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Paying the Price by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:39:48
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:50:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Paying the Price by Pan
  2. (Twilight / Scootaloo)
  3. F/f, hoof, otk, non-consensual
  5. (18/08/2014)
  8. ---
  10. It was market day in Ponyville; a time every two weeks during which anypony could sell their wares. Shopping malls only work in huge cities like Manehattan.
  12. >"Crusaders, we need to stock up on supplies!"
  13. >"Aye-aye!"
  15. They browsed the market and wrote down things that looked neat. It ensured smart purchases rather than items bought on one member's impulse.
  17. >"Rope, helmets, and a screwdriver, right off the bat, and more stuff like it. Our lists are awesome!"
  18. >"So we're all in agreement?"
  19. >"Certainly."
  20. >"Then let's go buy all this crusading material!"
  22. ...
  24. The rest of the day was going to be spent putting their new goods to use. But on the way towards their clubhouse, Scootaloo noticed something shiny.
  26. >"Wow, a foil Wonderbolts postcard! 'Signature edition'! How cool!"
  27. >"More like how pointless. How gaudy. How expensive!"
  28. >"Hush, Sweetie Belle. I bet even Rainbow Dash doesn't have one of these!"
  29. >"So? Rainbow Dash doesn't have a shaved head either. Would you get one if she did?"
  30. >"That depends. Would it make her like me?"
  31. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes.
  32. >"It's a good thing Rainbow Dash's stalker is a nice pony. Imagine if Diamond Tiara was obsessed with her!"
  33. >"Like it or not, it takes a lot of work to maintain this fandom."
  34. >"I'm sure it does. But we're not helping you buy that tacky postcard."
  35. >"Okay..."
  36. They started to leave once again.
  38. >"I got it, girls! I know how we can get our cutie marks!"
  39. >"What? How?"
  40. >"It involves this market. But first let's get our stuff back to the clubhouse."
  42. Scootaloo had their attention, standing by the window of their base of operations.
  44. >"Most of the time we try to get our cutie marks by doing hobbies."
  45. >"Yeah, so?"
  46. >"So I thought this time we should do something with careers!"
  47. >"Okay. What career? Apple bucking? Because I've tried that."
  48. >"No, silly."
  50. >"Just do what I tell you. You'll understand after. You two need to go to that hill behind some of the ponies' stands and pretend to fight each other."
  51. >"Why do we need to fight?"
  52. >"It doesn't have to be hard! Just get into an argument about how Apple Bloom is stopping you, Sweetie, from getting your cutie mark. Just a minor scuffle, like you're wrestling, but nopony knows it except you. And be sure to be loud and argue all the time like real wrestlers."
  53. >"Are we going to get cutie marks for wrestling?"
  54. >"Maybe. That would be great! So, are you in?"
  55. >"Sure I'm in. I'm always in for cutie marks."
  56. >"I concur. How cool would it be to have a little wrestling mask cutie mark?"
  58. ...
  60. >"I'll meet you two by this tree. I have to go do something for a little bit. Be sure to get into that fight, okay?"
  61. >"Sure thing, Scootaloo. Won't you miss us getting our cutie marks though?"
  62. >"I'll be able to see it from where I am. I want to get somewhere I can see really well."
  63. >"You're the boss."
  65. >"Hey! What did you just say to me?"
  66. >"(Apple Bloom, what are you talking about? I didn't say anything. Oh!) All I'm *trying* to tell you is maybe the Cutie Mark Crusaders would be better off without you!"
  67. >"Lies! Slander! I've never been so insulted in all my life!"
  68. >"Oh yeah?"
  69. Apple Bloom tackled Sweetie Belle to the ground and they began play-fighting. They were making such a racket that everypony was watching their pitiful fight. Everypony except Scootaloo.
  71. She sneakily walked towards the booth the CMC passed earlier. The foil Wonderbolts card was still on display. Its owner had left her booth unattended to join a group of shopkeepers watching the tussle.
  73. Scootaloo grabbed the card gently and put it in her saddle bag. As quickly as she approached, she left and went to the meeting place they had agreed upon. Scootaloo's accomplices were running late.
  75. >"Girls, you should know better than to fight. I should tell your parents about this."
  76. >"Twilight, it's not like that at all! We were just playing! Trying to get our cutie marks and all that."
  77. >"Yeah! We wanted to be pro wrestlers! Everypony knows that stuff is pretend!"
