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Glory Hole by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:52:33
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:52:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Glory Hole by RusticAnon
  2. (Anon / Twilight)
  4. (15/01/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >you are home.
  10. >it's late at night.
  11. >you went upstairs to your room.
  12. >you jumped into your bed.
  13. >and then closed your eyes.
  14. >then suddenly you heard a rather loud cracking sound in your room.
  15. >you opened your eyes and got up the bed.
  16. >you saw a strange crack on your wall , with a blinding light coming from between the cracks.
  17. >the crack was getting bigger and bigger.
  18. >then suddenly something came out of it.
  19. >you grabbed your baseball bat and carefully creeped toward it.
  20. >and what you saw was...
  21. >a butt.
  22. >a lower half of a pony to be exact.
  23. >you can easily tell that creature is kinda stuck.
  24. >the lower half of the pony was kicking and squirming. trying to get itself out.
  25. >you stood back to assess the situation.
  26. >then you managed to hear the pony talking from the other side of the crack.
  27. >"hey see what have you done. Now I'm stuck"
  28. >mumble mumble mumble
  29. >you hear another voice from the crack but its so faint and you cannot hear it very well.
  30. >"don't you stand there pull me already ... hnnnngaaa no I'm still stuck. again.. Hunnggg,,"
  31. >she was as if someone was pulling her from the other side.
  32. >you just didn't want to stand there doing nothing.
  33. >you put the bat away and then pushed her.
  34. >she shrieked.
  35. >"kyaaa!"
  36. >mumble mumble
  37. >"something just touched me.... Yea from the other side... I'm scared I hope what ever that was don't eat me."
  38. >you can't help it but to chuckle at her reaction.
  40. >you grabbed the base of her tail.
  41. >she Eeeepped! and crossed her legs together.
  42. >at that moment you saw her ponut.
  43. >you realised that there in front of you a one time opportunity.
  44. >her crossing her legs together made a cute heart shaped butt.
  45. >with your free hand you touched her inner thighs.
  46. >she didn't like that and got a violent reaction.
  47. >she start kicking around and hit you right in your stomach.
  48. >it really hurt.
  49. >you wanted her to stop but she was still kicking the air randomly.
  50. >you didn't want to be at the line of fire so you went to the side of the wall.
  51. >standing on her left.
  52. >one thing came to your mind.
  53. >you slapped her ass.
  54. >she continued her violent reaction.
  55. >so did you.
  56. >you slapped her again and again.
  57. >after 4 to five smacks she calmed a bit.
  58. >she know that she was the one out of options.
  60. >yea you have showed her who is in charge, so you stopped slapping her.
  61. >your hand went from her cheeks to the middle.
  62. >you twisted your hand and pulled down your middle finger and ring fingers.
  63. >and you inserted them inside her.
  64. >Ah hannn ~nnn
  65. >you can clearly hear that she let out a loud moan.
  66. >the other voice was talking to her.
  67. >she replied "oh nothing er.. something pinched me."
  68. >pinched you huh. that is such a lie.
  69. >she was clearly too embarrassed to tell what's happening on this side.
  70. >this should be interesting.
  71. >you wiggled your fingers up and down inside her.
  72. >she twitched and spasmed. but she was holding it.
  73. >... "it's getting warm in here. that's why" she replied to the other person on the other side.
  74. >probably she was flushed. how about if I do this.
  75. >you wiggled your fingers inside her hard. and fast. pushing her insides up and down.
  76. >~Pant ~pant.
  77. >you can clearly see her breathing heavily. but that didn't stop you . your fingers were moving relentlessly inside her.
  78. >hnn mm...
  79. >her legs were spasming out.
  80. >you continued the with the rubbing.
  81. >you felt as if your fingers were being held down by something inside her.
  82. >the outer wall of her insides were getting tights.
  83. >you gave her an even more violent wiggle then you swiftly pulled your fingers out.
  84. >she came right at that moment.
  85. >your hand were wet from her love juice.
