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Sweetie Belle in the Corner by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:41:07
Updated: 2022-03-15 13:57:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie Belle in the Corner by Pan
  2. (Rarity / Sweetie Belle)
  3. F/f, F/m, paddle, over desk, corner, non-consensual
  5. (27/06/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >Now put your muzzle into that corner and think about what you've done!
  11. Sweetie Belle complied immediately, having just been reminded of what happens to fillies who don't obey their sisters. Although she hated this part of the punishment, she dared not beg Rarity for a reprieve. The first time Sweetie asked about "corner time", Rarity uttered the classic line
  12. >"because I said so".
  13. Not wanting to press her luck, Sweetie Belle dropped it for the time.
  15. Here she was months later, nursing a sore bottom and on her way to the dreaded corner. Still, she hadn't heard a satisfactory answer on why she was supposed to stand in the corner in the first place.
  16. Sweetie worked up the courage to ask about it again. Besides, she wasn't begging. She accepted her fate. She just wanted to know -why-!
  17. >"Why do I have to go to the corner after a spanking, sis? None of my friends have to."
  18. >"I can assure you, Sweetie Belle, that if I ever catch one of your friends misbehaving I will correct them in the best way I know how, and that way is a firm spanking on your little tushie followed by some time in the corner to think about what you've done. And while your friends' caretakers may wish they were on the scene to deal with their foals in their own way, they must accept the judgement of whomever's in charge. You experienced that firsthand at Sweet Apple Acres not a month ago, correct?"
  19. Still sniffling (and recalling the fierce carpet-beater that hangs on a hook in Applejack's kitchen), Sweetie Belle answered
  20. >"Yes, ma'am."
  21. >"Anyway, no matter how big and tough you think you are, a quick trip over my knee will correct any ideas you may have. Although judging by your red rear-end,"
  22. (Rarity giggled)
  23. >"I may be wasting my breath on one who already knows this."
  24. >"But some of them just get sent to their rooms after. Can't I think about it in my room?"
  25. >"Certainly not."
  26. >"But it's embarrassing! Standing in the corner like this for all of Equestria to see."
  27. >"You've hit the nail on the head, Sweetie Belle, so to speak. My mother always put me in the corner, and I always hated it. Years later she told me what I already learned independently -- that corner time adds to the embarrassment of the spanked little filly, and makes her not want to commit another offense for a very long time. For spanking is a foalish punishment, not deserving of the
  28. (she brought a sparkling, gem-encrusted brush through her mane)
  29. >" *dignity* of one's room."
  30. Rarity went into the pantry to fetch some pancake mix. As she returned,
  31. >"In short, if you don't want to be embarrassed, and might I add unable to sit down comfortably, you should listen to your big sister a little more carefully."
  32. This was punctuated with a light slap on Sweetie Belle's backside,
  33. >"Ow!"
  34. with the wooden spoon that was very recently used in a much more serious manner on one of the two ponies currently living in Rarity's boutique.
  35. >"Ask me about it again, and there is a lot more where that came from."
  36. Sweetie Belle gulped and resolved to ponder this in relative silence, without further questions... or whacks on her behind.
  38. Sweetie's thoughts wandered to homework, and her friends, and their upcoming expedition to perhaps earn a cutie mark or two.
  39. >What if my special talent was spanking? I would probably look like this all the time.
  40. She grinned, and realized that if this were the case she would have had a cutie mark years ago.
  41. >Regardless of whether or not she wanted it.
  43. The door to the boutique opened with its accompanying chimes. Twilight Sparkle's voice followed.
  44. >"Excuse me, Rarity. Do you have the dress I ordered?"
  45. Of course, the formal ball Twilight was to attend wasn't for another month. But she wanted to have everything in order at least three weeks in advance. Twilight hoped that her inexperience in formal occasions, and knack for disaster when she did attend them, might be avoided or at least diminished if she practiced what she was going to say and wear.
  46. >"I absolutely do, dear. Follow me. I had a bit of late-night inspiration: a few cuts here, a few stitches there, all in the wee hours of the morning, and it's still in my bedroom.
  47. Twilight and Rarity walked through the kitchen to the stairs, and Twilight didn't look behind her to see the naughty filly in the corner. On their way back, Sweetie Belle was not so lucky.
  48. >"Oh, Rarity, I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I was interrupting something."
  49. >"Please, Twilight, it's no trouble at all. My business with Ms. Sweetie Belle is all done... although you can see she's still got a lot on her mind, and her behind."
  50. >"Most definitely. You really did a number there, Rarity! I'd be rubbing my sore bottom for hours if it looked like that."
  51. >"Well, let's just say she deserved it. She ruined some very expensive silk. Come to think of it... Sweetie Belle! You can come out now. Your punishment is over."
