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Royal Treatment by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:54:37
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:02:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Royal Treatment by RusticAnon
  2. (Celestia, Luna / Twilight)
  4. (16/11/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >Guard :Princess Celestia, spike the dragon wants to talk to you ?
  10. >Spike ? I didn't order for twilight summoning.
  11. >Guard : excuse me princess, but spike came here alone.
  12. >hmm strange let him in..
  13. >greetings your highness.
  14. >spike what are you doing here alone in cantorlot ?
  15. >well you see princess I didn't know who to talk to..
  16. >well whats troubling you ?
  17. >its not about me your royal highness it's about twilight's recent behavior.
  18. >you see at night she..
  19. >spike hold on for a sec.
  20. >guards leave us alone.
  21. >yes mam.
  22. >guards left the throne room.
  23. >ok continue spike.
  24. >as I was saying , twilight was acting strange lately.
  25. >how so ?
  26. >well you see. errr she lock herself .. no no she in bed err.
  27. >Spike calm down. why don't you start from the beginning.
  28. >spike took a deep breath.
  29. >it's all happened 2 weeks ago.
  30. >she started sending me on weird errands at at dawn.
  31. >Stupid errends like making sure all the lights in ponyville is lit.
  32. >list the stars in order of their appearance.
  33. >and other stuff like that.
  34. >at first I thought I was being punished.
  35. >but then I realized that she was kinda wanted me occupied with stuff just to be out of the castle.
  36. >But one day she told me to count all the apple trees in sweet apple acor.
  37. >lucky for me I met big mac on the way.
  38. >so I figured out Why don't I just ask him.
  39. >and I did. he told me the precise number of trees they have . then went on and on about the numbers of trees they were expecting they have in the next 2 years.
  40. >for a guy who always kept quiet attitude he sure knows a lot of math of stuff.
  41. >he even told me the number of apples in each tree and the numbe..
  42. >Spike!
  43. >oh sorry princess I got bit carried away.
  44. >anyway, I finished twilight's stupid errand really fast that night and went back to the castle.
  45. >I looked for twilight in her throne room , but she wasn't there.
  46. >then as I was walking in the hallway ...
  47. >I heard some strange sounds coming from her bedroom.
  48. >the sound kept getting louder as I approached her room.
  50. >I couldn't tell what was it exactly.
  51. >it was hearing something like
  52. Knock Knock Knock
  53. >Celestia opened the door
  54. >there was few ponies from her royal kitchen staff made some complementary Ruby cakes and some tea.
  55. >leave them here.
  56. >they all left the room.
  57. >spike's eye was glowing looking at the cakes.
  58. >do you mind ?
  59. >Celestia smiled go ahead I ordered them to be made just for you.
  60. >spike dug in.
  61. >this is really good princess.
  62. >I wish you share this recipe for mr. and mrs. cakes.
  63. >no no these are secret recipe and besides the ingredients would be too expensive for them ...
  64. >after a short break.
  65. >well go on spike continue.
  66. >continue with what ?
  67. >Celestia gave spike an unamused look.
  68. >oh yes yes , as I was getting closer and closer to her room.
  69. >the weird sounds got louder and louder.
  70. >I put my tiny ear hole at the door to eavesdrop.
  71. >I wouldn't normally do that.
  72. >But at that time I had to do it cause the sound was like as if someone was taking a beating.
  73. >I heard smacking sound and twilight faint sound of pain.
  74. >It seems someone was there attacking twilight.
  75. >I tried to open the door but it was locked.
  76. >I knocked at the door to see if she is alright.
  77. >then I heard as if someone was raging inside.
  78. >Making a ruckess sound. furniture was moving.
  79. >I thought that the person who was with her was panicking and wanted to harm twilight.
  80. >i went back to ram the door open.
  81. >as I was about to ram and knock the door open. the door got opened.
  82. >I fell on the ground.
  83. >twilight was there at the door.
  84. >her room was a little bit messy.
  85. >too messy for twilight.
  86. >Spike what are you doing here so early ?
  87. >well I just finished counting all the trees. and...
  88. >well good job spike , you should well... take a bath and go to bed.
  89. >and that was it.
  90. >she was surly hiding something.
  91. >she kept facing me all the time. as she was hiding something on her back.
  93. >so next day she didn't send me on weird errand as I was entecipating.
  94. >but the next night she did...
  96. >the curiosity got the best of me.
  97. >it was really hard for me to disobey twilight's direct order.
  98. >but I was both curious and worried at the same time.
  99. >as I pretended to go out to do her errand.
  100. >which I kinda forgot what it was...
  101. >was it to sweep town square. ...
  102. >no that was due in two days.. oh yes counting the stars.
  103. >nah she asked me that 4 days ago...
  104. >Spike! the princess yelled...
  105. >spike I don't need those little details just tell me what you saw when you snuck back in the castle.
  106. >oh how did you know I did that princess.
  107. >wait a sec were you spying on me. I heard luna visit ponies in our sleep but you
  108. >Spike!
  109. >oh yes sorry princess... well anyway as you just mentioned I did sneak back in the castle.
