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The Blue Unicorn's Adventure by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:55:38
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:08:40
Expiry: Never

  1. The Blue Unicorn's Adventure by RusticAnon
  2. (Mom / Filly)
  3. unf, poll
  5. (04/08/2016)
  8. ---
  10. >you are a random unicorn stallion.
  11. >you were walking in ponyvile.
  12. >you heard a yelling of an old mare.
  13. >so you head toward the source of the yelling.
  14. >you saw a light purple coated mare biting and pulling an ear of a little pink filly.
  15. >the mare was angry and the filly was protesting
  16. >curiosity got the best of you so you stood far and observed the situation.
  17. >the mare appears to be the mother and she was scolding her daughter.
  18. >you gave a sigh of relief . you thought it was kidnapping or something..
  19. >the mother tugging her daughter's ear forcing her to move toward a bench.
  20. >the purple unicorn sat down on the bench and then pulled her daughter on her lap.
  21. >you thought to yourself 'is this going where I think it is'
  22. >the mother pulled her daughter's tail with her mouth while the filly on her lap and .
  23. Smack!
  24. >she slapped her daughter's butt right there on the bench. in fornt of everypony .
  25. >the poor filly was embarrassed.
  26. >she was squirming and whining.
  27. >her mother gave her another
  28. Smack
  29. >the poor filly was crying.
  30. >her mother was still angry and scolding her daughter.
  31. >she was a bit far from you. you couldn't make up what she was saying.
  33. you then ..
  35. A - Continued being a bystander observing the situation from a far.
  37. B - interfered and stopped the spanking.
  39. C - you didn't want to interfere with mother and her daughter so you ignored them and walk down the road.
  42. -B-
  43. >seeing a little filly crying kinda melted your heart.
  44. >You had to do something.
  45. >you approached them.
  46. >you can finally hear what they were saying.
  47. ~Smack!
  48. Aha awe am sawee.
  49. Mom "oh now your sorry"
  50. ~Smack!
  51. Mom " Do you know how much that cost me"
  52. ~smack!
  53. Mom " 3000 bits"
  54. then she furiously spanked the little pink little filly
  55. ~Smack Smack Smack
  56. Aoe ee ahaha bwahaa
  57. the filly was kicking and bawling.
  58. Smack SMack ... "eh!"
  59. >you went there and held her hoof.
  60. >mom: "hey let go of my hoof , what do you think your doing ?"
  61. >"ehem don't you think that little filly had enough?"
  62. >the filly was stopped crying still trying to catch her breath.
  63. >the mom struggled to pull her hoof of your grip
  64. (Note : hoof gripping is a thing cause I say so)
  65. >mom "hey I said let go. you don't know anything "
  66. >You : "that poor thing look at her."
  67. >she was still catching her breath she wiped her tear, and her snout.
  68. >"she is embarrassed ashamed and in pain."
  69. >mom : "I can discipline my child as I see fit and beside who do you think you are telling me what to do. "
  70. >She forcefully tried to lose your grip over her hoof.
  71. >"I said let go of my hoof"
  72. >"not until you stop hitting your foal in front of everpony in the middle of the street"
  73. >"I can spank my child where ever I see fit. she deserved it"
  74. >she said that while looking at the filly that are laying on her lap. the little one got scared of the menacing look her mother gave her.
  75. >after looking at how that little filly reacted to her mother's mean look ...
  77. you ...
  79. A - pulled the mother over your knee and spanked her.
  81. B - Pushed the mother away and took the filly away from her.
  83. C - you calmed yourself and asked the mother What did she do to deserve this?
  87. -C-
  88. Note don't click the spoiler image yet
  89. >you took a deep breath. and tried to calm yourself.
  90. >you got caught up in the moment and don't have all the facts.
  91. >how can a mother do this to her child. there must be a reason.
  92. >you calmly the mother "What did your daughter do to deserve this ?"
  93. >the mother took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. while shaking her head.
  94. >you let go of her hoof cause she seems calm enough.
  95. >"where to begin.. this little brat got a D on her science class. then she decided to run away from home. we've been searching for her all day. and when I found her hiding in that store's basement she ran off and broke one of the stores valuable vases."
