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Anon's Visit to the Crystal Empire by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:50:34
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:46:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Anon's Visit to the Crystal Empire by RusticAnon
  2. (Anon / Flurry Heart, Cadance)
  4. (06/12/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >you are anon
  10. >human in Equestria
  11. >you are currently staying under twilight's supervision.
  12. >one day twilight was needed at the crystal empire.
  13. >Twilight took you and spike with her.
  14. >Ponies still didn't get used to you being different.
  15. >but they treat you nicely cause of the princess twilight.
  16. >Twilight flu away ahead of you to the crystal empire.
  17. >she asked spike to escort you there.
  18. >you had to travel by the train station.
  19. >you and spike have a lot in common.
  20. >you befriended the little dragon.
  21. >spike told you about his heroic deeds in the crystal empire.
  22. >And how big a deal he is there.
  23. >you arrived at the train station there.
  24. >spike disguised himself and got of the train station.
  25. >I have a small errand you should head toward the castle. its the tall building in the middle of the city.
  26. >spike then ran off.
  27. >you had to check your bags and got of the train.
  28. >as soon as you left the station.
  29. >One of the crystal guards stood in front of you.
  30. >"Halt!"
  31. >you find it cute how the little blue crystal colored pony trying to intimidate you.
  32. >"what kind of creature are you , And what are you planning to do in the crystal empire"
  33. >"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do"
  34. >you picked the guard up
  35. >"hey what are you.. this is a direct assault"
  36. >you ignored the stallion's rebellion and gave him a hug.
  37. >he was frozen for a moment. and his helmet dropped of his head.
  38. >then he pushed you away and rebelled.
  39. >"Hey hey I cannot believe you just did that to me. I'm ..."
  40. >you put him down and petted his head. "you crystal ponies are so cute"
  41. >he blushed hey I'm not...
  42. >"don't worry I'm here with the princess."
  43. >"princess huh" , he said that while picking his helmet.
  44. >He then blew a whistle.
  45. >moments later you were swarmed by other crystal guards.
  46. >"capture him"
  47. >and they did throw a rope around you.
  48. >you looked around for spike but he is no where to be seen.
  49. >they took you to the castle's dungeon.
  51. >and before they throw you in . Princess Cadences came down to meet you.
  52. >so this is the creature you speak of.
  53. >the blue guard said yes. he assaulted me and was planning on assaulting the princess.
  54. >you laughed, I did not do any of those things.
  55. >this is just a little miss understanding that's all.
  56. >misunderstanding huh..
  57. >yes I'm sure princess Twilight can explain the whole thing.
  58. >"See. he already ..." the blue guard was talking then the princess interrupted him and said
  59. "Twilight huh.. I'm sure she can if you just tell us where she is ?"
  60. >"what, is princess twilight missing ?"
  61. >"Don't play dumb in front of the princess" the blue guard.
  62. >"listen I am supposed to meet twilight here in the castle."
  63. >the blue gaurd was about to say something but princess Cadence stopped him again. then looked at you to continue.
  64. >"you explained the whole thing"
  65. >Cadence "so you telling me that spike traveled with you and he is already at the crystal empire ?"
  66. >yes
  67. >"guard?"
  68. >no mam spike wasn't sighted in the empire "
  69. >she then looked at you with a raised eyebrow
  70. >"i told you spike was in his stupid disguise . are you telling me your guards are that incompetent ?"
  71. >the blue guard was pissed.
  72. >then suddenly another guard came in and informed the princess that spike arrived at the castle.
  73. >"you smirked , see "
  74. >bring him in
  75. >moments later spike came in
  76. >Anon! hey why is he tied up like that
  77. >the blue guard .. he assaulted us and ...
  78. >so spike good to see you in the crystal empire .
  79. >oh hello princess cadence
  80. >was twilight traveling with you ?
  81. >no she went and flu ahead of us . wait ... is twilight missing 'spike started to panic'
  82. >Don't worry I'm sure she would arrive here soon.
  83. >but what if something happened to her. what if she was hit by lighting and exploded /
  84. >relax spike that's not how lightning works.
  85. >release him.
  87. >"sorry for the rough treatment , you see our guards were just doing their job.
  88. >"it turned out ok, but for now we have to look for twilight."
  89. >um yes.
  90. >you are welcome to stay in the castle for the time being until we find out about twilight.
  91. >She summoned the gaurds . she learned that twilight actually made it in the crystal empire and was last seen inside the castle.
  92. >she started to explain to spike the situation. you were just there listening..
  93. >shining armor was attending the dignitaries of another part of equestria.
  94. >I need to join the meeting soon.
  95. >Twilight was supposed to investigate the missing baby sitting staff.
  96. >they just keep disappearing for some reason.
  97. >"Detective spike can handle it"
  98. >this is no game spike take some of guards with you just to be safe.
  99. >I have to attend the meeting. If I don't my husband would have a panic attack.
  100. >meanwhile shining armor was sitting there in the meeting covered with sweats. and kinda losing it.
  101. >cadence left spike in charge with some of the guards. the blue guards was with him.
  102. >"what do you think happened to the staff anon ?"
  103. >"I'm not sure but we need to see the seen first "
  104. >"the crime scene ?"
  105. >"don't assume it. we are not sure if its a crime or not."
  106. >"not a crime .. yet"
  107. >you rolled your eyes.
  108. >spike ordered the guard to look for anything suspicious in the castle.
  109. >the blue guard stood and pointed at you.
  110. >Spike "no somepony other that anon."
  111. >he glared at you and left the area.
  112. >you and spike entered Flurry hearts's room.
  113. >it was fairly big room. it was kinda messy filled with toys and other baby stuff. as expected in a baby room.
