! AH PLEASE"
  87. >"How many years do you have on Scootaloo? Can't be more than fifteen." (SWAT)
  88. >"AH I don't know ma'am!"
  89. >"Ya think I'm on the right track?" (SPANK)
  90. >"NO Yes ma'am!"
  91. >"Fifteen." (SWAT)
  92. >"Has a nice ring to it. How about fifteen more?"
  93. >She's kicking into a panic now
  95. >Some lower sitspot smacks take the resistence right out of her
  97. >Fifteen (was it fifteen yet?) felt like an eternity to the miscreant shopkeeper
  98. >For Granny Smith the time flew by
  99. >"Now that we're just about through, I like the idea ye had."
  100. >"Take this here filly back to yer shop and make things right."
  101. >"I'm going to ask her later if you made amends, and so help me if she is not satisfied..."
  102. >"I will march you onto the front stoop of yer store and spank you in front of all of Ponyville."
  103. >"I hope now you realize how much power we mares wield. One last thing."
  104. >"You! For whuppin' this poor filly's bottom when her butt ain't done nuthin' to deserve it!"
  105. >she smacks her hindquarters, nothing new
  106. >"And you!
  107. >She's focused on Scootaloo now
  108. >"For all the shenanigans I know you and your insolent little rear-end get up to without anypony findin' out!"
  109. >(WHACK)
  111. >"Get going, you two!"
  112. >(they respond simultaneously)
  113. >"Y-yes ma'am!"
  114. >they scamper off, both with matching red tushes

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