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Sorrys and Spankings by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:40:48
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:56:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Sorrys and Spankings by Pan
  2. (Fluttershy / Discord)
  4. (29/06/2018)
  7. ---
  9. "We need to talk."
  11. Precisely none of the chapters of Discord's life that began this way ended positively. He lifted his head to better focus on his semi-roommate. Discord was coiled around himself like a cat or a snake, satisfied that he could not be neatly categorized as just one animal. Looking into his roommate's narrowed eyes, a strange shudder came over him. He felt a premonition that one part of his body would feel great pain.
  13. An unnoticed clearing of his throat, and the best, sweetest "Yes, deer?" Discord could muster. He was not going to sell out any of his body parts without a fight, even without knowing which one it was. (Not the knotted horn; it's so chaotic in its non-uniformity!) And, he hated to admit it, but his head reminded him of ponies, especially Fluttershy. He liked that he had something in common with the creatures who gave him a second chance.
  15. "Save the pet names for later, Discord. I am NOT in the mood."
  17. Discord had been napping on the couch, one of the only pieces of furniture in the cottage big enough for him. Fluttershy gruffly pulled a chair out for herself. Every little grunt of exertion from the petite pegasus pony had a hint of anger. Fluttershy, who sometimes bounded through meadows while improvising beautiful music, 'hmph'ed into her chair, songless.
  19. She was peeved, and before he even knew why, he knew he was-- well, best not to think that word in this dimension. He had seen words like that cause incredible trauma elsewhere. Fluttershy could melt, why, her cottage could dissolve too with the vinegar of that word!
  21. "What did you do while I was gone?"
  23. "Fluttershy, you saw the end of it. I played Ogres and Oubliettes with Spike and Big Macintosh. A good game once you get to know it; didn't you have fun too?"
  25. "I did. Is there anything else you want to tell me about that game?"
  26. Fluttershy did not use 'the stare', but even her less-intense glare made Discord shrink.
  28. "Nothing important. There was a squid-wizard and I believe Spike was still working through his feelings for Rarity."
  30. "You don't remember hurting Spike and Big Mac and almost ruining their game? You don't remember forcing them into your scary world without their permission?"
  32. He summoned a fancy suit collar around his neck-- "Ah...", and tugged at it. His theatrics would be his undoing.
  34. "I suppose I did get carried away. But I apologized."
  36. (Pff) "Some apology. 'I can make any dimension I want, and I chose one that caused you pain. But what's important are -my- feelings, so let's not get too serious.' They wrote it off as you being you, but Discord... that was really careless and insensitive. You apologize to show you did wrong, not to check a box."
  38. Fluttershy took Discord by his lion's paw. It was softer and more welcoming than his claw.
  40. "Discord, I want to be able to love and trust you. We all do. If you keep slipping back to your old habits, nopony will be your friend."
  42. "I thought I was -helping- them."
  44. He crossed his arms.
  46. "Be honest. Do you really understand why what you did was so wrong?"
  48. "Of course I- hm... hmm-mmmm..." Discord pulled away from Fluttershy and created a mini chalkboard to work on. After some scribbles, he admitted fault.
  50. "I'm drawing a blank."
  52. He showed her the chalkboard, which had nothing on it. Rather than chide him for the sideshow antics, Fluttershy knew it was how he expressed himself. She wasn't asking him to change that.
  54. "You are allowed to not know everything. But to be friends with us, you need to have some guiding principles. The one you have trouble grasping is called 'consent.'"
  56. "Look, Discord, Big Mac is big for a pony but he's just a little pony. Spike is a -baby- dragon. When you lash out, you're... terrifying."
  57. Seeing Fluttershy's frown as she held his paw made Discord feel very strange. The old Discord hated getting attached, but part of joining pony culture meant actually caring about others in his life. These feelings... she was criticizing him. Why did he care what she was saying when she wasn't on his side?
  59. No. She was on his side. That was why her words hurt more than anything his mortal enemies ever called him. Being entombed in stone was bad but this, this was torture! Discord wanted to snap his fingers and sulk back to his own dimension, where nopony expected anything from him.