  86. >but she was leaking from both her holes.
  87. >she uncontrollably peed right on your floor.
  88. >you throw some paper towels on her mess.
  89. >"tisk tisk tisk you are such a bad girl."
  90. >"and you know what we do to bad girls around here ?"
  91. >she gulped.
  92. >we punish them of course.
  94. >you grabbed her the base of her tail.
  95. >you pulled it up.
  96. >tensing up her butt muscles
  97. >putting her butt in a perfect spanking position.
  98. >you then raised your right hand up in the air.
  99. Smack!
  100. Eeep!
  101. >she clenched her butt while crossing her legs together.
  102. ~mummble mummble
  103. >"err nothing it's just th
  104. Smack!
  105. >"Aaaat hah .."
  106. >you didn't give her time to explain herself to whoever she was talking to on the other side.
  107. >you raised your hand again and slapped her on her right butt cheek again.
  108. Smack! Smack smack!
  110. ~ an hour earlier
  111. >At Twilight's Castle
  112. >starlight glimmer: "I'm telling you Trixie. Portal studies are dangerous."
  113. >Trixie: nothing is dangerous for the great and powerful trixie, besides Trixie if fully prepared.
  114. >Starlight Glimmer : you don't know what's gonna happen and what's gonna be on the other end"
  115. >Trixie: That's just it. They all say it's dangerous from the fear of the unknown.
  116. >Starlight Glimmer : But ..
  117. >Trixie: Where is your scientific passion Starlight Glimmer ?
  118. >Starlight Glimmer: Alright but let's head down in the royal crystal Vault.
  119. >Trixie: Why do it in the vault it's very cramped there.
  120. >Starlight Glimmer: This is exactly why we are gonna open a portal there. if things go bad we can easily contain it.
  121. >Trixie: wow Trixie is impressed. really thought of everything.
  122. >they both went into the vault and started channeling the portal spell on the floor.
  123. >During the critical moment of that procedure spike opened the vault door and entered the room.
  124. >Starlight Glimmer: Spike Watch out !
  125. >he was about to step inside the portal.
  126. >that's when Trixie abandon her Channeling rune and jumped in to push spike out of the way.
  127. >but half of her body submerged in the portal.
  128. >Since Trixie no longer inside channeling rune, the portal closed.
  129. >catching her in the middle of it.
  130. >Starlight Glimmer: Trixie are you alright ?
  131. >Trixie: yea I think so
  132. >Spike: I'm sorry Trixie.
  133. >Trixie: "Hey see what have you done. Now I'm stuck"
  134. >Starlight Glimmer: I don't think spike meant to do that.
  135. >Trixie : "don't you stand there pull me already ... hnnnngaaa no I'm still stuck. again.. Hunnggg,,"
  136. >Starlight Glimmer: No use. you wont budge.
  137. >Trixie: It's all your fault. if you haven't interrupted, Trixie wouldn't be in this situation
  138. >Spike : I said I'm sorry... but hey what were you two doing down here in the first place ?
  139. >Starlight Glimmer: well you see.. we ... we were ...
  140. >Trixie : that's none of your business we are here Kyaaaa!
  141. >Starlight Glimmer: What's wrong ?
  142. >Trixie : som.. something just touched me
  143. >Starlight Glimmer: what do you mean touched you , wait you mean from the other side ?
  144. >Trixie: yea from the other side.
  145. >Starlight Glimmer: this is bad we don't know what's type of dimensional creature are we dealing with.
  146. >Spike: Dimensional creatures Twilight told me about them they are slimy and they have a taste for solid objects
  147. >Trixie: I'm Scared I hope wherever that was wont eat me.
  148. ..
  149. you know the rest
  150. >back to present
  151. Smack
  152. >Awwe
  153. >Starlight Glimmer was going through the pages of the Portal book. trying to find something about why her friend is in pain.
  154. >Trixie was blushing and not saying what exactly is happening to her on the other side.
