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Maid for Spanking by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:38:41
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:40:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Maid for Spanking by Pan
  2. ( / )
  4. (24/07/2020)
  7. ---
  9. Misty Keeper stood on her hind legs to dust the curtains. She saw hundreds of curtains every day as part of her maid duties.
  11. She heard a wolf whistle. And since neither Fluttershy nor Discord were in town, that meant she was yet again encountering one of the "perks" of her job. Horny royal guard ponies (and not just because they were unicorns) who couldn't keep it in their armor for two seconds.
  13. "Knock it off, Sturdy."
  15. "You can't tell me what to do."
  17. The guards technically outranked the maids, but technically sexual harassment was banned by the Updated Royal Code Section VI, Actions Becoming of Royal Staff.
  19. Misty rolled her eyes. "Oh, please forgive me, great and honorable Sturdinimous B. Branchson."
  21. "Hey! That's not my name!"
  23. Misty felt a smack across her rump, through her special maid panties. Maybe when they were designed hundreds of years ago, the uniforms were elegant, but nowadays, they just felt incredibly kinky. Because her maid dress flared out, it offered no protection. The panties were lacy, not thick or designed to resist smacking. Misty turned around to chew him out.
  25. "Watch where you're galloping, buster."
  27. Harassment was sadly common but this asshole was really pushing it.
  29. "I can't help it, your uniforms are breathtaking. Your rump is just begging for a spanking!"
  31. After that remark, a third pony joined the conversation.
  33. "Is that so?"
  35. The two staffers turned to see the top of the food chain, Princess Celestia herself.
  37. Misty rarely saw the princess and was accordingly a little starstruck. But that was nothing compared to Sturdy's reaction. He never had one on one time with the princess, and had just been caught going way outside the actual regulations and even their lax enforcement. Celestia had a reputation among castle employees as a strict but fair ruler, and if you were looking fairly, you would conclude Sturdy was in the wrong. All this to say that --
  39. "I see what you mean, Sturdy Branch. I can't look at you in your uniform without seeing a rump desperately in need of a good spanking."
  41. "Hey wait, what--"
  43. While Sturdy was lost in thought, he had been transformed into a maid! Now he shared the same humiliating uniform as the mare he was smacking just a minute prior.
  45. Sturdy is levitated into the air, and Celestia grabs the feather duster he had been holding.
  47. "This will work..."
  49. All too soon, Sturdy felt the veins of the feather duster lash into her rump. She was a military-trained pony, this shouldn't bother her!
  51. Yet as each crisp smack rained down from the feather duster, she lost control. Her formerly white rump was now hopelessly streaked in red.
  53. Crying now, her runny mascara betraying any hope of dignity, Celestia slowly lowered her to her hooves, where she danced in place and tried to massage her rear-end.
  55. She found herself unable to lower her tail. She got a good look at herself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room, and blushed deeply. Her eyes traced over every feminine curve of her back half -- from her dainty horseshoes (more like slippers, really), to her thigh-high stockings, and culminating in an utterly damaged tush. At least she wasn't crying over nothing.
  57. She learned two more uncomfortable facts: her genitalia had been replaced (it wasn't her imagination) and the tip of her tail glowed with yellow magic. The same shade of yellow as Celestia's magic.
  59. "I see you're taking in your new attire. Misty Keeper, please escort our new maid to Ms. Orderve for further orders. Sturdy?"
  61. "Yes, ma'am?"
  63. "I'm sure you've noticed that you will not have any rump privacy anytime soon. Keep this in mind next time you plan on sexually harassing a fellow employee.
  65. "Yes ma'am."
  67. "On top of your maid duties, I expect you outside my private quarters every morning at seven o'clock, sharp. Every minute you're late will make me more forgetful of how much punishment your rump has already taken."
  69. Misty giggled at this, and the two headed off.
  71. "Sturdy, lead the way to the dining hall. Misty can guide you further once you arrive, but I do want her able to see your punishment up close. After all, I heard the maids' rumps are just 'breathtaking'."
  73. So Sturdy set forth, her black slippers clicking down the hallway, all too aware that her escort was right behind her, getting firsthoof knowledge at what happens to unkind palace employees.
  75. Futile as it may have been, Sturdy kept twitching her tail, hopelessly unable to overcome Celestia's magic. Misty giggled from behind her.
  77. "I heard you can sprain your tail if you keep jerking it like that."
  79. "That's an old mare's tale!"