  61. But that would ruin the friendship.
  62. And why did that matter?
  63. These friends had changed him. He couldn't spend eternity knowing what he lost.
  65. "I spent hours thinking about this. About what to -do- with you. What would have to happen to make this right."
  67. Discord took a deep breath, and tried to show how serious he was taking this. He made eye contact. He didn't make a visual pun. "Fluttershy, I will do anything."
  69. "Don't say that before you know what 'anything' is."
  71. "Try me. Don't you know draconequuses are flexible?"
  73. "First off, I want you to know something. You don't have to go through one second of the punishment I have planned if you don't want to. That's 'consent', and you should have given Big Macintosh and Spike the same option."
  75. "What's the catch?"
  77. "The catch is I think you deserve every little bit of it. If you slither out that door, you won't be friends with us anymore. We won't treat you as an enemy unless you give us reason to."
  79. "I see."
  81. "But after this Discord, without some sacrifice on your part..."
  83. Fluttershy's face scrunched up. She was having trouble saying this.
  85. "I could never consider you a friend."
  87. It tore up Discord's four stomachs to see Fluttershy so unhappy, so upset about the friend she was always sticking up for.
  88. "I appear to have gravely miscalculated how much my actions would hurt you and the others. So if this is a thousand year stint on one celestial body or another, maybe I should know now."
  90. "I couldn't do that to you even if I wanted to. I just want you to feel the pain I felt when I found out my little Discord, whom I defended, could be so cruel. To find out after all this time. I want you to feel what Big Mac and Spike felt when they weren't sure if you relapsed back to your old self."
  92. (Discord nodded.) "And what will you actually do..?"
  94. "Spank your tail. Hard. Do you know what spanking is?"
  96. "Yes. The courts used to order them."
  98. "You know what they are. Good. I will spank you until you cry and beg, and then some. You WILL learn your lesson. The other part of your punishment will be a surprise. Not knowing your punishment is part of the punishment. You didn't let your friends know what was coming next, so it's only fair."
  100. "You have a point there."
  102. "Do you need some time to think about it?"
  104. Discord felt his options were limited. He couldn't pack up and start a brand new life.
  106. "No. I'll do it."
  108. Although Fluttershy could be assertive, he doubted her ability to spank him enough to teach him anything. He would do this to be nice, then beg Twilight to help him not make Fluttershy mad anymore. His lesson would come through his ears, not his backside. He was not a spawnling.
  110. "Okay then. Of course I can't do anything to actually stop or restrain you. Even without me saying so you could poof out of here any time you wanted."
  112. "Naturally."
  114. "But naughty little ponies don't have that power when they are being disciplined. You can resist a little bit just because spankings hurt. Everycreature squirms and fights when they are over somepony's lap."
  116. That *image* made Discord squirm. Had he miscalculated?
  117. "But I will not tolerate outright disobedience, even if you are a draconequus. That means--"
  119. (She stamped her hoof for emphasis)
  121. "No sending your butt to another dimension, and--"
  123. (stamp) "No numbing yourself. You are being punished, mister. Got it?"
  125. "Y-yes, Fluttershy."
  127. "Good. Come with me."
  129. Fluttershy flew to Discord's upper body and held his claw. He gripped his claw around her hoof like it would save his life, or his backside. Then Discord followed Fluttershy as she led him to the corner of the cottage.
  131. "Stick your nose right here and don't move. That means you can't turn your head to look around either."
  133. It was way too early for Discord to disobey, but already he felt so silly. Ordered around by a little pony. Getting spanked by one. He could literally set Fluttershy's rump on fire, yet he was rendered powerless by her words alone.
  135. He put his nose in the corner and accidentally cleared out a spider web. He was so tall he reached a part of the cottage Fluttershy never did. The web at least seemed vacant. Discord was glad he could keep 'animal cruelty' from his list of charges.
  137. Discord heard Fluttershy clop, clop, clop up the stairs and instantly needed to survey the rest of the cottage. The shelf of spices? The mouse runways? If only he could peek at anything but this boring old corner!
