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The Ponyville Nursery by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:57:01
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:10:16
Expiry: Never

  1. The Ponyville Nursery by RusticAnon
  2. (Machine / Ponies)
  3. X/F, bent over, paddle, non-consensual
  5. (30/05/2016)
  8. ---
  10. News anchor : "A Mechanical automated nursery has taken over ponyville , as most of local inhabitant are working there.
  11. now we you are taking a look at ponyville town square, as you can see its a ghost town.
  12. I'm Mic Looks from the manehattan's News channel gonna give you an inside look of these strange event."
  14. Mic L : "and Cut , phew that went well"
  16. Camera mare : " yea you did well , but look at this place its deserted, we need to interview someone"
  18. Mic L : "Guess we need to look for somepony somewhere... OH! there is one! "
  20. Applejack was walking in the town streets, the news team approached her for an interview.
  21. two other ponies from the news crew got real close to her. the camera mare was sitting up the camera and the anchor stallion was getting ready in front of the camera.
  22. one of the crew mares took Apple Jacks hat without her consent
  24. AJ : what the hey!
  26. the other one took a hair brush and started to brush her mane. as she was turning around to see who was doing what. the other one put some powder and make up on her face. everything was happening so fast she didn't have time to process this.
  27. then they turned her around to face the camera direction and they put the hat on top of her head.
  28. Camera mare " a little to the left."
  29. the 2 crew ponies turned applejack a bit
  31. Camera mare " perfect . Mic we are rolling in 5. 4 ... 3... 2 ..1.."
  33. Mic was in in front of AJ holding the mic
  35. Camera Mare " Rolling!"
  37. Mic L " we are now live in ponyville square as we found one of the locals
  39. then he turned around facing applejack
  41. Mic L " tell us , what's your name
  43. apple jack was still confused , she looked at the mic and the camera. behind the camera there was the camera mare waving his hoof in front of her mouth trying to tell her to speak.
  45. AJ : um I'm Apple Jack
  46. Mic : and what do you do here in ponyville ?
  47. AJ " ahm an apple Farmer and ..
  48. mic interrupted her with another question
  49. Mic L. " can you tell us about the nursery ?
  50. AJ : sure what do u want to know ?
  51. Mic. L " How about you tell us how it all started "
  52. AJ " it all started as a small honest working nursery home. then those two good for nothing Flim and flam took over their business. I tried to warn the owner about them but they did not listen to good honest AJ.
  53. it all went down hill when they brought down their fancy machine. now its out of control.
  54. Mic L. " out of control ? "
  55. AJ " ya it got a mind of its own"
  56. Mic L : I'm kinda lost here - who has a mind of its own ?
  57. AJ " the entire nursery "
  58. Mic turned away from applejack and faced the camera
  59. Mic L " how interesting ladies and gentle colts . it seems the machine has taken over the business. the nursery is running on its own.
  61. then he turned back to face apple jack and asked
  63. Mic L : Where are the Flim brothers ?
  64. AJ : "those cowards good for nothing , ran away leaving everything behind. the nursery is running by itself. and no pony was able to stop it. not even the princesses.
  65. Mic L " have you been there before ?"
  66. AJ " yea I was there. and got released recently"
  67. Mic L ' what do you mean that you got released? doesn't the nursery work for little foals ?
  68. AJ got nervous
  69. AJ "no its not like that"
  70. Mic L " can you explain ?"
  71. AJ " no I don't feel comfortable talking about it.
  73. Apple Jack turned around and started to walk away
  75. Mic L " Miss ?"
  76. AJ : nope I aint gonna talk
  78. then she started to run ..
  80. camera mare "And cut"
  81. Mic L " That's some juicy story"
  82. Camera M. "yea , shall we wrap this up and head back to the station ?
  83. Mic L " no not yet we need to get an inside look of the nursery first"
  85. The news crew went there where the Nursery was.
  86. it was a huge building, right in the middle of the town. got almost no windows only one entrance.
  88. there was some warning signs placed in front of the store.
  89. Mic Looks and the camera mare ignored them and went toward the door. the other crew members refused to get in. and said it looks dangerous . so they stayed behind.
  91. Mic L"ok I guess we will do this alone, get the camera rolling we want as much footage as possible"
  92. Camera mare "yes boss"
  93. Mic L " we are now in front of the mechanical nursery that took over Ponyville. we are gonna take a closer look of whats inside.
  95. mic walked toward the door while the camera mare following and recording him. and they went inside
  97. Mic L " ok it looks like we are inside the main area. there are 2 arrow signs here. one pointing to the left with "Arrivals" written on it and the other one "departures" written on it the points toward the right. So let's head toward the right .
  99. they walked into a small hallway then they found themselves inside a reception area. there was some ponies working there.