  52. Sweetie cursed her luck, as Twilight guarded the only exit.
  53. >"You don't need to feel embarrassed, Sweetie Belle. Everypony gets spanked.
  54. Sweetie Belle blushed.
  55. >"Consider yourself lucky you've never been spanked by Princess Celestia! There was a time I didn't even know there *were* special spanking spells for naughty colts and fillies. Those really hurt! Owie. Why, just today I got mad at Spike for not organizing my books properly for the fifth time, and had to give him and his fanny a little lesson on attention to detail. Baby dragons like him, and little foals like you just seem a little more receptive to corporal punishment than they do anything else."
  56. >"I'm not a little foal."
  57. Sweetie huffed, but could barely get the words out before a corrective swat from Rarity's front hoof landed, causing her to blush even more.
  58. >"Be nice, Sweetie Belle. She's only trying to help. Anything else, Twilight?"
  59. >"No, that's all. Thank you so much!"
  61. >"You're free to go, Sweetie. Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes."
  62. She passed the time on her stomach, coloring, and occasionally rubbing her sore backside.
  64. Sweetie Belle always arrived at school a little early, but today she had a good reason. While it was true that most of the ponies showed up with a red butt once in a while, they could usually be expected to endure some teasing along with it. Sweetie came to class with 20 minutes to spare, which meant that only a few of her classmates saw her bottom in its damaged state. While they did snicker, none of them made any comments (but perhaps they would when out of earshot of the victim).
  66. Things went fine until third period math class.
  67. >"We've been studying multiplication for a while now, and our test is next Friday. I want to make sure each of you understand the material, so I'll be calling each of you to the board over the next few days."
  68. This did not sound good to Sweetie Belle.
  69. >"Let's start with you, Dinky. What's 6 times 4?"
  70. >Okay, so far so good.
  71. Dinky wrote out the problem on the board and answered it with ease.
  72. >"Let's make a game out of this. Won't that be fun, class?"
  73. No answer.
  74. >"When you answer the problem, you get to write the next problem on the board."
  75. Dinky wrote
  76. > 10
  77. >x 3
  78. on the board. Luck was not on Sweetie Belle's side, as Cheerilee called her to the board next.
  79. >"Sweetie Belle, why don't you answer that one?"
  80. >"Uh, Miss Cheerilee, can I try it tomorrow? I'm not feeling well today."
  81. >"Nice try, Sweetie. But I'm afraid you're going to have to do this problem."
  82. >"What about after recess?"
  83. >"No, I want it done now. Come on, it's one of the easier problems you could have been given."
  84. Sweetie Belle sighed and got out of her chair. She got out of her back-row seat and as she passed each row, more and more students understood her reluctance. Not without laughing, of course.
  85. >"Whatever it is that's so funny, stop laughing so Sweetie Belle may concentrate. Go ahead, Sweetie."
  86. With a bit of a stutter and a shaky magical grip on her chalk, Sweetie answered the problem.
  87. >"T-ten times three is... is... thirty."
  88. Sweetie started to walk back to her desk. Snips, her classmate, had clearly been wanting to make some kind of insult for a while. He finally came up with:
  89. >"Is that how many times your sister spanked your naughty butt?"
  90. The classroom erupted in guffaws, as Cheerilee finally understood what all the laughs were about.
  91. >"Snips, since you're so eager to participate, come to the board next."
  92. Cheerilee wrote a problem on the board as Snips approached.
  93. > 5874
  94. >x 320
  95. >"Alright Snips, please answer the question."
  96. >"But Miss Cheerilee, we've never done any more than two numbers per number before."
  97. The class laughed a little bit, which is all Cheerilee wanted. Attention was now deflected from poor Sweetie Belle.
  98. >"Snips, I will not tolerate class disruptions like this. I need to know that you're sorry for demoralizing another student."
  99. >"I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle."
  100. Cheerilee continued.
  101. >"That's a good start, but I'm going to need more than that. You teased Ms. Sweetie Belle for getting spanked, something that I *know* happens to most of the students in this class... including you."
  102. All but a few goody-two-shoes ponies smiled at this remark.
  103. >"What you did wasn't right. And since you think spankings are so funny, I've decided that I'm going to spank you for your misbehavior."
  104. >"Please, Miss Cheerilee, it was just a joke; I didn't mean anything by it."
  105. >"That won't work on me, young colt. Now then, if I were in a bad mood, I'd want this many spankings,"
  106. She circled the "3 x 10" problem,
  107. >"or maybe even this many, whatever the number may be,"
  108. She circled the massive problem that she wrote.
  109. >"But, since I'm quite certain of my capabilities, I think I'll only be needing this many."