  139. He could hear her rustling around upstairs. She would never know. But the penalty for failure was too great. Banishment from the ponies. Besides, what was the point of agreeing to her punishment if he wanted to bail out within a minute?
  141. And if he couldn't take a minute of this, how bad would the spanking be? Discord couldn't even make his stubby arms reach his bottom to allay its fears. He could lengthen his arms anytime he wished, but doing so meant admitting this punishment was bothering him.
  142. Discord's ears perked backwards when he heard something being set on the kitchen table. He stopped himself from looking, but he was so curious! What was it? Why did Fluttershy have to go upstairs to get it? Fluttershy must have flown downstairs rather than walked. She was clever not to make noise. How many times had she done this?
  144. Discord felt a hoof at his claw again.
  146. "Okay Discord, time for your spanking. Thank you for being obedient and staying in your corner. C'mon now."
  148. Fluttershy held his claw once more, this time leading Discord to the couch he had been napping on. Makes sense, there isn't any other good place to spank him in this house. As he walked he noticed Fluttershy was carrying her bath brush in her other hoof.
  150. "Is that what you will be using?"
  152. She booped him on the nose! Discord blinked in shock and rubbed his nose with his free paw.
  154. "Aren't you a little noseypants--! But yes, this is the brush I'm going to spank you with."
  156. Discord rolled his eyes, safely behind Fluttershy. She was never going to make him cry with that thing.
  158. "Okay, climb over my lap."
  160. Just a tiny brush. He could play his part here, celebrate back in his dimension, and then rush over to Twilight for a million friendship lessons.
  162. "Discord!"
  164. His mind was wandering and Flutts noticed.
  166. "I said you need to go farther over the armrest. I can't reach your bottom otherwise."
  168. Discord's eyes went wide; Fluttershy just patted his rear-end! WITH the instrument! He did not need her demonstrating which part of his body she could not reach.
  170. "Keep going, mister."
  172. When it was a prelude to a spanking and not to a romantic evening, it was quite unwanted contact. Discord was not used to voluntarily submitting like this. With Fluttershy's legs pressing into his lower body, he felt vulnerable.
  174. "Freeze! Okay that's good. Now, answer me honestly. There's no way I can cause any permanent damage with this brush, is there?"
  176. "Not a chance."
  177. She smacked him with it, a test swing with a little sting!
  179. "Good. And is that the fleshiest part of your body? The best place to punish?"
  181. "It's away from my spine so..."
  183. (swat!)
  185. "What was that Discord?
  187. "Yes!"
  189. (swat! swat!)
  191. "Yes what?"
  193. "Yes that's the best place to spank me!"
  195. He didn't want to participate so actively in his own spanking. At least these smacks didn't hurt.
  197. "Good. Let's get started then."
  199. "Get started?"
  201. (SWAT! SWAT!)
  203. Fluttershy giggled like she did when she watched a baby bird chirp proudly after its first flight.
  205. "You didn't think those were real spanks, did you?"
  207. Was Discord's ignorance cute to Fluttershy?
  209. More spanks of the non-test variety followed. Now Fluttershy was laying into Discord with her bath brush. It only hurt a little. Discord had fought magic many times; a wooden brush was nothing.
  211. It was too early to break out the acting. Discord (ow!) merely bade his time, gritting (ow!) through the indignity of being taken over the lap of a pony some small fraction of his age.
  213. Fluttershy played her part perfectly. It seemed she was an expert, slicing the air with her bath brush and whacking Discord's lower tail with the flat wood. It was all in winding up and not holding back, and Fluttershy was -not- holding back.
  215. Each swat was starting to sizzle Discord's rear-end. He did not realize it, but he kicked his back legs out with every smack. He acted older, but Discord was doing the same spanky-pokey any foal did under parental discipline. He couldn't even see his rear-end because the draconequus was practically touching the floor, neck draped over the couch.
  217. (SPANK!) (SMACK!)
