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Indie Inventors by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:53:10
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:54:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Indie Inventors by RusticAnon
  2. (Mrs. Cinnabelle / Dizzy)
  3. F/f, M/f, X/f, otk, over chair, bent over, hoof, paddle, vines, non-consensual, unfinished
  5. (11/05/2016)
  8. ---
  10. These events take place before Twilight moved to make Ponyvile to make friends.
  11. It was a sunny morning in ponyvile, a young earth pony mare called Dizzy Cream lives in Ponyville. She was working works as a carpenter. She fixes roofs and broken barns.
  12. For some reason the repair demands increased ever since the two Pegasus ponies named Rainbow dash and Derpy hooves moved in town.
  13. One day while Dizzy was shopping for her regular supplies, she saw a crowd gathering at one of the open booths. Curiously she went there to take a look.
  14. There was 2 ponies sittings taking applications and a small forming lines, she asked one of the ponies who was standing there
  16. >what's all this about ?
  18. >It's the Indie. Inventors competition.
  20. >Oh cool
  21. Being a Carpenter herself, she always has the passion for inventing new stuff, She applied for the competition. The rules were simple make something original.
  22. Dizzy knew what she wanted to invent. She got the idea when she was a filly back in school.
  24. Flashback time
  25. It happened during a lecture, as Dizzy was sitting in class next to her friend Apple Flitter. Apple jack was there in the same class too, AJ was Apple Flitter's cousin. AJ did not like Dizzy very much and was a bit jealous of how Dizzy and Apple Flitter are getting along. AppleJack always got Dizzy into troubles. One day while the class outside, Applejack sneaked back in the class and stole Dizzy's homework. Applejack copied it and hid it from her.
  26. Later then . While everyone in their class. The teacher Mrs.Cinnabelle said. Alright did everypony did their homework ?
  27. A filly named Nook raised her hoof.
  29. You there why you didn't do it ?
  31. Well I forgot about it.
  33. That's not an excuse stay here after the class for you know what
  35. she gulped and nervously said OK
  37. anypony else ?
  39. Ok . Mrs. Cinnabelle continued the class as usual.
  41. r in the morning as her father reminded her about it during breakfast. Her father is a bit strict and she doesn't want to disappoint him.
  43. Every other filly in the class left except for Nook who was still sitting there waiting for what's gonna come to her and Dizzy who was still searching her bag in panic.
  44. The teacher noticed the panicked look at dizzy's face.
  47. Mrs.C
  48. >Ms. Dizzy Cream Why is your homework not on my desk ?
  49. Dizzy
  50. >Um I ,, it's not there
  51. Mrs.c
  52. >So you didn't do the homework I gave you ?
  53. Dizzy
  54. >Umm No I did write it and brought it wi
  55. Mrs.C interrupted
  56. >With me but it's not here now. The dog did eat my homework .. I heard all these lies before.
  57. Dizzy
  58. >But but..
  59. Mrs.C
  60. >No buts . Not doing your homework is one thing. But lying to me is another matter. I'll teach you how not to lie to me after I'm done with Nook
  61. >umm miss Nook
  62. Nook
  63. >yes ma'am,...
  64. Mrs.C
  65. >Come to my desk
  68. The nervous filly start walking toward Mrs. Cinabelle's desk.
  70. The teacher stood up holding a ruler . And start waving it in front of the filly
  71. Nook hesitantly raised one of her front hoof up and extended it toward the teacher.
  72. Mrs.Cinabelle smacked the back of the filly's raised hoof with the ruler.
  73. Ouch! The young filly start to jump up and down while shaking her smacked hoof , then she held it in front of her and start blowing at it to cool it off.
  74. Then Mrs.C started to point at her other hoof with the wooden ruler.
  75. The filly gulped again and bit her lips and did raise her other hoof a bit. It was close to her body and her face was in the way.
  76. The teacher used the ruler to move her unsmacked hoof away from her body and THUCK! Another smack
  77. Ouch the filly start jumping again shaking her hoof and rubbing it.
  79. Mrs.c
  80. >You only get 2 smacks on the hoof for Not doing your homework and not lying about. Unlike what's gonna happen to that other filly over there.
  81. >Go home Miss nook and don't forget to do your homework or else ..
  82. Nook
  83. >Ok Mrs.Cinabelle
  84. she took her backpack and left the class.
  85. Mrs.C
  86. >Now miss Dizzy get your flank over my desk.
