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Coach EastStern Simmers Sunset's Seat by blankmind12

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:01:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Coach EastStern Simmers Sunset's Seat by blankmind12
  2. (OC / Sunset Shimmer)
  4. ---
  6. Today had been a typical Monday, students and teachers alike groaning about the weekned being over and already wishing it was Friday again. As Coach EastStern looked over her lesson plan for the week she couldn't help but agree with the sentiment. Soccer season was over for the year, so she didn't have to worry about anymore games on Saturdays. However, that also meant she had to tighten up her usual lesson plan now that she and her students had the extra energy for it.
  8. "Which means, no more dodgeball everyday." She mumbled to herself as she sifted through the papers on her desk. Her planning was interuppted, however, by a knock at her office door.
  10. *knock-knock-knock*
  12. "Come in." EastStern said, looking up as the door cracked open. She did a double take as none-other than Sunset Shimmer stuck her head into the office.
  14. Sunset was the last student she ever expected to show up willingly at her door. The former bully-queen of the school had been keeping her head down since the events of the Fall Formal, during which Sunset used a stolen magical aritfact to turn into a demon, brainwash most of the school and destroy the front entrance only to be defeated by a magical pony princess from another world.
  16. 'That still sounds insane, even in my head.' EastStern mused to herself as she eyed Sunset from her desk. She was still quite irked that, for her actions at the formal, Principal Celestia had sentenced the girl to little more than a month of detention. In her opinion, along with most of the student body it seemed, she deserved a lot more. However, as much as she would have liked to dole out some proper punishment, Sunset had been keeping her nose clean since then. What she wanted now though, she couldn't fathom.
  18. "Well, this is certainly a surprise." Coach EastStern said, her eyes narrowed at the girl in her doorway. "Can I help you?"
  20. "Umm, I was..." Sunset swallowed the lump in her throat and opened the door a little more. "I'd like to ask you something. Can I come in?"
  22. EastStern looked at the girl suspiciously, wondering what she could possibly want from her. After a moment, she pointed at the chair across from her.
  24. "You have two minutes Miss Shimmer, make them count."
  26. "Y-Yes ma'am." Sunset nodded and stepped into the office, closing the door behind her. Pulling the chair out she sat down, looking across the desk at the stern coach.
  28. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company Miss Shimmer? I was under the impression you still had a week of detention to go."
  30. Sunset shifted a little in her seat, her eyes drifting down to EastStern's desk. "Well... t-that's what I wanted to-"
  32. "Eyes forward Miss Shimmer." EastStern said, her own eyes narrowing as the girl looked back up at her. "You're not speaking to my desk. Now, out with it."
  34. "Y-yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." Sitting up a little straighter, Sunset took a deep breath and continued. "I'm... I'm here because I asked Principal Celestia to let me serve the last of my detention with you." EastStern's eyes wided in surprise upon hearing this but she allowed Sunset to finish. "She said I could but I'd have to come and ask you first so... here I am."
  36. EastStern stared at the girl for a moment before clearing her throat, pushing her papers to the side.
  38. "Is that so?" EastStern asked as she rose from her seat. As she walked around her desk, Sunset shank down in her chair. However, to the girl's credit she didn't look away from her again. Placing her hands on her hips, EastStern gave Sunset a little smirk. "Well, we'll just have to see about that won't we?"
  40. Sunset tilted her head in confusion but before she could say anything EastStern took hold of her arm and pulled her up to her feet.
  42. "This way Miss Shimmer." EastStern's tone left absolutely no room for debate as she led Sunset across her office, pausing only to pick up a small sticky note from her desk. Folding it up so the adhesive wasn't exposed she held the paper up to the corner of the room and turned back to Sunset. "Place your nose right there."
  44. Sunset blushed at the thought of being put in the corner but she didn't protest. Stepping forward, she pressed her nose up against the note, holding it against the wall as EastStern released it.
  46. "Keep your arms at your sides and don't move until I get back." EastStern instructed, a very clear warning in her tone.
  48. Sunset felt a chill go up her spine but she managed to squeak out a short 'yes, ma'am' as Eastern left the room, the slamming door nearly making her jump.