  110. >I tried to follow twiligt around without being noticed.
  111. >but she went back to her room and locked the door behind her.
  112. >I couldn't see what she was doing.
  113. >but I can hear some ruckus happening inside.
  114. >then I really wanted to see what she was doing.
  115. >so I went outside the castle and climbed the wall.
  116. >and you wouldn't believe what I saw.
  117. >there was a new bee's building their cells behind one of the walls.
  118. >I knew twilight would love to know about them cause she always love to study them.
  119. >back in our library we used to have
  120. >celstia cleared her throat.
  121. >oh yes yes , sorry... I continued climbing up till i reached her room.
  122. >i jumped inside her porch and hid behind the curtains.
  123. >and there she was..
  124. >spike went silent for a bit.
  125. >celesia : she was ?
  126. >um I don't know what she was doing exactly it was really odd.
  127. >she was holding rope magic , floating brush .. in her bed.
  128. >what ?
  129. >um er she aaa
  130. >spike couldn't form words properly from what he saw.
  131. >Spike take a deep breath.
  132. >good now tell me what she was doing exactly.
  133. >take it slow and go from step to step ... start with her location...
  134. >oh she was laying on her ledge of her bed.
  135. >her front hoves were tied up behind her back with a rope.
  136. >the rope secured her wings and her tail too...
  138. >her other font hoof was lose.
  139. >she was covering her crotch area with her hoof.
  140. >i have no idea who is she hiding it from.
  141. >her cheeks were red. she was breathing heavily.
  142. >she was lifting one of her mane brush with her magic.
  143. >and the odd thing was.
  144. >she was hitting herself with it.
  145. >that was kinda weird I don't know what and why she is doing it.
  146. >Celsita was blushing as she was listing to spike. then she asked him.
  147. >was she hitting her rump ?
  148. >umm yes.. how did you know that.
  149. >and she was moving her hoof that was covering her crotch.
  150. >yes she was doing that too.. what was she doing ?
  151. >umm spike.. did you tell anypony else about this ?
  152. >no just you.
  153. >its good to know that. you see spike she was ... err...
  154. >its a secret Alicorn thing. don't tell anypony about it.
  155. >oh right.. just like me and hording stuff..
  156. >umm .. sure...
  157. >wait a min spike.
  158. >Is twilight doing this everytime she send you away ?
  159. >I think so.
  160. >that means she is doing it right now ?
  161. >probably.
  162. >ok wait here spike...or you know what I need a favor from you.
  163. >anything for a princess.
  164. >at night one of the castle pillars disappeared randomly. i want you to say up the tallest one and keep an eye for disappearing pillars.
  165. >sure thing princess.
  166. >but don't mention That secret to anyone. ok
  167. >of course princess.
  169. >the princess then Teleported herself out of the building.
  171. >celesita blinked and teleproted to luna's chamber.
  172. Boom
  173. >luna jumped from her sleep
  174. >oh tia what do you want give me 5 more minutes.
  175. >no come now.
  176. >she grabbed her hoof and teleported out taking luna with her.
  177. >they both appeared inside twilight's room.
  178. >twilight was masturbating in peace. then suddenly
  179. >BooM!
  180. >both the princess were there.
  181. >twilight panicked
  182. >she was suspended in the air by the rope.
  183. >she was already dripping wet. her butt's shade was pink.
  184. >she saw the two princess there watching her..and she was sweating.
  185. >her mouth was gagged.
  186. >well well well naughty naughty little twilight...
  188. >this takes us way back luna right ?
  189. >indeed. it seems that all alicorns share this little fetish.
  190. >lets give her the royal alicorn treatment.
  191. >yes but let's not go too far like we did with cadence.
  192. >yes . speaking of Cadence. should we call her here also ?
  193. >nah she is married now. she's having fun with her husband.
  194. >twilight was about to remove her gag with her magic.
  195. >Celestia: on no you don't.
  196. >she casted a spell on twilight nullifying her magical abilities.
  197. >keep it there.
  198. >luna start rubbing twilight's pussy.
  199. >Luna : oh look at her sis. she's already wet
  200. >twilight face turned Red as a tomato.
  201. >luna squeezed twilight's butt together..
  202. >very nice tender spankable butt you got there.
  203. >Twilight was getting confused emotions. she was confused , embarrassed , aroused and ashamed. all at the same time.
  204. >and she wasn't able to process anything.
  205. >Celstia let me see.
  206. >meh that's not how you spank yourself. this is not even worth being a warm-up.
  207. >show her the wrath of sun hoof Tia.
  208. >celesia smirked. she then cut the rope that she was hanging from. and placed twilight on her knees.
  209. >she was still tied up.
  210. >celesita raised her hoof up in the air.
  211. >luna whispered in twilight's ear. prepare your butt. then
  212. Woop!
  213. >mhr
  214. >then a relentless hard spanking started.
  215. Woop Whoop woop woop
  216. mrff auumgm mmmm ghummm
  217. >twilight whelped in her ball gag.
  218. >after a short session of the spanking.