  87. Dizzy went to the teacher's desk with her head facing the ground.
  88. Mrs.C
  89. >now what do have to say for yourself.
  90. Dizzy
  91. >I don't know, I did write my homework and I did bring it with me today, even my father reminded me about this morning..
  92. Mrs.C
  93. >And you don't have it now. Listen it's OK if you didn't do it, But lying to me is unforgivable.
  94. Dizzy
  95. >but I'm telling the truth.
  96. Mrs.C
  97. >Young filly you should admit it when you have done something wrong, lying wont help. I've been a teacher long enough to know when a student of mine is lying.
  99. Mrs.Cinabelle backed up her chair from the desk, and sat on it. then looked at Dizzy and pointed at her lap. Dizzy had a confused look.
  100. Mrs.c
  101. >come one I don't have all day, move your flank so we get this over with.
  103. At this moment dizzy knew what's gonna happen to her, she nervously and hesitantly walked toward the teacher's lap.
  105. She then started to climb on. she moved her left front hooves at the right thigh of the teacher, then started to pull herself up while her rightF hoof is struggling to get a grip on the teacher's lap. She couldn't pull herself up.
  107. The teacher held dizzy's waist, pulled her up and positioned her on her knees. Dizzy balanced herself on her lap. Most of her weight is being supported by her waist which was on top of the teachers right thy. Her butt is up and the rest of her body is facing down. Her hooves cannot touch the ground. Her legs are being dangled in the air.
  109. The teacher was supporting and securing her in place with her left hoof by her waist. She moved her tail and tucked it under her left hoof that was supporting her.
  110. Now her round flank is fully exposed.
  112. Mrs.C
  113. >why can't you be a mature filly like Nook and admit your mistakes.
  114. Dizzy
  115. >I did write my Homework
  116. Mrs.C let out a sigh and
  117. >well since you are still acting like a foal then I'm gonna treat you like a foal
  119. she raised her right hoof and then
  121. Wham!
  123. The strike force wasn't hard. But it did make Dizzy's butt jiggle a bit. And soon after that another
  124. Wham! And . Wham! The 3rd one was a little bit stronger than the rest of the two and came faster.
  126. Mrs.C
  127. >Still, not gonna admit that you did not do your homework ?
  129. Dizzy
  130. >Why wont you believe me, I did take my time with the assigned homework and I did write it
  132. Mrs.C
  133. >Ok , If what you are saying is the truth, then you wont have a trouble reciting it ?
  135. Dizzy took a deep breath and recited it. while the teacher was listing to it her facial expression changed. Rolled up and said
  137. >Hold on a sec.
  139. Dizzy is still laying on her teacher's knee with her butt exposed , the teacher used her unicorn's magic to pick up the other students papers . She skimmed through them.. And found AppleJack's homework paper.
  141. Mrs.C
  142. >aha there it is exact word for word.
  144. Dizzy >huh!
  146. Mrs.C
  147. >Not only you lied about doing your homework, now you try to steal others.
  149. Dizzy
  150. >What I neve...
  152. Mrs.C
  153. Young lady I wont go easy on you
  155. Dizzy
  156. >But
  158. Smack Smack Smack Smack
  160. a relentless smacks hitting dizzy's bottom. This time they were harder than the other three and they were faster.
  162. Dizzy
  163. >owe owe owe , I did ...owe steal ..owe it
  165. smack smack smack..
  167. Mrs.C
  168. You are not lying to me you are lying to yourself. Ontop of they you are believe that lie maybe I can spank some sense into you.
  170. smack smack smack ...
  172. Mrs.C "You are not lying to me you are lying to yourself. On top of that you believe that lie.
  173. Mrs.C >"Maybe I can spank some sense back into you."
  175. smack smack smack ...
  177. Owe owe Dizzy started to cry. Cause these spanks are harder than the rest, her flank started to turn red.
  179. Dizzy : >how come I getting punished for something I didn't do
  180. Mrs.C : > "oh that does it."
  181. with her unicorn's magic Mrs. Cinabelle opened her bag and picked up a wooden paddle.
  183. Dizzy was sobbing and catching her breath. She looked back at what her teacher was doing. Her mouth dropped in shock at the sight of that paddle.
  185. Dizzy "no not that"
  187. Mrs.Cinabelle pushed dizzy of her lap "Stand up" she said. She pulled one of the student's chairs and moved up in front of the class.