  50. Letting out a sigh, Sunset's shoulders slumped. She had been a bundle of nerves all day, trying to work up the courage to ask Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna to let her do this. They were surprised, to say the least, when she finally spat it out but she must have made a good case. She knew in her heart that a month of sitting in a class doing busy work wasn't anything for all she had done. For all the grief the other students gave her, the pain she felt from her own guilt was even worse.
  52. 'And you deserve every bit of it,' Sunset told herself, 'You were an awful pony and an even worse human being. You're lucky Twilight didn't drag you back to Equestria in chains. You're lucky you're even allowed to be here. You're especially lucky anyone wants anything to do with-'
  54. Sunset's mental tirade was cut off when the office door opened again. Fighting her instict to turn around, Sunset tried to straighten herself up a little as she listened to the approaching footsteps.
  56. "Huh, you actually stayed put." Coach EastStern said, her tone much less severe for some reason. "You're just full of surprises aren't you Miss Shimmer. You can turn around now by the way."
  58. Sunset nodded and turned to face the woman, catching the note in her hand and tossing it into the trash as she did so. Eastern raised an eyebrow at this, looking unusually perplexed. After a moment, however, she let out a sigh and shrugged.
  60. "I have to say Miss Shimmer, I'm not sure what to think of you anymore."
  62. "Ma'am?"
  64. EastStern smirked as she leaned up against her desk. "I went to have a word with Principal Celestia. Imagine my surprise when she told me that, yes, you did indeed ask to serve detention with me for a whole week. I honestly thought you were just saying that, hoping I'd take it easy on you."
  66. Sunset's face fell a little but she nodded along. "I can't really blame you for thinking that."
  68. "Indeed," EastStern replied, the edge returning to her voice. "you were quite the coniving, manipulative little brat weren't you?"
  70. Suddenly trembling, Sunset couldn't help letting her head droop down. "Y-Yes ma'am.... I-I was."
  72. "Heh, I'm actually a little impressed. I had my suspicions but you even managed to pull the wool over my eyes. But..." EastStern reached out, gently lifting Sunset's head up again and looking deep into her eyes. For a few seconds the woman studied the girl before finally nodding.
  74. "Well, that's in the past now. Let's move on, shall we?" EastStern pulled out her desk chair and sat down in it. Looking up at Sunset, she patted her lap. "I'm sure you know what to do."
  76. Sunset, blushing and still trembling, nodded her head and moved to EastStern's side. Bending over, she laid herself across EastStern's lap, the coach guiding her along so that she was in the proper position.
  78. Once she was in place, Sunset realized how vulnerable she felt in this position. Her legs were stretched out behind her, her arms dangling down to the floor, while her rear was sticking up in the air. In perfect position for-
  80. "Eep!" Sunset let out an almost Fluttershy-like squeak when she felt EastStern's palm start to pat her rear.
  82. "Comfy?" EastStern asked, letting her other hand come to rest on Sunset's back. Sunset shifted a little bit before looking up at EastStern and giving her a little nod. "Alright then. Fair warning, I'm not going to go easy on you. You've had this coming for a long time."
  84. "I-I know ma'am." Sunset replied, bracing herself.
  86. Although she couldn't see, EastStern gave the girl a little smile as she raised her hand.
  88. *SMACK*
  90. "Nyek!" Sunset yelped as the first spank stuck home, making her jump. Even though it was over her skirt, Sunset couldn't help but squirm a little from it.
  92. "Have you ever been spanked before?" EastStern asked, bring her hand down for another swat.
  94. "Ahh! N-No ma'am!" Sunset answered, clenching her eyes shut.
  96. "I see," EastStern nodded, planting another hard slap against the girl's seat. "Well, I'm sure this one will leave a lasting impression." With that, she reached down and pulled Sunset's skit up, eliciting a squeal from the girl.
  98. "W-Wait, C-Coach EastStern please-EEK!" Sunset's protest was cut short by another stinging slap against her exposed panties.
  100. "You wanted this didn't you? Well you're going to get it!" EastStern glared down at Sunset, who quickly settled down again.