  114. >flurry heart was inside her crib. next to her was a white mare with pink mane. she looked exhausted.
  115. >"oh look at you. you grown up much than the last time I saw you" -spike said
  116. >"spikey .."
  117. >"oh you can talk!"
  118. >the pony who was attending her said . yeah and she can read also.
  119. >"this is amazing "
  121. >what happened to the rest of the staff ? - you asked
  122. >"I have no idea. I only started working here since yesterday."
  123. >have you noticed anything strange going on ?
  124. >well now you mentioned it some times I feel that I'm being watched .
  125. >"yea i get that feeling too"
  126. >well its feeding time for her.
  127. >the pony stood up and she trembled next to you.
  128. >you held her and fixed her equilibrium
  129. >sorry I am exhausted. I couldn't get enough sleep. taking care of baby alicorn her age is really hard.
  130. >don't worry you should rest I know a thing or two about babies. (actually you don't but you just said that)
  131. >thank you strange one .. you can find food inside the fridge over there. it's the bottle marked Monday.
  132. >Monday got it.
  133. >Spike went ahead of you and grabed it and brought it to you.
  134. >thanks spike.
  135. >you went and picked flurry up .
  136. >she smiled.
  137. >you then put her inside her high chair.
  138. >you opened the bottle ,grabbed a spoon then got some of the food of the bottle.
  139. >open wide
  140. >no.
  141. >take its yummy.
  142. >no. she protested and closed shut her mouth.
  143. >you looked at the baby sitter for little help but she was already asleep in her chair.
  144. >you tried to imitate an air plane.
  145. >her comes the air plane vroom.
  146. >you swung the spoon around playing with it as if it was air plane.
  147. >she laughed and was exited .
  148. >she casted a spell on the spoon.
  149. >suddenly the spoon came to life and started to fly on its own dragging you with it.
  150. >you were flung around and fell on the floor.
  151. >the baby sitter woke up.
  152. >"what's happening ?"
  153. >umm she just casted a spell nothing to worry about.
  154. >oh no
  155. >she panicked and ducked under the chair.
  156. >what ?
  157. >she goes into magic berserk. no pony noes what's she gonna do next.
  158. >relax she is just a baby.
  159. >a baby alicorn is different. we must do something.
  160. >she crawl down and crept toward flurry.
  161. >you just laid down on the ground watching the flying spoon goes by.
  162. >what do you suggest we do - spike asked
  164. >we should grab her horn. that way we can muffle her spell casting.
  165. >oh well that's easy
  166. >wait ...
  167. >spike jumpped at the table infront of flurry heart.
  168. >she was startled by him and then she shoot him with a spell.
  169. >he turned into a baby bottle.
  170. >oh no spike.
  171. >the bottle was spinning around then fell of the table.
  172. >you immediately jumped and grabbed it.
  173. >you turned around and asked the pony.
  174. >umm what would happen if the bottle breaks ?
  175. >I'm not sure if you want to know.
  176. >flurry then start flying around.
  177. >oh there she goes again.
  178. >the mare stood up and shouted at flurry to get down.
  179. >flurry "no i wana play with the plane wee.
  180. >you can get play after you finish this bottle.
  181. >yuky bottle you eat it.
  182. >Flurry casted a spell on the mare teleporting her at the high chair.
  183. >she was stuck sitting there. as the high chair size wasn't meant for big ponies like her.
  184. >the bottle and the spoon came to life. the spoon went inside the bottle and scooped a spoonful of the baby food . then it went toward her .
  185. >she was being force fed.
  186. >you don't know what to do.
  187. >you put the spike bottle in a safe place.
  188. >then you tried to talk to her.
  189. >come here flurry lets play .
  190. >play ?
  191. >yes we play a game,
  192. >yay game . lets play hide and seek
  193. >ok you hide and I'll seek you.
  194. >you closed your eyes and start counting.
  195. >she went and hide behind the crib.
  196. >ok ready or not here i come.
  197. >you knew where she was. but you ignored her and went to free the poor pony that was being stuck in the high chair.
  198. >you tried to pull her up , but that didn't help she was wedged in.
  199. >ok I think I need to break this.
  200. >you applied much pressure force on the joint and broke her free
  201. >you then slowly cheeped toward the crib.
  202. >Gotcha
  203. >she screamed no fair then pushed you. with her magic
  204. >you flung away and fell off the window.
  205. >this is was it.
  206. >you were at the high tower of the crystal palace.
  207. >you were doomed.
  208. >you felt the world around you turn dark.
  209. >and splat you hit rock bottom.smashed your head and died
  211. >but then you the black haze was lifted.
  212. >you were still alive.
  213. >dangling in the air.
  214. >you were just imagining you death.
  215. >you were saved by the same blue guard.
  216. >he was struggling and barely flying as you were descending to the ground.
  217. >What in the hey are you trying pull here. Jumping of the building like th...
  218. >before he finished you gave him another hug.
  219. >thank you!
  220. >umm.. he blushed and looked away for a sec.
  221. >I thought I was a goner if it wasn't for you.
  222. >hey man I'm just doing my job.
  223. >that little brat pushed me off the window.
  224. >little flurry heart ?
  225. >yea. I'm powerless against her magic.
  226. >well if it's magic ... I think I have a temporary solution.
  227. >oh..
  228. >one sec . he flow off then moments later he came back holding a bottle in his mouth.
  229. >here .
  230. >what is it ?
  231. >its anti magic potion. We as a guards have to be prepared for all types of encounters.
  232. >interesting.. how do i use it ?
  233. >you drink it duh.
  234. >is it safe for .. humans ?
  235. >I think so. it's made from none poisonous herbs.