  110. She erased her difficult problem, as well as Sweetie Belle's answer to the previous problem. Finally, she changed "10" to "2", making it
  111. > 2
  112. >x 3
  113. >"Now Snips, this should be a snap. Get it wrong and I might just let such an error slide, especially if it's in my favor."
  114. >"Uh, two times th-three is ss-ssix."
  115. Chalk in mouth, he wrote his answer on the board.
  116. >"That's correct, Snails. You'll be getting six spankings for your little outburst. And you have three times five seconds to fetch the paddle from the wall and give it to me."
  117. A bit long for such an easy job, perhaps, but it would serve the other students better if the multiplication problems were with as many different numbers as possible.
  118. Snips trotted in shame to the back wall of the classroom, passing, by necessity, around 10 students who were now paying a lot of attention to their math lecture.
  119. >"While the young stallion is fetching his paddle: Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara, please place Snips' things on his stool and bring his desk to the front of the class."
  120. Both helped Miss Cheerilee. Diamond Tiara seemed more eager to oblige.
  122. Snips placed the wooden, hole-less paddle on Cheerilee's desk and waited for further instruction. Cheerilee slid out the pencil holder from Snips' desk, leaving a smooth surface perfect for teaching some manners to a mean-spirited colt - or at least his bottom.
  124. >"You know what happens next, Snips. Bend over the desk."
  125. Tears welling up but not yet falling, Snips got into position. His front hooves reached the ground, offering what little support they could give. His back legs faced the classroom, raised high over the tallest part of the angled desk. The whole class would easily be able to witness his attitude adjustment.
  127. Cheerilee took the paddle into her mouth and expertly swung it into Snips' behind, which was accompanied by the all-too-familiar
  128. (WHAP)
  129. Snips inhaled in pain, hoping to keep some dignity.
  131. The plan did not last, and he was crying from swat 2.
  133. (SMACK)
  134. >"Ow! I'm so-rry! Please stop!"
  135. (THUD)
  136. >"Miss Cheerilee, I'm a good-"
  137. (WHAP)
  138. Another inhale.
  139. >"*Sob* po-o-ony! Honest!"
  140. (WHAP)
  141. >"I'll tell my mom about this!"
  142. Cheerilee dropped the paddle before giving the final blow.
  143. >"If you want. I think your red bottom gives it away."
  144. (SMACK)
  145. >"That's six. You can get up."
  146. After Cheerilee finished the sixth stroke, Snips sort of hopped around the front of the room, crying and rubbing his rear-end.
  147. Cheerilee set the paddle on her desk.
  148. >"Snips, I'd like you to stand in that corner until recess."
  149. >"*Sniffle* Yes, Miss Cheerilee."
  151. The lesson continued without further interruption. There was a delicate balance to reach for any naughty pony in Cheeriliee's corner. The instinct was to rub as much as possible, but it made the pony look like a little foal. To not rub at all may as well have been out of the question. Snips rubbed his bottom a total of four times while in the corner, which gave Snails and all the other ponies something to talk about later that day.
  153. >"Alright class, it's time for recess. Sweetie Belle, I'd like to talk with you. The rest of you, even you, Snips, are free to go."
  155. The young fillies and colts filed out, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo smiling and giving a look of encouragement to Sweetie Belle, not sure what Cheerilee would want.
  157. >"So, Sweetie Belle, your sister spanked you, huh?"
  158. >"*Sigh* yeah..."
  159. >"I think the worst of it is over, now they have someone else to make fun of. But you might want to tell them that would be ill-advised."
  160. She pointed out the window to Snips, which made Sweetie laugh.
  161. >"Sweetie Belle, spankings are a fact of life. Don't let anypony get you down because of it. I shouldn't be telling you this, but after some of my parent-teacher conferences I am certain that those foals get spanked. In fact, sometimes they ask me to witness them correcting their offspring, so I know they take learning seriously. I usually decline their invitations..."
  162. >"Usually?"
  163. >"Well, Silver Spoon was being quite disobedient for some of last year. They even invited me to stay for dinner. That brat must have shifted position or rubbed her *ahem* backside some 40 times!"
  164. Sweetie Belle brightened up.
  165. >"And one more thing to prove my point. I've even seen your sister get spanked."
  166. >"Rarity?!"
  167. >"Although she likes to be prim and proper most of the time, sometimes she slips. Your mother gave it to us good when we were caught sneaking out to go to some silly party."
  168. >"Now I know how my mom got so good at it."
  169. Sweetie said, blushing. Cheerilee smiled and offered her last piece of advice.
  170. >"Keep your chin up, Sweetie Belle. Someday when you're older you'll understand how valuable spankings can be. Now go have fun!"
  171. Cheerilee sent her on her way with a playful slap on the rear.
  173. END

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