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unsolved future friendship problems by RusticAnon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:57:49
Updated: 2022-03-17 18:12:12
Expiry: Never

  1. unsolved future friendship problems by RusticAnon
  2. (Machines / Girl)
  4. (28/05/2017)
  7. ---
  9. Twilight sparkle was visiting a local school. she was bored of her flank. the daily routine a princess wasn't for her. she missed the good old days of adventures.
  10. but what is this ?
  11. suddenly she felt her flank vibrating. its the booty call of duty. her cutie mark was glowing. she got extremely excited .
  12. she excused herself and flew back to her castle. leaving spike behind at the school.
  13. "hey twilight wait for me.."
  14. but it was too late she already left with 1 fast swoop. spike sighed
  15. the foals in the class looked at spike, there was no teacher. and since he came with twilight ..
  16. Spike jumped and sat on the teacher's table and look at the class
  17. "Did you guys know that I was once The Dragon lord of all of the dragons? It was very brief....
  19. Twilight made it inside the castle she saw starlight glimmer walking in the hallway. without any warning or hello.
  20. TW swiftly grabbed her and dragged her toward the map room.
  21. Starlight "hey twig... iiiwahaaaaa."
  22. twilight gently dropped Starlight on the floor .
  23. "what got into you Twilight?"
  24. Twilight with a big grin on her face turned around and presented her flank right at Starlight's face.
  25. starlight blushed and turned her face away.
  26. SL "its that time of the year for you. but sorry I don't do it with mares."
  27. Twilight blushed " oh not... look!"
  28. SL opened her eyes and saw her cutie mark was glowing.
  29. SL "oh ooooooh .." she kinda felt silly. but tried to defuse the awkwardness by playing along
  30. SL "you finally got your turn for an adventure"
  31. Twilight with glee "yes!"
  32. SL "but where is it this time ?"
  33. they looked at the map. twilight's cutie mark was floating in the middle of the air. not above any location.
  34. the entire landscape in the map was dimmed. except for a strange lines highlighting a huge chunk of landscape. going through buildings and mountains.
  35. forming a huge horse shoe shape.
  36. Twilight "Hmm that's strange. I wonder what is the map are telling me"
  37. SL "Your cutie mark wasn't pointing toward anywhere in Equestria."
  38. as the both Alicorn and unicorn were pondering and studying the map. Pinkie pie appeared out of nowhere and said
  39. "well maybe its calling you in a world outside Equestria "
  40. then she skipped outside the room.
  41. Twilight " pinkie you are a genius."
  42. PP " yea I get that a lot. " she said that while at the door then she left.
  43. SL was totally confused by what just happened. had many questions for PP. as how long was she here. how did she ..
  44. Twilight "That's IT! Now I know where I have seen this horse shoe before. she flew around the room packing her bag.
  45. SL was just sitting there wanted to say something but she was kinda scared oh how tenacious twilight was acting.
  46. Twilight : i need this. and that... spike SPIKE! oh I left spike at school.
  47. well he can take care of himself. oh yes finally I need you.
  48. she picked Starlight and flew off without a warning.
  49. As twilight was up in the air. starlight climbed aboard twilight's back. she was kinda scared of the heights , she asked
  50. SL :umm tw where are we going .. ?
  51. To Canterlot .
  52. Canterlot . you could have told me that. I would have packed my stuff with me.
  53. Twilight suddenly realised how she was caught up in the situation. oh sorry SL It's been awhile since I've been called anywhere by the map
  54. and I was totally neglecting you.
  55. SL "don't worry much it. It would be better if you start treating my as a Pony and stop treating me like spike."
  56. Twilight "Yea sorry about that. and I also need to apologize to spike. I kinda left him in that school."
  57. they both giggled.
  58. they made it to Celestia's castle. she explained the situation to Celestia.
  59. Twilight and starlight all went down the castle where she left the portal.
  60. the portal device was glowing but there was no tunnel inside the ring. After few tries and research. Starlight came up with a way to open it. but she needed the power of an Alicorn.
  61. they focused their magic into starlight then she casted the spell powering it up.
  62. Twilight "wow starlight what did you do exactly to fix it ?"
  63. SL "well, It was just out of juice."
  64. Twilight "ok, I think it's time for me to go."
  65. SL "are you sure you don't want me to go there with you"
  66. Twilight "no starlight I need to do it alone. we could attract unnecessary attention if we go together. besides. I need you to take care of spike while I'm gone"
  67. SL "okay don't worry about it. but if you did take long I will come over and look for you."
  68. Twilight "deal."
  69. Twilight stepped on the platform ready to enter.
  70. Twilight "well here goes nothing"
  71. she jumped inside the portal.