  236. >here goes nothing.
  237. >you drank the whole bottle.
  238. >but I have warn you. the effect only last for about 5 mins.
  239. >five mins. I have to hurry up upstairs then.
  240. >you start running.
  241. >I'd fly you up if you weren't that heavy.
  242. >hey I'm not fat.
  243. >you climbed up the stairs to deal with the little naughty filly.
  244. >you reached her room.
  245. >the red head pony was trying to take away a book from little flurry heart.
  246. >Hey give me that. you shouldn't be reading that...
  247. >no I want it ... its mine
  248. >I said let it go.
  249. >no
  250. >somehow the pony grip slipped and flurry got the book.
  251. >then flurry start reading it. and casted a spell on her.
  252. >she got transformed into a mane brush.
  253. >Flurry Heart! - you yelled.
  254. >she looked at you.
  255. >Stop transforming other ponies.
  256. >no. she casted a spell on you. but it had no effect.
  257. >she panicked. and kept casting spells on you with no effect. as you were approaching her.
  258. >you cannot harm me. so Stop wasting your energy on me and turn every pony back.
  260. >hmmf - she turned her head away.
  261. >you picked her up and placed her on your knee.
  262. >You have been very naughty little filly. you know what we do to naughty fillies ?
  263. >she did not replay.
  264. >you grabbed her tail then pulled down her diaper exposing her tiny butt.
  265. >then you raised your hand and gave her a light smack.
  266. >she was shocked. it was her first time experiencing this.
  267. >turn everypony back.
  268. >no.
  269. Smack!
  270. >this one was with a little more force. still wasn't much to harm a little filly like her.
  271. Owee
  272. >she turned her head back looking at you.
  273. >she saw your serious face.
  274. >she then got a little scared. he is serious and not playing around.
  275. >turn them back.
  276. >for some reason she kept protesting.
  277. Smack! smack! smack!
  278. aa aa aaawwe
  279. >she was about to cry but still refuse to break and refused to comply.
  280. >you let out a sigh...
  281. >Turn them BACK!
  282. smack! Smack! Smack! smack!
  283. >she was frawning. she didn't want to get spanked anymore and was about to burst into tears.
  284. Smack! smack! smack! smack!
  285. >FLURRY ! Oh my celestia what the hell are you doing! - Candace
  286. >cadance suddenly entered the room. she was shocked at what you were doing and soon she shoot you with a beam.
  287. >it actually connects and it pushed you away to against the wall. guess the potion effect wore off.
  288. >she got to her daughter and hugged her.
  289. >are you hurt? - she asked flurry.
  290. >yes mommy that big meany came here and hit me.
  291. >How dare you do that to my daughter.
  292. >its not what its look like she.
  293. >silence! ... she abused her magic and silenced you.
  294. >she was mad.
  295. >I have never should have trusted you.. how would you like it if you were in her postion.
  296. >she then used her alicorn's magic to transform you into a little colt.
  297. >poof!
  298. >you are now little foal. you were disoriented form this. somehow you and your cloth shrank.
  300. >she was attending to her daughter.
  301. >you tried to walk but you tripped over.
  302. >Cadance turned around to see you walking toward the door.
  303. >oh no you don't. - Cadance
  304. >she picked you up with her magic then she hanged you by your cloth on a cloth's hook.
  305. >stay there you little savage.
  306. >one of the guards came in the room and whispered something in her ears.
  307. >she nodded.
  308. >Cadance then kissed flurry heart on her head and then told her .
  309. >"don't worry that big beast wont hurt you anymore . mommy will be back quick."
  310. >then they both left the room.
  311. >you struggled to get down but you couldn't get off the hook.
  312. >then you noticed that flurry was looking at you with a grin on her face.
  313. >she was holding something behind her back.
  314. >you gulped. you tried to talk but the silence spell still in effect.
  315. >she then revealed what she was hiding .
  316. >it was that spell book that the other pony was trying to take from her.
  317. >she turned few pages on.
  318. >she then got an evil smile and looked back at you.
  319. >you know that means trouble.
  320. >you tried really hard to get off the hook as she was preparing to cast a magical spell.
  321. >boom
  322. >she hit you with the spell.
  323. >it bounced you up and you fell on the floor.
  324. >ouch the small fall really hurt you.
  325. >she turned the book around to show you what she just cast on you.
  326. >you read the lines, it says damage amplifying spell. cause nerves to be more receptive to ....
  327. >then suddenly you saw an opening.
  328. >she was a bit distracted by her gloating.
  329. >you jumped at her. and took the book off her.
  330. >you raised the book up as she was trying to catch it.
  331. >you just lean backward pulling the book away from her.
  332. >then all of sudden she dropped on the floor and start crying.
  333. >you were confused of her odd behavior.
  334. >Oh my Celestia!
  335. >Cadance just got back and saw you holding the book up as if you were about to smack flurry who is laying and crying on the floor.
  337. >I can't leave for one min without you hurting my daughter.
  338. >Come here you little menace.
  339. >she yanked your ear pulling you toward a chair.
  340. >She sat down then picked you up. and placed you on her knees.
  341. >you soon know what's gonna happen.
  342. >your gonna have a taste of your own medicine "
  343. >she raised her hoof then
  344. Wham!
  345. >that really felt that.
  346. Wham!
  347. >you wanted to yelp but your voice were still under the silencing spell.
  348. Wham! Wham! Wham!
  349. >she mercilessly spanked you. all you can do is kick and squirm.
  350. >first you threaten my guards.
  351. Wham Wham wham!
  352. >you betrayed my trust.
  353. Wham! Wham! Wham!
  354. >that guard must have told the truth.
  355. >Wham wham! wham!