  189. Then she pointed with the paddle at the back of the chair.
  191. Mrs.C "go bend over there"
  193. Dizzy complied and walked toward the back of the chair. She raised her front hooves and tried to climb the chair from the back.
  195. Then the teacher just picked her up and made her bent over it. Dizzy's upper body barely touching the seat of the chair. Her butt is on top the back of the chair and her feet dangled in the air.
  197. Then the teacher stood next to her, pushed her tail out of the way , sideways so her behind get exposed into perfect paddling position.
  199. Mrs.C > "so are you ready to admit what you did wrong"
  201. Dizzy was afraid of how painful her punishment that is yet to come. But her father always told her to be strong and never lie no matter the consequences the just always get their reward.
  203. Mrs.C "well ?"
  205. Dizzy "It's my homework and I didn't steal it"
  207. Then before she knew it .
  209. Thuck!
  211. Dizzy "Yewch!"
  213. The teacher struck Dizzy's butt with the paddle. Soon after that with Mrs. Cinabelle's Magic she swung the paddle up into a stricking position and said
  214. Mrs.C "Still spewing these lies"
  216. Then came another
  218. Thuck and another Thuck!
  220. Dizzy "owe please"
  222. THuck thuck
  224. Dizzy " please stop"
  226. Thuck THuck Thuck
  228. Dizzy "you are wrong I am telling"
  230. Thuck thuck
  232. Dizzy "the truth"
  233. Then Someone knocked on the door.
  235. Mrs. Cinabelle stopped the spanking. And "Said come in"
  237. It was one of the staff that worked at the school, Dizzy was so embarrassed being seen in that position with her exposed red ass. So she hid her Red face.
  239. Staff pony " the principal wants to see you immediately."
  241. Mrs.C : "Ok I'll be on my way."
  243. The staff pony left with the door open.
  245. Mrs.C "Hmm the principal eh.. it must be about my transfer request. "
  247. Dizzy still sobbing silently and still in that position on the chair.
  249. Mrs. Cinabelle took her stuff that was on her teacher's desk and started to put them inside her bags. The last item piece was the paddle. While she was holding it with her magic she just remembered about Dizzy.
  251. Mrs.C "Oh I almost forgot about you."
  253. Her horn started to glow as she was concentrating her magic and then, casted a spell on that wooden paddle.
  255. Mrs.C "I have to leave you here young filly but don't think you are off the hook just yet. I enchanted this wooden paddle with come to life spell."
  257. Mrs.C "It will continue spanking you until you admit what you have done and be sorry about it . You have to prove it to me .. er this paddle by writing it down on the black board a 100 time."
  258. Mrs. Cinabelle walked outside the room but she stood outside for a moment and looked back at Dizzy.
  260. Mrs.C "oh one more thing , don't try to run away."
  262. and then she closed the door.
  263. The wooden paddle was floating in the air next to her red bottom. Dizzy was still bent over the back of the chair. She turned her head back and looked at the floating wooden paddle.
  265. Dizzy : "hmm ... now what ?|
  267. Dizzy : "hmm ... now what ?|
  269. she waited for few seconds nothing happened. then she said
  271. Dizzy : "oh well might as well leave?"
  273. she got of the chair and stood on her foot. The wooden paddle floated around following her butt.
  275. Dizzy : "Hey what's wrong with you."
  277. she started to walk toward her desk , and the wooden paddle followed her around.
  279. Dizzy : "ok this has to stop. Mrs.Cinabelle punished me and I wasn't lying. There is no point for you to stick around. just go woosh disappear already."
  281. she continued heading to her desk and the paddle continued to follow her.
  283. >Hey I said stop following me. There is nothing for me to admit, I did not copy or steal anyone's homework.
  285. the wooden paddle moved away from her.
  287. >good.
  289. she turned around and bent over to get her bag that was on the floor.
  291. then Wham!
  293. the paddle hit her butt.
  295. >hey what!
  297. yelped in a shock, she raised her head fast and hit her desk.
  299. >Ouch !
  301. as she was rubbing her head she looked back and saw the paddle is in position ready to strike.
  303. >hey wa
  305. Wham!
  307. the paddle landed another strike against her poor behind. and was going into position again.
  309. >why ? What did I Do.
  311. Wham!
  313. >hey I'm talking to you
  315. Wham!
  317. The paddle continued completely ignoring her. Dizzy stood up and turned around facing the paddle.
  319. the paddle circled around her trying to reach her butt.