  96. >the mother started to boil up her tone of her voice started to get sharper.
  97. >"and after all that she used vulgar langue . the nerve."
  98. >she said that last line while glaring at the little filly who is still on her lap.
  99. >out of the blue you gently asked the frightened little filly.
  100. >"what's your name ?"
  101. interrupted the mother kinda hoping to defuse the situation. you don't want that filly to be traumatized.
  102. >the little filly mumbled and spoke softly.
  103. >the mother yelled at her daughter. "Where is your manner young lady . is that how I tough you to..."
  104. you extended your hoof on the mother's shoulder. you looked at her in the eye and nodded.
  105. "now tell me little princess whats your name ?"
  106. filly :"I'm.. my name is . aquamarine"
  108. >"you broke that man's vase. you did him wrong. right ?"
  109. >she dropped her ears and lowered her head in shame.
  110. >she nodded.
  111. >Don't you think at least you should apologize to him ?
  112. >her a tear dropped from her eye . she nodded again.
  113. >well .. come on lets go apologize to him.
  114. >her mother let go of her daughter to follow go with you. she was kinda shocked on how her daughter was listing to you.
  115. >you went with her and she apologized to that store pony.
  116. >when you came back. you lowered yourself to her level. you looked at her in the eye and said.
  117. >listen your mother was very worried about you,
  118. >"its gonna be ok."
  119. >you told her that cause she was kinda reluctant to face her mother.
  120. >"your mother is worried about you."
  121. aqua "but my mommy always yell at me and she is very strict with me"
  122. >"your mom want whats the best for you. when you ran off. she was looking all over the place for you" (you don't really know if that's true but you had to over sell it )
  123. aqua "but if I go back now she is gonna .. gonna. spank my poor behind"
  124. >"I'm sure she wont." (and if she did I would stop her)
  125. >"She just paid that stallion a lot of money just to cover your mistakes. if she didn't love you she would have let them put you in jail"
  126. >she was kinda shocked.. that thought didn't cross her mind.
  127. >"so when you go to her now just do what I say, you whispered in her ears."
  128. she smiled.
  129. you went back to the bench were her mom was sitting.
  130. >aqua ran toward her mother and hugged her.
  131. "I'm very sorry mommy I wont do it again please teach me how to be a good elegant pony like you,"
  132. the mother was kinda shocked by how her daughter switched personality . she was like a complete different filly.
  133. she hugged her daughter and talked to her for a bit.
  135. what happens next ?
  137. A - well your job here is done. you turn around and leave.
  139. B - the mother offers you a job
  141. C - Aquamarine refuse to leave with her mother and want to stay with you.
  145. -B- job offer
  146. >well I guess my job here is done .. you turned away and start walking.
  147. >the mother followed you and calling you,
  148. >hey mr. umm thank you ..
  149. >umm your welcome ?
  150. >I don't know how and why but it seems that you can connect with my daughter
  151. mom >"can I maybe offer you a job ?"
  152. You >"sorry I already have a job I work at the..."
  153. >she interrupted you. "how nice but I pay you like X bits an hour."
  154. >that was almost double what you make in your job.
  155. you >"ok you got my attention. what sorta job."
  156. Mom >"well you see. most of my day I'm busy . and I'm kinda neglecting my daughter. and she is falling behind in her studies.
  157. so I want you to tutor her and set her straight."
  158. You >"but I have no experience with such thing."
  159. Mom >"you'll be fine. I looked at the way you treated her, you're a natural."
  160. You >"well I guess I could try.."
  161. Mom >"no you wont try. you will do it, I have an eye for such things."
  162. You >"ok when do I start ?"
  163. Mom >"you can start tomorrow after she comes from school at noon. does that sound fine to you"
  164. you >"well , no I kinda need to quit my old job and do some paper work.. etc. so hows 3 days from now ?"
  165. Mom >"fine we'll meet at my mansion up the hills. here is the address."
  166. >the mom and her daughter left . the little filly looked back at you . she smiled and waved. so you waved back.
  167. >man uphill mansion they must be loaded. Got a new job offer with better payment.. well it's about time I quit my old job.
  169. 3 days later at morning you made your way to that mansion.
