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History and Hindquarters by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:52:51
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:53:43
Expiry: Never

  1. History and Hindquarters by RusticAnon
  2. (Teacher / Filly)
  4. (15/03/2017)
  7. ---
  9. A friendly mare went back home to her husband. "honey I'm home". "I'm in the stable outside" he replied.
  10. "Man you won't believe what I had to do today, you know that hard ass class that I've been put in charge of"
  11. "yea what about it." - he replied while continue working on the wagon's wheels.
  12. "They went and break the principal's trophy shelf. you know how Mr.Scovil and how he was always..."
  13. "yea He wouldn't shut up about it. remember the last school meeting. gah he was going on and on.. My school accomplish this.. and that.. you know what he didn't do anything it's our foals who Aced that buckaball tournament. .."
  14. "umm honey.." -she tried to interrupt him but he went on. he was swinging the hammer as he was talking.
  15. "what about last year why did he cut the funding for the buckaball team huh what a.."
  16. "Ron!"
  17. "what ?"
  18. "let me finish my part of the story"
  19. "oh I thought you were done"
  20. "sign~ as I was saying after they managed to annoy the Principle he decided to reinstate the spanking role again."
  21. The husband suddenly stopped what he was doing and got a bit more curious about that. the word "spanking' triggered something within him. the wife continued
  22. "and guess what. I had to be the first teacher to do it- It was awful . pulling these foals over my lap and spanking them the old fashioned way brought up bad memories"
  23. The husband raised his head. he gave his wife a strange curious look and asked "have you been spanked before?" he was struggling on showing his grin.
  24. "yea I did get my fair share when I was little. Pulling that bat filly over my knees reminded me of that time when my father did the same thing to me."
  25. "your father ?" suddenly he changed his expression.
  26. "both my father and my mother used to spank me. back when it was the only parenting method. Unlike today with all these psychology and stuff."
  27. "you really did hate that ?"
  28. "ofc I did hate it "
  29. "that's not how I remembered it "
  30. The wife's heart skipped a beat. "what do you mean"
  31. "If it weren't for that day I probably wouldn't have married you"
  32. "Honey what are you talking about"
  33. "remember Mrs.Jane ?"
  34. "our Gym teacher ?"
  35. "That day when we snuck out inside the storeroom at our school .. remember"
  36. the wife blushed "yea we were idot naughty little foals back then."
  37. "yea but remember that time that Mrs.Jane caught us"
  38. "I remember you chickening out and ran away. ditching me to face the consequences alone. why did you leave me huh?"
  39. "hey I didn't want my parent to know I was making out in school."
  40. "and what about me. you were a colt you wouldn't get it as bad as a filly"
  41. "hey if I didn't do that I wouldn't have known you were the one"
  42. "huh?"
  43. "I didn't run outside the store room I hid inside the stackboxes. "
  44. her face turned red "hey you were there all the time?
  45. "yea I saw it all"
  46. "you jerk you could have told me.. wait what did you see exactly ?"
  47. "Everything. from the moment she was scolding you and pulling you over her knees. you were kicking and I saw how she moved your tail out of the way exposing your privates"
  48. she "..."
  49. "It was on full view as if she was deliberately showing them to me"
  50. "and you didn't do anything. you just sat there and watch"
  51. "hey don't blame me I was a horny little foal back then. and then I my first real super boner back then when she start smacking your fully exposed fat butt"
  52. "hey I wasn't fat back then.... why didn't you tell me that. why did you keep it till now"
  53. "well cause it something I'm not really proud of. but since I brought this up I'm gonna tell you. I fapped really hard watching you from inside that boxes."
  54. "eww"
  55. "eww huh I'll put this on hold for now. watching your butt jiggle with each swat, how you were protesting and crying, and how the color of your rump turned red. it was way too much for me. This was the 2nd best fap I ever did."
  56. "2nd... I'm afraid to ask but what was the number 1."
  57. "I'll get into it in a little while. after she was done spanking you... you went to the gym's bath right?"