  102. "Y-Yes ma'am. I'm s-NYEEEE!"
  104. "Save it for later Miss. Shimmer." EastStern said, smiling once more as she began to spank Sunset in earnest. Her hand slapping against the squiming girl's cheeks again and again, quickly turning them from her natural light orange to a light pink. That light pink slowly became darker and darker as EastStern peppered Sunset's bottom.
  106. "Ow! Ow-OW! Oow-ow-owwww~!" Sunset whimpered, squirming under EastStern's grip as she tried to endure the spanking. She was expecting it to hurt, certaintly but she wasn't expecting it to be like this. Each and every slap of EastStern's palm left a harsh sting on her cheeks. The coach was very thorough as well, covering every inch of Sunset's posterior. Tears began to drip down Sunset's face as a few sobs slipped out of her between cries of pain.
  108. EastStern paused after around thirty spanks, taking a second to rub her hand and look over her work. Slipping her thumb into Sunset's panties, she gently slid them down to fully expose her bottom. Sunset gasped she she felt this but a sharp look from EastStern silenced her before she could say anything.
  110. "You're taking this better than I expected." EastStern said, rubbing her palm against Sunset's pinkened cheeks.
  112. Sunset sniffled, reaching up to wipe her eyes and nose on her sleeve. "T-Tha... thank you ma'am."
  114. Letting out a sigh, EastStern readjusted Sunset, lifting her bottom up a little more. Sunset whimpered, knowing it wasn't over yet.
  116. *SMACK*
  118. "Eeow!" She was proven right as EastStern's palm came down against her bare bottom.
  122. "OW! Ooow-oow-ooowwww! W-Waaahhhhh!" Sunset began to sob in earnest as her spanking entered the final stages. Now that her bottom was sufficuently warmed up, each spank felt like a hot brand slapping against her naked cheeks. She began to wiggle and squirm fruitlessly against EastStern's grip as her legs kicked about behind her. EastStern seemed to pay her no mind at all as she wrapped things up.
  124. Raising her palm over her head, she held it there for a few seconds to draw out the suspense before finally bring it down for one final, extra hard SMACK that echoed through the room.
  126. "OOOWWW!" Sunset howled as the last spank hit home, thrashing about over EastStern's lap. EastStern, meanwhile, kept a firm grip on the girl, keeping her in place until her struggles ceased. Soon enough, Sunset began to settle down. Her sobs slowing to quiet sniffling as she lay still across Coach EastStern's lap.
  128. "Alright, Miss Shimmer, up you go." EastStern gently took hold of Sunset's arms and helped her stand up again. While Sunset continued to try, rather futily, to wipe her tears from her face, EastStern stood as well and guided Sunset back to the corner. Positioning her with her nose against the wall, EastStern took a paperclip from her desk and used it to pin Sunset's skirt to her jacket, leaving her redded rear exposed.
  130. "Arms on your head and no rubbing." EastStern instructed and Sunset quietly obeyed, placing her arms atop her head as she faced the wall. Satisfied, EastStern nodded and sat back down at her desk. After peeking up at the clock, she pulled the papers she'd been working on back over and started going over them again.
  132. Sunset did her best to stay still but it wasn't an easy task. Her bottom felt like she'd just gone down a metal slide in the middle of summer. Even after a blast from the Elements of Harmony she was surprised at how much a few dozen slaps to the butt could hurt. Despite that, however, Sunset felt strangely better now that it was over.
  134. 'Maybe you're just glad you got what you deserved,' Sunset let out a soft whimper as she scolded herself, fresh tears starting to drip from her eyes. 'You're finally paying your dues for everything you've done. But you're just doing it for you. So YOU'LL feel better about what a horrible monster you were, she-demon! You don't deserve-'
  136. "Miss Shimmer?"
  138. "Ahh!" Sunset yelped, spinning around in surprise to see Coach EastStern behind her, looking just as surprsied as her.
  140. EastStern blinked in confusion, raising an eyebrow at the girl. "Didn't you hear me? I said it's been five minutes, you can come out now."
  142. "O-Oh... sorry ma'am. I guess I was... distracted."
