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Spanked to Sleep by RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:47:22
Updated: 2022-03-16 21:35:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Spanked to Sleep by RoyalBard
  2. ( / )
  4. (06/12/2019)
  7. ---
  9. (Remember that spanked to sleep story? Here it is.)
  11. Cadence tossed and turned beneath her sheets, shaking the sleeping lump beside her. The room was dark, the pitch black of midnight. It was completely still, no sound to disturb her slumber. She knew the guards were outside her room, but they might as well have been statues.
  13. No sounds broke the stillness of an empire at rest. She was laying beside her beloved husband.
  15. So, why, oh why couldn't she sleep? She groaned and plopped over onto her side, this time waking up the string, powerful stallion. He yawned, rolled over onto his stomach in imitation of one of his primitive ancestors awakening in a field. "Is it morning already?"
  17. Cadence sighed. "Not even close."
  19. There was a pause, then she felt his muzzle brushing hers. "Can't sleep?"
  21. Cadence sighed, nuzzled him back. "No, I can't. Wish I could."
  23. He laid on his side, drew her into his embrace. "Hey, what's wrong?" His warm breath was a comfort on her neck. Some stallions would have taken a middle of the night wake up as an invitation to rut. Not her gentlecolt.
  25. She snuggled into his strong, rugged body, shaped by countless hours of training and one very short war in his youth which had earned him his captaincy. He stroked her mane and she rested into his strong chest. His scent soothed her, but elusive sleep would not come.
  27. "Worried?" He whispered into her ear.
  29. She moaned her answer. "Y-yeah."
  31. "It's only a speech, you'll do great."
  33. Cadence pulled away. "Only a speech? I have to rally them, Shiny! They've been through so much and it's my first speech, not as Princess of Equestria, but as Crystal Empress! It's a big deal!"
  35. Shining sighed, pulled her into his embrace once more. "Alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to minimize it. It's a big deal, but you were born to do this job. You can do it."
  37. "Doesn't stop me from worrying."
  39. He lowered his hoof, patted her bottom. "You want a spanking?"
  41. She bit her lip. "Maybe."
  43. He continued patting her lady curves.
  45. Cadence curled into him, the gentle strokes on her bottom calming her, soothing her worries, but not completely banishing them. He was so warm against her. Normally, he made her feel safe, but even now she could only think about her worries.
  47. "Alright." The whisper was barely audible, but Shining heard it in the still, dark room. He nodded, his chin pressed against her forehead
  49. He sat up on the bed, patted his lap. She laid over his knees, her rump sticking out, tail lifted. He used his magic to pull up her silk night gown, revealing the rounded semi-globes of her derriere.
  51. The spanking didn't start away. This was not like when she begged to be punished for some real or imagined offense. Nor was it entirely sexual.
  53. He began by gently caressing her bottom just as he had been before she had gone over his lap.
  55. She was starting to melt over his knees, tension she hadn't known she had going out of her.
  57. The first swat landed on her bottom, a light bloom of warmth that didn't even elicit a yelp from the princess. Two more swats landed, a sting rippling her rump. She jumped a bit, yelped.
  59. Encouraged by this, he tightened her grip and slapped her bottom, a light enough slap, but enough to stoke a bloom of warmth.
  61. Just as her bottom was starting to heat up, Shining stopped, teasingly stroked her pink rump.
  63. "Want more? Or was that enough?"
  65. Cadence groaned and squirmed. "M-More."
  67. Shining firmly smacked her bottom,making her squirm.Each smack followed in rapid succession, peppering her bottom with a sting, a heat that soon covered her bottom.
  69. The heat and sting filled her, made her squirm, made her whine and cry at every spank that fell onto her reddening rear.
  71. Just as the spanks reached a crescendo, the slap of his hoof meeting her tushy filling the room, he stopped, rubbed her bottom. She was panting across his lap.
  73. He didn't let her rest for long, landing a flurry of hard spanks onto her bottom, making her wiggle and gasp, lay over his lap completely spent.
  75. He picked her up in his magic. She snuggled into the arcane blanket while he laid her on the bed, pulling the blanket up over her. He laid a kiss on the sleeping princess' head, rested beside her and held her close.

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