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Caught by Aviator Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:00:48
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:02:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Caught by Aviator Anon
  2. (Anon / Twilight)
  3. M/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, shipping, non-consensual
  5. (24/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. >Twilight Sparkle had been caught snooping around in Celestia's private library, sealed away from the rest of the Canterlot Archives
  11. >It was home to only the most dangerous and powerful of magic ever recorded
  12. >There was good reason it was sealed off from access to others who might not be able to handle such powerful magic or else might use it for nefarious means
  13. >While Twilight had somehow managed to undo Celestia's magical seal on this library there was something she hadn't accounted for
  14. >Celestia had cast a spell over the library that would immediately notify her of any intruder to get past the spell
  15. >And so Twilight was caught in the act
  17. >You yawned sheepishly
  18. >It was the middle of the night when Celestia had summoned you to Canterlot
  19. >You were waiting in an antechamber where the guards are told you to.
  20. >You wondered sluggishly why she'd need you of all peo- errr, ponies.
  21. >Especially at this time
  22. >After only about 5 minutes of waiting the doors opened and Celestia beckoned you in
  23. >You complied swiftly, becoming a lot more alert than you were earlier
  25. >Celestia was standing over Twilight, who was curled up on the floor snivelling
  26. >"P-please Princess... Don't make it a punishment for him to"
  27. >You managed to catch her force out between sobs
  28. >You were utterly confused at this scene
  29. "Uh... Princess Celes-"
  30. >"Anon," she cut you off mid-sentence, "Twilight Sparkle was caught skulking around in my private library, which is kept from the eyes of all ponies, for good reason"
  31. >If you were a cartoon character too, your jaw would have hit the floor
  32. >You'd've thought Twilight, the most intelligent and responsible pony you knew would know much better than this
  33. >"Her punishment is one of the most severe I can hand down..."
  34. >Death? Banishing? Life Imprisonment?
  35. >"She is to be paddled 50 times"
  36. >u wot m8?
  37. >Back home on Earth you'd done this to girls who had ENJOYED it
  38. >But you suppose you were never all THAT rough and we had dated some pretty damaged-goods
  39. >Also pony bodies probably weren't as resilient to being beaten as humans
  40. "A-are you sure that's not too harsh, Princess"
  41. >It wasn't until these words had slipped from your mouth that you realized this was probably very out-of-line to say
  42. >However you had never witnessed the Princess being unreasonable in all your stay in Equestria
  43. >"Anon... I know Twilight is your friend and it is most chivalrous that you would seek to shield her from harm, however the crime she has committed is indeed VERY serious"
  44. >You sighed internally at not getting on the princess' bad side
  45. >But still you had another important question
  46. "Oh course I'm worried about my friend Twilight but I fail to see why you summoned me here specifically? Do you need a witness or something?"
  47. >The thought of having to witness Twilight in pain never crossed your conscious mind until you had said it out-loud
  48. >The thought of watching your little pony friend in so much pain almost brought a tear to your eye
  50. >"I wish I could say that, that was all I had to request of you Anon..."
  51. >What were you hearing in her voice right now?
  52. >Was it pity? Empathy?
  53. >Was she feeling sorry for you? Or maybe Twilight?
  54. >"The punishment regularly would take place in the town square of the offending pony's hometown, the embarrassment of one's peers watching was part of the deterrent factor of the punishment..."
  55. >Makes sense, it would be hellishly embarrassing if you got your ass spanked into mince meat in front of your closest friends and family members
  56. >"...However a leniency bi-law was later introduced saying that the punishment could be preformed privately if only the pony in question's special somepony administered the punishment."
  57. >Special Somepony...?
  58. "But I'm not-"
  59. >"I am well aware of this, Anon. However Twilight has told me you're her closest friend and as she does not have a special somepony I allowed her to nominate you"
  60. >You heard Twilight on the floor at Celestia's feet, she was reduced to dry-sobbing
  61. >She must have cried herself out
  62. >You felt a strong emotional pang, mostly the pity you felt for her but also...
  63. >She really considered you her closest friend?
  64. >She hadn't known you even nearly as long as the girls back in Ponyville
  65. >You'd had some amazing times with her, reading together at the library
  66. >You knew that you felt that way about her but you'd never even considered that she could possibly care for you just as much
  67. >You looked down to Twilight, sobbing on the floor
  68. >You didn’t think yourself capable of hurting the Purple Pony who you care for so dearly
  69. >However in that moment she looked up to you and shook her head, clearly telling you she wanted you to decline
  70. >She was... Trying to spare your feelings?
  71. >Celestia must have pushed pretty hard to get her to confess to you being her closest companion if she was now trying to protect your feelings
  73. >Those eyes, begging you to spare yourself, began to water up again
  74. >And in that moment you knew exactly what you had to do
  75. ”I... I’ll do it, Princess”
  76. >You swallowed hard after saying this
  77. >You just agreed to possibly the hardest thing you would ever have to do
  78. >But if you could be just a little softer on the paddle and shield Twilight from the embarrassment factor, it would be well worth it
  79. >”N-no, don’t Anon... I don’t want you have to do it”
  80. >It was all the more hard to agree to it, with Twilight verbally begging you not to
  81. >But her eyes... Her eyes were telling you that you had to
  82. >”Very noble of you, Anon. As such the only witness to the punishment will myself. Be warned, if you paddle too softly I shall take over and begin again from the count of One. Do you understand?”
