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The Curse of the Alicorn's Eye by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:56:00
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:09:26
Expiry: Never

  1. The Curse of the Alicorn's Eye by RusticAnon
  2. (Statue / Celestia)
  3. soap
  5. (22/01/2017)
  8. ---
  10. >the Alicorn's eye is an old relic created by starswirl the bearded himself.
  11. >It was said that it gives it's user an unmatch magical power.
  12. >but it can corrupt the user.
  13. >so Starswirl had to seal it away.
  14. >he made sure that no pony can reach it.
  15. >young princess celestia who was a filly at that time was overly curious.
  16. >she loves magical gadgets and relics that Starswirl creates.
  17. >When she saw him use the Alicorn eye to banish the sirens out of equestria.
  18. >She was dying to try it herself.
  19. >one day Starswirl was going out of the castle for weeks to collect rare herbs.
  20. >it was her chance to steal..err borrow the eye.
  21. >at night she snuck around the castle to the chamber where he kept the Alicorn eye.
  22. >This chamber was inside his quarters.
  23. >it's a huge labyrinth of bookshelves and stairways.
  24. >but she knew her way around.
  25. >she reached the chamber's door.
  26. >"the alicorn eye would me mine" tia said
  27. >she entered the chamber.
  28. >Young Celestia saw the alicorn eye in the middle of the room. it was there inside a glass box.
  29. >"If I know Starswirl any better. he would have put some sort of traps. so I have to be careful."
  30. >she looked around. but the room was empty only the alicorn eye was in the middle.
  31. >"I think that old man is getting a bit sloppy."
  32. >she walked toward the Eye.
  33. >only to be magically float in the air.
  34. >she was being shot by a magical beam coming from the eyes of a statue in the ceiling.
  35. >the statue head came to life and descended from the ceiling. then like a bat it landed on the floor.
  36. >it was a rather large pony statue with bat wings. it was floating Celestia with its eye beam.
  37. >as the statue was floating her it said. "Intruder detected, No pony is allowed in the Alicorn's eye chamber."
  38. >"Hey I'm not anypony I'm the princess I demand.. Order you to put me down."
  39. >the statue replied "Intruder Identified. Proceeding with Celestia Protocol 1"
  40. >"protocol 1? .. heeeey!"
  41. >the guardian statue forcefully pulled celestia toward him.
  42. >he sat down and pulled her under his front leg.
  43. >she was facing his back.
  44. >her lower body was in front .
  45. >he raised his other hoof and ...
  46. >Smack! ~he smacked her butt with it.
  47. >"Owe ! what the hey are you do~ Owe!
  48. >he smacked her again. then raised his hoof up in the air preparing for another one.
  49. >smack!
  50. >"Owe! . you can't do that to me I'm the prinCeeeees owee ! the princess.
  51. >the statue didn't reply to her and continued spanking her.
  52. >his hoof did leave a mark on her white butt.
  53. >her butt color turned from white to light pink as he was spanking her.
  54. >she continued to protest but the statue ignored her and continued with his spanking.
  55. >moments later which felt like forever for her he stopped spanking her.
  56. >then lifted her with his magical beam and lead her outside.
  57. >He said "Do not enter the chamber again or I will proceed with Celestia protocol Number 2"
  58. >Celestia was gently dropped at the chamber door.
  59. >she rubbed her spanked flank and left the area.
  60. >"I will get the alicorn eye one way or another. but I need to get me some ice pack first."
  61. >the next night Celestia came to the chamber again.
  62. >but this time she was prepared.
  63. >she was wearing a jumpsuit.
  64. >and a thick panties under it to cushion the impact.
  65. >"this is my fail safe plan, But I don't think I'm gonna need it"
  66. >she entered the chamber.
  67. >as soon as she entered she used her magic to transform herself into Starswirl.
  68. >this will fool that stupid guardian.
  69. >She walked toward the glass box.
  70. >the guardian came to life.
  71. >and moved his head toward Celestia.
  72. >"Scanning... Master Starswirl detected. disengaging."
  73. >Disengaging indeed.
  74. >She continued walking to the middle where the alicorn's eye was.
  75. >when she got closer. a ring barrier appeared from the ground around the Eye.
