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The Mechanical Invasion by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:56:42
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:13:54
Expiry: Never

  1. The Mechanical Invasion by RusticAnon
  2. (None / None)
  3. wip, no spanking
  5. (20/03/2017)
  8. ---
  10. ===============
  11. Act 1 - introduction
  12. ===============
  13. An Evil villein is territories the city of manehattan. She uses her evil robotic minions and other gadgets for her criminal acts. The poor ponies in manehattan didn't stand a chance.
  14. No pony ever knew her true identity of the masked villein And no pony knew her Evil base of operation location.
  15. many brave ponies tried to uncover her secret base location, but her Robotic army are more than enough to stop them. not even the police force got a chance.
  17. Coco pummel traveled to Ponyville asking rarity and her friends for help.
  18. The mane 6 Dropped everything and they went there to investigate.
  19. the city was empty. as most ponies either left.. or hiding. the streets are rather clean for ghost town. the walkways, stores and buildings are kept in good shape. as if nothing happened.
  20. but that wasn't how it looked like few weeks ago. there was a battle between the elite pony force vs that evil scientist's machines. but now it look like they cleaned this place . as if there wasn't a battles happened there.
  22. The mane 6 arrived at the city. the train station was off limits to the public. but twilight used her status to make an exception. the train conductor was so nervous. he left with the train as soon as he dropped them off.
  24. The mane 6 carefully walked inside the streets.
  25. they were suddenly got alarmed by some of the flying security bots.
  26. they hid inside one of the alleys away from the security bots optic eyes.
  27. as they were hiding in one of the dark alleys , one of the hoof robot spotted them.
  28. He was about to alarm the other robots of their location. but they immediately ganged up on him. the poor bot didn't stand a chance and was broken into little pieces.
  29. they climbed up one of the safety ladders and jumped inside one of the empty apartment.
  30. Twilight Sparkle : this is really bad we cannot do our investigation with all these robots around.
  31. Rarity : what do we need more to investigate ? coco said the robots taking the city and there they are .
  32. Twilight Sparkle : I know but we don't know how and where did they come from. what do they need ?
  33. Fluttershy : Maybe a dragon caused them to migrate. as they are now adjusting to their new environment.
  34. Pink : You know what robots are ...they are machines. they are not animals.
  35. RD : why don't we just capture one of them and get some answers from him.
  36. TW : no. he would alarm everypony else and we will be the one in trouble.
  37. AppleJack : so what do you suggest we do twilight ?
  38. TW : for now we just sit back and observe.
  39. few min later.
  40. RD : this is so boring...
  41. Twilight Sparkle : just wait a bit longer. I have a theory.
  42. RD: that theory of yours better come up soon or I'm gonna die from boredom.
  43. Twilight sparkle took a peak from a window looking at the other robots walking to investigate the robot they destroyed earlier.
  44. Few moments later a service robots came in and took the broken pieces and transported it to an unknown location.
  45. TW : this is it. we finally got a lead.
  46. RD : what do you mean ?
  47. Twilight Sparkle : well from my observation i learned few things. First they got are well organized and following a procedure. secondly they got maintenance base. and they use oil. Rainbow Dash - they scouts report back to some place.
  48. TW : If we follow one of those leads robots we can find the location of their Base of operation. and possibly who is making all of them.
  49. RD : what are we waiting for lets go...
  50. as rainbow dash was about to Dash off. apple jack grabbed her by her tail and pulled her back in.
  51. RD : aaww
  52. AppleJack : we can't just go after them like that we will attract unnecessary attention.
  53. TW : excellent point ... we need to split up into 3 groups each one follow a lead then we report back at the train station with our findings.
  54. OK! everypony said.
  55. So they split into 3 groups
  56. TW : Rarity and applejack you two follow the Robot maintenance bots.
  57. TW : Pinkie and Fluttershy you see where they are getting their Oil.
  58. TW : me and RD will try to follow those flying scout drones.
  59. And so they went ...
  61. ==============
  62. Act 2 - infiltration
  63. ==============
  64. AppleJack and rarity were tailing one of the henchman robots. he was filling creates with trash ..
  65. Rarity "are you sure he is one of the Scientist's robots ?
  66. AppleJack : yes
  67. Rarity : well it look like hes just cleaning the city , which is not bad.
  68. AppleJack well we don't all know why he is doing this and what he need from taking the garbage.
  69. they continued to follow him from a distance. he went into a back ally. they almost lost eye sight of him.