  356. >you were trying to assault the princesses.
  357. wham! Wham!
  358. >Assaulting my poor little princess.
  359. >Wham WHam WHam!
  360. >this really hurts . hurts more than usual.
  361. >you couldn't handle this.
  362. >you start burst into tears. and bawled (in silence)
  363. >she stopped when she saw you crying. maybe she thought she was over doing it.
  364. >she pulled down your pants and your brief exposing your little pony rump.
  365. >it was barley pink.
  366. >huh could have fooled me with those fake tears.
  367. >meanwhile while you were getting it
  368. >flurry was laughing at you.
  369. >she went throw a drawer and pulled up some make up.
  370. >Cadance was busy with you and didn't notice what her mischievous little alicorn was doing.
  371. >she pulled her diaper's down and put some red and blue make up on her butt making it look like it was swollen.
  372. Wham! Wham!
  374. Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham!
  375. >Cadance kept spanking you despite the fact you were crying and wailing.
  376. >you still not 100% in control of your body. being turned into 4 legged animal is not a pleasant experience.
  377. >but pain is pain .
  378. >you had few reflexes.
  379. >you were kicking and squirming in her lap as your butt getting tanned.
  380. >you wanted it to stop.
  381. >unconsciously you peed on yourself.
  382. >eew! - cadance said.
  383. >control yourself little colt.
  384. >you finally cached your breath cause she stopped spanking you for that moment.
  385. >are you acting like a little foal ?
  386. >trying to get some sympathy from me ?
  387. >you were panting . with much hiccups.
  388. >she pulled down your pants. and took off your shirt.
  389. >stripping you naked.
  390. >guess I'll have to deal with one more baby.
  391. >she then picked you up toward the table and placed you on your back.
  392. >she took a wipe and wiped your crotch.
  393. >you felt violated.
  394. >adding to your humiliation she rubbed some baby oil and made you wear diaper.
  395. >there this should keep you from having any more accidents.
  396. gurgling !
  397. >flurry was sitting holding her stomach.
  398. >oh are you hungry little flur.
  399. >she opened the fridge with her magic and took off a milk bottle.
  400. >she then levitated the baby bottle that was on the the table. she poured the milk inside it.
  401. >you widen your eyes. you want to talk and tell her about that bottle.
  402. >but the silence spell was still active.
  403. >she focused her magic on the baby bottle. and the milk started to get heated.
  404. >by that moment you finally was able to talk. the magic spell was lifted.
  405. >hey stop using that bottle .
  406. >Cadance gave you an opposing stare.
  407. >why not.
  408. >this bottle is actually spike.
  409. >she kept her opposing void stare.
  411. >spike ?
  412. >yea flurry turned him into a this baby bottle.
  413. >... I'm not sure what are you trying to pull here.
  414. >listen I'm telling the truth. flurry was casting spells from a book and transformed spike and other ponies into random objects.
  415. >and she even cast a spell on ....
  416. >Enough! I guess being in filly body brought the worst in you. you are just lying and making stupid excuses blaming my poor innocent little baby for..
  417. >and you even beat the crap out of her.
  418. >I know how to handle kids. I was trying to make her turn the others back to normal.
  419. >Again with these lies ?
  420. >mommy it hurt. - flurry said
  421. >cadance took a look at her daughter. flurry heart was rubbing her bare butt showing off her fake bruised injury.
  422. >cadance got really mad.
  423. >not know how to handle kids .. you monster.
  424. >I didn't hit her that hard .. she must have fake it.
  425. >Cadance exploded.
  426. >again with your lies and blame game. maybe i didn't spank you hard enough.
  427. >she yanked your ears and pulled you back toward the chair.
  428. >she sat down and placed you on her lap.
  429. >she then grabbed the mane brush that was laying on the floor .
  430. >and before you could say anything .
  431. >your fluffy pink diaper were pulled down and you received it.
  432. Whap! Whap! Whap! whap!
  433. >you immediately bursted into tears.
  434. >the pain was unbearable.
  435. >she was angry and she was spanking you without mercy.
  436. whap! Whap! WHap! WHap!
  437. >you were bawling . howling.
  438. >your face is all messed up .
  439. >tears flying . snots running.
  440. >flurry was laughing at you.
  441. Whap! Whap! whap! whap!
  442. >cadance kept going and going none stop.
  443. >making stupid excuses. blaming me daughter.
  444. >she is only a little kid. she can't even talk properly .
  445. Whap whap whap
  446. >yet you claim that she was using advance magic spell.
  447. Whap whap whap
  448. >And from a book
  449. Whap whap whap
  450. >A frigging book. how do u expect a little foal like her to read.
  452. Whap! Whap! whap! whap!
  453. >you were way busy squalling kicking and crying to answer her.
  454. >you already passed the point of all you can take . you don't know anything anymore and was unable to do anything.
  455. Whap! Whap! whap! whap!
  456. >your butt color was turning from red to purple.
  457. Whap! Whap!
  458. >then suddenly. the wall mirror was moving on its on.
  459. >it was vibrating then suddenly . Poof!
  460. >the mirror transformed into Twilight.
  461. >as soon as twilight hit the ground. she immediately cast a spell.
  462. >FREEZE!
  463. >she froze the time.
  464. >everything in the room stopped moving.
  465. >you were just smacked by the brush. and you were screaming.
  466. >flurry was laughing in her crib.
  467. >but everything was frozen in motionless.
  468. >twilight was catching up her breath.
  469. >then she stayed focused.
  470. >I only have one chance of this.
  471. >I need to combine my brother's shield spell with reverse magic spell.
  472. >she focused her magic on the tip of her horn then boom she cast a spell on the entire room.
  473. >she dispelled and undone everything.