  76. >Celestia was caught in side of it.
  77. >The barrier Dispelled her illusion spell.
  78. >she got turned back being her Young self.
  79. >she then heard the dreaded "intruder Detected intruder Detected." coming from behind her.
  80. >it was the guardian again. he suspended her up in the air with his eye beam.
  81. >"Intruder Identified- Proceeding with Celestia protocol # 2."
  82. >she gulped as she was being dragged in toward him.
  83. >she knew that there is no point resisting. and totally accepted her fate.
  84. >he pulled her across his lap.
  85. >he then tried to remove her clothes.
  86. >he tried pulling it down but failed to do so.
  87. >Celestia snickered "you can't do that it's a jump suit . I don't think you know your way around this."
  88. >the statue continued pulling an yanking it down and failed to do so.
  89. >"just give up. you have lost . you either let me go. or spanking me through my cloths."
  90. >the guardian statue stopped for a moment then grabbed the back of her suit and start yanking it up.
  91. >the suit was wedgieing her . biting up her butt.
  92. >he jerked it and yanked it harder and harder.
  93. >wedging her further.
  94. >she yelped in pain.
  95. >he pulled it hard enough to rip.
  96. >her butt dropped down wobbling. she gave a sigh of relief.
  97. >but that moment was short lived as the statue was pulling down her padded panties.
  99. >"there goes my fail safe plan."
  100. >the guardian statue pulled out a hair brush.
  101. >"what the.. where did you .. and why.." celestia confusion vanished away when the statue start spanking her with it.
  102. >Whap! Whap! Whap!
  103. >owe owe oweeee
  104. >this time she recived far harsher punishment than her first time.
  105. >it felt like forever.
  106. >her eyes was tearing.
  107. >her but turned red by the dreaded brush.
  108. >the statue just continued spanking her for a while.
  109. >then stopped and lead her toward the door.
  110. >she was rubbing her well spanked butt.
  111. >and wiping the tears in her eyes.
  112. >"Don't come back again or I proceed with Celestia protocol 3"
  113. >"there is protocol 3?" she said that as she was leaving the chamber.
  114. >the door closed behind her.
  115. >"dang it. My poor little butt cannot take anymore punishment. but I have to endure it abit more."
  116. >"next time it will be the one I get my hooves on the alicorn eye. but now I need more ice packs."
  118. >2 days later.
  119. >Celestia came back again.
  120. >"Starswirl gonna be back tomorrow so It's gonna happen tonight.
  121. >she rubbed her bottom.
  122. >"my butt still a little bit sore from last time. but not today. I'm came fully prepared."
  123. >she entered the chamber and closed the door behind her.
  124. >Celestia then took a deep breath. then narrowed her eyes.
  125. >"Now!"
  126. >she cast one of the forbidden spells. The time manipulation Field.
  127. >the entire room around her moved at extremely slow rate. while she can move freely in the effected area.
  128. >she then ran through heading straight toward the Eye.
  129. >Even within the slowed time. she triggered the ceiling statue.
  130. >With very slow deep voice he still managed to say "Innn trruuuderrr Deeeteeecteeed"
  131. >the statue started shooting the levitation beams at her.
  132. >Celestia managed to easily dodge them.
  133. >"I don't have much time. the slow field will desperate in matter of seconds."
  134. >she ran though the anti magic barrier.
  135. >but it didn't effect her.
  136. >She turned around and gave the barrier the raspberry tongue. "bprrt not today. I coated my fur."
  137. >she finally reached the glass display box where the Alicorn's eye was kept.
  138. >She tried to raise the glass cover but it was heavier than she anticipated.
  139. >the guardian statue was on the ground behind her running toward her.
  140. >she did trigger multiple alarms as she was raising the heavy glass.
  141. >the time field spell she cast earlier was fading away.
  142. >she was already out of time.
  143. >"come on you stupid thing."
  144. >she looked around her. and saw another statue was heading toward her. and another ..
  145. >there were many of them. and her time field faded. they all rushed in.
  146. >with a quick thinking. she made a magical hammer and smashed the glass box.
  147. >she took the alicorn eye. and flew up.
  148. >"ahahaa now I finally got it. now feel the wrath of the alicorn.
