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Doomed Derpy by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:47:42
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:33:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Doomed Derpy by RusticAnon
  3. (20/08/2017)
  6. ---
  8. >Derpy the mailmare knocked the door
  9. >she had to deliver a package to this pretty looking house
  10. >the door opened
  11. >"Hello! Here's your package safe an sound, ma'...."
  12. >it was her daughter, Dinky
  13. >"...ham?"
  14. >it was their house, she hadn't realized
  15. >though she suspected the adress felt familiar
  16. >Dinky looked nervous and embarassed, but this time of herself....
  17. >Derpy took a look at the package
  18. >it was meant to be taken by the... client in the office
  19. >she had delivered it by accident
  20. >or maybe they gave it to her because it was on her name....
  21. >she oponed it
  22. >Dinky gulped
  23. >a Daring Doo book signed by the author
  24. >sounds expensive
  25. >actually it would explain why the money seemed to dissapear so quickly
  26. >Dinky was on the verge of tears
  27. >"You have to ask permission for these things, Muffin."
  28. >"I'm... sorry..." Dinky was begining to cry, the buyer's remorse was apparent
  29. >"Hush, baby" said Derpy caressing her "you can keep it, but promise me this won't happen again"
  30. >"Re... Really? Oh THANK YOU!" *hugs* "It won't!"
  31. >"Good!" replied derpy smiling happily "now be a good girl and bring mommy the belt"
  34. -------
  35. NOTE : the next part is taken from various anon replies. each one wrote down a different scenario for the same setup
  36. --------
  37. Alternative
  39. >"Alright honey, now raise your bottom up...and stop that crying, you had to know this was coming."
  40. "Y-y-yes [sob] Mommy."
  41. >"Alright, you're getting one stripe for every bit this costs over your allowance."
  42. "BUT THAT'S OVER 300 BITS!"
  43. >"Oh my...this is going to take a while. [Derpy thinks about it for a moment]
  44. >"Plus 3 more stripes for every minute you make me late on the remainder of my route."
  46. Alternative
  48. >"Re... Really? Oh THANK YOU!" *hugs* "It won't!"
  49. >"Good. Now please unhug me, muffin, mommy has to order a package for herself"
  50. >"Really? What is it?"
  51. >"A paddle"
  52. >"...huh?...why?"
  53. >"For your punishment, of course! I can't just let you get away with it, now can I?"
  54. >"Bu... but..."
  55. >"Yes, butt, yours. I don't know how long it will take, though. No hurry though! And this time you can go receive it!"
  57. Alternative followup
  58. >"And this time you can go receive it!"
  59. >Dinky has to go to the post office downtown and sign for her paddle
  60. >it's not wrapped, just has an address label on it
  61. >she carries it in her mouth all the way home
  62. >neighborhood foals make fun of her
  64. Alternative
  65. >as Dinky was going upstairs to bring the belt.
  66. >Derpy went into the kitchen.
  67. >There she was shocked to see her Muffin plate was empty.
  68. >she labeled and sealed it close.
  69. >"DINKY!" she yelled
  71. Alternative
  72. >Derpy opened the package.
  73. >it's a fancy looking wooden hairbrush with Bank association sign on it.
  74. >Dinky was confused. this is not what she ordered.
  75. >"What is this ?"
  76. >there was a note inside.
  77. >Derpy read it out loud.
  78. >'We saw your little naughty filly buying expensive stuff using your credit card. she also forged your signature. We canceled her expensive order and we would like to present you with this sturdy wooden brush instead. you know what to do - signed The bank association.'
  79. >"I'm... sorry..." Dinky was beginning to cry in remorse.
  80. ... you know the rest
  82. alternative Follow Up
  83. >"aww aww aw"
  84. >"shame on you. "
  85. >"aww not so hard"
  86. >"going outside, buying stuff with stolen credit card."
  87. >"you are hurting me aww."
  88. >"how can I face other moms right now. you disappoint me Dinky. "
  89. >"aw I said I'm sorry."
  90. >"what were you thinking going outside with a messy mane like that. even the bank association had some pity on us and gave us a hairbrush."
  91. >"aww stop pulling hard. "
  92. >"sheesh, how can your mane be so jagged up. were u using the shampoo i gave you ?"

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