  321. >oh no you don't
  322. she circled around with him. the paddle continue to circle around dizzy while she was spinning. after a short while She became dizzy (yay I said it ... ) and leaned toward one of the desks to support herself
  324. Wham !
  326. >hey not fair.
  328. Wham Wham!
  330. >stop it i said
  332. WHam wham!
  334. >waaah
  336. Dizzy started to run around the class while the paddle following her and delivering relentless spanks
  338. Wham WHam Wham!
  340. She ran toward her desk again.
  342. wham Wham!
  344. she took her backpack and threw it at the paddle .
  346. the paddle dodge it. and gave her another spank
  348. she picked up a chair and tried to defend herself like lion tamers.
  350. but the wooden paddle was agile and slipped between the chair legs and went behind her and gave her another Spank
  352. WHam!
  354. the class became a bit of a mess. chairs and tables are upside down on the ground.
  356. she then picked up a table and waited for it .
  358. as the paddle come after her she trapped it in hole under the desk.
  360. >ok now is my chance .
  361. she ran toward the class door, the wooden paddle was still trapped under the desk and was making a lot of knocking noises.
  363. she finally reached the door. as she raised her hoof to open the handle the wooden paddle teleported in front of her. and hit the back of her hoof .
  365. >ouch! , hey what. that's cheating.
  367. as she was rubbing her hoof
  369. the paddle went back and spanked her butt
  371. Wham
  373. >ok here is my other chance .
  375. as the wooden paddle busy spanking her butt she raised her hoof to open the door.
  377. The wooden paddle suddenly appeared front of her again. And struck her hoof
  379. >waah! this is bullshit
  381. then the wooden paddle teleported back behind her and started spanking her again.
  383. WHam Wham
  385. Dizzy ran back in the class and went straight to a corner. she shoved her spanked butt against the wall.
  387. >now what. you cannot spank me now.
  389. the wooden paddle stood in front of her for a moment then turned sideways pointing at her crotch.
  391. and then moved fast aiming between her legs till it hit the wall.
  393. now the wooden paddle is between her thighs.
  395. No I'm not moving
  397. the wooden paddle started to move sideways fast hitting her inner thighs like a fish tail.
  399. Huh you have to do better than that , I'm still not gonna move.
  401. Then the wooden paddle stopped in the middle and tilted upward. Wedgiying her pussy
  403. >eep!
  405. the wooden paddle then moved upward as a whole lifting her up. till her back legs barely touching the ground.
  407. then swish in a quick motion the wooden paddle flipped the pony throwing her upside down.
  409. Dizzy was a bit confused about what just happened . she was laying on her back, her legs and butt still up,as her back legs are next to her face. her tail is right on her face.
  411. The paddle did not give her any break and start spanking her in that position.
  413. Wham Wham Wham
  415. Dizzy finally got her equilibrium, and turned around standing on her feet.
  417. WHam Wham
  419. Lost it and panicked , she ran around again as the paddle spanking her . this time the class was messy . she tripped over one of the falling chairs and fell face first inside another chair. her body was stuck inside the opening between the lower rail and the seat.
  421. her front hooves are stuck with her in the sides.
  423. her falling momentum made the chair move inside one of the desks, and was tucked inside.
  425. so now she was Stuck she cannot run around. Couldn't move the chair sideways as it was tucked inside the desk. her tail was behind the lower back rail
  427. there are nothing between her and the wooden paddle.
  429. The wooden paddle went behind her and unleashed a relentless spanks
  431. Wham Wham Wham Wham wham.................
  433. she started to squirm around but she was being held tight .
  435. Wham wham Wham wham
  437. She tried to knock the chair sideways. But she couldn't do it cause it was tucked under the desk
  439. Wham Wham Wham wham
  441. tears are started to cover her eyes.
  443. Wham wham Wham
  445. She tried to stand up but her head and upper body is being held under the desk stopping her from shifting her weight
  447. Whama WHam Wham
  449. >oh I cannot ..(Wham) ...take this anymore.. (Wham!)
  451. then she begain bawling
  453. >why is this happing to me I didn't do anything wrong.
  455. Wham Wham
  457. >OK
  459. Wham Wham
  461. >ok you (sob) win
  463. Wham
  465. >I Did it
  467. Wham
  469. >I Stole the home work
  471. the paddle stopped
  473. >I Stole the homework, and I didn't do it. I admit it.