  58. "oh no you didn't"
  59. "As a matter of fact I did. I saw it all you little perv."
  60. her face is flushed red now. she was about to kill herself from the embarrassment. "Nonnonono tell me it's not true"
  61. "yes I saw it. you went inside the bathroom. and there you mastubated"
  62. "nonono stop saying that it's really embarrassing."
  63. "Embarrassing... what happened to miss "EWW" from before. looking at herself in the mirror touching herself. while slapping her already spanked butt"
  64. "ENOUGH!"
  65. "muhahaha. that's when I was peeking at you from the window.. there I fapped with you as you were touching yourself. that was my #1 best moment in my hoof penis relationship"
  67. The wife was too embarrassed by this she tried to change the subject.
  68. "Hold on... what were you doing peaking at me in the window" - she tried to shift the blame.
  69. "oh right after that teacher spanked you. both of you just left. I was gonna check on you and apologize for ditching you like that"
  70. "oh... "
  71. "But after what I saw I couldn't just barge in like I used to ... and interrupt what you were doing... and if I did I wouldn't have known you were the one I would spend my life with "
  72. "you are just a horny little foal "
  73. "I am still the same person you know. " he pointed down to his unsheathed dick
  74. "Oh honey you get turn on by old memories "
  75. "yea all the talk about spanking did trigger my gun"
  76. "what's a gun ?"
  77. "I have no idea. but you should take responsibility of this " he was grabbing his dick.
  78. "not here in the stable... anyone who passes can see us. let's go inside."
  79. "so honey. since when did you have that spanking fetish ?"
  80. "well from that day ofc. I don't recall having one before that because it was my very first time witnessing one in front of me."
  81. "I see.."
  82. "what about you ?"
  83. "what about me .. ?"
  84. "yes surly you have one too ?"
  85. "no I don't."
  86. "why are you denying it. I just said I saw you back then masterbating to it"
  87. "stop bringing that up. it was a one time thing and I was a bit horney back then"
  88. "oh i see.." he lowered his head a bit.
  89. "you sound disappointed Ron."
  90. "yea a bit. I thought we could have fun with that idea."
  91. "who said we can't "
  92. "you mean you are ok with it ?"
  93. "sure if it pleases you"
  94. "No. I won't do it unless you wanted to. not because I wanted it."
  95. "Stop teasing. I said it's ok with me don't make me change my mind"
  96. "ok let's drop this competitive mind games and do it already"
  97. "alright .. umm... how shall we do it ?"
  98. "I don't know I never spanked anypony before "
  99. "hmm maybe if i stand like the you can lean on me and swing your hoof "
  100. she stood on her 4 legs spreading them apart a bit. he stood on his 2 back legs .
  101. supporting and balancing himself with one hoof on her back and his right front hoof is free to be swung across her backside.
  102. "are you ready honey ?"
  103. "yes ready when you are." -she replied
  104. "wow my heart is racing. if you feel that we should stop let me know. I don't want to over do it"
  105. "don't worry about me."
  106. "alright here I go."
  107. he raised his hoof up and...
  108. smeck
  109. he smacked her with little force. he stopped after that waiting for a reaction. he was worried that he did hit her hard.
  110. she didn't say anything. she noticed that he was kinda worried. so without saying anything she just arched her back raising her butt up inviting him to continue.
  111. he read the body langue and raised his hoof up again.
  112. Smeck ... Smeck .. smeck
  113. gave her 3 continues light smacks on her backside.
  114. "honey my father used to spank me harder than that when I was little foal."
  115. "but I'm not your father "
  116. "and I am not a little foal anymore. "
  117. "in that case"
  118. smack!
  119. He gave her one with more force.
  120. She felt that and her body jumped. This stinging sensation started to sink deeper in her skin. this felt really good for her.
  121. at slow pace he raised his hoof and again
  122. Smack!
  123. he hit her other cheek.
  124. she started biting her lips.