  70. AppleJack hurry up rarity we don't want to lose him.
  71. the robot was just finished emptying the trash box inside a garbage truck.
  72. Rarity "pant pant... See he is just taking out the trash."
  73. AppleJack : but where.
  74. he got inside the driver seat and started the car engine.
  75. AppleJack quickly dragged rarity and ran behind the truck.
  76. AppleJack : hop in..
  77. Rarity : hop in.. oh nno nnnnonononono
  78. AppleJack we don't have much time the truck is about to move.
  79. Rarity : I will never get near those disgusting trash...
  80. AppleJack pushed rarity inside. her face and her upper body were sunk deep inside the garbage. AppleJack jumped in as the truck start moving.
  81. Rarity pulled herself out of the trash. some dirt were still stuck in her mane and it was all messy. she spat out a dead fish that was inside her mouth.
  82. Rarity : eeewwwwwwwww Damn it Apple Jack
  83. >in the meantime.
  84. pinkie pie and Fluttershy found an oil dispenser truck standing on the road. but there was too many robots gathering around.
  85. Fluttershy : there are too many of them pinky. we cannot go any further.
  86. Pinkie : but we are so close. we should sneak in.
  87. Fluttershy : but they are too many of them. I don't think we can go without being noticed.
  88. Pinkie : well you have a good point. The plan is to go there without being noticed. if the noticed us then my original unnoticed plan would fail. and good thing that you noticed that we are gonna get noticed Fluttershy.
  89. Fluttershy : ...
  90. Pinkie pie : I got an idea that might work. we could be the service bots.
  91. Fluttershy : service bots ?
  92. Out of nowhere pinkie put on a costume made from cardboard. and made Fluttershy were one too.
  93. Pinkie pie : Ok I'll be the pinkie bot and you'll be the service bot..
  94. Fluttershy : umm pinkie I don't think it's a good idea maybe we should....
  95. but Fluttershy's words fell into a deaf ears. Pinkie rushed in and walked toward a group of robots.
  96. Fluttershy nervously followed her.
  97. they walked inside one of the robot camps.
  98. One of the security bots noticed them and intercept their path.
  99. Bot - Scanning... unknown bots detected raising the alarm.
  100. Pinkie : oh wait Mr robot. I am... Just.. The .. New .. repair ... bot ... and .. this .. is (she pointed at Fluttershy)... A .. service .. bot ...
  101. Bot : Ok .. you .. may continue your directive ..
  102. the security robot walked away.
  103. PinkiePie : Wew that was a close one right Fluttershy ? ... Fluttershy ... ?
  104. Pinkie looked around searching for Fluttershy only to see her in her costume flying toward something.
  105. Fluttershy was helping a little robot that got his foot stuck in the sewer drain.
  106. "there there little guy , the service shy bot is here to help you.
  107. The robot did not speak but made a sound bleep bloop sound for Fluttershy.
  108. the little robot then moved his arm around as it was making a squeaky rusty sound.
  109. he looked at Fluttershy and said Beep beep beep boop.
  110. "tesk tesk tesk poor little fellow. Mama bot would make it better."
  112. she looked around and saw Pinkiepie holding an oil can. Fluttershy swiftly rushed toward pinkie and took the can off her. pinkie pie fell on the ground as Fluttershy rushed back to the little bot.
  113. she lube his joint. the robot then start swinging his arm back and forth. he jumped around happily.
  114. then stopped and bowed to Fluttershy. "bweep bweep"
  115. "I know little guy I was just doing my job .. now run along.."
  116. and he left
  117. Pinkie : you know these are Evil robots not your barn animals.
  118. Fluttershy : "I know but I cannot just leave helpless little guys like that.."
  119. Pinkie : they are machines. they have no feelings or emotions..
  120. Fluttershy but he thanked me and He..
  121. Pinkie interrupted her with a shhh...
  122. one of the patrol robots was walking next to them
  123. pinkie whispered " we'll talk about this later. remember we are on a mission. quick let's hide inside that van.
  124. lucky for them it was the service bot van. the blended with the other service robots as the van drove away.
  126. but they weren't as lucky as RD and twilight.
  127. while they were tailing one of the scout drones. they got ambushed by other flying bots.
  128. they dropped an energy draining net on them . they got captured and brought down to the secret base.
  130. back to Rarity and AppleJack. the garbage truck stopped and unloaded the load into a conveyer belt.
  131. they both fell first and got buried under the trash. and as they were digging themselves up the conveyor belt started moving transporting them inside the factory.