  474. >you turned back to normal human self. but unfortunately you were still wearing that pink diaper and was still laying on Cadance lap.
  475. >the cadance was holding also turned back to normal.
  476. >it turned into that mare from before that was taking care of flurry.
  477. >she was crying.
  478. >her butt was red and was pushed against yours.
  479. >apparently the back of the brush was also her butt. and cadance was spanking both of you.
  480. >she was being held by her tail .
  481. >the time was still frozen.
  482. >the baby bottle turned back into spike.
  483. >flurry heart stopped laughing.
  484. >the spoon from earlier turned into sunburst.
  485. >and other random stuff turned into other ponies as well.
  486. >all these things happened within twilight frozen time frame.
  488. >then soon the time start flowing again.
  489. >the chair cadance was sitting broke.
  490. >she fell on the floor while you and that other mare fell on top of her.
  491. >Cadance was confused of what just happened.
  492. >good everything is back to normal. -twilight
  493. >is everypony alright ? -twilight
  494. >the mare was sitting on top of you and she was crying.
  495. >you tried to get of but she was kinda in the way.
  496. >cadance was holding her tail. she realized that and released her.
  497. >she moved while sniffling.
  498. >you jumped of the floor and took a rug and wrapped it on yourself. you were almost naked after all.
  499. >Twilight ! - you said.
  500. >sunburst turned around and was wiping his penis . it was stained with foal's food.
  502. >spike curled down holding his stomach.
  503. >aww my stomach hurt. what did I eat ? - spike
  504. >twilight ignored you and head to flurry's crib.
  505. >she looked at flurry heart.
  506. >flurry was just sitting there innocently.
  507. >Twilight waved her hoof in front of flurry's face.
  508. >flurry was dosed off barely noticing Twilight .
  509. >ok, It seems that she turned back to her normal self.
  510. >sunburst was nervous for some reason.
  511. >twilight noticed how nervous he was.
  512. >she somehow knew he had something to do with it.
  513. >she glared at him.
  514. >sunburst felt pressured and he couldn't take it anymore.
  515. >ok it was all my fault.
  516. >I was doing a little research on the progress of alicorn intelligence. >I found out that she was receptive to brain enhancing spells.
  517. >and I did cast that on her . the results were amazing. she was able to solve basic mathematical equations. and she got much better control of her magic.
  518. >if she can control her alicorn outburst at young age. we can prevent another disaster , like that time she broke the crystal heart.
  519. >but I was foolish enough to increase the intensity of her brain enhancing spell. it back fired on me and she transformed me into a spoon. that's all I remember.
  520. >cadance then continued the tale
  521. >when you were missing I sent a look out team to search for you. meanwhile the other staff took care of her. she transformed them one by one. so I had to send for twilight for help.
  522. >twilight continued...
  523. >I came here as fast as I could. I met my brother who was on his way to the meeting. he explained the whole thing.
  524. >so i went straight to see flurry heart to make sure she was safe. which thankfully was. then I noticed her increased intelligence. she manged to imitate my spells.
  526. >I was so fascinated by her progress. and I had to document everything. I wanted to be the first to document a baby alicorn's progress.
  527. >sunburst sorry twilight but I was first in that field. -sunburst
  528. >but I had more progress than you . -Twilight
  529. >doesn't matter I was doing it first. -Sunburst
  530. >can you not compete on experimenting on my daughter. -Cadance
  531. >oh sorry. -both twilight and sunburst
  532. >continue twilight. - Cadance
  533. >ok where was I ... oh yes I continued to cast higher level spell seeing if she can keep up. somehow she did. I cast brain for thought spell on her and she was able to read. so I brought with me the advance arcane spellbook. then I showed it to her. she was only a foal. she didn't really understand all of it. she just picked random spell that thought it was cool for her.
  534. >and before I knew it she cast me inside the mirror. I got trapped there for 2 days. watching and monitoring all things that happened.
  535. >the red head mare was rubbing her red butt."I knew that I was being watched."
  536. >anon came here and got caught into this mess.
  537. >she throw me out of the tall tower to my death. if it was not for that guard I would be dead by now.
  538. >she turned spike into a baby bottle.
  539. >spike, I was turned into what ! that's lame owe owe my stomach.
  540. >your stomach ache probably cause This princess (you pointed at cadance) wouldn't listen to me and pure milk inside the bottle ...errr you.
  541. >Cadance was kinda ashamed and lowered her ears.
  542. >Twilight tried to defuse the accusations. she said "at least no pony got hurt in the process"
  543. >you , that mare and spike stared at twilight.
  544. >twilight panicked a little and corrected her sentence.
  545. >"no one was badly hurt..."
  546. >she stopped when that mare showed twilight her red rump.
  547. >twilight panicked again.
  549. >I'm sorry everypony . -Cadance.
  550. >I'm sorry that my daughter caused you all these troubles. I take full responsibilities for her actions.
  551. >ever other ponies instantly forgave her. it wasn't your fault... it's ok... I was the one who cause all of this - sunburst.
  552. >twilight no it was me who brought her the magical book.
  553. >you on the other hand felt her apology was have ass-ed. these ponies have great respect for their Queen. so they cannot really be so sincere and not kiss up to her.
  554. >you didn't want to say anything and be the outcast of the crowd, so you just left the room.
  555. >as every other pony in the room sharing the blame Cadance noticed you leaving but didn't say anything.
  556. >she excused herself. she was still needed in the meeting that was taking place outside the empire.
  557. >She asked twilight to handle the situation inside the castle.
  558. >then she flew out.
  559. >Twilight took care of things.
  560. >she even personally took you to the guest quarters. and showed you the room you would stay in for the day.