  78. >"Well, I guess you have a point. But you two need to be careful. Somepony can still get hurt on accident. And you had some of us worried."
  79. >"Us?"
  80. Apple Bloom noticed the crowd of ponies; most had turned around and were heading back to their posts by now.
  81. >"Oh, sorry ma'am. I guess we got carried away."
  82. >"Maybe you fillies should practice wrestling somewhere more private, like on Sweet Apple Acres."
  83. >"You're right, Twilight. Sorry Twilight."
  84. Even Twilight could tell they were dialing up the affection to avoid getting in trouble. Really, what they did wasn't so bad. But she couldn't let them go without a gentle reprimand.
  85. >"I'll let you off with a warning. Just be more careful, or else, well..."
  86. >"Or else what?"
  87. Twilight gave both fillies one hard, echoing smack on the rump.
  88. >"Owie!"
  89. >"We'll be good, Twilight!"
  90. Sweetie Belle blushed. She hated being spanked by well-meaning adults. At least she could understand where her parents and sister derived their authority. What made Twilight so high and mighty?
  92. >"Or else somepony might want to teach you some manners the old-fashioned way. You two aren't old enough to avoid a spanking, you know."
  93. Both nodded.
  94. >"We know, Twilight. Thanks for the heads-up. Bye!"
  95. Sweetie made the right choice for the two crusaders - leaving before things got worse.
  96. >What a redundant question that was. She saw me in the corner at Rarity's house that one time! Twilight just likes stating the obvious and being stuck-up.
  98. The crusaders re-united at the clubhouse.
  100. >"What took you two so long?"
  101. >"Twilight lectured us because she thought somepony could've been hurt."
  102. >"Yet the only time we got hurt was when she gave us each a slap on the butt."
  103. >"That's typical adult logic. They say not to hurt ponies, then give you a spanking. And if you complain about it you get your rump roasted for that too."
  104. >"Sorry to cause so much trouble. And still no cutie marks, huh?"
  105. >"We each had a booty mark when Twilight hit us, but those have pretty much faded."
  106. >"This whole encounter was a waste of time."
  107. >"Not entirely, girls."
  108. >"What do you mean?"
  109. Scootaloo showed them the foil card she stole.
  110. >"That tacky thing again?"
  111. >"It looks... nice. Where'd you get the money for it?"
  112. >"I found this card lying around. I didn't even have to pay for it!"
  113. >"Wow, that mare with the shop just lost a sale!"
  114. >"Heh-heh, yeah. She'll be disappointed. If I hadn't found this I would have saved up my bits for months. I can't wait to show Rainbow Dash."
  115. >"Why don't you do that now? Apple Bloom and I can draw up some ideas for more cutie marks and you can gush to Rainbow Dash about your postcard."
  116. >"It's not just a postcard!"
  117. >"I saw her at the market. She's probably still there."
  118. >"Wow, really?! See you two later!"
  120. Scootaloo dashed out the door. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle opened up a page in a notebook and collaborated on how best to use their new supplies.
  122. She slowed her approach from a canter to a trot, to not draw attention to herself. She scanned the crowd looking for the distinctive multicolored mane of her idol.
  124. >"A-ha!"
  125. >Patience, Scootaloo. Let's not get carried away.
  126. As much as she wanted to run, she kept her cool and weaved around the ponies who were leisurely browsing the wares on offer.
  128. >"Hey, squirt. What's up?"
  129. >"Rainbow Dash! You know how you're this crazy-awesome Wonderbolts collector? I think I might finally have something you don't!"
  130. >"Oh? Give it here. I can't be bested by someone still in elementary school... that is, unless they're really cool."
  131. >"It's in here!"
  132. Scootaloo opened her bag and gingerly passed off her ill-gotten product.
  133. >"Wow, neat! I think they're only making so many of these!"
  134. Rainbow Dash didn't want to crush Scootaloo's spirits. Anypony with a job could afford a cheap piece of merchandise like this -- and having been a Wonderbolts fan for a long time, Rainbow had seen plenty more "limited" cards and knickknacks. There was nothing particularly special about this one.
  135. >"Scoot, keep it up and you might just end up the number one collector around here!"
  136. >"I hope so. Especially once you give me all your stuff."
  137. >"Hey, I never agreed to that!"
  138. Rainbow tapped her on the nose and stuck her tongue out.
  139. >"Just teasing, RD. Maybe I'll let you borrow it sometime! Oh, hi, Twilight! Is something wrong?"