  170. >you showed up early for a the job to leave a good first impression.
  171. >you made it to their mansion. it was decent one compared to the others in the area.
  172. >you kinda felt embarrassed that you didn't know the name of the mother.
  173. >not knowing your boss's name is not a very good sign.
  174. >but on the other hoof, she didn't know yours either.
  175. >you ringed the doorbell.
  176. >you were greeted by their butler. he asked who you are ?
  178. A - I'm here to tutor the young mistress.
  180. B - I'm here for the misbehaving filly.
  182. C - The mistress haired me.
  185. -C- the mistress hired me
  187. >you tried to hide the fact that you didn't know the mom's name.
  188. >the butler's way of talking kinda infected you.
  189. >so you spoke formally like him.
  190. you > "The mistress haired me."
  191. >you addressed the boss as a mistress.
  192. >the butler was puzzled.
  193. >he checked you out then said
  194. >"ah yes right this way."
  195. >he moved away from the door inviting you in.
  196. >you haven't been inside a huge mansion before.
  197. >the atmosphere was kinda intimidating.
  198. >you don't want to appear unclothed.
  199. >living as a commoner in ponyvile kinda took a toll on you.
  200. >your pride being a unicorn was kinda at stake.
  201. >you played it cool. and acted snobby as if everything around you is normal
  202. >if you please follow me. the mistress is waiting for you.
  203. >he walked infront of you leading the way.
  204. >you walk inside their hall way.
  205. >the mansion looked nice and clean.
  206. >so this how the big shots live..
  207. >the butler continued walking. down the hall way. then went upstairs. walked another hallway.
  208. >wow this place is huge. I wonder how many rooms do they have.
  209. >the whole place was decorated. you admired the carpets. the ceiling. everything.
  210. >he stopped infront a room with a double door.
  211. >"if you be kind to wait here. I need to inform my mistress of your arrival."
  212. >yea sure go a head.
  213. >the butler knocked on the door and entered.
  214. >he closed the door behind him.
  215. >you stood there waiting and pondering.
  216. >why would she be waiting for me I'm 4 hours early.
  217. >well as expected from a rich families.
  218. >they were testing me.
  219. >good thing I came early then.
  220. >you can vaguely hear the conversation they were having inside.
  221. >Madam . He has arrive.
  222. mom >"this early"
  223. yes
  224. Well I have to get ready for him. fetch me my outfit.
  225. >and get the room ready.
  226. >you heard some rumble of moving furniture . that's odd.
  227. >after short while
  228. >the butler opened the door
  229. >You can come in now.
  230. >you entered.
  231. >it was another small hall room with 2 doors.
  232. >the mistress is waiting for you inside her room ?
  233. >wah she got a bedroom and a study room. how nice.
  234. >you nodded and walked toward the room.
  235. >the butler went outside and closed the door behind him.
  236. >guess he doesn't want to disturb us.
  237. >well time to make my first good impression.
  238. >you took a deep breath.
  239. >you raised your chest high. and opened the door.
  241. you froze in your place in shock of the sight infornt of you.
  242. She was wearing some sort of kinky black leather suite. her tail was being pulled by her suit exposing her genitals.
  243. She was laying on some sort of furniture . her all her legs were being tied down and clamped to chair.
  244. her rump were high up and her top being laid down.
  245. >her mouth was muffled with a red gag ball.
  247. >she turned her head back to look at you with a seductive bed room eyes.
  248. >but soon her looks changed.
  249. >she was shocked by your sight.
  250. >you are not the one she was expecting.
  251. >her face turned red.
  253. Looking at how vulnerable she is in this predicament you..
  255. A - wanted to escape this akward situation
  257. B - grinned and took advantage of this situation.
  259. C - You couldn't take advance of a vulnerable mare. and untied her.
  262. --
  264. -C-
  266. ... IN PROGRESS ...
  269. Same rules as before
  270. at the end of this part I give a 3 choices to vote for. I only need few votes. and I will break the tie .
  271. Note: I did lose this part I had to rewrite it again.
  272. The conversation are a bit different than the original.
  274. ======
  275. >this was the most awkward situation you've been to all your life.