  561. >It's still noon in here in the empire you have the whole day for yourself. you can still go outside and see the Crystal empire. I'm pretty sure you'd love it here.
  562. >maybe I will but first I need a shower and some clean cloths. I can't go out half naked.
  563. >Twilight oh yes you and your weird obsession with cloths.
  564. >you just rolled your eyes knowing there is no point arguing with naked pony.
  565. >you went inside your quarters to refresh. then spend most of your day outside.
  571. >you went outside to see the Crystal empire.
  572. >Twilight was busy taking care of things and spike had stomach ache.
  573. >so you spent the day all alone.
  574. >You have met the blue guard while you were walking on the street.
  575. >you wanted to thank him again for saving your life earlier this morning.
  576. >he saw you walking toward him.
  577. >he immediately hid behind the other guard standing next to him. as he was avoiding you.
  578. >you didn't understand why he was doing that but you continued walking to him and said .
  579. >hey.
  580. >the guard was standing still but the blue one was ducking and hiding behind him.
  581. >he gave you a peek and said hello
  582. >I just want to thank you again for saving my life.
  583. >yea your welcome I was just doing my job.
  584. >umm...
  585. >yes ?
  586. >why are you hiding form me ?
  587. >I don't want anymore awkward hugs from you.
  588. >man hes adorable.
  589. >ok no more free hugs from me. man I'm sounding like that pink pony.
  590. >you continued going on your way.
  591. >you spent all day visiting and sight seeing. till night time.
  592. >you went back to the castle and head to your quarters.
  593. >but you found two guards were standing guarding your assigned room.
  594. >umm... is this really necessary ? - you asked the guards.
  595. >Its the queen's orders. now go inside your room.
  596. >sheesh ok...
  597. >you entered your room only to see that Cadance was already inside your room waiting.
  599. >er.. can I help you ?
  600. >Anon . I want to apologize to what I did to you earlier.
  601. >yea yea an apology... it's not that you can undo the humiliation I suffered today.
  602. >please anon I'm really sorry, there is really no excuse for what I have done.
  603. >there is no way you can understand how violated and humiliated I have felt today. so with all due respect my queen I have to ask you to leave me alone.
  604. >the guilt is eating me alive anon , I cannot live with myself knowing that somepony was hurt because of me.
  605. >not my problem.
  606. >You were playing rough with her as a payback. you cannot stay angry for her forever. you just wanted to push it a bit.
  607. >her face start turning red at the moment. she want to tell you something but her tongue was getting heavier.
  608. >you turned around and pointed at the door. informing her to leave.
  609. >alright anon, there is only one way we can be even .
  610. >you were facing away from her. but you heard her footsteps as she was moving around your quarters.
  611. >then she stopped. and gone silent for a few secs.
  612. >you turned around to see what she was doing.
  613. >she was bending over your bed.
  614. >she raised her rump up and lowered her body leaning forward at the bed.
  615. >you instantly know where she was going with this.
  616. >her face was flushed red.
  617. >you know it was really embarrassing for her to be in that position.
  618. >you felt like you were leading her and about to take advantage of her.
  619. >so you said .
  620. >OK, I forgive you.
  622. >you fought your urge to take your revenge.
  623. >you said you forgive her , even though deep down you didn't.
  624. >a royal alicorn stepping down and letting you spank her was were you draw the line.
  625. >you had to stop being hard ass.
  627. >you .. you..really mean it ? -Cadance
  628. >you paused a little then said "yes"
  629. >she read you clearly.
  630. >Cadance is no fool she knew that you were only pretending and you didn't have the courage to go through with it.
  631. >but deep down she wanted to get rid of this burning guilt.
  632. >she said "no I don't think you mean it. you really haven't forgave me."
  633. >she caught you. and you didn't say anything.
  634. >Cadance lowered her head again leaning forward on the bed.
  635. >I'm giving you the opportunity to get even with me.
  636. >her face did light up the room with blazing red color, as she said the next line.
  637. >Punish me, spank me. humiliate me, just like I did to you. so you don't hold a grudge.
  638. >I can't do that to a royalty. its just not right. besides the guards are at the door.
  639. >if the guards are the issue then.
  640. >Guards!
  641. >she Called them.
  642. >the guards barged inside the room "yes your highness".
  643. >you are both relieved of the guarding duty. Leave us be.
  644. >yes your royal highness.
  645. >they left the room and closed the door behind them.
  646. >one guard asked the other.
  647. >do you think they gonna do it ?
  648. >Don't be ridiculous .
  649. >no really. why did she wanted to be alone with him?
  650. >Bah I've been in this business long enough to not ask these questions.
  651. >should we tell Shining armor?
  652. >Tell him what exactly ?
  653. >err that his wife and that human...
  654. >cheating on him ? do you have proof ? what if she wasn't. what are you gonna do from then ?
  655. >wah you thought this through haven't you.
  656. >I told you I'm far more experienced than you. you should learn a thing or to.
  657. >back to Cadance and anon.
  659. >Ok now the guards are gone.
  660. >No Cadance Its still not right to hit a royalty.
  661. >Grrrr he is so persistence . I really trying to make him forgive me but he is still Ughhh.
  662. >I have to admire his self discipline. I can clearly see it in his eyes that he really want to but he is just stopping himself.
  663. >I hate to leave a pony..err human .. a human go on with a grievance.
  664. >she continued her inner monologue
  665. >... human .. human eh He's not vulnerable to magic and manipulation spells.
  666. >I know a spell that is perfect for this situation but Princess Celestia told me not to use it on any pony...well in this case its not a pony. mere technicality.
  667. >she lit her horn with her magic. Courage spell mixed with desire spell. this would stop him from hesitating.
