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Spooky Spanky Everfree by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:55:17
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:07:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Spooky Spanky Everfree by RusticAnon
  2. (Spirit / Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle)
  4. (16/08/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >Don't go swimming in the everfree pound she said.
  10. >gee applebloom your sister sure is very strict. all work and no fun at all.
  11. >yea what's the harm in few innocent fun.
  12. >come on sweetie belle and applebloom you are wasting your time talking. I can already see the pound from up here.
  13. >wow look at the water it's so refreshing.
  14. >last pony there is the ugly mule.
  15. >wait for us scoot , it ain't fair.
  16. >Aww.
  17. >ough
  18. >awrgh
  19. >why did u stop all of the sudden.
  20. >I didn't I just bumped into that.
  21. >whoa ...
  22. >what is that ?
  23. >I don't know it seems like a ghost or something.
  24. >well what does it want ?
  25. >who dare trespass into the forbidden pound.
  26. >forbidden pound ?
  27. >ah I don't have time for this let's go girls
  28. >aw aw aw.. stop tugging my tail. -- hey put me down.
  29. >hey let go of our friend.
  30. >hey get away from me aw aw not my tail.
  31. >ok you got us all hanging in there... what do u want.
  32. >you ill mannered little foals don't you know who you are talking to ?
  33. >yea just a rotten all ghost .
  34. >Fools I'm no ghost I am the guardian of this sacred pound
  35. >sacred .. we just want to take a swim.
  36. >A Swim .. you dare attempt to desecrate the forest heart.
  37. >forest what now ?
  38. >hey what are you doing.
  39. >ooof why are laying us across the branch
  40. >arg that's so tight.
  41. >what do you think you are doing tieing little fillies on the tree like that.
  42. >Eep leave my tail alone you perv.
  43. >I need an adult.
  44. >Aww! what did you do that for.
  45. >ouch! that hurt
  46. >aww ...
  47. >Naughty ill mannered fillies your parent didn't teach you how to behave.
  48. >Aww...
  49. >Don't you know you shouldn't trespass in other ponies property
  50. >Aww ssss.
  51. >Wanting to take a swim inside the sacred pound.
  52. >aww...
  53. after intensive spanking session and much bawling. the ghost guardian thingy sent the cmc crusader home. and warned them if he ever see them again they won't be able to sit on their butt ever again.

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