  140. >"I was talking to one of the businessponies here and she said that somepony stole from her!"
  141. >"That's horrible! Was it valuable?"
  142. Scootaloo's heart skipped a beat, and she broke eye contact with Twilight. She couldn't think of what to say.
  143. >"No, I don't think it was very valuable. I just feel obligated to do my part and spread the word."
  144. >"Did she say what was missing?"
  145. >Keep cool, Scootaloo. There's no way they know it was you.
  146. >"Oh, yeah! That's why I wanted to tell you! It was some kind of Wonderbolts trading card. "Foil" this and "signed edition" that. It's all gibberish to me. Probably how I sound when I get carried away explaining how the library is organized. You two are such big fans; I wanted to warn you. If somepony tries to pawn off Wonderbolts merch, keep a discerning eye. They could be a thief!"
  147. >"Wait, Scootaloo! That might be your card! Show it to Twilight."
  148. >Well, I'm doomed.
  149. >"H-here it is, Twilight. Probably nothing like it, huh?"
  150. >"Actually, this rings a bell! I'll have to show it to her to get an expert opinion."
  151. >"Aw, do we have to?"
  152. Rainbow Dash tried to get her to agree.
  153. >"C'mon, Scootaloo. You're right. It's probably nothing. But you wouldn't want to keep a card that turned out to be STOLEN,"
  154. Scootaloo's eyes went wide.
  155. >"Right?"
  156. >"Yeah, I suppose. I hope we find the pony responsible."
  158. They made the short walk passed several humble mini-shops to the scene of the crime.
  160. >"Excuse me, miss?"
  161. >"Oh, hello again, Twilight. I see you've brought guests. I'm Penny, the victim."
  162. >"At your service, ma'am!"
  163. >"H-hi..."
  164. There was no way Scootaloo was getting out of this one, was there?
  166. >"Penny, these two might be able to find the culprit! Scoot, show her the card."
  167. She took a deep breath and passed it over.
  168. >"Yep! This is it, all right! Thank you! Thanks so much! Where did you find this? I hope you didn't get scammed into buying stolen property."
  169. >"Not t-to be rude, Penny, but how do you know that postcard was stolen from you?"
  170. Maybe if Scoots could create doubt that the foil postcard was stolen from her, she'd never be caught for stealing it in the first place.
  171. >"I should explain. The evidence is very strong. Sorry to have to take your card, kiddo."
  173. >"You see, the theme this year for the Wonderbolts is 'global communities working together'. They thought it'd be cool if each city in Equestria had its own unique design. The card you have was only shipped out to Ponyville stores."
  174. >"Shucks, it sounds like you have this case on a lockdown."
  175. >"There's more. Each store's postcard is printed on a different color of cardstock. This color and design combination was unique to my little business. Their idea is that fans go to a Wonderbolts show and trade the cards there, hence, 'global community'. Genius marketing strategy. Business has been great, and that's not just me saying it."
  176. Naive little Twilight knew that this thief would be found, wherever he or she was. She was sure she didn't know the pony perpetrator.
  177. >"Oh my, sounds like our thief picked the wrong thing to steal!"
  178. >I'll say. I'll be lucky to live to see my cutie mark at this rate.
  179. >"Scoot, didn't you say you just got that card?"
  180. >"Yes, Rainbow Dash..."
  181. >"Aw, don't feel bad. The card isn't rightfully yours. But you may feel a little better if you can explain where you got it, so we can NAIL the pony responsible! Twilight, you're good at knowing the laws and you're friends with Princess Celestia. A crime like this is worth, what, 40 years in a pitch-black dungeon if you say the word?"
  182. >"EEEeek!"
  183. >"Rainbow Dash! Don't scare her. We need her help. For your information, Scootaloo, this would be a 'petty theft' punishable by a minimum of six hours of community service, plus damages, and a maximum of one month in prison. Judges have discretion."
  184. >"Just kidding, Scootaloo. But I do want to catch this thief. So where'd you find it?"
  185. >"It was in that field a few hours ago. I knew it was important but I also wanted it for myself. I figured if someone claimed it I would give it back."
  186. >Please buy it, please buy it...
  187. >"When was that? Because the way I remember it, it was on display on my table until that fight broke out. I took my eyes off for a second and when the commotion was over I looked back and it was gone."