  218. Unlike a pony, Discord's backside was not split in two. With no separation on his bottom, Fluttershy was free to target any, and unfortunately, all parts of it. Discord didn't like any of the spanks, but at least there was no part of his tush that was more sensitive to Fluttershy's lesson. They all hurt (AAA!) about the same (except that one was a doozy!).
  220. As the discipline progressed, the spanks were no longer transient pain. Even if Fluttershy stopped right now, some numbness and discomfort would surely linger for hours. Discord just knew it!
  222. Fear set in. Fluttershy kept spanking away, and Discord had expected Fluttershy to stop about now. Whenever he saw somepony spanked, it was over in an instant. Why was Fluttershy dragging out the spanking so much?! By not crying, he was keeping his dignity as much as possible, tossed over the lap of the nicest pony in Equestria. Nicest pony in Equestria gives the meanest punishments; who would have figured.
  224. Discord had low confidence in how many more spanks he could take. From all the casino games Discord played, he knew he needed a trump card. Something sure to overpower Fluttershy's sympathy and draw the 'punishment' to a close.
  226. Don't come on too strong. The worst fake tells are the ones that come out of nowhere. Discord started to work up a cry, thinking about all the sad things in his life. The ice cream left uneaten, the roller coasters unridden. The ponies kicking him out of Equestria unless he-- okay, that was sad too. Discord found it easiest to act sad when remembering the actual reason for the spanking. It *did* jumble up his insides thinking about how awful he was.
  228. The spanks helped. Every swat, swat on his bottom was yet more pain he could funnel into crying about the spanking. Thus saving him from the indignity of crying during his spanking, and taking more pain than he could handle.
  230. "Aaaaoh, Fluttershy! I'm sorr-yyyyy!"
  231. (Wait a few seconds. Just count along with the cracks of Fluttershy's awful brush... Don't fake too hard...)
  233. "Please stop spanking me, I've learned my lesso-oo-on!"
  235. Argh! Fluttershy responded by INCREASING the intensity of her spanks!
  237. "Discord! You *know* I care for sick animals. You think I can't tell when somecreature is playing dead?"
  239. (SPANK!) (SPANK!) (SPANK!)
  241. "Or in your case, playing sorry?"
  243. Fluttershy emphasized some of her words with spanks.
  245. "You are here to LEARN something. You don't GET to decide when your spanking is over, mister."
  247. Doubling down on his act would be a quite dangerous game. He hated the odds against Fluttershy buying his bluff, so he resorted to begging instead.
  249. "But Fluttershy I -am- sorry! This hurts!"
  251. He was fake crying earlier, but he really was in pain. Surely Fluttershy would take pity on him.
  253. "I should hope so."
  255. The nerve!
  257. Discord began physically intervening on behalf of his backside. Not full disobedience (he would be spanked into next millennium for that) but shimmying around over Fluttershy. Maybe it would make it hurt less. Maybe it would make it harder for Fluttershy to spank him.
  259. He did not like this spanking at all. It felt like it was burning back there! At this point he would rather get in a low-level magic fight than take this!
  261. Tears, tears he could not control, welled up in Discord's eyes. He sniffled as they started dripping down his face and onto the floor of the cottage.
  263. Fluttershy spanked him surgically. No part of his rear was spared. Discord's butt was a brilliant red by now, it must have been. He wished Fluttershy was scolding him more. The punishment was easier to take when he knew it was a pony administering it, not some unfeeling machine. All Discord could do was cry, pound the upholstery of the couch, and swear he would never take a bath again. He could not possibly ask Fluttershy to scold him like an angry mother. What would that say about him?
  264. As the pain built, an evil thought entered Discord's brain. He should just vanish now and never return. It was a punishment in itself, ignoring those feelings and taking the spanking like a good little draconequus. For Fluttershy and for himself he HAD to stick with this, no matter how much his tail-end hurt.
  266. Discord was done. Fluttershy was not. Very bad luck on his part.
  270. Screaming and barely coherent, Discord was sobbing openly. He didn't care who saw him or what Fluttershy thought. Tears weren't just dripping down from his nose, they were pouring out of his eyes. That deceptively kind mare had done it -- she made him cry.