  101. Mic L " now we arrived at what seems to be the departures reception area. we will talk to the pony that seems to be working here."
  103. he head toward one of the ponies that are standing there behind a counter
  105. Pony " welcome to Ponyville nursery how can we help you today"
  106. Mic L " hello there miss, we are from Manehattan's news. we want to take a close look inside the nursery .
  107. Pony " oh if you want a tour you need to talk to our tour representative on the 3rd door on the right.
  108. Mic L " thank you.
  110. as he was turning around. the pony whispered in his ear
  111. "run!"
  112. a hatch was opened from under that pony and she fell inside it. mic L turned around and saw no sign of her she was gone.
  114. he was a little confused but then he and the camera mare went toward the 3rd door to get his tour.
  116. the door opened automatically and they went inside the tour room. there they were greeted by nurse redhead.
  118. Nurse RH. "hello and welcome to our nursery , I'm here to give you a tour , shall we start"
  119. Mic L "well I do have few questions "
  120. Nurse RH. "well as a protocol I will answer all your questions after the tour is over"
  121. Mic L " very well"
  123. the nurse opened a door and told them to follow .
  124. there was a narrow pathway with a huge glass wall. they can see through whats going on inside the nursery
  125. there was a lot of mechanical gears and pipes running . some steam leaks ..etc
  126. the camera mare made sure to record all this as they walked inside the small pathway behind the nurse
  127. then they entered another section .
  129. NurseRH. " here we is the foal processing area ,"
  131. they took a look at the glass wall .
  132. it was a huge pink room , with many conveyor belts going in and out of it. and there was 1 one long conveyor belt that run toward most of the room.
  134. Nurse RH "In this area we take care of the foals , we first wash them .."
  136. as she was speaking the room was already active there was a filly (silver spoon) there inside the conveyor belt, getting washed as the nurse speaks.
  137. the filly was being held by mechanical hand , there were also other mechanical hands holding brushes , other mechanical hands holding shampoo and other stuff.
  138. SilverSpoon was being scrubbed top to bottom as the camera mare filming it.
  140. Nurse RH" then after they were cleaned we dry them"
  142. Silver spoon got transported by the conveyor belt toward the drying area. there she was being dried by huge air dryer and then she was scrubbed with a towel. the mechanical hand made sure to dry every bit of place. her ears , her belly and her crotch all being dried by the towel.
  144. Nurse RH" after they were dried we comb their mane. then we they head toward the dress up area"
  146. The mechanical hands combed silver spoon's short mane and tail. then she got transferred toward the dress up area. where she was being pampered and diapered.
  148. Nurse RH " after our foal get diapered they get transferred into another rooms for their scheduled activities.
  149. Mic L" how many foals are currently in.
  150. Nurse RH " the nursery currently handling over 300 subjects."
  151. Mic L " wow that many, I didn't know Ponyville had that many fillies"
  152. Nurse RH "not all the subjects here are fillies"
  153. Mic L " what do you mean ?"
  154. Nurse RH "there are some older ponies being handled here as well"
  155. Mic L "how old ?"
  156. Nurse RH "really old , like your age "
  157. Mic L " they are here voluntary and want to get be treated like foals ?"
  159. nurse RH " oh no , they are hostag..
  160. the nurse panicky shut and covered her mouth. then she nervelessly looked back on top of the wall. there was a needle indicator there , the needle moved from the green zone to the yellow , almost reaching the red zone.
  162. she gulped and said.
  163. Nurse RH "our older subjects are here till they get released to their older family member."
  164. Mic L" so you mean all these ponies here are taken against thei..."
  165. the nurse muffled Mic Looks's mouth and hushed him "shhh..." while she was looking again at the needle
  166. indicator on the wall.
  167. he nooded confusingly , and whispered.
  169. Mic L " whats that about"
  171. the nurse walked away , then stood near the end of the hallway, she then beckon them to come closer.
  172. he went toward her , she whispered in his ear.
  174. Nurse RH "don't mentioned them as hostages or you'll end up inside the disciplinarium.
  175. Mic L "whats the disciplinarium ?"
  177. a camera that was mounted on the wall started to move to face them.
  178. Nurse RH shushed and pointed toward the camera
  180. Nurse RH "now we continue the tour , the next area is the disciplinarium."
  182. they followed her to the next area. after a short walk into a hallway filled with gears and mechanical stuff they entered a similar walkway with a huge glass wall to show in internal area.
  184. through the glass it was another huge area with conveyor belts going in and out all over the place. there was also a center conveyor belt. on the wall there was a sign name [ the disciplinarium ].
  185. the room was already active, many adult ponies were inside along with some fillies.
  187. the long conveyor belt was parallel to their walkway so they walked along with it seeing each stage of it.