  475. the paddle was still floating in the air. but the spanking was stopped. Dizzy was sobbing still stuck .
  477. She pulled herself backward, now that the spanking stopped its a lot easier to do so. and she was out sniffling . Catching her breath.
  478. The paddle floated toward the black board. Dizzy was still at that desk, she raised her head and saw the paddle there. She knows what it wants.
  480. so she went there and start writing down.
  482. I will not steal my friend's homework.
  484. the paddle knocked on the board demanding more
  486. I will not lie, Steal and I will do my own homework
  488. she wrote this sentence 100 times.
  490. the magical aura around the wooden paddle faded away and the paddle fell on the floor.
  492. Dizzy cleaned up the mess she did. Then Took her backpack and left.
  494. she walked around with her tail down trying to cover her Red flank And went straight home. that day she went to bed early.
  496. the next day was a weekend. she went down stairs she saw her father sitting there with a disappointed look at his face.
  498. Dizzy's father : Dizzy
  499. Dizzy : yes father.
  500. Father : come here
  501. Dizzy walked toward her father as he was sitting in the living room. she stood in front of him.
  502. Father : " what is that I heard about you. lying to your teacher . and stealing other student's homework ?
  503. Dizzy lowered her head.. not knowing what to say for herself
  504. Father : Haven't I always tell you to be honest. and always admit your mistakes?
  505. Dizzy raised her head, looking at her father straight in the eye
  506. Dizzy : I know dad. and that's all what I did. I.. I did tell the truth.. Buy I got punished for standing my ground like you have taught me.
  507. Father gave a confused look,
  508. Father : " ok ... explain from the beginning."
  509. Dizzy took a deep breath and said
  510. Dizzy : "yesterday at breakfast you reminded me about taking my homework with me. So I did run into my room and packed it inside my bag.
  511. later at school. when my teacher asked us to hand out our homework, I couldn't find it anywhere.It was gone just like that. I explained to my teacher but she thought I was lying about doing my homework and was I was just making excuses.
  512. for that she punished me. on top of that when I recited my homework she thought that I was stealing it from one of my other student.
  514. I could have just lied to her by telling her that I just didn't do my homework, I would have gotten 2 smacks on my hooves. instead I got the old fashioned spanking treatment.
  516. Dizzy's father kept listening to his daughter with unamused look at his face.
  517. Father " wouldn't it happen that you might just have forgotten your homework at home ?
  518. Dizzy : no I did pack it with me.
  519. Father with disappointed look.
  520. Father : "Well how do you explain this" , he pulled her homework paper that was lying next to him
  521. shocked dizzy " what how ?"
  522. father "you tell me I found it in your room"
  523. Dizzy " father I am telling you. I Did put it inside my bag yesterday right after breakfast."
  525. Father " well Dizzy I want to believe you, but the evidence and facts are stacked against you."
  526. Dizzy "but I am telling the truth
  527. Father: " enough! I don't want to hear any more lies"
  528. her father stood up and went to pull out a kitchen chair and said
  529. Father " I don't think your teacher spanked you hard enough"
  530. Dizzy frowned and said
  531. But I ...
  532. then she let out a sigh. and thought to herself. 'I should stop talking, no point in defending myself anymore... and Let get this over with'
  534. her father sat on the chair and tapped on his lap. She knew what need to be done so she just went there and hopped his lap. her father secured her waist , then pulled her tail out of the way exposing her butt.
  535. he then gave a few taps on her rump then raised his hoof ,Dizzy embraced herself for the impact.
  536. then
  538. Knock! knock!
  539. Someone was knocking on the door
  540. Her father hoof's suspended midair . he let out a Sigh and yelled
  541. father "I'm coming!"
  542. he gently pushed dizzy so she move off his lap. she jumped off and stood there next to the chair, as her father went to answer the door.
  543. he opened the door and It was the Mail mare, with a letter addressed to her father.
  544. Mail mare : " umm letter for you sir."
  545. father : " letter for me , couldn't u just used the mail-box ?"
  546. Mail mare : " yes but this one said its urgent "
  547. father urgent eh.. well thanks.
  548. he tipped her and then closed the door.
  550. he was reading the letter envelope as he was walking toward the living room.
  551. Dizzy was still standing there next to the kitchen chair . unsure that if her father wanted to continue or not.
  552. her father sat on the sofa and was about to rip open the envelope when he saw his daughter standing there. hiding half of her face behind the chair.