  125. Smack! Smack!
  126. "ow not so fast"
  127. "oh sorry."
  128. "don't apologize"
  129. "what do you want me to do?"
  130. "continue but slowly"
  131. ... smack! ... smack!... smack!
  132. an uncontrollable little moan slipped through her throat.
  133. "wow you are enjoying this honey"
  134. she just nodded.
  135. "well sadly it's not doing anything for me"
  136. "really why not ?"
  137. she turned around facing him.
  138. "well this position is not good for me. my back is hurting me."
  139. "if that so we can do it on the couch over there."
  140. "and that's another thing. I need to feel in control not being guided all the way through."
  141. "oh sorry hon. I forgot you stallions need to feel dominant ..."
  142. "..."
  143. she didn't mean to hurt his manhood. she quickly tried to fix the situation.
  144. "how about if we role play."
  145. "a role play ?"
  146. "you know a role play. I'm just a naughty daughter who just came home late night after sneaking up."
  147. "oh I see. Hey where do you think your going "
  148. "busted! I was just out in my coltfriend house"
  149. "your boyfriend huh. no daughter of mine spends the night at her coltfriend house. "
  150. "no I'm sorry I wont do it again"
  151. "you know what we do to a misbehaving little fillies in this house"
  152. "no not a spanking"
  153. "yes come here you"
  154. he grabbed his wife from her back of the neck and pushed her on the couch . she leaned forward to it raising her butt up.
  155. "no I'm sorry daddy please don't spank me"
  156. ... he stopped and didn't do anything for few seconds.
  157. "you know what this doesn't feel right hon. calling me daddy ruined it for me."
  158. "oh shoot. how about something else. you'd be a teacher And I'll be the naughty filly."
  159. "like Mrs.Jane ?"
  160. "exactly like mrs.Jane. but you be Mr.Jane"
  161. "this could work."
  162. "ok you just caught me making out with that little colt ."
  164. He played along and said
  165. "Oh my what in Celestia's name you two are doing."
  166. "oh sorry mr. we were just making out.."
  167. "making out! and you say that out loud. what a naughty little filly you are"
  168. "oh noes ~smirks , what are you gonna do to naughty fillies like me ?"
  169. "I'll show you what we do to them. first we bend them forward.... umm honey bend over that armchair."
  170. "oh ok... like this ?"
  171. "yes but move up a bit..."
  172. he picks her up and made her scoot up the armchair. making her legs barely touches the ground. her butt is way up top of the armchair of the sofa with her legs dangling freely.
  173. "much better" then he changed his tone back "And then we move the filly tail out of the way"
  174. "oh no teacher what are you doing"
  175. he raised his hoof up and.
  176. Smack!
  177. "Eep!"
  178. he hit her with more force than before.
  179. and then prepared for another
  180. Smack! ..Smack! .. Smack!
  181. "hg.. en.. an..." she can totally feel that she let out a faint pain sounds.
  182. "Bad filly " ~Smack! "naughty filly" ~smack!
  183. Her butt shade is started to turn pink. she just laid there and took her punishment.
  184. Smack! smack! smack! - he gave her three more smacks then he stopped.
  185. he noticed that his hoof was wet. he sniffed it.
  186. "wow you really enjoying this aren't you."
  187. "don't break character you are ruining the moment"
  188. "it's still not working for me... sweetie is it ok if I went a little more rough ?"
  189. "umm sure I think i can take it."
  190. "ok for that we need to change position. how about we do it the old fashioned way.?"
  191. "oh you mean over your lap ?"
  192. "yes." he sat down on the couch in front of her. and tapped on his lap inviting her in. she crawled up the couch and laid down on his lap.
  193. "boy I sure feel silly in this position."
  194. "one sec" he adjusted her rump further up making her upper torso lean forward toward the ground . only her rump is up on his knee. she had to balance herself with her forelegs on the ground. and her hind legs were slacking off on the back.
  195. "this is much better. I have far more control over you this way."
  196. "it's not as I'm running away or anything."