  272. "Flu-uh-tter-shy-yyy! You're the element of kindness! Have mercy!"
  274. Fluttershy responded with three brisk CRACKs of her mighty bathbrush, one for the top, middle, and bottom of Discord's bottom. Then, with only a hint of sternness:
  276. "Sometimes kind ponies have to do things that seem mean, to save the creatures we care about from further harm. If there was a way to get you to come around without roasting your rear-end, I would do it in a heartbeat. Or, a rump-beat."
  278. (Smack)
  280. "Pony or draconequus, I only give you as many spankings as you need."
  282. This was tartarus-- and he had seen the real thing! Discord lost the last bit of fighting spirit he didn't know he had. What comes after red? Infrared? Can ponies see infrared? That was the color of Discord's tush. He would bet his butt that it wouldn't be its natural color for weeks.
  284. (SWAT!)
  286. He had no energy to kick.
  288. (CRACK!)
  290. His screams were now just dry heaves. And then it hit him.
  292. (SMACK!)
  294. Not just the wooden, flat-backed brush, though that was part of it. Everything he was feeling, it was just like Fluttershy said.
  296. (SWAT!)
  298. He had no control. He had no idea what was coming next, other than it would probably hurt a lot. He was practically a god of chaos and he was scared out of his mind! No wonder he shouldn't do that to Spike or Big Mac, or anypony!
  299. (snif) "I'm sorry..."
  301. (CRACK!) (CRACK!) ...
  303. A thundering cavalcade of spanks flowed from Fluttershy, through her brush, and into Discord's bottom. He heaved in utter misery as the brush kept cracking against him.
  305. He couldn't even think anymore. If he ever looked back on the spanking, this part would be totally blocked out.
  307. (SMACK!)
  309. A few seconds passed.
  311. ()
  313. And no swat came. Discord cried for a second over Fluttershy's lap. A nice, long second, with Fluttershy whispering "there, there" over and over. She rubbed his back with her hooves. It felt good.
  315. Fluttershy grabbed Discord's upper body with her hooves. His back was comfortable but his behind was in agony. Discord was still crying freely.
  317. "C'mon now, up you go."
  319. Only with Fluttershy's help could Discord make it to his feet. He wanted to collapse into a ball.
  321. Discord twisted his neck to see his rear was in awful condition. Deep red welts, shaped just like the oval bathbrush, lined his hindquarters. Where there weren't welts, a dark red filled the area like the wine he surely needed after all this was over. One welt was purple... did Fluttershy stop after seeing she crossed a line?
  323. Discord remembered he could massage away his pain if his arms were longer. He grew them out like they were made of dough, reaching behind his back with clear intent. Fluttershy reprimanded him before they reached their target.
  325. "Ah-ah-ah... If you rub your backside now you won't learn your lesson."
  327. "But Fluttershy--!"
  329. (pat)
  331. "Back to the corner, mister draconequus."
  333. A light reprimand in comparison to what Discord had been through. He hissed as he found the corner, the pat on the bum a reminder of what disobedience would cost him.
  335. "Snout touching the walls, no peeking, no talking."
  337. Discord nodded.
  338. Just as boring as before, and no spider web getting in his face to at least give him something to think about. Fluttershy's lesson was on his mind instead. His stupid butt wouldn't give him a moment's rest! It sure as tartarus would overpower any desire to look around now. He could think about how he acted and how wrong he was. And, rather embarrassingly, how Fluttershy could punish him for his misbehavior.
  340. "There there, little one. Fluttershy would never do that to you..."
  342. She was too far away to be talking to Discord. He realized she was comforting her animal friends. Spanking Discord was unorthodox enough; corporal punishment of an animal would get her arrested. After a few similar conversations, her hoofsteps got louder and closer. Discord knew she could see the back half of his body, as he subserviently kept his nose touching the corner. Maybe she was admiring what she did to Discord's rear-end.
