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Tricky Treat by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:41:32
Updated: 2022-03-15 18:33:42
Expiry: Never

  1. Tricky Treat by Pan
  2. (Magic / Foals, Twilight)
  4. (14/10/2017)
  7. ---
  9. Twilight took over Canterlot-guarding duty from Luna on Nightmare Night. She insisted that Luna could totally relax; she and Celestia would be able to stop any threat in the off chance there was one. This did mean Twilight could not pass out candy to little foals in Ponyville. She came up with a solution.
  11. She left a note on her front door. Below the note, she placed a huge bowl filled with enough candy to last the night.
  12. >Take one!
  14. Foals, fillies, and colts understood the system and took their fair share. But every now and then, there would be a little pony who wanted more than they deserved. Twilight made sure they got exactly what they deserved.
  16. Rumble, still feeling like the big stallion on campus after his Cutie Coup, felt he could sneak a few extra sweets just like he did at other unattended houses.
  18. As soon as the four extra pieces landed in Rumble's bag, a strange purple aura rushed out of the bowl and made direct contact with his hindquarters.
  19. >Yelp!
  20. It felt like the bowl had given him a good smack. Back home, it was the kind of smack his mom would give him with her wooden spoon when she was at the end of her patience. He knew all too well to not fight back or get aggressive, lest he make things worse for his bottom.
  22. Fair play, he decided, and he resolved to not be so greedy at other houses. His brother Thunderlane playfully chided him for acting like a little colt.
  23. >The princess must have enchanted the bowl to stop theives. She meant it for little foals though, not ponies almost old enough for flight camp. Probably expected a young stallion to act his age and not need to be spa-aanked~~.
  24. Thunderlane gave his sibling a semi-playful swat too. It was in good fun, like the Wonderbolts' locker room, but he packed some venom into his hoof. He was worried about how uppity and demanding Rumble was getting.
  25. A younger filly, young enough to be scared of the ghost stories the mean older colts would tell her, came to Twilight's castle minutes after Rumble paid the price for his candy. Her father wanted her to learn some independence, so he didn't walk up to the door with her. He didn't expect her to pass this morality test; he sure didn't when he was her age. But he was surprised to see the pink coat of her filly meet with the purple tinge of Twilight's magic. He ran towards his daughter, scared and confused, but she just gave a little
  26. >yipe!
  27. and scampered over to her father.
  28. >I don't like this house, daddy. It knows when I'm naughty.
  29. >What have we learned?
  30. >Don't sneak extra candy.
  31. >Good girl.
  32. The world's best dad picked up his daughter and her candy and worked on massaging the pain out of her rear-end as he walked her to the next house.
  34. Luna relieved Twilight of her duties before midnight. The adult ponies were still partying, but Luna's interest faded as the activities grew rowdier than simply bobbing for apples and so on.
  36. Twilight checked on her booby-trapped candy bowl as she took it inside. Still half a bowl left, miraculously. Maybe Spike was right when he said she was overthinking it. She could at least give him some of the spoils, since he was nice enough to test the enchantment she placed on the bowl.
  37. >Spike! Want some candy?
  39. That got him running. He still had a pencil in his claw; Twilight had gotten him away from working on his Ogres and Oubliettes campaign.
  40. >Still some leftovers. Let me give you some.
  41. Twilight dumped the bowl onto her massive dining room table.
  43. The aura that normally belonged to her eminated rapidly from the container, like spilled cider.
  45. Before she evan began to improvise a counterspell,
  46. The magic was halfway to her rump.
  47. She thought of two good candidates to counter the basic form she used.
  48. The magic was practically touching her.
  49. She decided on the basis for the counterspell, but still had to decide on a counter for the modifiers she had added.
  50. SMACK!
  51. It was too late. An evil zap whacked Twilight's hindquarters with a force she had never felt before. Sure, Celestia and her mother could pack a wallop, but they didn't directly use magic to spank. Their methods were traditional, and an individual swat was not terribly unlike what an earth pony or pegasus must feel when their parents give corporal correction.
  53. Spike was on the ground, laughing and pounding his claws on the ground like he did when Twilight innocently wore lingerie for her Nightmare Night costume.
  55. Twilight glared at him while she tried every after-spanking spell she could think of. The same anti-enchantment spells she placed on the bowl to stop older ponies from disarming the trap were flummoxing Twilight's attempts at soothing the pain. Her stinging rear did not appreciate how thoroughly she protected the bowl from counterspells.
  57. Resigned, Twilight just rubbed her flanks, her magic useless.
  59. >So,
  60. He got out between laughs,
  61. >Looks like your calibration spells for amount of candy taken and age of the foal work perfectly, huh?
  63. Twilight threw a pack of Gem Bites at her insolent dragon. She couldn't think of a comeback.
  65. ---------------------Errata:---------------------
  67. Follow up with Twilight accused of combining spells unsafely when?
  68. >How can I make it up to you ponies?
  69. >What Twilight did spreads around Ponyville
  70. >parents think conditioning their foals to avoid bad behavior is a good idea
  71. >they force all the foals to try to take some enchanted "cider"
  72. >after foal #1 the foals see what happens and get scared
  73. >their parents insist, however
  74. >a line of 30 foals
  75. >each one reaching out and grabbing the frothing mug of alcoholic cider
  76. >each foal predictably given a magical swat
  77. Fucking parents.
  79. >Luna finds out about the bowl
  80. >dresses up like Nightmare Moon
  81. >scares foals away from the bowl after they take extra
  82. >She has such a blast she convinces Twilight to do it again next year
  83. >It becomes a game for the foals
  84. >how much pain are they willing to take in their rumps for some extra sweets?
  86. >Twilight trolls the fuck out of them the third year
  87. >if the pony a late preteen or older, the whack is much more intense than the previous years
  89. What would happen if Celestia took more than one? Oh dear, for her sake I hope she doesn't.
  90. >>31157837
  91. >Celestia picks up two candies
  92. >Magic bowl snaps her in the rump
  93. "TWILIGHT SPARKLE! What is the meaning of this?"
  94. >Twilight has to do her Princess duties with a red rump for the next week.

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