  197. "heh.. well let's see about that.I'm gonna start going with a little much force now. let me know if you really wanted me to stop."
  198. "how about we use a safe word ?"
  199. "safe word ? don't you think it's a little more cliche ?"
  200. "a little cliche is gonna be our safe word then"
  201. "hahaha . oh silly you. don't make me laugh its ruining the mood"
  202. he took deep breath and put on serious expression on his face.
  204. "Alrighty now get ready"
  205. SMACK!
  206. "Aww! " she totally didn't expect him to start this fast. he let the pain sensation sinks in. and rubbed her smacked cheek.
  207. SMACK! - he hit her other cheek
  208. "ee" he rubbed it in then
  209. SMACK! ..
  210. he was doing slowly on purpose to warm her up for what's about to come.
  211. then he adjusted her and grabbed her from her waist. securing her in. raised his hoof up and..,
  212. Smack! Smack! smack Smack ...
  213. "ha a .. aa. aww awe aaww"
  214. he unleashed a barrage of 8 fast hard smacks alternating between each butt cheek. then he stopped and rubbed her butt.
  215. She on the other hand did not expect this. and she felt that she was being punished for real. she was breathing heavily. she used the little break he gave her to catch up with her breath. after a short moment of peace he started again.
  216. Smack smack smack smack...
  217. Same fast pace but dragged it longer. she just couldn't stand still as usual and take it. her body protested. she start kicking and squirming in his hold. she felt a bit helpless. she was sinking deep in her mindset. this brought up some old memories of her getting it. she felt like a filly again. naughty filly.
  218. he gave her few moment to breath. and rubbed her stinging butt. which made her feel good. a little too good about it. the stinging pain started to spread around her muscle sinking deeply. the endorphins kicks in changing her painful experience into pleasuring one.
  219. He continued
  220. Smack Smack Smack smack ~
  221. she stopped protesting and started to enjoy it. this was so stimulating for her . she enjoyed having this rush. she couldn't help herself and started moaning.
  222. Smack smack smack
  223. "hnn ann nnnng mmm"
  224. Her husband noticed how stimulated his wife were and got a kick out of it. his dick woke up from it's and raised the flag.
  225. after a short continues smacks he decided to wrap it up. he gave her a few moment to breath. then quickly he grabbed and yanked up her tail.
  226. she took a deep breath from her mouth bracing herself.
  227. he unleashed a hard fast continues smack on her butt.
  228. SmackSmackSmackSmack (almost 3 smacks per second)
  229. on really fast pace. she started moaning loud. and got louder and louder the more he hit her.
  230. she blushed and arched her body. rubbing her hind legs together tensing up. he continued
  231. Smack!Smack!smack!smack!
  232. "hnn ah~ hnn~ " she couldn't hold it much longer she orgasimed.
  233. she squirted a bit on the floor.
  234. "hah hah hah" she was breathing heavily and he stopped right after she came. her legs were still twitching after she came.
  236. he pulled her up to make her sit on his lap. "wow you really came just from the spanking alone"
  237. she was already blushing. she didn't say. she just jumped at him.
  238. She hugged him and start kissing him passionately. he wrapped his hooves around her back.
  239. she then moved her other legs and sat down on his lap facing him. both her legs round him.
  240. in this position her wet pussy rubbed against his massive errect penis.
  241. she paused her kissing and said "oh hello there"
  242. she rubbed herself against him. he just smiled.
  243. "It's my turn to make it up for you."
  244. She raised her his up and grabbed his cock.
  245. she positioned it under her and squeezed it inside her.
  246. she slowly moved her hip down pushing it inside of her. until she fully sat down pushing it all in. her husband just sat down and enjoyed the ride.
  247. She slowly grinded herself up and down. wrapping her warm wet insides around his hard dick.
  248. she continued humping him slowly as they both enjoyed it.
  249. and as she was humping up and down she lost her balance. he soon grabbed her from the waist as she fell over him. their nuzzles touched. which lead to more passionate kissing.