  132. rarity gasped for air after digging herself up. her main was messy and dirty.
  133. Rarity : what's that .. eheeew , my mane is totally ruined ruined I told you... wahahaaa. rarity was wallowing in her own misery.
  134. Rarity : why did you dump us here applejack why ... applejack ?
  135. she looked around and saw applejack still struggling under the trash.
  136. rarity was still disgusted by all these filth but her friend needs help. she closed her eyes and sunk her hooves inside the mucky trash and pulled applejack up.
  137. rarity : Darling, are you alright ?
  138. Applejack : I think so. but where are we ?
  139. Rarity : I have no idea .. it look like some sort of factory.
  140. AppleJack : wait we are moving !
  142. AppleJack looked ahead of the conveyor line . it was headed toward a compressing machine.
  143. AppleJack: oh this is not good we need to get off this belt right Now!
  144. rarity : eww look at my hooves they are all ruined , my mane is so messy . and what's that she sniffed her mane. wahahaaaa I smell horrible.
  145. rarity lost it.
  147. Applejack panicked and looked at rarity , she was just laying there wallowing in her misery.
  148. then looked for a way of the belt. the conveyor belt was hanging high of the ground. and all gears and gizmos underneath. so jumping of was out of the question.
  149. Rarity : but whyyyy . my mane is ruined ... I'm all dirty ... I'm just a trash now.
  150. AppleJack : Snap out of it rarity. we need to get off this line NOW.
  151. Applejack new that she cannot count on rarity in this situation and she had to do something now. she looked for a way off the belt.
  152. They were getting closer to that compressing bars . she saw her doom . they would be crushed below it. pony body aren't meant to be squished like that.
  153. then with a quick glance she saw one of the transporting bot floating near them. she knew she had this one chance.
  154. she took a bite on rarity's tail. and then with all her strength she can muster. she jumped and hanged on that floating bot.
  155. rarity got pulled out of the pile and was hanging by her tail.
  156. Applejack was struggling to keep her balance. and was barely able to hang on.
  157. the bot got startled a bit then continued floating .
  158. Rarity saw the pile she was in getting Squished by that compressor. she got a grim expression on her face. she only now knew what AppleJack just did.
  159. rarity pulled herself up a bit and hanged on applejack's waist.
  160. rarity was dangling off holding into applejack.
  161. rarity : hang on tight.
  162. she then looked down. she got a grim look on her face then she tightened her grab on applejack's waist.
  163. AppleJack : Stop struggling rarity you are kicking me off balance.
  164. rarity : (whined )but I don't want to die ..
  165. the flying bot was descending he couldn't fly regularly with all the extra weight. the bot carried them away from the belt toward another dark area.
  166. they cannot see the ground yet. but that area had too many pipes . going horizontal and vertical.
  167. as it was descending. he crossed on of the horizontal pipes. luckily for applejack the pipe went underneath her. but it was going to hit her right into the middle of rarity's dangling body.
  168. Rarity : oh no nonononono ...
  169. she tried to climb up applejacks' body. but she couldn't climb up. so she caught the pipe right in the chest.
  170. Rarity : omphh
  171. the bot and applejack continued on. she didn't want to drag applejack with her. so she had to let go.
  172. Applejack : rarity !
  173. rarity was hanging into that pipe .
  174. Rarity : applejack !...
  175. the bot and applejack were traveling further away leaving Rarity hanging in there.
  176. Applejack : hang in there rarity I wil .. aay ve ..
  177. she was further away rarity couldn't hear her anymore.
  178. Rarity : this is rather importunate turn of event. I need to find my way out of the alone..
  179. she looked around . the area was dark she can barely see a thing. she lit her horn to scout the area. she was too far away from the ground. there was pipes everywhere. then she saw a platform far below that has a catwalk next to it. but to get there she need to climb down on some pipes.
  181. on another part of the base.
  182. Rainbow dash regained her conscious . she saw herself being carried by one of the robots who was walking inside the factory. twilight was also being carried by another robot. but she was still unconscious.
  183. Rainbow Dash with a swift quick motion. she struggled hard and got away from the robot. the robot eyes turned red. and raised an alarm sound
  184. alert alert prisoner is escaping. prisoner is escaping.
  185. Rainbow Dash : hey who are you calling a prisoner ...
  186. she flew fast and tried to kick the robot who was holding twilight. but soon rainbow dash found herself being surrounded by all those robots that came in.
  187. rainbow dash : not good. Wait for me twilight I will go find some help.
