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Trixie's Tricky Voodoo by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:41:54
Updated: 2022-03-15 18:34:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Trixie's Tricky Voodoo by Pan
  2. (Zecora / Trixie)
  4. (05/08/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Trixie gets a Twilight voodoo doll after Magic Duel
  10. >The enchantress warns her not to use it too often, and to be gentle with the doll
  11. >Twilight will probably not be in danger, but the more pain inflicted, the more obvious it will be to Twilight that she is subject to voodoo
  12. >Probably
  13. >Seems legit
  14. >Stronger pain also makes it easier to find the doll
  16. >So Trixie just gives it a gentle pat once in a while
  17. >Scaled up from a doll to a pony, it's as strong as a good stinging swat
  18. >Twilight's bottom flares up randomly with pain she remembers from her foalhood
  19. >It vanishes as soon as it appears
  20. >She can't figure out what causes it
  22. >Years pass
  23. >Trixie is forgiven
  24. >But still has the voodoo doll
  25. >"I can't have Twilight hate me again. She can't know about this."
  26. >She stows it under her hat and goes to Zecora, whom she thinks will keep quiet about the affair if she shows contrition
  27. >"The spell on this is strong. Undoing will take long."
  28. >"What do you have to do?"
  29. >"Not me, but us. I need your trust."
  30. >She brews a potion and has Trixie gulp it down
  31. >"The Great and Dizzy Trixie wonders what you're doing."
  32. >Zecora takes her by the hoof to a stump outside Zecora's hut
  33. >"Lean over my lap this way. Be warned, I will make you neigh."
  34. >"Trixie has... reservations."
  35. >She does it anyway, she hated seeing Zecora glare like that
  37. (CRACK)
  38. >"Move your tail, little pony. The harm you feel must not be phony."
  39. (smack) (SMACK)
  41. >"Hush, it will make sense in time. Please, it's getting hard to rhyme."
  42. >Zecora looks way too comfortable like this
  43. >She's sitting upright on the stump with an adult pony across her back legs
  44. >Just spanking away
  45. (WHACK)
  46. >"Ow! Trixie is glad we are deep in the woods."
  47. >"Has anypony told you these trees have eyes?
  49. >"Your naughtiness will not be disguised."
  50. >"Balanced mojo this doll lacks. We are fixing it with--"
  51. (SMACK)
  52. >The energy was now balanced with that last whap on Trixie's rear
  53. >But Zecora felt Trixie had yet to be punished for her other shenanigans
  54. >Trixie was rewarded with some bonus swats
  55. >Officially, the doll had not balanced yet
  56. >Only Zecora and the more magic-affiliated trees knew the truth
  58. >Zecora stops as weirdly (for Trixie) as she started
  59. >She scoots Trixie off her lap
  60. >"Are we done? Please tell Trixie we are done."
  61. >"We are finished here, all thanks to the pain in your rear."
  62. >"The evil energy equalized once your rump was tenderized."
  64. >"Um, thanks."
  65. >Trixie scurried off in shame (she was good at that) before Zecora got any other bright ideas

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