  250. she continued humping him in that position . without him noticing his hooves automatically went down toward her butt. his rational mind went on vacation and his penis took control over his body.
  251. as she was humping him. he smacked her butt. He really felt her reaction to it. her inner veginal wall tighted up. became thick and curvy . grabbing on his inserted dick.
  252. she enjoyed that and got a rush from it. she started working hard on his dick humping him faster.
  253. after few humps she slowed down and arched her body extending her butt as if she was asking for more. he accepted the invitation and game her another smack which got her motor running.
  254. and every few humps she slows down and he rewards her for her work with another slap.
  255. his enjoyment bar was filling . almost reaching the climax. he slaps her harder and she continued going harder in return.
  256. he didn't wait for her to slow down and just gave her another slap. she moaned "oh yes" he slapped her butt again. and again and she worked her self harder and faster.
  257. she leaned forward and hugged him tighter.
  258. he was getting motivated too. he turned her around making her lay down on the couch with her legs up in the air. he got the lead and start fucking her.
  259. he went full force on her humping her really fast . she moaned loader. she let go of him and started squeezing the couch as he was thrusting her.
  260. Thrut thrust thrust
  261. .... Hnnnn~
  262. they both came~
  263. he leaned forward on her, feeling a bit exhausted. breathing heavly . her mind was totally blank for that moment she just orgasimed twice from that.
  264. he then dropped down on the couch next to her facing the ceiling.
  265. "That was fun wasn't it"
  266. "hah hah... what ?"
  267. "I said this was fun wasn't it ?"
  268. "yeah. it was really something..."
  269. ...
  270. "we definitely should do that again "
  271. "we definitely should."
  272. "and you said you didn't have a spanking fetish"
  273. "shut up." she nudged his face with her hoof.
  274. he just smiled.
  275. "honey .. ?"
  276. "yes dear ?"
  277. "what's for dinner ?"
  278. "how shall I know I just came from school and you started all this"
  279. "chiness then ?"
  280. "umm what's chinese ?"
  281. "I have no idea"
  282. ---
  284. the next day her butt was still sore and the spank mark were visible.
  285. "honey look. how can I go to school like this . the student would tease me and I wont hear the end of it."
  286. "wear something to cover it up "
  287. "I don't usually wear anything for work"
  288. "well start today"
  289. "meh.. I'll wear that long jacket. it will cover my rump up"
  290. "whatever you see fit. I'll be going for work now. lock down the house when you leave. "
  291. "ok take care "
  293. Picture related
  294. during the school. her student still misbehaving as badly as ever.
  295. She can barely hide her spank marks. so she was trying to avoid moving around too much.
  297. yet her student continued to misbehave. She just continued to lecture then even though most of them weren't listening.
  298. hoping the day would pass without anypony notices.
  299. To her luck that day the principal decided to visit the class.
  300. he saw how badly she was handling these foals. and he wasn't impressed by her.
  302. later he called her to his office.
  303. she came in and sat down on the chair.
  304. he lectured her on how bad she was...etc
  305. then asked her why she didn't enforce the spanking punishment system.
  306. "well you see it doesn't feel right spanking these foals." -she tired to dodge it.
  307. "there is nothing to it Mrs. (name) . you just have to do it. it would enforce your authority over then and forces them to respect you."
  308. "but these are just little foals. It just doesn't feel right.."
  309. "there is nothing wrong to it. you don't have to hit them really hard. it's a psychological thing. allow me to demonstrate ."
  310. "demonstrate ?"
  311. he moved up from his desk and moved towards her.
  312. "if you please mrs. stand up and lean over the table."
  313. "wait what you can't do that . it's inappropriate "
  314. "oh don't worry I wont touch you or anything . just want to show you how to intimate the foals. "
  315. "still ..." she just cannot do that or her flank would be exposed .
  316. "you have nothing to fear. just stand there."
  317. "no!"
  318. "why not ?"
  319. "err..."
  321. >help her find a reason out of it.

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