  189. Nurse RD "this is the disciplinarium. its where any misbehaving subjects receive their proper punishment for their offence. "
  190. Mic L" are you filming this"
  191. Camera mare " yes"
  192. Mic L "this is heavy"
  194. Nurse RD " these ponies they weren't cooperative with their programs so they got the Castor oil punishment.
  196. there were 3 ponies in that area Apple bloom , Pinkie pie and Daisy Apple bloom was leaning on the ledge barfing. while a mechanical hand patting her on the back.
  198. pinkie pie was sitting on a high chair, while a mechanical hand holding a spoonful of castor oil in front of her trying to force its way to her mouth, while she was squirming in her place moving her face way of it.
  200. daisy was on the conveyor belt, the mechanical hands held her and lifts her up and put her in the highchair for the same treatment.
  202. PinkyPie still refusing the spoon, so another mechanical hand can from her back and pinched her butt cheek.
  203. she shrieked , but as soon as she opened her mouth the spoon shoved the castor oil down her throat.
  204. and she swallowed that thick substance down. and gaged involuntary while leaving her tongue out in slack.
  206. Camera mare was filming the whole thing.
  207. Nurse RH moved along the pathway to the other section of the conveyor belt.
  209. Nurse "in this section, they deal with the potty mouth ponies. any pony who curse or said something they shouldn't say they get their mouth washed"
  211. inside there was 2 ponies Both rainbow dash and Derpy . they were being strapped in place a sitting position. a mechanical hands holding soapy brush , and it was washing their mouth filling it with foamy soap.
  212. as the brush moved out of her rainbow dash's mouth she spat the soap out .and let out few cough. then the mechanical hand lifted her up and moved her back to another conveyor belt to be transported.
  214. The nurse and the rest of the news crew continued to walk on the pathway. and as they were walking they started to hear fireworks sounds, and some bawling.
  216. Nurse RH "umm in this section the nursery deals with anypony who were .. umm misbehaving"
  218. there were 5 ponies laying sideways on the conveyor belt. their bottom were up and their top were down, they were all being strapped in by a mechanical clamp coming from behind the belt. their tail was being pulled up forcing their butt to be upwards.
  220. the conveyor belt wasn't moving. from right to left they were
  221. rainbow dash - lighting dust - lemon heart - minuette and rarity.
  223. the first pony on the right at the start of this conveyor was Rainbow dash she was just been transported here, she got clamped into position.
  224. next to her was Lighting dust. she was laying there while a paddle was spanking her butt. she was being spanked at slower speed than the one on her left.
  226. Lemon hearts was also in the same positions but getting a faster and harder paddling. but unlike the one on her left which was minuette which was getting the paddling of her life. the paddle was spanking her fast and hard, she was squirming with some tears in her eyes.
  228. rarity was on the far left of the conveyor belt. her butt was well spanked she was sobbing trying to catch her breath.
  229. the clamps released her ,then she was lifted up to be transported back into the main conveyor belt.
  231. the other 3 paddle stopped. then the conveyor moved the rest of the 4 ponies to next position. minuette are getting released. while lemon heart are now under the hard spanking paddle. while lighting dust got the medium speed, and rainbow dash is now under the first paddle. another pony got placed at the start of the conveyor belt , it was that reception pony. she was being placed there , getting ready for her spanking. and the cycle continues.
  233. The nurse started to move a head of them as the rest news crew was still standing and watching them.
  234. Nurse RH " aham. the next section is for taking care of their sore rears"
  235. the news team was walking toward the nurse . they were listening to her while they were still looking at the glass.
  237. Nurse RH "Here the nursery takes care of their sore rares. they first apply soothing lotion on their bottom. this will help for quick healing recovery."
  239. as Nurse red head was talking rarity was being transported there. the mechanical hands was rubbing lotion on her well spanked butt.
  240. then another gloved hand dipped two fingers inside Vaseline then went toward her back.
  241. then rarity let out a squeal after the Vaseline coated fingers popped into her behind. then a thermometer was inserted inside her anus.
  243. Nurse RH "after being lotion-ed the nursery makes sure the subject is healthy. then they get dressed up for bed."
  245. rarity was put inside a green one piece pajama that fit it her. she started crying.
  246. "anything but not green, this is worst than my spanking".
  247. then she was transferred into another conveyor belt.
  249. Nurse RH "and that's the end of our tour, there are more places here to see. but our time is up."
  251. they headed toward the exist. the news team did exist the building while nurse Red Head was standing at the exist door.
  253. She opened the exist door and ran outside.
  255. an alarm sound was running. and 2 mechanical arms followed her and caught her tail. then started to drag her back in.
  256. she looked at the news team as she was being dragged back in and said
  258. Nurse RH "Please Send help.. we are trapped here afg..."
  259. the mechanical hands muffled her mouth and the door was closed.

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