  344. "Angel~~"
  346. Oh great, what was she planning now?
  348. "Could you watch Discord and let me know if he looks away from his corner? ... Discord, see you soon."
  350. Oh, how Discord wished he could provide commentary like he usually did. 'Some sendoff,' he would say, and he would share a moment with Fluttershy, who liked his little 'I'm too cool for this' moments. Those moments happened a lot when you lived in a world full of lovey-dovey ponies.
  352. The more he thought about his butt, the more he would think it hurts and want to rub it. So in theory it was a simple matter of not thinking about it. While Fluttershy was gone and her twisted rabbit was watching him. The indignity of it all! Angel was some small fraction as old as Fluttershy, and he already hated that Fluttershy had any control over him at all. What will she do next? Sub-delegate his supervision to a fruit fly?
  353. Perhaps Fluttershy was ruthless enough to do this intentionally. It was not enough that he cried more than the brattiest blank-flank foal when their father finally had enough of their whining at the farmers' market. It was not enough that she spanked him silly, did what he knew she could not physically do. No, Fluttershy, beneath her cute exterior, delegated Discord's corner-time supervision to a little furry bunny to humiliate him. If it was intentional, she was good. He wish he thought of something like that when he was still evil.
  355. The glow on his bottom reminded him that he could test out such methods himself, if he could not get his act together and play nice with the ponies. The pain had finally calmed down enough for Discord to recall that Fluttershy promised other punishment, not just a spanking. Was this the other punishment? He wanted to know NOW, which was the point of Fluttershy not telling him.
  357. Stupid punishments. The trouble with punishments is they always make you sorry for what you've done. Now Discord would not dream of scaring his friends like he did. And he already preferred not to lie to Fluttershy, though telling the truth that her corporal punishment taught him a lesson was going to take all his willpower.
  359. ---
  361. Discord heard the door open, assuming that Fluttershy had returned. Discord was proud he kept his snout right where it was supposed to be. It may have been uncomfortable and humiliating, but he was going to make Fluttershy trust him again.
  363. He heard a stallion whinny in shock, and Spike say "woah!".
  365. Please, let me turn around, Discord telepathically commanded Fluttershy. Prior mishaps had sadly confirmed that ponies aren't telepathic, and he was a little rusty on whether draconequuses were anyway.
  367. "Like I said, Discord is sorry for scaring you in your game."
  369. Hooves and claws approached Discord's corner.
  371. "Do you think I went too far?"
  373. "YOU did this?" (gulp)
  374. It must have been a substantial spanking to startle Big Macintosh. Like Discord, he probably naively believed that Fluttershy could not unleash such punitive fury on somecreature's hindquarters.
  376. Though some humiliation was inevitable, Discord tried to block it out. He was still (hopefully) their friend, and friends are allowed to be vulnerable around each other.
  378. "If you boys want to play that game again go right ahead. But I want you two to tell me if Discord is mean again. I'll spank his bottom all over again and put him right back here."
  380. He knew Twilight was a believer in spanking. Plus, Big Mac told stories about his troubles growing up that horrified Discord. He could never tell if Big Macintosh was raised with loving earth pony discipline or outright abuse.
  382. "Discord~, you can come out now."
  384. "Thank Celestia, finally."
  386. "If you say so. You weren't in there for that long."
  388. Discord's friends stifled a laugh.
  390. "Oh, and you can rub too."
  392. Discord's stubby arms grew like vines so he could reach his tush. Rubbing the inflamed area made the pain go away while you rubbed it. Discord was not sure why. He resolved to discreetly research this at Twilight's library.
  394. "Do you have anything to say to Spike and Big Macintosh?"
  396. "I am so sorry. You have my word that I will not do anything like that again."
  398. "Eeeyup. You got the switchin' to prove it."
  400. "Apology accepted Discord. So, what do you have planned for the next session?"
  402. "Some kind of tree monster that hits you with a flurry of a thousand limbs!"
  404. "Just wood?"
  406. "Trust me, it can do enough damage."
  408. Big Mac and Discord shared a knowing laugh.
  410. End

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