  219. >twilight's butt turned red.
  220. >Celesita stopped. she looked at her hoof to see how wet it was.
  221. >twilight's pussy was winking.
  222. >Luna: oh ho hoo she is so turned on by this.
  223. >celesia dropped twilight on her bed.
  224. >she then removed her ball gag of her.
  225. >hah hah,, I'm sorry princefdsfkm
  226. >celesita shoved her (wet) hoof inside her mouth
  227. >shh...
  228. >the got a taste of her love juice from celesia's hoof.
  229. >she unconsciously start licking it.
  230. >that's right lick it..
  231. >luna went behind twilight and went cunnilingus on her.
  232. >she went and penetrated her tight wet pussy with her tongue.
  234. >celesia then removed her hoof out twilight's mouth.
  235. >and pulled her head up.
  236. >she sat down in front of twilight and then pushed her nuzzle at her pussy.
  237. >Twilight soon without being told start licking Celestia's forbidden area.
  238. >she was imitating what Luna was doing inside her pussy.
  239. >Celestia's cheeks started blushing.
  240. >then she started rubbing twilight's horn. she went from the base of her horn and gentle stroke it with her hoof.
  241. >twilight reacted to that and squeezed her thighs together.
  242. >luna moved away .
  243. >she gave twilight few gentle smacks on her butt then went ahead licking her .
  244. >she repeated this cycle few times.
  245. >she was getting hornier and hornier. twilight was fully aroused and overly stimulated.
  246. >she started working harder on Celesita's flower.
  247. >Luna then out of a blue penetrated twilight's butt with her horn.
  248. >Twilight let out a load moan . and came instantly
  249. >she squirted her slimy juices at luna's face.
  250. >her legs were trembling and twitching . her pussy is all wet and dirty .
  251. >she then lost most of her energy and lied on the bed. panting.
  252. >luna removed her horn from her butt.
  253. >Luna : how cute she came from anal penetration.
  254. >she was smiling with and licking the the juices. on her lips.
  255. >such a lewd little alicorn.
  256. >Celestia untied twilight then turned her around to lay on her back.
  257. >now its my turn.
  258. >twilight was exhausted and couldn't protest.
  259. >Celestia used her magic and cast a spell on herself.
  260. >she transformed Twilight's pussy to become Fully erect Dick.
  261. >twilight was shocked.
  262. >she raised her head to see her new throbbing erect Stallion's part.
  263. >by star swirl's beared what did you do to me.
  264. >before she know it. Luna grabbed her dick with her hoof.
  265. >Twilight melted away from this new sensation.
  266. >there there.
  267. >twilight's eye went blank as luna was gently stroking her dick.
  268. >It's good to see this spell being casted on somepony else other than me Tia..
  269. >celesita pushed luna away.
  270. >wait your turn Luna. I'm going first .
  272. >and so Celesita moved on top of twilight.
  273. >she touched twilight's dick with her mare part.
  274. >And she descended down sucking Twilight's Stallion wood inside her.
  275. >Twilight didn't know how to react to this new sensation.
  276. >she covered her eyes with her hooves and cringed .
  277. >Celestia rode twilight and lowered herself until she sat down on her.
  278. >Twilight's dick was fully inserted inside Celesia's marehood.
  279. >She felt that her dick was being grabbed tight while being inside Celestia.
  280. >Her body was boiling down form the heat.
  281. >she felt all her blood circulating inside her throbbing penis.
  282. >then celestia moved her hip up.
  283. >Twilight felt that her dick was being pulled up.
  284. >it was being sucked up moving with celestia's hips.
  285. >Twilight couldn't see celesita's face. but she was blushing , and horny.
  286. >she moved her hips up and down riding Twilight's stick.
  287. >Luna was watching them the whole time rubbing herself.
  288. >well I don't want to be left out sister.
  289. >she went and sat down on twilight's face . while facing her sister.
  290. >she shoved her pussy on Twilight's mouth.
  291. >twilight grabbed Luna's thighs and pulled her in toward her face.
  292. >she start playing with luna's parts with her tongue.
  293. >luna leaned forward while moaning in pleasure.
  294. >celesita raised luna's chin up to face her.
  295. >then they start kissing.
  296. >and they kept at it.
  297. >celestia was moving her hips up and down riding twilight's penis.
  298. >Twilight kept licking and penetrating luna with her tongue
  299. >Luna was getting aroused by that and was grabbing her sister's butt while kissing her.
  300. >moments later they all came.
  301. >both the royal princess co collapsed an laid next to twilight.
  302. >twilight pass-out and fell a sleep.
  303. >both celestia and luna were breathing heavily .
  304. >twilight genitals went back to normal.
  305. after a short break.
  306. >Luna and celestia got up and looked at twilight.
  307. >look how innocent she is sleeping
  308. >Luna grinned. "she doesn't even know that the fun has just began.
  309. >luna teleported her sister back to canterlot..
  311. >Luna tucked her sister in bed.
  312. >you had your fun sister.
  313. >she turned around looking at us.
  314. >now it's my turn.
  315. ___--_____

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