  83. >So... You’d have to hit hard enough for it to hurt but not too softly? This was going to be hard, you weren’t sure how much ponies could take
  84. >You were a lot stronger than any pony however you were sure Celestia’s magic would be able to paddle harder
  85. ”I understand Princess”
  86. >A paddle magically appeared and levitated in front of you
  87. >You reached out and took it with a shaking hand, feeling evermore unsure of your hasty decision
  88. >One look at those eyes filled with fear steeled your resolve as you rose the paddle
  89. >And brought it down on the soft flesh of Twilight’s backside
  90. >Twilight yelped like a wounded animal... Maybe you were hitting too hard for a little pony, it was only about as hard as you’d hit girls back on Earth before
  91. >With the next paddle you were experimentally softer
  92. >Still she yelped, you weren’t sure if you were still hurting her as much or if she was perhaps milking it
  94. >Regardless if you stopped now or took even one swing too softly it would start over with a more merciless punisher
  95. >You kept up a steady pace of spanking her flanks with the paddle, trying to alternate exactly where you hit, hoping it would be at least slightly less painful if you didn’t hit the exact same spot over and over
  96. >By the time you had hit the 30 mark her flank was very red
  97. >We’re past the half way mark, you told yourself, from here it should be easy, right?
  98. >Wrong
  99. >Her flanks were now very raw looking so each spank was felt a lot sharper than before
  100. >This allowed you to slowly weaken each strike
  101. >But you knew that this was doing little, to nothing, to make the purple pony hurt less
  102. >You wiped some tears from your eyes as you made it to 45
  103. >Tears had been streaming down your face the entire time however looking at her abused flanks in the aftermath of what had already been down to them and knowing there was more to come...
  104. >...It was much worse than it was earlier
  105. >You chanced a glance up at Celestia
  106. >Her eyes were filled with tears too... Many would have resented her for this, however you promised yourself you would not
  107. >She was merely doing her duty to her people in upholding the laws, even on her nearest and dearest
  108. >In a weird way you had respect for her, being able to force her beloved star pupil’s best friend to punish her in such a way
  109. >Then again this was the pony that had the conviction to send her own sister to the moon to protect her people
  110. >You brought the paddle down again, before Celestia, in her emotional state, could realize you were taking too long
  111. >Twilight screamed out now. It was a sound unimaginably worse than her earlier yelps
  112. >You brought it down again, which was accompanied by another such scream.
  113. >This was repeated for another 2 spanks
  116. >You took a deep breath, trying to clear your mind as to what would happen after the paddling
  117. >You shook your head, you were getting too absorbed in those thoughts
  118. >You brought the paddle down on her raw flanks one last time
  119. >The second after it was done the paddle magically popped out of your hand, and as far as you knew, existence
  120. >You hurriedly scooped Twilight up off of the ground where she had collapsed
  121. >She makes a choked whining sound in pain and you apologize, shifting her weight in your arms so that as little as possible of her flanks had any weight on them
  122. >Celestia quickly blinks back tears and makes herself presentable. You pretend for her sake that you had not seen her weakness during the punishment
  123. >”V-very well, you may go home now... Both of you. I will fill in the paper work as the witness. See the guards on your way out, Anon.”
  124. >You nod and head out of the room and into the Antechamber.
  125. >You see two guards waiting by the exit. One of them approaches you
  126. >”For your service to the land, you are to be paid a sum of 50 bits, with which you may do as you please”
  127. >He gave you a coin pouch and you thanked him generously
  128. >You’d refuse payment but you were going to need it to get home via the train
  130. >As you immerged into the cold pre-dawn streets of Canterlot you took the opposite turn to going to the train station
  131. >Twilight didn’t question it, she was hurting too bad to pay full attention to where you were going
  132. >Eventually you found what you had been looking for...
  134. >As you walked out of the shop with the expensive lotion you noticed that you only just had enough for the train ride home, which was a relief because in your rush to answer the Princess’ summons you didn’t think to bring any additional funds
  135. >While these thoughts circulated through your mind Twilight addressed you
  136. >”Y-you can put me down now, I don’t want to be more of a burden”
  137. ”Hush now Twilight, I just hurt you so it’s equally my responsibility to look after you till you’re better now”
  138. >She opened her mouth to argue but you stopped her with a stern look
  139. >She looked quite dejected now
  140. “Hey,”
  141. >You said, holding her up a little higher
  142. “I love you, Twily”
  143. >You kissed one of the rawest parts of her flank
  144. >You heard her make a sound akin to a hiss in pain, then a sigh of relief
  145. >”I... I love you too, Anon”

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