  276. >you wish you could just disappear.
  277. >so many thoughts spiraling in your head.
  278. >so many questions.
  279. >but one thing kept you from fainting.
  280. >if is awkward for me. then what about her ?
  281. >looking at her flushed red face.
  282. >she must be more embarrassed than me.
  283. >but the real question still remains.
  284. >How did I end up in this situation.
  285. >There must be something that I missed.
  286. >you played back the entire scenario in your head trying to pinpoint what you missed.
  287. >Nothing.
  288. >well she diffidently said that she was busy. and needed me to tutor her daughter...
  289. >that's what we agreed on .
  290. >I came here early.
  291. >I told the butler that the mistress hired me.
  292. >...mistress ... master ... slave... I'm early .
  293. >oh right there is only one explanation.
  294. >she was expecting a someone else and the butler confused me with him.
  295. >ok what to do here...
  296. >well I cannot just leave her like this. the least I can do is untie her to defuse the awkwardness.
  297. >you went toward her and removed the magic muffler ring from her horn.
  298. >she didn't make eye contact with you.
  299. >You removed the ball gag from her mouth.
  300. >she looked at you with a confused look in her eyes.
  301. >what are you doing ?
  302. >umm .. what does it look like ? I'm uniting you.
  303. >uniting me .. why ?
  304. >your mind went blank. you were so confused and weren't able to process the situation.
  305. >she just kept staring at your blank expression, waiting for an answer.
  306. >and there it is .. another awkward silence.
  307. >after a brief pause. she said
  308. >wait, let me get this straight .
  309. >you are not the Dom from the newspaper ad.
  311. >umm no.
  312. >. .... ... then .. ... ... why are you here ?
  313. >you .. you hired me 3 days ago to tutor your daughter...
  314. >well I know that but why are you here in my bedroom pretending to be the Dom.
  315. >eer.. that... I think your butler confused me for .. another pony.
  316. >she let out a sigh, she used her magic to untie herself out her bond.
  317. >you turned your head away to avoid eye contact.
  318. >well then what are we gonna do about this situation ...
  319. >she took a pen and wrote down a check for you.
  320. >here I think this figure is enough to shut you up
  322. She Offered a large sum of money. to keep you silent about what you saw.
  324. A Take the money
  325. B Refuse the money
  326. C Demand more or else (blackmail)
  328. >you took a look at the number she wrote.
  329. >it was a generous number.
  330. >>almost worth 7 moon years of pay from your previous job.
  331. >the job that you quit in order to work for her.
  332. >you were so tempted to take the bribe.
  333. >but your integrity and your conscience stopped you from doing it.
  334. >Sorry mam, I'm afraid that I have to refuse.
  335. >oh
  336. >her facial expression changed from smut to anger
  337. >so is that it. If you think you can just blackmail me, I tell you it's not gonna work.
  338. >as a matter of fact I will call the po..
  339. >you interrupted her
  340. >no mam that's not my intention at all, It's a simple misunderstanding that's all.
  341. >she kept listing to you despite her anger.
  342. >Everypony has a secret hobby of their own. it's not that big a deal. you were just unlucky that I been here at the wrong time..
  343. >stuff like that happens.
  344. >she seemed to be calmed down.
  345. >well ... so why did you refuse the money then ?
  346. >Its unethical. I cannot just accept money for something I didn't do. its like taking advantage of the weak.
  347. >I'm not A weak and helpless mare you know.
  348. >no that's not wha...
  349. >but I do like your sense of moral duty. I think I'm willing to give you another chance. lets just forget all what happened here and start over.
  350. >you listen to her...
  351. >well then. lets talk about why you were originally here.
  352. >since you have a way with foals and my daughter still needs someone to guide her to improve on her studies.
  353. >The offer still stands. If that's fine with you.
  354. >well...
  356. She asked you to continue working for her to tutor her daughter
  358. A Accept (you are currently unemployed , having a well paid job is nice)
  359. B refuse (well you cannot work under these conditions. you can't just ignore what just happened and she wont control you with money)
  360. C Demand more ... (She did ask you again despite of what just happen, she must be desperate to rehire me )
  362. >'I need this. I did quit my previous job so I can tutor the little filly. even its gonna be awkward from now on. but she was generous enough to offer me a second chance.'