  72. after screaming her lungs out while being transported.
  74. she landed on a streets near a stallion statue.
  75. She was in front of the same school she went back then.
  76. but the place was clean. much cleaner than usual. the school building were taller. about 12 stories high. there wasn't many windows in the building. she can see people inside from main glass door.
  77. but all the student were inside. no other kids were outside the building.
  78. the entire town looked different. everything looks clean and futuristic.
  79. the cars were floating around. she saw a spherical floating device pulling a dog with a neon color leash.
  81. everything was unfamiliar to her. except for that school building.
  82. "maybe one of the students are having a friendship problem."
  83. she walked toward the entrance of the school building.
  84. the door opened automatically.
  85. there was a bulky man standing right at the entrance inside the school. after taking a closer look. he wasn't a man it was some sort of a machine that looked like a man. a robot
  86. Twilight was intimidated by his posterior wanted to avoided him. but he was kinda standing in the middle of the path. she walked in passing him from the side.
  87. The bulky security robot. suddenly moved , twilight froze in her place motionless. the robot used a scanner beam at twilight. scanning her from top to bottom.
  88. an alarm sound came from his chest.
  89. twilight was still nervously standing there in her place not moving a muscle.
  90. Robot - "No student badge detected... No student badge detected"
  91. then the robot grabbed Twilight arm and dragged her in.
  92. "hey let go of me"
  93. he dragged twilight toward a wall near the entrance.
  94. a door opened then her pushed twilight inside that room. it was pitch black she couldn't see a thing. then the room's light turned on .
  95. she was standing at a moving platform. a computer sound talked to twilight " please place your hand on the flashing bar in front of you.
  96. there was a safety bar that was connected to the platform she was standing on. the bar was blinking so she complied and grabbed the bar.
  97. "now keep your hand there and stop moving while scanning is complete"
  98. a red lights starting to move around scanning twilight as she was standing at that platform
  99. 'Well the school sure changed since the last time I came here' twilight thought to herself.
  100. "scanning complete - subject ID not found.
  101. Subject age - freshman student
  102. please state your name
  103. "umm my name is Twilight sparkle" ~what is this . some kind of interrogation ..
  104. Beep!
  105. "hello miss Twilight sparkle and welcome to Unicorn High."
  106. then out of a blue. a mechanical arm holding a camera placed in front of her..
  107. with a click and a flash they took her picture.
  108. twilight got dazed by the sudden flash that blinded her eyes.
  109. "this is your new school ID do you want to edit the result?"
  110. a mechanical arm was holding a picture of her ID.
  111. Her name was misspelled toilet sparkle and her face was blurred out.
  112. She couldn't see that because she was still temporarily blinded. she said no oow what did you say?
  113. "confirmed. now follow the service robot he will lead you the school instructor"
  115. they pinned her ID on her shirt. then the little service robot grabbed her arm and dragged her in.
  116. The robot was moving slowing with twilight leading the way
  117. while she was being dragged away she started to regain her eyesight.
  118. she saw the little robot moving in front of her. she was moving in a hallway, on her left there was classes.
  119. She took a peek at inside of the class. the student there were sitting listening to their teacher.
  120. there was a huge screen behind the teacher instead of a chalkboard. next to the teacher there was a butt naked girl bent over a ....
  121. "wait what!"
  122. twilight couldn't make up what she just saw. as the robot was dragging her. she only had a glimpse of the class. she wasn't sure that she imagined that .
  124. few moment later.
  125. the robot reached its destination. it was the instructor office.
  126. we have arrived at the destination. please be seated and wait for the instructor.
  127. the robot then drove away and entered a hatch in the wall.
  129. Twilight took a look at the office. it was a normal office there was a huge desk and 2 arm chairs in the middle of the room.
  130. she went and sat down.. waiting ..
  132. the office door was opened . there was a man in a suit holding a tablet device.
  134. So you are the new student miss.. err.. he looked at the tablet he was holding.
  135. Miss Toilet sparkle .. really
  136. making a joke like that at your first day and at this type school ?
  137. "umm I'm sorry this might be a .,,
  138. he interrupted her. "keep your excuses for yourself. I'm not sure whether you are smart or stupid that you managed to fool the system.
  139. anyway I'll let that one slide with just a warning. I need to properly register you into the school.
  140. let's start from the top.
  141. What's your name ?
  142. my name is Twilight Sparkle
  143. ok miss sparkle . it appears that you are currently not listed in any home or families in this city. is that true ?
