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Zero Suit Aeris by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:42:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Zero Suit Aeris by Pan
  2. (Mom / Daughter)
  3. non-pony
  5. ---
  7. The characters other than Aeris were either made up for this story or have no backstory in the comics. The comic was hot enough I wanted to write this. Did very minor revisions just now [2016] and the rest of it is from 2014. I don't have anywhere else to post this and it's written in 4chan style anyway. Follows my typical story themes pretty closely.
  10. >"Fiiinally..."
  11. >Blip!
  12. >"Wh... what?"
  13. >"Aeris, you've been playing that Nintendo all day. Go outside and get some fresh air."
  14. >"But... I but..."
  15. >"NOW!"
  16. Her dreams are ruined. The Metroids will have to wait for another time.
  17. >"FFF-"
  18. She almost didn't say it. She didn't have to say it. She could have kept it to herself.
  19. >"FFFffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"
  21. >"Uh, nothing Mom!"
  22. >"Don't you DARE lie to me, young lady!"
  23. >"I... said a swear..."
  24. >"And what happens to children who swear?"
  25. >"They get spanked..."
  26. She said with a frown.
  27. >"That's right. Come over here."
  28. >Standing in the shadow of her punisher.
  29. >"Arms up, Aeris."
  30. She did as she was told. Once, only once, she decided not to, and was spanked twice for insolence.
  31. >"*Off* we go!"
  32. >Mom took off Aeris's cool, red jacket.
  33. >She already felt naked.
  34. >"We won't be needing these."
  35. >Mom unbuttoned and unzipped Aeris's green combat pants. They bunched up at her ankles and Aeris reluctantly stepped out of them.
  36. >In her white, boyish underwear and feeling the coldness of the room.
  37. >"Mommy, isn't that enough?"
  38. >"Don't you try and 'Mommy' me. One minute you think you're grown up enough to swear and the next you think acting like you're two will save your rear-end. Lucky for you I have just the right remedy. Arms up, Aeris!"
  39. >"Ow!"
  40. A light spank to make sure she heard.
  41. >"I never told you to put them down. A girl your age should know better. Of course a girl your age should know better than to swear. But I'm getting ahead of myself."
  42. With ruthless efficiency Mom pulled her daughter's shirt over her head, then off completely. It was as if she was still a toddler and Mom was getting her ready for a bath.
  43. >She'd been self-concious about her chest lately.
  44. >She was blushing.
  45. >Doesn't matter. Act like a child, get treated like one.
  46. >Mom sat down on the sofa and patted her lap.
  47. >She paced over to her captor.
  48. >"Come on, little one."
  49. >"I don't wanna."
  50. >"I know you don't *want to*, sweetie, that's the whole point. But a house has to have rules and you went and broke one. Now you're paying the price."
  51. >"But does it have to be in front of them?"
  52. >"Who, Tina and Marie? Marie's too young to know what's going on, and Tina's still your sister. If you don't want her seeing you get your butt beat, just behave. You're only here in your underwear because you acted like a little kid. And little kids don't care who sees them bare. Just look at Marie."
  53. >"But I *do* care, Mom!"
  54. >"Looks like I need to give you something else to think about. You've stalled enough already. Up!"
  55. >"Moooom..."
  56. (SPANK) (SPANK)
  57. >"No more whining out of you."
  58. >Already starting to cry.
  59. >"Okay..."
  60. She climbed up onto her mother's lap.
  61. >Mom pulled off her last shred of dignity and kept Aeris's underwear around her ankles. Mom had found that keeping the underwear on until the victim was over the lap, then taking a finger under the waistband and dragging it down their legs made a very lasting impression on the spankee. The embarassment and loss of control ensured they would be on their best behavior for as long as possible after the rump-roasting.
  62. >Aeris blushed. She hated being exposed like this. Pulled across her mom's lap like a child.
  63. >"THIS is for staying inside on such a lovely day! And STOP backsassing me when I tell you to do something!"
  64. >"Mom, I didn't-"
  65. >"That proves it! Girls who act NAUGHTY get their panties pulled down, Aeris!"
  66. >Every few words, Mom slapped her daughter's behind.
  67. >Now she was picking up the pace. Stretches of 15 seconds filled with just spanking and no words.
  68. >"Ow! Eep! Ahhh!"
  69. >Aeris was madly kicking her legs. Her underwear flew off. Aeris's mind was on other things, but after the spanking her cheeks, as always, would turn a deep shade of red as she bent over picking them up, acutely aware that she was showing off her newly-reddened backside.
  70. >"Swear in this house again, AERIS, and you'll be right back here for an encore performance. Got it?"
  71. >In tears.
  72. >"Y-yes ma'am."
  73. >"Good."
  74. >A parting swat.
  75. >"Now go to the corner."
  76. >Magic words. She didn't care who was watching. In the corner, nude as the day she was born, bottom very obviously and very freshly smacked, she rubbed away as much of the pain as she could. Each second of massage provided much-needed relief. But as the pain subsided, it became harder to block out the outside enviroment. Whispers:
  77. >"Mom really gave it to her, huh?"
  78. >"Mom hates swearing. Aeris's butt proves it."
  79. >"I wonder what they'll think in PE tomorrow."
  80. That line especially made her blush. She hated PE showers the day after a spanking.
  81. >Wow, looks like mommy had to give someone a lesson in manners.
  82. >I'm glad *my* mom doesn't spank me. I'd be *sooo* embarassed showing off my striped butt like that.
  84. >"Okay Aeris, time's up. Gather up your clothes and head outside like I told you to."
  85. >"Yes, Mom."
  86. >Socks first? I have terrible luck. I feel like everybody's watching me.
  87. >Socks, then underwear. There are my pants... Shirt... Jacket. Finally back to the old me.
  88. >New me still has a red behind. Oooow.
  89. >"Love you, Aeris. Have fun outside.
  90. >Aeris stood around the kitchen, shell-shocked and still recovering.
  91. >"Out. Now!"
  92. >She pointed out the door and opened it for her.
  93. >Mom sent her on her way with a smack on the butt.
  94. >Aeris's pain re-ignited, and she started rubbing, painfully aware anyone watching the exchange knew why she was rubbing her butt.
  95. >But she didn't swear again for a really long time.

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