  363. >of course. I'm still in.
  364. >good let me show you to her room.
  365. >her room ?
  366. >yes you gonna be on top of her all the time...
  367. >'on top of her.. her room ...'
  368. >making sure she study well. you'll be in charge of her entire schedule from the moment she come back to school till she go back there.
  369. she stopped and gave you a serious menacing look. the air suddenly become think and it got dark all of the sudden. She leaned toward you and said
  370. >Do whatever means necessary .
  371. her facial expression changed back and everything went back to normal.
  372. >I want her grades to improve no matter what. cause one day she would take her father's business.
  373. the menacing atmosphere got back and she got that serous threatening facial expression again.
  374. >And if you failed that task... I'll make sure you'd be unemployed for the rest of your life.
  375. then she switched back to her normal snobby expression.
  377. >you started to have doubts.
  378. >did I make the right decisions.
  379. >my future is in the hoof of that filly.
  380. >Rich folks like them doesn't care about the likes of me.
  381. >she really can ruin my life.
  382. >I cannot afford to lose this job...
  383. >She noticed the worried look on your face. she said
  384. >don't worry much, I'm sure you'll be fine, besides she was talking about you in the past 2 days.
  385. >she was kinda happy that she made a new friend.
  386. >you: she doesn't have other fiends her age ?
  387. >I'm afraid not. she worries me. she doesn't do well with others.
  388. >not even with me. she usually disrespectful.
  389. >I got plenty of complains from her school about her behavior.
  390. >'sounds like she need a psychiatrist'
  391. >she used her magic to left up a small bell that was in the hall.
  392. >she gently rang it once
  393. >suddenly the butler appeared.
  394. >you called me madam.
  395. >This is Aquamarine's TUTOR (she emphasized on that) and show him around. he will be working for me from now on.
  396. >yes madam... over here sir.
  397. >he showed you around the mansion getting you familiar with the place...
  398. >few hours have passed
  399. >Aquamarine the little filly came home.
  400. >after a short moment she saw you.
  401. >immediately, she smiled and ran toward you while yelling.
  402. >Bluweee
  403. >'bluewee... oh I get it cause I'm blue, oh brace yourself'
  404. >she jumped at you while hugging your neck.
  405. >you gave petted her head ...
  406. >Why are you here bluewee did you finally decided to come and play ?
  408. Why are you here bluewee did you finally decided to come and play ?
  410. A Yes I'm here to play with you.
  411. B No, I'm actually here to help you get better at school.
  412. C You gently pushed her away. and sternly order her to call you Sir...
  414. Option A
  415. >yes lets play.
  416. >Yay . what game do you want to play pretend .. Doctor and patient.
  417. >do you have toys ?
  418. >she excitingly said : Do I ? Come I'll show you.
  419. >she ran to her room.
  420. >you followed her there.
  421. >pewyoo I have read too many books about kids playing doc and patient... I know it wouldn't end well. she is just a lonely filly that doesn't know the true meaning of having a friend.
  422. >stepping down to her level. I might get her to understand the true meaning of friendship. and as her friend I can make her see the importance of respect.
  423. >you went right inside her room.
  424. >it was more like a suit apartment than just a bedroom.
  425. >there was a bedroom area
  426. >bathroom , changing room
  427. >and a hall in the middle connecting them all.
  428. >she was standing near a closet door in the hall
  429. >wiggling her tail eagerly waiting for you to show up.
  430. >as you entered. she opened the door. it was full of all kind of different toys.
  431. >no foal should be allowed to own that much.
  432. >She started to drag stuff out of the closest.
  433. >oh lets play with this.. no that one .. or this.
  434. >she was showing you of her toy collections.
  435. >wait how about you pick 3 of your favorites and I pick one of them to play with .
  436. >not fair I want to pick one to play with.
  437. >but you'd be picking 3 toys and I would be only be picking 1.
  438. >oh ok.
  439. >she dug deep inside the closest. and got you three different toys.
  440. >one of them was a school sit. with little pony dolls.
  441. >the ther one was Video Orbs from the crystal empire.