  188. Twilight, ever so helpful, played detective.
  189. >" 'That fight'? Was it with two school-aged ponies? One white, one light yellow?"
  190. >"You got it. Do you know them?"
  191. >"We all do. Rainbow Dash, can you go round them up? Scootaloo and I will stay here and get to the bottom of this."
  192. >"Penny, you may correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't somepony here have seen Scootaloo if she were in the middle of that field? Some of the shops face that direction. And nopony saw her, and they definitely didn't see her pick up a postcard. Your story makes more sense. Everypony would've been distracted with the fight. The perfect time for the thief to take it. Scootaloo, are you SURE you found it over there?"
  193. >"Well, not exactly... I mean, it's been a few hours. Anything could've happened."
  194. >"That means Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom have an alibi. Unfortunately it also means you're a prime suspect, Scootaloo. I have some questions for your friends when they arrive."
  195. Twilight's eyes narrowed.
  197. It was tense around the shop. Soon, Rainbow Dash returned, CMC in tow.
  199. >"You two, why wasn't Scootaloo with you when you tried being pro-wrestlers?"
  200. >"She said she had some other thing to do. Oh yeah! Hey Scootaloo, what *were* you doing?"
  201. >"Uh..."
  202. >"I mean, the next time we saw you, you had that postcard. That was when you found it."
  203. >"Well..."
  204. The three older ponies glared at Scootaloo. Twilight took initiative.
  205. >"What do you have to say for yourself, young filly? Did you steal this nice mare's merchandise?
  206. Scoots sighed.
  207. >"Yes, ma'am. I'm really sorry. It just looked so pretty."
  208. >"I think I speak for all of us here when I say 'sorry' isn't going to cut it. You made your friends into little accomplices just so you could steal some chintzy postcard! You know you could have WORKED for it, like everypony else! I'm ashamed of you! We all are! Right, Rainbow?"
  209. >"She's right, Scootaloo. I can't believe you did that. My own best friend. How could you let me down like that?"
  210. Scootaloo cried. Her idol rejected her, her friends probably hated her, and the most popular pony she knew was publicly scolding her in front of the pony Scootaloo just stole from.
  211. >"Waterworks aren't enough either, missy. You may be sorry now but you weren't sorry when you stole it. And what's to say you won't steal again? You! A thief! It's despicable. Nopony will be able to trust you if they look at you like that."
  212. At this rate, she'd be out of tears by the time she had something to really cry about.
  213. >"Scootaloo, you have to earn back our trust."
  214. >"Rainbow Dash is right. We can start by making sure you never steal again. Penny, may I borrow your stool? I need to teach this filly some respect for other ponies' property."
  215. Penny nodded.
  216. >"You have the right idea, Twilight. My mom did the same thing when she ran the business. We saw very few repeat offenders."
  217. Twilight sat on the stool.
  218. >"Twilight, what are you doing? You're not... no! You can't seriously want to... to..."
  219. >"Spank you, Scootaloo? Oh, that's what I want, all right. Over my lap. NOW."
  220. Twilight tapped her right thigh as an indication of where she wanted Scoot's bottom to go.
  221. Scootaloo shook her head in defiance. She was shaky, but she stayed in her spot.
  222. >"We'll do it your way, then."
  223. >"Whoa!"
  224. Twilight levitated Scootaloo up and over, rear-end highest in the air while the rest of her feeble body dangled and kicked. She landed, and Twilight wasted no more time.
  225. >"DON'T disobey your elders."
  226. >"Ow!"
  227. >"STOP taking things that don't belong to YOU!"
  228. >"Twilight, please! Everypony can see me!"
  229. Much like earlier in the day, a small crowd gathered.
  230. >"Maybe some ponies like you are in the audience right now. Through your suffering they too can LEARN. NOT. TO. STEAL. if they don't want to get SPANKED!"
  231. The shock of the whole thing stopped Scootaloo's first round of tears, but now that the spanking was really getting going, her crying caught up.
  232. >"Twi-i-light, this isn't faiiiiiir!"
  233. >"Neither is STEALING! And that's what you did. The way I see it, spanking a naughty filly RIGHT. ON. THE. BARE. BACKSIDE. is the only way to make her see the error of her ways. Why don't we ask Penny? Since she's the one you stole from."
  234. Scootaloo took some deep breaths and looked sideways.
  235. >Ugh. Ponies are definitely watching this. I bet I look like a foal.