  155. >she couldn't suppress her pain.
  156. >her but shade turning from pink to red with each smack.
  157. >Starlight Glimmer: there is nothing here about portal pain trixie. Spike! call Twilight in for help.
  158. >Trixie: NO don't! we'll deal with this ourselves Trixie don't want Twilight's help.
  159. >Starlight Glimmer: it's no time for being stubborn Trixie. I don't know anything about this. the lease we could do is reopen the portal to pull u off.
  160. >Trixie: No. I refuse to be helped by that arrogant princess.
  161. >Spike: the one being arrogant is you...
  162. >on the other side.
  163. >you stopped spanking her for the moment trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.
  164. >"arrogant princess ... Trixie don't want help ..." what the fuck is she talking about.
  165. >here I am spanking her butt red and she is ignoring me.
  166. >well let's see if she would ignore this
  167. >Trixie: Spike you don't know what 'your precious princes' did to me in Ponyville. she and her Fri-AAAAhhnnnnn
  168. >Trixie's entire face turn completely Red.
  169. >you finally did it.
  170. >you inserted your erect penis inside her mildly wet horse pussy.
  171. >it felt really good as your dick slide inside her warm moist tube.
  172. >you gave her one big thrust.
  173. >going all in.
  174. >and you hold it inside her for the moment.
  175. >She definitely felt that.
  176. >her cute body reaction told you that she liked it.
  177. >She arched her back.
  178. >raising her rump.
  179. >her insides tightened warping around your item.
  180. >you slowly pulled it out.
  181. >you felt like her pussy didn't want your dick to leave, as it was holding on to it.
  182. >once half of your penis was out you quickly thrust her.
  183. >Pushing it back in.
  184. >you heard her moan loudly.
  185. >Both glimmer and spike heard that.
  186. >Trixie quickly shut her mouth up with both her hooves. while her head glowing red.
  187. >Starlight Glimmer quickly cast a see through spell.
  188. >it's a spell that makes it's user see through some objects.
  189. >she saw your dick thrusting her insides.
  190. >she blushed instantly.
  191. >she then pushed spike outside the vault room.
  192. >Spike: why are you doing that Starlight, I'm sure I can be of help?
  193. >Starlight Glimmer: don't worry spike we can handle it.
  194. >Trixie was losing her mind in the process.
  195. >she cannot think anymore.
  196. >she felt like her brain was melting and being dissolved inside her body.
  197. >she was surrendering to her pleasure.
  198. >you continued your work.
  199. >moving in and out.
  200. >you've been holding it for few days.
  201. >you didn't have time to attend to your needs.
  202. >This was the golden opportunity for you that you didn't want to pass out.
  203. >it felt really good.
  204. >way better than you expected it.
  205. >it felt so wrong but it was feeling so good on the same time.
  206. >your inner desire thought battled with your conscious. and it won the battle.
  207. >screw consequences.
  208. >you thrust her faster and faster to get your mind off it.
  209. >Trixie couldn't handle your penetrating force and speed you are going in.
  210. >she moaned.
  211. >her eyes went blank.
  212. >Starlight Glimmer was amazed of how Trixie was out of her character.
  213. >she find that it really hot.
  214. >she was getting turned on by watching her.
  215. >Starlight Glimmer's pussy was getting wet.
  216. >without thinking her hoof moved on it's own down and she start touching herself as she was watching.
  217. >as you were thrusting her friend.
  218. >then suddenly you stopped and pulled it out of her.
  219. >trixie horsy pussy was winking on it's own.
  220. >She spread her legs apart.
  221. >she pushed her entire backside back and forth.
  222. >as she was inviting you , or asking for more.
  223. >it was both cute and really hot.
  224. >you didn't wait long and gave her a ravaging thrust.
  225. >You went thrusting her like a machine gun.
  226. >going in and out.
  227. >she didn't last long and Came almost instantly.
  228. >wow the was rather fast.