  442. (its a crystal ball where it can play a pre recorded scenes from crystals. AKA video tapes)
  443. >oh Video Orbs that thing is way too expensive. I have never managed to see one with my own eyes.
  444. >she already picked an orb to be played.
  445. >and lastly she showed you a board game you were unfamiliar with... it was the hero and changeling's queen.
  447. ok Which shall we play with ?
  449. So which toy would you pick ?
  451. A - the school play set. (maybe I can teach her something with it.)
  452. B - play the video orb (the tape she picked called the practical pony - the changeling queen get what she deserves for lying and kidnapping practical's 2 sisters)
  453. C - setup the board game (a hero and a villein what could go wrong)
  455. >lets play with the video orb
  456. >she was excitedly brought it up from the box and starting working on it.
  457. the video orb sounds interesting, it's a rare chance for you to try one.
  458. you looked at her unfolding strange wires and stuff out of the box...
  459. >umm ... are you sure you know what you are doing ?
  460. >yes I played with this toy a lot.
  461. she looked at you and smiled.
  462. >but having someone else to play with is way much better.
  463. this is exactly what you have planned. gaining her trust and scooping down to her level. So I can manage to show her the importance of,...
  464. you were kinda absorbed with your thought but you got interrupted by her giving you a tiara like thing hooked with a wire that is connected to the base of the orb.
  465. >here put this on your head.
  466. >are you sure its safe ?
  467. its a strange question to ask a foal.
  468. >don't be scared. I will put mine too.
  469. >well alrighty then.
  470. You put the silly tiara on your head and she wore hers.
  471. there was 3 slots for the wire to be connected with.
  472. >I'll be the good guys and you can play the baddy ok?
  473. well I've always picked the good guy when I was a little foal so it's a good for a change..
  474. >ok...
  475. >but how do we play this ?
  476. >its easy you just do what the narrator's say.
  477. >wait there is acting involved ?
  478. she pressed the button on the device. the orb in the middle start glowing .
  479. then a blinding bright light came from it.
  481. suddenly you lost control of yourself.
  482. you were confused and slightly blinded.
  483. as you gaining your sight you saw. you felt distressed unable to talk move and do anything.
  484. it felt like a weird dream.
  485. the you heard someone's voice coming for no where.
  487. >... once upon a time in the crystal empire. a small family of three crystal ponies lives in small house...
  488. as the voice was talking you suddenly went to the crystal empire watching this story as its being told.
  489. it was out of the world experience . you totally forgot that you were unable to move and react. you decided to let go and just immerse yourself with the experience.
  490. the voice continued...
  491. >the practical , she was the smartest of the three. then there was a little filly called Penny. and then there was a little colt called flip.
  492. >Flip and penny where playing outside their little house. while their bigger sister was in her workshop working in one of her inventions.
  493. >Flip and penny went to take a look at what their big sister was up to.
  495. >They saw the practical one working hard, sweating.
  496. >they laughed at her. then penny said :
  497. >Look at her, Working all day. no time to play no time for fun.
  498. >then her bother flip said : yea unlike us we will go to the meadow and play.
  499. >their big sister got alarmed, she stopped working, turned and said:
  500. >Don't go to the meadow now, you see the changeling are on the lose.
  501. >her siblings replied : bah you are always like this all work and no play.
  502. >their big sister replied : Go on and play ... but don't leave the Two Red crystal entrance.
  503. >ok said the two little foals. then they ran out west of the crystal empire.
  505. >meanwhile the big scary changeling queen was inside one of the frozen caves in the crystal mountains . talking to her little changelings subjects.
  506. >we are weak , we need to feed. who do we feed upon ?
  507. >her evil changeling army replied : the crystal ponies.
  508. >and why the crystal ponies ?
  509. >cause they are full of love from their faithful great queen of love . queen Candace.
  510. Such propaganda
  511. what ! I can talk. Suddenly you went out of the experience and felt like yourself again.
  512. you were sitting inside her room with Aquamarine who you should be tutoring.
  513. The tiara thingy was still on your head but you have become self aware...
  514. That little filly was still sitting next to you watching the orb like a zombie... she was overly focused and unaware of her surroundings.
