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Mrs.Cinnabelle the Foalsitter by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:53:47
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:59:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Mrs.Cinnabelle the Foalsitter by RusticAnon
  2. (Foalsitter / Twilight)
  3. unf
  5. (17/07/2017)
  8. ---
  10. >Mom , there is an old lady at the door.
  11. >Oh it must be your new foalsitter twily.
  12. >new foalsitter... what happened to Cadence ?
  13. >Cadence's mother said that she was grounded for the weekend.
  14. >But I want miss Cadance not an old fart.
  15. >now now don't be rude to mrs.Cinnabelle.
  16. >Oh hello mrs Cinnabelle it good that you could come on short notice.
  17. >We'll you know I don't live far off. this little filly must be Twilight.
  18. >Go on Twilight. stop hiding behind my legs . go and say hello.
  19. >erm.. hello.
  20. >See she wont bite you twilly. now go upstairs and finish off your homework.
  21. >Twilight is a remarkable little filly. I'm sure she won't be much trouble to you mrs.Cinnabelle.
  22. >Don't worry mrs.Sparkle this is not my first rodeo foalsitting a filly before.
  23. >yea I heard all about you from Cadence mom. she recommended you to us.
  24. >oh little Cadance ... they grow up fast. making us feel really old.
  25. >(#chuckle) yeah, anyhow this is our living room. the kitchen is over there. make yourself comfortable. My son Shining armor is in his room studying. he is also grounded so make sure he stays in the house.
  26. >Grounding eh. as if that gonna teach a colt like him anything.
  27. >are you questioning my parenting ?
  28. >Oh no ... how rude of me. I'm sure your son earned his grounding.
  29. >anyhow as I was saying. Twilight is a remarkable unicorn. she likes bursting her magic experimenting on things. so keep an eye on her. make sure she doesn't burn the house down.
  30. >Canterlot and the prodigy young unicorns. am I right ?
  32. >it is almost dinner time.
  33. >The house was almost too quiet.
  34. >Both Twilight and shining are in their rooms.
  35. >Suddenly a loud ruckus was heard coming from Twilight's room.
  36. >Mrs.Cinnabelle went upstairs to check it out.
  37. >She flung Twilight's door open.
  38. >Twilight Sparkle !
  39. >Eeep! it was an accident.
  40. >you bit it is. look at the mess you made. you sprayed ink all over the place.
  41. >it's just that I cast come to life spell on the Quill and it stopped listening to me.
  42. >Cast a spell you say ... What did your parents say about using magic inside the house ?
  43. >... Um..
  44. >Your silence said it all. you know that you are not supposed to use these experimental magic ... not until you graduate from your magical kindergarten.
  45. >I'm ... I am sorry mrs cinnabon.
  46. >It's Cinnabelle . and your half assed apology won't cut it. This wasn't the first time you did that. A misbehaving filly have to be punished.
  47. >P p punished .. am I gonna be g grounded ?
  48. >You bet you will. but that's after you get your spanking.
  49. >A spanking ?
  50. >Mrs.Cinnabelle had a serious stern look on her face. Twilight knew she meant business.
  51. >no not a spanking. my mom won't allow it.
  52. >Your mother left you in my care. stop stalling and go bend over the bed.
  53. >No! you can't do this..
  54. >Twilight did what any filly would do in her situation. she tried to run away.
  55. >She tried to run pass mrs.Cinnabelle .
  56. >but to her surprise. the old lady jumped at her and caught her.
  57. >both twilight and mrs.cinnabelle are laying in the hallway.
  58. >Mrs.Cinnabelle didn't waste any time. she sat down straight and pulled twilight on her lap.
  59. >Twilight was squirming and kicking. trying to escape the mare's grip.
  60. >Let me go. you can't do this.
  61. >Stop squirming or I'll be even more sorry about this.
  62. >noo
  63. >She had a firm grip on twilight's waist. securing her in position bending over her lap.
  64. >with her other free hoof she gave twilight 2 light taps on her rear preparing for her smacks.
  65. >twilight stopped squirming.
  66. >Twilight lowered her tail. and covered her butt with her hooves.
  67. >No stop it's embarrassing.
  68. >Move your hooves.
  69. >no please I'll be good.
  70. >I said move your hooves or I'll spank them.
  71. >It was a mistake . I'll clean my room no spankie.
  72. Smack
  73. >Aww ! aw aw
  74. >The foalsitter did smack the back of the young filly's hooves.
  75. >Twilight immediately moved her hooves out of the way.
  76. >That's it and keep them forward. now move your tail.
  77. >err. emm...
  78. >pfft I don't have time for this.
  79. >She pulled Twilight tail using her mouth and moved it out of the way.
  80. >aww aww you are tugging my tail.
  81. >she raised her thighs bumping the filly body moving it a bit forward.
  82. >forcing her to raise her rump up.
  83. >then mrs.Cinnabelle raised her hoof up and Smacked the filly butt.
  84. >Aww! Twilight let out a loud cry across the hallway.
  85. >this wasn't settled with 1 smack. she continued punishing the naughty little filly.
  86. Whap! then she massage the filly rump a bit then gave her another one Whap!
  87. >Twilight was in shock. she haven't been spanked in ages. it brought her some bad memories.
  88. >she didn't hold back.
  89. >she cried and bursted into tears almost instantly.
  90. >after what felt like forever for the little filly.
  91. >mrs.Cinnable stopped. (after 20 smacks)
  92. >Twilight was sobbing.
  93. >get up.
  94. >she lead twilight inside her room.
  95. >she pulled her toward the corner.
  96. >Now stay here and think of what you did.
  97. >twilight stood there rubbing her well spanked pink butt.
  98. >no rubbing. sit down and put your hooves on top of your head.
  99. >I'm going to the kitchen it's almost time for dinner. you stay there until I told you so.
  100. >mrs.Cinnable left twilight there inside her room.
  101. >as she was going down the stairs she noticed that someone was creeping in from the window.
  102. >it was shining armor trying to sneak outside climbing the living room's window.
  103. >mrs.cinnable stood right behind him.
  104. >Shining armor !
  105. >he panicked and let go of the window frame. and it fell onto his waist.
  106. >oww.. mrs. cinnabon you scared me.
  107. >It's Mrs.Cinnabelle and where do you think you're going young man ?
  108. >err, the weather was nice I wanted to feel the wind on my mane ...
  109. >how Charming. wait who is that .
  110. >she saw somepony outside the house.
  111. >Hey is that you Cadance ?
  112. >EEeep ! mrs.Cinnabelle ?
  113. >Cadence saw her old foal sitter and was about to run away.
  114. >Don't you even think about it Caddy.
  115. >Cadence closed her eyes and stopped on the spot.
  116. >That's it I know where you live. you come back right here.
  117. >She let Cadence inside.
  118. >Both Cadence and shining armor sat down on the couch.
  119. >So you both were grounded and you tried to sneak out to the concert ...

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