  554. Father : oh I almost forgot about you.
  555. so he did put down the envelope on the living room's table and went back to the kitchen's chair.
  556. Dizzy : oh yea you would never cancel a punishment.
  557. then said to herself " lets get this over with "
  558. she climbed back on her father's lap. her father secured her in position again.
  560. "Hey ! Dizzy why are you late to our.."
  561. It was Apple Fritter, she was peaking through the Kitchen window as she was saying that.
  562. She saw Dizzy laying on her father's lap, and her father was pulling up Dizzy's tail exposing Dizzy's butt.
  563. Apple Fritter's face turned red and stood near the window. short moment later her father went to the window to talk with Apple Fritter.
  564. Father " can you please knock first and use the door,
  565. AF " I'm sorry I feel embarrassed ,
  566. Father " we are having serious father/daughter conversation right now and we need some privacy.
  567. AF " I know whats going on. poor Dizzy , well this is awkward .. I'll come back later. please don't tell my parents I'm sorry ...
  568. Apple fritters ran away as she was saying that.
  570. Dizzy was sitting down on the floor covering her red embarrassed face
  571. "of all the times why did that Apple Fritter came and see me like that"
  573. her father closed the window and said
  574. Father : lets do this upstairs. wait for me in your room.
  576. as she was walking up the stairs she met her mother walking down .
  577. Mother : morning Zey . what's up with that gloomy face.
  578. Dizzy : my father is about to spank me.
  579. Mother : oh .. I'll tell him to go easy on you. but don't keep him waiting.
  581. Dizzy went to her room and sat down on her bed waiting for her father to come upstairs.
  583. Back to downstairs
  584. Dizzy's mother was talking to Dizzy's father
  585. Mother " I heard someone was knocking on the door.
  586. Father yea it was the Mail mare with some urgent letter.
  587. mother what was it about.
  588. father I don't have the time to read it, its right there on the living room's table.
  589. Dizzy's father went upstairs to dizzy's room.
  590. He opened her room's door and say his daughter sitting on her bed waiting nervously
  591. Father " ok lets get this over with.
  592. Dizzy inner thoughts thats exactly what I want
  593. he sat down on her bed right next to her.
  594. she just leaned herself on his lap. she moved her tail with her hooves and exposing her butt.
  595. she also raised her butt a bit to be in perfect spanking position .
  596. her father then held her from her waist and raised his hoof and.
  598. Smack!
  600. He smacked her right butt cheek and then raised his hoof again. and
  601. *smack *smack *smack
  602. he just smacked her bottom
  603. he wasn't spanking her hard compared to the paddle treatment she got yesterday. this was nothing and she was already getting used to it.
  604. *smack *smack .. 10 11 12 smacks
  605. she was just laying there as her father was spanking her. she did not protest or made any sound.
  606. She was in a bit of pain, but she just wanted this to be over with already.
  607. this spanking did nothing to her. she knew deep down that she is right ,and she was telling the truth ..
  608. she just accepted her fate. and faced it like a brave little filly.
  610. 18 19 20
  611. after 20 smacks her father stopped spanking her. he saw his daughter just laying there with her pink butt almost motionless. so he talked to her
  613. Father : Hey are you alright .
  614. Dizzy : other than the my butt I'm fine dad.
  615. Father : do you even know why you are being spanked
  616. She though to herself. cause fate is stacked against me.
  617. Dizzy " cause I was lying to you , my teacher and most importantly myself. I just forgot my homework at home. and tried to use a stupid excuse thinking I can get away with it.
  619. Father "Good you are finally admitting your mistakes. and so you are taking your spanking like a grown mare."
  620. Father "Get up "
  621. she climbed down from his lap and stood in front of him.
  623. Father "now listen and remember. lies always come with their consequences. It undermines your personal growth, taking the easier way out rubs you from necessary character building experience that is needed to be Good.
  624. So no matter how hard it is, just stick with your believes and be honest pony."
  626. Dizzy "OK dad."
  628. ~~ fast forward in time , AppleJack completely got away with this. from that moment on she just kept being dishonest and always got away with it, always chose the easy and lazy way out of most of her situations.
  629. few moons have passed, they were all grown up now. Dizzy and her family moved away from ponyvile to manehattan.
  630. Dizzy on the other hand had opened a carpentry business , but it wasn't very successful there so she moved her business back to ponyville where there was more demands there.