  516. You ...
  520. A meh I guess I want to see what happened to the rest of that cheesy flick.
  521. B Sit there do nothing... wait for that video orb thingy to finish.
  522. C Remove the headpiece from her and get her out of it.
  524. >you had enough of that cheesy flick. it was boring for you.
  525. >you removed the set off your head and looked around her room.
  526. >her room was much bigger than yours. and propablly much bigger than your aparment.
  527. >man this rich folks got it all.
  528. >your eyes gazed upon her, she was sitting comforably on Red pillow watching that Orb . which was playing the story.
  529. >she wont be going anywhere soon.
  530. >well then how do I begin with her...
  531. >her study desk is over there on your right. and the bed room is back inside the other room.
  532. >you took her backpack and unloaded it on her desk.
  533. >lets see here...
  534. >you skimmed through her note books to see what are they teaching these foals these day.
  535. >simple reading essays... basic maths ... the magical elements of equestria ...
  536. >phew all basic stuff.
  537. >you took a look back at her watching that video Orb. and thought to yourself
  538. >shall I interrupt her now or ,, well It can wait ... she just came home from school.
  539. >I'll sit next to her and pretend that I have watched it with her.
  540. >you sat down and watched her watching the orb.
  541. >her face was a bit flushed as she was watching. gazing at the orb with her mouth open.
  542. >is that normal ?
  544. >meh how should I know... she said she watched it a lot before,
  545. >after a short while you noticed her moving.
  546. >she opened and spread out her legs, changing her sitting pos. wedging the pillow between her legs.
  547. >this is an odd way to sit... wait WHAT!
  548. >she moved her hips up and down humping the pillow she was sitting on.
  549. >holy Luna! she is masturbating... what is she even watching...
  550. >you took a look at the orb
  551. it was showing the 2 siblings from that story being strapped down with their tail raised up by mechanical thing .
  552. >and the contraption they were strapped on was paddling their butts with a hairbrush.
  553. >wait what kind of story is this ?
  554. >her humping was matching the speed of the paddle.
  555. >she was fully absorbed by that video orb... she was doing it unconsciously
  557. this is kinda awkward what should I do ?
  561. A- Nope not gonna deal with this(leave the room).
  562. B- shut it off.
  563. C- ignore it.
  566. >you stopped the device.
  567. >"huh what happened ?"
  568. >you tried to ignore the fact that she was masterbating. so you changed the subject.
  569. >"its time for your studies."
  570. >she pouted and crossed her hooves together.
  571. >"No. I want to play more games."
  572. >"there is time for everything. you played... now it is time for you studies.
  573. >"but I still want to play more."
  574. >"come now be a good little filly and lets go to your study room."
  575. >she was still protesting. and was ignoring you. Aquamarine started fiddling with that Orb thingy wanting to start it again.
  576. >that made you feel frustrated. you can now see why her mother was acting this way. you don't want to be like her but at the same time you have to assert yourself.
  577. >"hey I'm talking to you. you don't have to be rude and ignore me"
  578. >she continued fiddling with that device and ignored you.
  579. >you used your unicorn magic to lift her of the ground and turned her around to face you. she was startled by that. and got irritated.
  580. >"you don't have to like this. but you have to study. just because you don't want to do it. that doesn't mean you can be rude toward me"
  581. >hemmph! she turned her head away.
  582. >"come on don't be like that. I'm here to help you with your school work."
  583. >"you are just here to make me study. you are no real friend."
  584. >"real friends help each others "
  585. >"if we finish your studies early we will have more time playing later."
  586. >"really ?"
  587. >"yes"
  588. >"promise ?"
  589. >"yes I promise"
  590. >"ok "
  591. >she finally complied. she ran ahead of you to her study room. her bags was already there. it seems that the butler was doing his job...
  592. >she sat down on her desk and poured the content of her bag onto it.
  593. >it was filled with notebooks.. pens ...etc
  594. >"so which subject are we gonna cover first ..
  596. >you stayed with her all afternoon. going from one subject to another. she wasn't slow and to your amusement she was actually smart little filly. she understood almost everything. it made you wonder what does they need you here for.