  144. "Uh huh..." EastStern replied with a sigh, pointing at the seat in front of her desk. "Pull your panties up and have a seat. I'd like a word with you before you go home."
  146. "Yes ma'am." Sunset nodded, reaching down to carefully pull her panties up around her waist again. She winced a little as the fabric rubbed against her sore bottom but managed to get them all the way up. Pulling the paperclip from her jacket and handing it back to EastStern, Sunset walked over to the chair and, very gingerly sat down in it.
  148. EastStern sat down as well, watching the girl squirm in her seat for a moment before speaking.
  150. "You know, Miss Shimmer," she began, grabbing Sunset's full attention. "When Principal Celestia explained what happened at the Fall Formal I was, understandably, skeptical. Not only in regards to the magic parts, I'm honestly still trying to wrap my head around that, but the idea that you're trying to redeem yourself now that all your crimes had been brought to light."
  152. Sunset's shoulders slumped, her head hanging down in shame as EastStern continued.
  154. "Like I said before, I suspected you weren't as sweet and innocent as you let on, but I had no idea you were as bad as you were." EastStern leaned over her desk, resting her chin in her hands. "I told Celestia that she was letting you off way too lightly. That a month of sitting in an empty classroom doing math problems was a slap on the wrist for all you've done. But she made it clear that her decision was final." Letting out another sigh, she stood up and walked over towards Sunset. "However, since then I've been keeping a much closer eye on you. Just waiting to see you slip up and give me an excuse to put you over my knee."
  156. Sunset whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself as she shook in her seat.
  158. "But..." EastStern reached down, placing her hand on Sunset's shoulder. "I've realized something."
  160. Surprised by the sudden contact, Sunset looked up at EastStern, who was smiling down at her.
  162. "I realize that I was so focused on looking for the bad in you, I completely missed the good you've been showing."
  164. "W-What? Good? What do you mean? I-"
  166. "Shush and let me finish." EastStern said, pressing a finger against Sunset's lips to silence her. "Not only have you been staying out of trouble, you're also trying as hard as you can to be a better person and to make amends for all you've done."
  168. "How do you-" Sunset cut her question short, remembering what EastStern said about keeping an eye on her. "Well it's not like it matters. Everyone hates me. And with good reason."
  170. "And yet you're still trying." EastStern gave Sunset's shoulder a light pat as she knelt down beside her so they were at eye level. "Now, make no mistake. You did wrong, a lot of wrong actually. But the fact that you're genuinely trying to make up for it counts for a lot. It shows me that you really are a good girl when everything's said and done."
  172. Sunset blushed, looking away again when she heard this. "W-What if... what if I'm not. What if I'm still the same horrible girl as before and I'm just trying to make myself feel better?"
  174. To Sunset's surprise, EastStern actually chuckled at this. "The fact that you're asking that proves that isn't true. If you were still that horrible, you wouldn't care if you were. You feel guilty do what you did. And I have a feeling you've been punishing yourself as much as we've been punishing you, maybe even more."
  176. Sunset slowly looked up at Coach EastStern, her eyes starting to water again. "I... D-Do you mean..." Sniffling, Sunset pressed her face into her hands and quietly sobbed. EastStern smiled at the girl, handing her a tissue from her desk. "T-Thank you."
  178. "You're welcome. Now, you run along. I'm sure your friends are waiting for you."
  180. Nodding softly, Sunset got up to her feet and, much to the coach's surprise, gave her a hug. "Thank you Coach EastStern... for everything."
  182. Once she recovered from the shock, EastStern chuckled and hugged her back. "You're welcome. But don't get too excited." She chuckled, gently pulling back from the embrace. "You still have four days of detention with me, so don't plan on sitting comfortably this week."
  184. Sunset blushed, letting out a nervous chuckle as she stepped back. "Don't worry ma'am, I don't."
  186. "Good." EastStern replied as she turned Sunset towards her door, giving her rear a light slap to send her on her way. "Because my trusty paddle's been waiting to get aquianted with you."
  188. Sunset paled as EastStern smirked at her, closing the door behind her.
  190. "See you tomorrow, Sunset."
  192. The End(?)

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