  144. yes . she cannot tell him that she was from another dimension or something like that..
  145. well I guess I have to enlist you to our dorm programs. you'll share a room here with one of our students.
  146. few more questions later, and the registration were complete. Twilight is now an official student at this school. she was instructed to go to her class and introduce herself.
  148. she did go to her class. and introduced herself. then sat on one of the empty disks.
  149. the other students were unfamiliar to her. except for one of the girls that resembled Trixie. who was sitting in the back next to her.
  150. during the lecture in the class, all the students were well behaved and following the teacher. no one were daydreaming or talking. the atmosphere seemed a bit odd.
  152. the bell rang and it was the launch break. all her classmate left the room talking to each other. twilight felt a bit left out. she didn't know anyone at this new school
  153. and didn't have a chance to talk to anyone. she decided to just follow them around hoping for an interaction.
  155. Trixie was standing at the door. she was actually waiting for Twilight.
  156. "hey new girl."
  157. twilight stopped, and pointed at herself. "me ?"
  158. "yes you, the Great and the Intelligent Trixie has noticed you. You seems a very smart girl so Trixie wants you to introduce you to her group at the cafeteria ."
  159. 'wah even this trixie talks to herself in 3rd person.'
  160. 'I'd be happy to
  161. "of course you would. I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with the Smart and friendly Trixie."
  162. twilight let out a silent sigh , "but umm where is the cafeteria again ?"
  163. "you should read the school's manual.. the cafeteria is right over there. follow Trixie she will lead the way."
  164. School's manual ?
  165. oh it's just a app book with boring detailed information about schools policy and stuff.. but the maps are really helpful.
  166. where can I find such a book ?
  167. well you can download it in from your dorm room computer and the school's library mainframe.
  168. apps download .. computers..mainframes.. I have no idea what she is talking about .. but I want to ask more about these but I don't want to attract more suspicion.
  169. as twilight was following Trixie down the hall heading toward the cafeteria hall. she saw something that shocked her entire foundation.
  170. she froze in her place at the sight of one of the girls being held under the arm of these robots.
  171. the girl was squirming and kicking. her skirt were flipped up , and her light green panties was exposed to everyone. the robot was tall enough and held her firmly in the air.
  172. what was even more shocking to Twilight, the robot was hitting the girl's behind. he was smacking her hard. she was completely defenseless against the man handling robot.
  173. the girl yelp after each smack, and continues to squirm and kick the air.
  174. then Twilight noticed something odd. she was the only one standing there looking at the scene. the rest of the students were walking minding their own business.
  175. and acting natural.
  176. Then twilight noticed that she was losing sight of Trixie as she continued to walk and about to take a turn at the corner. so twilight walked fast to catch up and passed the girl that was being spanked in the hallway.
  178. Twilight had so many questions in her mind right now but she decided to ask them after she settled in the cafeteria.
  179. The cafeteria was a huge mess hall. the tables were set in raw lines. there was a roomy space between tables. and that space was marked by red on the floor. it was rather strange design. but to twilight everything here seemed odd.
  181. Trixie went to set at one of the tables. and they were . her Ponyville friends sitting on that table. rarity , applejack , rainbow dash , fluttershy and pinkiepie. with the addition of trixie.
  182. Twilight sat on the table with them and introduced herself. and they had a little chit chat.
  184. there were many questions in twilight's head.. she wasn't sure which one to pick and how to ask them
  185. First what year is this.. what's the name of the school. why no one paying attention to that girl being spanked in the hallway.
  186. but the question that did leave twilight's mouth was
  187. "where is the food?"
  188. they all looked at Twilight
  189. Twilight "well this is a cafeteria right ?"
  190. they all laughed at her
  191. AJ "man you are that hungry .. that distribute bot is right over there.."
  192. she pointed at a huge moving cupboard . the robot was following the red path in the floor moving from a table to the next.
  193. A hatch opens in the middle with a food tray and it was distributing food to them.
  194. Ohh..twilight said.
  195. RD "you are really a Techno pleb Twilight"
  196. Rar " no now , she must be from . (lowered voice) the other side."
  197. FS "well I grow up in that side. but I haven't met you."
  198. Trixie "that's properly because you didn't leave the house."
  199. Aj "well then. it seems that you don't know anything about the city right err. Twilight ?"
  200. TW "yee i'm kinda new to all of this"
  201. Rar "you see darling .. here in the city. we have these robots to handle all our mundane jobs.. your laundry . cleaning.. cooking.. everything."

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