  149. >she cast a spell but it didn't effect any of them.
  150. >"wait what."
  151. >the guardian statues shoot her with multiple beams suspending her mid air.
  152. >"I don't understand. the Alicorn eye's magic is unstoppable."
  153. >While she was still suspended midair , she took a closer look at the relic she was holding.
  154. >"hey wait a sec... This is fake. no wonder it didn't work. that Starswirl must have put a decoy for extra safety precautions."
  155. >"Intruder Identified. Proceeding with Celestia protocol number 5" then they slowly moved her down toward one of them.
  156. >"wait protocol 5 ? .. what happend to 3 and 4 ?"
  157. >the other 2 guardian statues walked by and stood next to the first one, which was the one pulling her.
  158. >she saw herself being slowly dragged toward them.
  159. >one of them already brought up a hairbrush. the other one a paddle...
  160. >she gulped and shivered knowing what's going to happen to her.
  161. >"err can't we discuss this ?"
  162. >one of the 3 statues walked back. then fly up in the ceiling and retracted there.
  163. >"oh good you see you agree with me how about you two?"
  164. >one of them swung the brush mid air.
  165. -Swoosh
  166. >celestia clenched her butt as a reflex. "guess not"
  167. >she was placed in the first statue knees. he yanked her tail up with one hoof and started spanking her with the other.
  168. >Smack smack smack!
  169. >it didn't give her time to settle in it just went full force.
  170. >she was just laying there on the magical stone statue taking it in the butt.
  171. >this already feels familiar to her. cause she was already been there couple of times.
  172. >smack smack smack.
  173. >"ow! ow! ow!." that's all what she can do from that position.
  174. >the young filly should be already used to it by now. but she was still feeling that.
  175. >his stone hoof was coming too strong for her. it felt as if he was pounding her.
  176. >smack smack smack! ~ her spanking continues nonstop.
  177. >while she was fighting the pain she asked herself "well this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. it's no different from previous protocols"
  178. >but as soon as she asked herself that.
  179. >the other statue moved in closer with the hairbrush. and before she knew it.
  180. >Whap!
  181. >She yelped!
  182. >The first statue didn't stop either.
  183. >she received her punishment by two of them simoustanly.
  184. >Whap! Smack! Whap! SMack!
  185. >aw aww aww aaaaa aawwwwww www
  186. >her yelps turned into long wail. the continuous and relentless punishment she was receiving was to much for her.
  187. >she was getting a 2 hard smacks a sec. each one hitting a different butt cheek.
  188. >this was too much for our little trespasser.
  189. >she soon started weeping.
  190. >she kicked and squirmed but the statue's grip was pinning her butt in place.
  191. >"awww awww please aww sniff aww let me go aww I'm sowwy aww."
  192. >both guardian statues ignored her plea and continued spanking her for much while.
  193. >but then they both stopped.
  194. >the young Celestia laid there sobbing with her roasted butt.
  196. >The statues were not finished with her yet.
  197. >Celestia's tail got yanked up with much force that it hoisted her up. suspended her upside down mid air.
  198. >"ow ow ow.. hey put me down you big jerk"
  199. >she flapped her wings trying to pull herself away from the statue's grip.
  200. >"Subject must not resist" said the statue which she immediately replied to him with a mocking toon
  201. >"Subject must not resist . I'm a big mother trucker. well buck you son of heystacker."
  202. >the statue seems like it didn't like what he has heard. her eyes glew red. and a bit of steam came from his stony ears.
  203. >"oh you didn't like that puke bucket hhmrph!#@
  204. >an ivory soap bar was shoved inside her mouth.
  205. >"Hmmrph .phew" celestia spat it out.
  206. >"pfft pfft, eww. where did you get that. and more importantly why did u do that for you big Bucket head?"
  207. >the statue lifted the soap bar and shoved it back inside her mouth again.
  208. >"you bad mouth must be cleaned"
  209. >celestia's eyes shed some tears from the bitter taste of the soap.
  211. -----Appendix:-----
  212. 1
  213. there are more steps in the celestia protocol 5. so it's far from over
  215. 2
  216. just small update bump. I'm not sure of how far I should go with this story

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