  597. >she needed a little help and tips in few subjects. but other than that she was doing fine.
  598. Knock Knock!
  599. >"come in" she replied.
  600. >the door was opened and it was the butler standing there.
  601. >Pardon me. it is time for Dinner.
  602. >dinner time already. you didn't feel the time. she was almost finished with her studies.
  603. >"ok she will be right up "
  604. >the butler cleared his throat and closed the door.
  605. >"ok, Aqua. that's enough for today we will continue this tomorrow."
  606. >"yay"
  607. >both of you then left the room and walked in the hallway.
  608. >"hey mr. where are you going" - she politly asked
  609. >"I'm going home ofc"
  610. >"you aren't gonna stay and play ?"
  611. >"It's late. don't worry I'll be here tomorrow."
  612. >"But you promised that we play after I'm finished"
  613. >"Another time.."
  614. >"no no no you promised"
  615. >"well I did promise you if we finished early"
  616. >"you and all the other adults. alway breaking your promises . I hate you.." and she ran off.
  617. >as she was running of the mistress was standing there watching you.
  618. >"well I see you two are getting along" she said that sarcastically.
  619. >"heh just a little bump she would get over it tomorrow."
  620. >"how was her studies ?"
  621. >"she was doing great actually. she only lacks the motivation for studying "
  622. >"and did you handle it ?"
  623. >"ofc . she is a very talented and smart little filly for her age."
  624. >"that's good to hear... and about earlier ... you know ... at"
  625. >"don't worry. I already forgot about it. no need to bring up that awkwardness..."
  626. >then the awkward silence filled the room.
  627. >"err I got to go ... now ... it's getting late..."
  628. >you fled the scene.
  629. ...
  630. ...
  631. >the next day you went there. but this time you were almost at the time aquamarine gets back home. you don't want to get roped into those awkward situations.
  633. >the butler let you in.
  634. >you waited there in the hall for her to come back from school.
  635. >the mistress wasn't home. so you were kinda relived.
  636. >mins. later the young mistress was home.
  637. >she saw you standing there. she pouted and ignored you.
  638. >she rudely threw her bag at the butler and asked him to warm up the tub.
  639. >the butler came toward you and firmly handed you her school bag. as if he was asking you to do your job.
  640. >she went to her room while still not paying attention and totally avoiding eye contact.
  641. >she entered her bathroom and laid in her warm bathtub.
  642. >you took her bag back to her study room and say there on the chair waiting.
  646. A- she stay there for a really really long time.
  647. B- you go through her bag content.
  648. C- after a short while she leaves the bathroom. and she was still ignoring you.
  649. D- all of the above. you get frustrated and you stormed inside the bathroom. you pick up the brush and pull her over the ledge of the tub. you pull up her tail with your teeth and paddle her little butt until it turn red. the butler came in to see what's the commotion was about. and sees what you are doing. he joined you spanking her. she burst into tears and bawl. the mother comes in as her daughter was bawling. you pulled her in and gave her the same treatment. you spank her next to her daughter until you made that grown mare bawl like a little filly. and before you leave you blackmail her for what she was doing behind her husband. she pays you handsomely and you leave town
  651. B - you went through her stuff.
  652. -
  653. >as you were waiting for her to come out. you kept wondering why she was avoiding you...
  654. >was she still on what you did yesterday.
  655. >or was there another reason for it. her voice echoed in your head "you and all the other adults. alway breaking your promises"
  656. >what did she mean by that. you pondered about that.
  657. >nah maybe I'm over thinking it. besides I need to focus on the task at hand(hoof?).
  658. >I'm here to make her do better at school. I shouldn't interfere with her personal life.
  659. >maybe I should prepare her desk for her.
  660. >you opened her backpack. and picked up her notebooks.
  661. >as you were putting them on the table a piece of paper fell on the ground.
  662. >using your unicorn's magic, you lifted it off the ground.
  663. >you got a bit curious and flipped it up
  665. what was written on it ?
  667. A Her pop quiz from today( she scribbled and doodled on it ). aka Failed the test on purpose
  668. B an adult rated poem a young filly shouldn't be reading
  669. C just a note paper from her class. - nothing out of the ordinary

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