  188. then rainbow dash flew inside the factory away from the robots. she looked behind her and saw flying security bot chasing her. being in confined area was a huge disadvantage for rainbow dash. and she didn't know her way around this factory.
  189. the security bots were on her tail. she couldn't shake them of. so she flew inside some corridors. she made some sharp 90 degree turns. the bots couldn't match her agility. then rainbow dash hid behind one of the boxes that were laying around one of the corridors corners.
  190. the security bots lost her. they scanned the area then disengaged and went back to their posts.
  191. Rainbow Dash : phew.. well they weren't any match for the fasted pony around.
  192. as she was saying that . air duct bars was kicked off the wall next to her. Rainbow Dash panicked and sticked a fighting pose. only to see pinkie pie climbing down that hatch.
  193. Rainbow Dash : Pinkie pie ?
  194. Pinkiepie : Rainbow Dash ! I know it was when I heard your voice I had to come out and see.
  195. RaibowDash : what .. how .. why are you inside this air duct ..
  196. Pinkie pie : well... it all started when I was at sugar cube corner. I was super busy preparing a huge cupcake order for some.
  197. Rainbow Dash : Hey... not that .. where is Fluttershy .. you and her were supposed to follow the oil distribution...
  198. Pinkie pie : oh yea .. we were walking in the streets when we got spotted by flying security bot. to avoid his mean look we went inside an ally ..
  199. Rainbow Dash : wait a sec...
  200. Pinkiepie : then we got spotted by that metallic robot we all jumped at him..
  201. Rainbow Dash : Pinkie!
  202. Pinkiepie : what ?
  203. Rainbow Dash : I was there ...
  204. Pinkie pie : oh I know you were.. but then why did you ask ?
  205. Rainbow Dash : sigh ... I was asking you what happened to Fluttershy ?
  206. Pinkie pie : well I was getting into that. as I was saying ... umm.. where was I again ? oh well I'll start all over again. well it all started when I was at sugar cube corner....
  207. Pinkie : blah blah blah blah Coco pommel... blah blah blah....
  208. Rainbow Dash was facehoofing herself.
  209. Pinkie pie : blah blah blah rarity wanted to pack some dresses. but then twilight said there is no time for that.. blah blah blah a wind dropped applejack's hat on the floor she followed it and caught it .it was hilarious. anyway we boarded the train. but that purple train conductor was afraid .... blah blah blah.
  210. Rainbow dash was slamming her head on the wall.
  211. Pinke kept going on and on...
  212. Pinkie pie : blah blah blah... we were at the van. the van then stopped. the boxes inside the van were actually other maintenance bots. they got off the van to be greeted by a mean looking security robot. he was scanning the other bots as they were leaving the van. Fluttershy was really scared from him. I told her there is nothing to be afraid of my disguises can fool any stupid robots. so I pushed her out of the van.
  213. Rainbow Dash : so they captured her ?
  214. Pinkepie : no silly Dashie . as I said my disguise are very well made. Fluttershy fell in front of that scary robot. he scanned her. then that robot said " scanning Complete .. Flutter-bot identified ! please carry out your directive.".
  215. RaibowDash : wait the robot identified Fluttershy as flutterbot and he was ok with it ?
  216. Pinkie pie : umm... yea ?
  217. rainbow dash rolled her eyes then asked " then what happened ?"
  218. Pinkiepie : well then I got off the van and stood in front of the robot. he was all gruff and boring so I wanted to lighten up the mood. so I danced . I spanned around then flew off the air doing 3 inner loop then I landed gracefully on one hoof.
  219. Rainbow Dash ~well that sounds like pinkie alright~
  220. Pinkiepie : but he wasn't all impressed. these evil robots have no sense of talent... they are EVIL rainbow dash ... Eee VvilLL.
  221. she was saying that line while being really close to rainbow dash's face.
  222. RainbowDash : yes that's why we are here. so what happened next ?
  223. pinkie : well he scanned me of course and Identified me as awesome pinka bot . ..
  224. pinke went silent for a moment.
  225. RainbowDash : then ?
  226. Pinkiepie : well ..
  227. she was hesitating to continue.
  228. RaibowDash pressed on " well ... what .. what happened ?"
  229. Pinkie " the back side of my disguise fell off. my cutesy bubbly butt was exposed. the security bot's eye soon turned red. he grabbed my tail and scanned my exposed area . he then yelled alert alert intruder detected. he then shoot me with a beam. it hit my butt it really hurt. it made me jump up . somehow my tail got away from his grip and I start running.