  668. >Anon did not notice her spell casting and he ignoring her.
  669. >she cast that spell on him. it went through as a continuance beam.
  670. >Owch!
  671. >the beam was still hitting you.
  672. >Pfft. I've had it with your stupid horns and your stupid magics. No more spells casting.
  673. >you said that while walking toward her.
  674. >she was still channeling the spell at you.
  675. >you raised you hand up. and grabbed her horn as it was still casting the spell.
  676. >that muffled her magic. you felt your hand was burning but you pissed and irritated to care.
  677. >she got a bit nervous.
  678. >huh not so tough now your royal highness.
  679. >you didn't really know what got into you. but you were more aggressive and you acted like a jerk.(more bluntly than usual)
  680. >as soon as you let go of her horn, she start casting another.
  681. >I've had it with your stupid alicorn magic.
  682. >you then slapped her across her cheeks.
  683. >she pulled her hoof into her slapped cheek looking shocked.
  684. >No more magic.
  686. >she soon regretted the spell she cast on you.
  687. >she wanted to undo it.
  688. >she waited for you to turn away.
  689. >she focused her magic again on her horn.
  690. >but she immediately got another slap from you.
  691. >I said No more magic.
  692. >you then raised your hand up. she cowered down in fear.
  693. >yea that's it. now your getting it. mrs Crystal Queen. now stand up.
  694. >she was trembling and didn't comply.
  695. >I said Stand up.
  696. >she stood up .
  697. >now turn around.
  698. >and she did but as soon as she did it. cadance thought you were finally gonna spank her.
  699. >she moved her tail away from her rump exposing her butt for you.
  700. >only to be shocked by your penetrating finger that went inside her butthole.
  701. >no what are you doing.
  702. >you wiggled your finger inside her and sternly told her.
  703. >who said you can talk.
  704. >auh aa aaah.
  705. >she wasn't enjoying it at all.
  706. >sahp this is not right.
  707. >not right ? and what you did to me was right ?.
  708. >she ...
  709. >yea thought so. Using your stupid magic to solve all your problem. jumping into conclusion.
  710. >you said that as your anger meter raises. you removed your finger from her and continued talking.
  711. >and then.. you .. you spanked me.
  712. Smack!
  713. >you smacked her butt cheek
  714. >in Cadance head "I knew he did not forgive me for what I did. And he want to be even.I was right "
  715. Smack
  716. >you gave her another one. she didn't budge or react to it.
  717. >maybe I'm not smacking her hard.
  718. Smack
  719. >still not very good reaction. oh yea I remember ponies have very thick hide. and alicorns are far more tough from average ponies.
  720. smack!
  721. ..
  722. >ok time to get a bit serious.
  723. >you raised your hand up and tensed your mucscle preparing for a really strong assault.
  724. SMACK!
  725. >you smacked her with almost as hard as you could.
  726. >Aaaw she jumped from the shock.
  727. >she must have felt that.
  728. >you then gave her other butt cheek another...
  729. SMACK!
  730. Awwe
  731. >you can see your hand print on her butt.
  733. Smack! smack
  734. Aww. oww
  735. >she was trying to muffle her voice trying to act a bit tough.
  736. Smack smack
  737. >her but and thighs were twitching. she wasn't able to stand still.
  738. Smack
  739. >her legs couldn't support her so she fell.
  740. >you tired to catch her but you ended up falling too.
  741. >you fell on the ground with your legs spread in front of you. she fell on your lap.
  742. >but that didn't stop you.
  743. >you rage even more.
  744. >you released a relentless smacks on her candy like butt.
  745. SMack smack smack smack
  746. >she was in pain. she couldn't take it anymore of it.
  747. >she squirmed around and pushing her self away from you.
  748. >you grabbed her from the waist to stop her from moving away.
  749. Smack smack smack
  750. >Cadance twisted her body rolling it to face you. making it harder for you to land a spank.
  751. >you grabbed her right hoof and pinned it on her back. forcing her to be in spanking position.
  752. Smack smack smack
  753. >she burst into tears. her back legs were still free and she was kicking and also tried to push herself away.
  754. >you used your right leg to pin her legs down. making her to be bent on your left leg.
  755. >her body was arched away with her butt was up. into perfect spanking position.
  756. >now that she is completely pinned down and unable to escape your wrath she felt helpless.
  757. >you then prepared yourself to give her the spanking of the life time.
  758. >there is no way she can stop you .
  760. >you gave her a relentless barrage of smacks across both her cheeks. you were spanking her Hard and Fast.
  761. >she couldn't stand it no more she start bawling.
  762. >her shoulder was twitchy. she was still trying to squirm around but you held her good.
  763. Smack smack smack smack smack
  764. aaww haa eee ooow awww I'm sorry .ouch
  765. >she was screaming .. crying.. unable to breath normally .. her snots were running.
  766. >she was a complete mess.
  767. Smack smack smack smack
  768. I'm sorry anon oww aaah sorry aah
  770. >you just went overboard and continued to smack her hard.
  771. >her butt shade changed from pinkish to tomato red.
  772. >she seems want to speak but she was unable to.
  773. Smack smack smack smack
  774. >you went on and on . you already passed her limits. it was way too much.
  775. >your arms got tired so you took a little break.
  776. >she was wailing.
  777. >I'm soooooooory. aaaaaaah waaaah I'm sooooory aahaaha
  778. >you took a look at your smacking hand.
  779. >it was all red. you then inspected the damage you have causes.
  780. >her butt was blazing red. and was kinda a bit swollen.
  781. >you let go of her hoof and let her relax for a bit.
  782. >then start massaging her butt .
  783. >she was catching her breath. still crying. and kinda tired.