  236. >"Twilight, you're doing the right thing. I was spanked growing up and I turned out fine. Now I get to dish out spankings to those who deserve it. Our little thief here is definitely in that category."
  237. >"Of course, if you were a little more MATURE, we could talk this over."
  238. She blushed. She hated being talked down to.
  239. >"But THIEVES aren't mature. Scootaloo, you acted like a foal and now you're getting treated like ONE!"
  240. >"I ge-eh-eh-t it, Twilight! Stop spanking me!"
  241. >"Little FOALS don't get to tell grown mares what to do. Folks, if you have fillies and colts of your own, make sure they are paying close attention! You wouldn't want them to end up SPANKED like Miss Scootaloo here, would you?"
  242. Scootaloo was little more than incoherent tears and snot. Her orange posterior had turned red from Twilight's disciplinary hoof. Earlier she thought she could rule the world. Now she was crying in pain, ears down, rear legs kicking, head low, butt up, getting the spanking of her life in front of everypony.
  243. >"Repeat after me. I will not steal."
  244. Twilight gave her some time but she still couldn't regain her composure.
  245. (WHACK)
  246. >"Hurry up, sweetie. These ponies don't have all day."
  247. >Yeah, they don't have to watch me get spanked either. I want to throw up.
  248. >"I will not steal AH!"
  249. Twilight moved in on her sitspots, the most painful spot to get spanked.
  250. >"I will not lie."
  251. >"I will not li-OW!"
  252. >"I won't have my friends help me break the law."
  253. >"I won't have my friends help me OOOOW!"
  254. >"Please continue."
  255. >"Break the law."
  256. >"That's good. Now get up and apologize to Penny. No rubbing."
  257. >"I'm sorry, ma'am."
  258. >"Turn around, kiddo."
  259. >"Wow. That's quite a spanking! Apology accepted."
  260. Scootaloo wished she could rub her backside. It felt like it was burning up, and the commentary wasn't helping.
  261. >"Penny, would you mind keeping Scootaloo next to your shop until the market closes? Other ponies could use a visual aid for why you shouldn't steal."
  262. She laughed.
  263. >"A little public embarrassment. They used to put ponies in stocks, you know. Poor Scootaloo will remember this for a long time. Stand here, Scoot. No, the other way. They're supposed to see your damaged tush, not your teary face."
  264. >"Just send her home when you close. Scootaloo, you can rub now."
  265. She reached back to placate her intensely pained senses. Scootaloo almost didn't care who was watching.
  266. The two unspanked Crusaders offered encouragement.
  267. >"You took that spanking like a champ, Scoots. Don't worry, this place closes in a few hours. Practically nopony is here."
  268. >Practically. Great.
  269. >"Thanks, girls. See you tomorrow?"
  270. >"See you tomorrow."
  271. Those who witnessed the spanking would surely spread the story around the school. So much for privacy.
  273. Twilight was always looking out for Scootaloo. That was the trouble.
  275. >"Hey, Scootaloo! You know how you *ahem* technically committed petty theft last week?"
  276. >"Don't remind me."
  277. She rubbed her behind in memory of the brave nerve endings that were now surely lost.
  278. >"Since Penny's not pressing charges, it's all wrapped up. You don't have to do any community service or serve jail time. But just to be sure, I put in a favor with Princess Celestia on your behalf.
  280. Twilight unfurled an ornate scroll.
  282. >"I didn't want anything like this to interfere with your plans later in life. A criminal record can haunt you, you know!"
  286. >BEING that on this day, PRINCESS CELESTIA has been notified of TWILIGHT SPARKLE's efforts to discipline Miss SCOOTALOO in an extra-judicial manner, and FINDING that TWILIGHT SPARKLE's corporal punishment was sufficient, it is hereby decreed that SCOOTALOO is pardoned for the petty theft she allegedly committed seven days ago.
  288. >SIGNED
  291. >"Oh my. Um, thanks, Twilight! It feels good to know the princess is on my side."
  292. >"Ex-actly."
  293. Twilight smiled. She loved order and bureaucracy.
  294. >"So now you have nothing to worry about! In the eyes of the law, I spanked you, and that was punishment enough. And this letter, like so many others, is recorded in the Official Journal of Royal Decrees, Volume MXXI. Anypony who didn't witness it now has proof, for all time! Not to mention the courthouses that receive a copy of each decree."
  296. She was oblivious to how mortifying this was. Scootaloo groaned.
  298. END

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