  230. he followed me and continued shooting me. shooting my butt . why is he shooting my butt. why ?
  231. she grabbed rainbow dash and got real close to her. then yelled Why?
  232. rainbow dash : Shh... lower your voice down we don't want to get caught again..
  233. Pinkie lowered her voice " oh yea sorry but why were the bots shooting only my butt. look ."
  234. she turned around to show her her butt.
  235. Pinkie "it's all red and bruised."
  236. rainbow dash : let's stop talking about your butt for the moment and continue .. what happened next ?
  237. pinkie : oh nothing..
  238. Rainbow Dash : what do you mean nothing happened ?
  239. Pinkiepie : I just ran away and got inside those air ducts and crawled all the way inside .then I got lost until I heard your voice self claiming that you were the fasting pony alive .
  240. Rainbow Dash : what about Fluttershy ?... hey I am the fastest pony alive that's a fact!
  241. Pinkiepie : no you aren't the fastest one .. but I don't know what happened to Fluttershy.
  242. Raibowdash : Tell me who is faster than me?
  243. Pinkie pie : well there are ... Duck!
  244. rainbow dash : a duck ?
  245. Pinkie then pulled rainbow dash down to the ground. "shh .. robots" then she pointed toward 3 patrol robots passing them in the corridors.
  246. Pinkie : we'll talk about this later but for now let's get back into those air shafts.
  247. Rainbow Dash : why back there ?
  248. Pinkiepie : its safer there they cannot see us. besides we cannot sneak around with a bright pink coat and rainbow colored mane.
  249. Rainbow Dash : well that's a fair point . I'm not used to you being this smart.
  250. Pinkiepie : te-he I have my moments.
  251. they both climbed and crawled down the air ducts and got busy traveling there. meanwhile .
  253. -----Appendix:-----
  255. There is a huge gap in the next part of this story that I didn't write yet.
  256. and I posted this unfinished as a way to ask you guys for input.
  258. basicly I need some ideas of these ponies getting tormented (especially their butts) by some mechanical peril.
  260. I already wrote the Act 4 , 5 , and the finally but Act 3 is missing.
  262. >Act 3
  263. This act is all about Tormenting all the 5 ponies currently in the factory base.( PinkiePie - AppleJack - Rarity - Rainbow Dash and Twilight)
  264. Each one of them gets trapped in silly situation with one of the machines in the factory. The factory machinery would do something aren't meant for Ponies.
  265. I went ahead and wrote down Pinkie and Rainbow dash sections here.
  266. ==
  268. I know there haven't been any spanking or 'Action' yet. but I assure you its there pass that gap.
  269. Please give me your feedback so I can continue this.. I've been working at it like forever
  270. working on huge story like this alone is hard. especially for the amount of effort I put into it.
  272. I asked people around to collab with me but I hardly found anyone who seemed interested. and only got 2 people. one of them went ignored me after I sent him this. the other well said mean things about it and dropped.
  273. so you see I've taken some hits and it did put me down.
  275. that's why I might not do anything big again. but that depends on how it goes here.
  277. this is only the beginning. i spent more than 3 months writing this. the meaty part is way longer. so take your time reading it. I made it as an adventure with many things happings at the same time. you won't get bored.(I hope)
  279. >stuck in ducts.
  280. This could work.
  281. ---
  282. I'm thinking of just skipping ahead to the next "Act" the events that takes place in Act 3 (the missing act" is kinda just a transitional filler.
  284. Here some Guide line. and get into prospective on how big this story is.
  286. >Act 1 - introduction
  287. already posted
  289. >Act 2 - infiltration
  290. 80% of it have been posted
  292. >Act 3 - collective peril
  293. wrote 40% of it
  295. >Act 4 - meeting with the mastermind
  296. 100% done and ready to be posted
  298. >Act 5 - Humilation
  299. 100% done and ready to be posted
  301. >Act 6 - [spoiler]unfriendly reunion[/spoiler]
  302. 100% done and ready to be posted
  304. >Act 7 - [spoiler]Twilight's resistance[/spoiler]
  305. 100% done and ready to be posted
  307. >Act 8 - [spoiler]unexpected guest[/spoiler]
  308. 80% done
  310. >Act 9 - Epilogue
  311. 90% done
  313. >Act 10 - Extras and deleted scenes
  314. I posted one of them as a standalone story you might have read it before
  315. it was The ginger experiment
  316. But there are few more extras lines and story scenes that I cut out. I didn't just deleted them I saved them for this section

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