  784. >she took a deep breath and gain her speaking ability.
  785. >so ... anon... are we hic... even now ?
  786. >are we even ?... even you say ?
  787. >You spanked me way harder than I did. you turned me into a filly. fillies are more respective to pain than fully grown adult.
  788. >but it really hurt look at my butt.
  789. >that didn't stop you from spanking me did you ? DID YOU HUH?
  790. >my hands hurts you thought to yourself while looking around for something to spank her with. and then you saw something glowing in the distance.
  791. >it was a wooden mane brush.
  792. >perfect.
  793. >You then told Cadnace.
  794. >go fetch me that brush.
  795. >her ears went down. she got really nervous.
  796. >no not the brush .
  797. >don't keep me waiting fetch me that brush NOW!
  798. >with tears in her eyes she levitated the brush and brought it in front of you.
  799. >you grabbed it.
  800. >then immediately without any warning you gave her hard
  801. Whap! WHap! WHap whap! whap
  802. 5 smacks across her well spanked cheeks while yelling.
  803. >what did I tell you about using magic ?
  804. >aa ooow aaooow awo aha ow.
  805. >no fair you said to fet..
  806. >who said I'd be playing fair. Did you play fair with me ?
  808. >she went silenced. ' Oh what did I get myself into. he's really sperging on every single thing'
  809. >I'm gonna hurt you the way you hurt me.
  810. Whap! whap whap whap whap!
  811. >she bursted into tears again and start bawling like a little filly.
  812. Whap! whap whapty whap whap.
  813. >her mind went completely blank she cannot think stright anymore .
  814. Whap! whap whap whap whap!
  815. >she just want this to end.
  816. >please no more waaah sooory I'm oooow sorry waah.
  817. >you ignored her pleading and continued to spank her flaming red butt.
  818. Whap! whap whap whap whap!
  819. >she tried to attack you.
  820. >all she can reach is your back. so she kicked and pounded on your back.
  821. >You didn't care less about it and went on and on
  822. Whap! whap whap whap whap!
  823. >she slaped your face with her tail.
  824. >it blocked your view but you soon pined her tail down under your chin.
  825. Whap! whap whap whap whap!
  826. >you took her spanking way too far.
  827. >she wont be able to sit for days.
  828. Whap! whap whap whap whap!
  829. >then ur thighs felt warm all of the sudden.
  830. >she was still bawling kicking like usual.
  831. >you stopped paddling her.
  832. >you had to inspect the source. you discovered that she peed on herself without even knowing.
  833. >you remembered having similar accident earlier while she was spanking you.
  834. >you realized now that you went way too far.
  835. >you pulled yourself from under her.
  836. >she stayed there laying on the floor.
  837. >you took a off your pants and wiped your legs.
  838. >then you went behind her and wiped between her legs.
  839. >she was still crying and made a sound of protest.
  840. >you of caurse ignored her and wiped her ponut.
  841. >her ponut winked at you.
  842. >which gave you instant boner.
  843. >you without thinking much.
  844. >penetrate her with your hard cock.
  845. >her hold body jumped.
  846. >what! no anon
  847. >you went deep all the way you can.
  848. >heey heey no stop that
  849. >your mouth says no but your body says yes.
  850. >Pull it out
  852. >I would if you let go of me.
  853. >your dick was being held inside her. her vigainal muscles was squeeze grabbing you.
  854. >anon pull it out.
  855. >you let go of me.
  856. >you tried to pull your dick out , but you couldn't do it. it was way to wedged in.
  857. >you had to spread open her pussy with your finger in order for you to be able to pull it out.
  858. >you slowly pulled you dick out.
  859. >it felt really really good.
  860. >it slide out while being squeezed and sucked in.
  861. >you were turned on.
  862. >there is no stopping now.
  863. >you thurst her again.
  864. >you made her moan. hnn..
  865. >you pulled her tail and continued fucking her.
  866. >it didn't take long and she came.
  867. >Already ?
  868. >you stopped and pulled your dick out of her.
  869. >seeing her love juice flowing and dripping out.
  870. >you were still hard and far from over.
  871. >you thrust her again.
  872. >she moaned louder.
  873. >and continued fucking her.
  874. >this went on for a while.
  875. >until you climaxed. it she came 3 times in the process of getting you there.
  876. >she laid there on the floor while her rump is up. she was totally exhausted.
  877. >then suddenly the door was kicked wide open.
  878. >and there he was standing looking at both of you.
  879. >Cadance panicked.
  880. >he was her husband. Shining armor. and his sister twilight sparkle.
  881. >So ... that's what you've been doing behind my back.
  882. >shiny noo it's not what it's look like -cadance.
  883. >you should have told me sooner.
  884. >then he yelled
  886. >he jumped right in.
  887. >he shoved his dick inside cadance's wife.
  888. >you were still standing behind her. confused.
  889. >shining armor then looked at twilight .
  890. >twilight .. the top floor is vacant .
  891. >he was referring to the back of his wife.
  892. >twilight rolled her eyes. and joined you.
  894. >and that's how you 3 were born.
  895. The scene changed where you anon as an old man sitting on your chair talking to your teen kids.
  896. >that's explains a lot. -said your son.
  897. >hey what happened to that little dragon. -your youngest daughter asked
  898. >oh spike.. yea he had a tragic death the day after.
  899. ooh..
  900. >you see he was poisoned by improper cooked fresh mare milk.
  901. >now you see my little 2 abomination princess - is why magic was banned from all over equestria.
  902. >your two satyr daughters pouted. but we can be careful with it.
  903. >no its forbidden. besides its not fair for those who cant use it.
  904. >yea it aint fair- said your centaur son.
  906. the End.

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