  229. >her pussy wall tightened up even further holding. if not pulling yours in.
  230. >as tight as it may be you still far from done.
  231. >you struggled a bit to pull it out.
  232. >but you did.
  233. >as you pulled it out her love juces fell dripping on the floor.
  234. >"who told you that you are allowed to cum before I do ?"
  235. >Trixie: (#panting) .. huh!
  236. >"Bad pony"
  237. >you slapped her butt again.
  239. >but this time her reaction was different.
  240. >instead of tightening up and clenching her butt. she relaxed her muscle.
  241. >pushing backward.
  242. >you slapped her seat area. moving your hand upward.
  243. >causing her butt to jiggled up, then it settled back down.
  244. >Her pussy start winking again as you were smacking her.
  245. >she was being submissive.
  246. >not fighting back at all.
  247. >Trixie even moved her tail up herself giving you full view of her goods.
  248. >your left hand moved down to attend you penis.
  249. >her being this submissive turn you on really hard.
  250. >you gave her one hard smack across her right cheek.
  251. >she let out one loud moan from the other side.
  252. >She came again.
  253. >"wow you came from being spanked. you horny slut"
  254. >You grabbed hold of her tail and pulled it.
  255. >you went and panetrate her again.
  256. >this time you showed no mercy.
  257. >you went with full force.
  258. >"there is no holding back now."
  259. >you went thrusting her with full force.
  260. >slamming your body across her hips.
  261. >you can hear her moaning uncontrollably.
  262. >she orgamsied again during your assult.
  263. >it slowed you down a bit but you continued relentlessly.
  264. >she felt like she was going crazy.
  265. >she had a silly satisfied expression on her face. getting her tongue out like a dog.
  266. >glimmer on the other side was fapping hard to this.
  267. >she also reached her climax just from watching her friend fucked silly.
  268. >eventually you reached your limit and finally you came inside her.
  269. >giving her your full load.
  270. >your leg muscle were tensed out.
  271. >even your toes were fully spread and tensed.
  272. >you felt as you blacked out for a min.
  273. >you pulled it out of her and laid down on your bed.
  274. >you closed your eyes.
  275. >you passed out sleeping.
  276. >when u woke up you were laying there on the bed half naked.
  277. >the wall was fixed as if nothing did happen.
  278. >wait was that a dream ?
  279. >you look down on the floor and saw the mess she did was still there.
  280. >no it wasn't a dream.
  281. >I wonder what that was...
  283. >on the other side in the vault.
  284. >Starlight Glimmer: ok I learned that only one unicorn is needed to open this portal from the channeling rune.
  285. >Trixie: Thank you starlight glimmer.
  286. >Starlight Glimmer: yea don't mention it.
  287. >Trixie: but seriously I was...I mean it was...
  288. >Starlight Glimmer: Don't worry we both did things that nopony else should know about.
  289. >Trixie: It was embarrassing for me. the way I acted in front of you it's....
  290. >Starlight Glimmer: It can't be helped. if it would make you feel better... (blush) I ... masterbated looking at you.
  291. >they both laughed.
  292. >Starlight Glimmer: It's gonna be our little secret.
  293. >Trixie: but spike did see us here.
  294. >Starlight Glimmer: don't worry about spike. he wasn't allowed to be here in the first place I can handle him.
  295. >Trixie: good...
  296. >Starlight Glimmer: but tell me. trixie ... what's it's like ?
  297. >Trixie: (blush) I don't know what you mean.
  298. >Starlight Glimmer: you know exactly what I mean. don't hide it for me tell me.
  299. >Trixie: it was ... Hot. it felt really good. me being helplessly under the mercy of that creature. I'd definitely won't forget that.
  300. >Starlight Glimmer: wow
  301. >few moons later
  302. >they both sneaked into the vault and start opening the portal again.
  303. >this time Starlight took her turn and got her body half stuck in the portal.
  304. >a portal start opening inside your room.
  305. >"I know you'd come again for more"
  306. The End

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