  81. "Just trying to help. Besides, you think you can just shake your tail and overcome Celestia's magic? She clearly wants the whole castle to see what a bad boy you've been."
  83. "Do you have to say it like that?"
  85. "One of you jerkoffs finally get what's coming to you and I'm supposed to be polite? Tell that to you and your 60 horniest closest friends."
  87. "All I'm saying is when maids need stress relief, we go to the red light district. We don't mix business and pleasure."
  89. ---
  91. "Ms. Orderve?"
  93. "Yes, my dear?"
  95. "Princess Celestia wanted me to introduce you to our new hire."
  97. "That's odd, I don't remember interviewing you."
  99. She walked behind her and confirmed her suspicions.
  101. "Ah, one of our special recruits. Welcome! What is your name, young mare?"
  103. "Sturdy Branch"
  105. "Well, welcome aboard. I don't know how long you plan on working with us but I recommend giving it your all. I report regularly to Princess Celestia on the work ethic of all our special recruits."
  107. "There's more?"
  109. "Of course, you think you're the first royal guardspony to pass out drunk in Canterlot Square? Or vandalize a bathroom?"
  111. "Or spank a maid?"
  113. "Spank a maid? You creep!" (SMACK) "Only I get to spank our maids. And unlike you, I take no pleasure in it. We can't dock pay because some of our maids are here by special arrangement in the first place. There's always more work to do so a quick spanking then back to chores is really the most logical solution. But if your comrades are any indication you will learn this firsthoof in due time."
  117. - the next morning
  119. Ah, Sturdy, welcome. On time I see. You can put the guard into a maid uniform but you can't take the guard out of the maid uniform.
  121. I guess?
  123. Sturdy's previous discipline was still fresh in his mind, so he humored his tormentor.
  125. Well, let's get started. When I transform guards I do it to teach them humility. And there's nothing more humiliating than being taken over my lap like a naughty filly. Come here, please.
  127. Sturdy had obedience ingrained in him throughout guard school, so he did as he was told. She felt Celestia shimmy off Sturdy's panties, and felt the magic that had kept her tail afloat was now flipping up her dress and keeping her tail gently tugged upward. Sturdy's bare rump awaited Celestial punishment.
  129. Crack! and it came. Naughty filly indeed, Celestia knew how to chastize some hindquarters!
  130. One more uniform adjustment..."
  132. Dusty watched in the mirror as thread snaked out of the 'poof' of her maid uniform. It uncoiled and uncoiled; Sturdy was worried she would be left nude! But Celestia stopped, and the thread broke off in two places, and it was re-threaded back onto her uniform.
  134. "There. This is our 'bad filly' maid uniform. Off the books but definitely on the table for bratty little maids."
  136. Sturdy gasped! The regular uniform was embarrassing enough! In Celestia's wardrobe mirror it was clear - this one stopped a good two-hoof-lengths farther up the rump! With no underwear she would be showing the whole castle just how bratty she had been!
  138. "You don't want to wear this for more than a day, do you?"
  140. "Of course not, ma'am!"
  142. "Do not disappoint me."
  144. "I'm going to hold onto the extra thread and your panties for the time being. Behave, and you will have these back in a few days. But for now, I would like you to show the castle what happens to hard-headed maids. You will be dusting as many curtains as you can get your hooves on, starting in my throne room and then the cafeteria. Do not shy away from climbing up ladders to clean the areas you need. And of course, ask for a spotter when the height of the ladder calls for one as explained in Updated Royal Code Section XXXI, Safety of Royal Staff."
  146. "B-but Princess Celestia! Those are the two most popular wings in the castle!"
  148. "Don't you think I know the castle I've been ruling for a millennium? Yes, other creatures will see you and yes, they will see your punished posterior. Let this be a lesson to you so we need not repeat this. Be good and maybe tomorrow morning won't be so bad."
  150. "Can you at least take this thing off my tail?"
  152. In reply, Celestia shot a bolt of magic from her horn into Sturdy's backside, giving her a good smack.
  154. Yelp! Sturdy ran off, tail mentally between her legs but physically leaving no part of her punished cheeks to the imagination, ready for a day of hard, yet lacy, labor.
  156. "I see Celestia's curse is still on your tail. You know, the better-behaved flunkies are usually done with that punishment by day three..."
  158. "Hey! I'm trying my best!"
  160. "Pssh. Just messin' with ya, kid.

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