  632. now we are back where this story started, as she just applied to the Indie inventors competition.
  634. back to the present
  635. Dizzy knew what she wanted to build for the competition. it was an improved version of that enchanted paddle that her teacher used.
  636. That wooden paddle was flawed as it followed the rules set by the unicorn's caster. she wanted to make something that can tell if the filly was telling the truth or lies. as she did not want anypony else to get punished for something they didn't do. It was an awful experience for her.
  638. She went back to her workshop, started on planning and building it. in a couple of days the planning phase were done, she had all blueprints needed to build it. most of the parts she needed were already available in her workshop.
  639. her invention that she was plan to do was somehow complex. it can deliver a proper punishment based on calculated algorithm done by another device that is attacked to that machine.
  641. another few days passed and she was almost done. she was only missing a special ingredient for her attached device, it was a poisonous flower. It was important part of her Device to work. she needed to dry it, then grind it into powder , then mix with magically enchanted liquid. doing so the resulting liquid chemical can react to sound phrases, it will turn red if the sentence is false or a lie , and the liquid would turn blue if the sentence was true.
  642. Sadly this flower only grow in a dangerous place called the everfree forest. where its the habitat of dangerous wild and enchanted creatures.
  643. Dizzy was determined to finish this project so she packed her stuff and decided to go there in the morning.
  644. the next morning she went there alone, she had an outdated map with her to navigate through the passages. the pony that sold her that map asked Dizzy to try to update the map as she go along so she did.
  646. hours has passed and Dizzy is still in the Forrest searching for that specific flower as she is going deeper and deeper inside.
  648. few hours later. she still couldn't find it.
  649. Dizzy "its getting dark I better return back to ponyville"
  650. so Dizzy turned around, and as she was walking back home she heard a scream from a far.
  651. Unknown voice "AAaaaah Let ME go Aargh,..."
  652. Dizzy "that sounded like a little filly"
  653. So Dizzy rushed toward the source of the scream to investigate. she strayed from the path and went deeper inside the dark Forrest.
  654. she heard another yell
  655. Unknown voice "NO MORE, I CAN't take another o!@##."
  656. but the sound got muffled before that filly continued her sentence.
  657. Dizzy was so close to the source.
  658. Dizzy "it must be behind those trees"
  659. she hid inside some bushes and snuck toward it. she took a sneak peak at whats happening .
  660. There was a little yellow filly being suspended in the air by some vines. She is being suspended as she was leaning forward, where her face is facing the ground and her lower body is up in the air. the vines were wrapped around her waist holding her front hooves with it. some other vines were wrapped around her back legs spreading them , while also another vines tied around her Red tail pulling it up.
  661. she had a terrifying look on her face with small tears in her eyes. she was looking at a Tree type creature that was in front of her. the creature seems to be in control of those vines.
  663. Creature " come on little filly .. Eat"
  665. the creature was holding a sliced apple in front of that filly's mouth. trying to force it in.
  666. she was closing her mouth shut tight and avoiding his advances. when he moved his branch like hand away for a bit. she said
  668. Filly "nah uh , I aint gonna take any moar of those bite."
  670. then she closed shut her mouth as he was trying to shove it in.
  671. Creature " Stop resisting"
  672. a tree branch from a nearby tree leaned toward that filly. then
  674. ~WhiP!
  676. the branch hit her exposed little butt in a quick swoop
  677. Filly" Ahmmmm"
  679. the filly wanted to shriek but she didn't want to open her mouth. .. then came
  681. ~WHip! ~whip! ~whip! ~whip!
  682. the little filly went ~umm.. ~ahnn... ~aum.. ~ahhouch!
  684. she couldn't hold it in and let out shriek . and as soon as she opened her mouth that creature shoved the sliced apple inside her mouth. the creature then took another sliced apple and waited for her to open her mouth again.
  685. the filly spat it out. that triggered the creature and he was a bit furious and yelled
  687. Creature " what did I tell you about wasting our valuable fruits"
  689. the branch behind her started to strike her butt harder and faster
  691. ~Whap! ~whap! ~whap! ~whap! ~whap!
  692. filly " owe awee awee I'm sorry... awoch I aint gonna... ouch .. do that Owe more"
  694. Dizzy couldn't stand it anymore and she came out from the bushes and yelled
  696. Dizzy "Hey leave her alone"

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