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Fake Scarlet Mane by zy

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:01:48
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:09:33
Expiry: Never

  1. Fake Scarlet Mane by zy
  2. (Anon / Pony)
  3. M/F, over bathtub, bathbrush, enema, diaper, non-consensual, wip
  5. (15/04/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Anon was living in Equestria, he opened a pharmacy in ManeHatten it was in a street just under the bridge that connect to the city. It was in a building with a store front and a basement. Anon use a portal device to transfer medic ens from our world to Equestria. Selling them for bits and gems, and also trading some of exotic potions, stuff that transform a person gender, stuff that change your age and other stuff. The basement is where he keeps his supply boxes and his teleportation device which is connected to his basement back on earth. He lives alone in his house.
  11. The medicines he was selling are far too advanced and the cure rate is way to high for those are sold in Equestria. So some big companies such as The Manehattan medico limited did not want him to sell these medicines as they are ruining their business. They tried to shut him down. But majority of Manehattan ponies did not agree with that company's decision and he is left to do his business as usual.
  12. One day the ManeHattan Medico Tried to force him to leave. so they wanted to hired some pony to sabotage his business. They wanted to hire the famous spy Scarlet Mane. The Scarlet Mane is well known mare in the underground criminal circle as she was effective and deadly spy.they company did not know The Scarlet mane in person but they know the only way to contact the spy is through mail. So they sent a letter to his front address. Unlucky for that company there was a newbie mail pony on the job that day.
  14. while he was delivering the mails, the letter they sent fell on the ground on one of the Manhattan streets.
  16. A [pony] found the letter laying there, not knowing what good for her. She opened it and start reading it. she soon realized context of this letter. “Oh shit” she said “I need to report this to authorities, but first I need to finish this letter.” as she was reading it ,she found the reward for completing this mission.
  18. So she started to think...
  19. How hard it is to sabotage a pharmacy, All I need to do is sneak there brake few bottles, and I become rich. Hmm. I need to see that place first. She went to the pharmacy to scout the area. When she arrived, she saw the store closed with a letter on the door.
  21. Sorry for inconvenient but the store is closed till Friday. Hmm this is perfect if today is Tuesday I have 2 days to do it. so she wrote a letter to the company saying that she accept the mission signed as The Scarlet Mane. “This should do it, now they think they contacted the real Spy. Now I need to go shopping”. So she went shopping for a black suit some rope and other tools.
  22. At night she wore the suit, took her bag of tools and went there. She made sure no one is watching her. Then there she arrived, she went back of the store she saw a window near the ground, good I will enter from this window and make my way to the store from the basement. She opened the window, it wasn't locked.
  23. "good I wont be needing this tools anymore, this is going easier than I thought."
  24. she crawled in and then jumped down.
  25. It was way up so she did not calculate the long jump and fell butt first on some crates. The crates broke and the medicine inside started to leak on the floor. She stood up rubbing her behind, looking at the mess she made. Well that few crates to take care off.
  27. She started to look around the basement. There was lots of stacked crates labeled medicines. But what really caught her eyes are the big contraption in the middle of the room. It was huge ring with lots of wires in gizmos hanging from it. all connected to a panel, she went to see what's on that panel, there was few buttons. And there was a small rectangle plastic device with few buttons on it.
  28. “ This looks important, since I'm here for the money maybe I should steal this and ask for ransom from that human owner, hmmm . a Human ... I never seen one before I wonder what they look like “
  30. She stood there thinking for few seconds then suddenly snapped'oh focus. I'll think about that later so she picked that small device up with her mouth. Unknowingly she pressed on a button while holding it. the Portal device came alive and started to run. A portal formed inside the ring it was a bright blue watery substance.
  32. Meanwhile, Anon was inside his house back on earth watching TV when he suddenly heard a noise from inside his basement. So he went there to investigate. And saw his portal is running. He went to the control panel and saw the Portal is formed from the other side. “Someone must have activated it but who. He jumped inside the portal.
  34. At the same time the [pony] was in panic mode. She did not know what is that ring thingy is and why it was on. only one thing on her mind right now. 'Escape'. The Doors of the basement are both locked the only escape route is the window where she came in from. But it was out of her reach. So quickly she started to stack the crates on top of each others and climbed started to climb on the unstable crate tower she created.
  36. She started to cough hard while pounding on her chest. Anon” who are you, what are you doing here. And more importantly where is the remote that was on the panel.”
  38. She was still coughing and pounding on her chest. Then she looked up to anon's face, with a small tear on her right eye and she gave a silly smile "I think I just swallowed it"
  40. Panicked Anon :
  41. >you what ?
  43. Then anon looked behind at the portal and it starts closing “no no” said anon. He then grabbed the pony and held her upside down.
  45. Her face was facing the ground while all her body is lifted in the air. She was about half his height her, her hind legs are up in the air while her front are dangling at the bottom barely touching the floor. She was shocked at what he was doing, while at the same time amazed of how tall strong a human is, thinking and admiring his. Then her thoughts got interrupted when he was brutally shaking her up and down.
  47. “Throw it up“ he yelled.
  49. Her entire body was bouncing up and down with his movement. She wanted to say something but this shaking stopped her from being able to talk. Then anon stop shaking her, as she was a bit dazed. Anon put his palm of his hand on her back and start massaging her back in up and down motion with lot of force. Still yelling “Throw it up”. She replied I can't.
  51. After 3 strokes he changed his grab, As he took his left arm to hold her Pelvis. She was still suspended upside down in the air, her bottom s on the very top and her head is on bottom, her front legs holding the floor in fear of dropped her head first. With his left arm he started to pound on her bottom. Still yelling throw it out.
  53. pony
  54. >Awe hey ouch. Hey. I'm not a ketchup bottle you know Its already inside me. and ponies cannot just throw up.
  56. Anon stopped hitting her realized how silly his methods are. so he dropped her. She fell down on the ground. Hey can't you be more gentle. Anon ignored her as he was unlocking the door to his pharmacy.
  57. She said now it's my chance she quickly went to the crates under the window. And jumped there as he opened the door and looked back and saw her already climbing throw the window. Half of her body made it through.
  59. As she put her left hind leg through the window pulled her self up. and made it outside. Anon grabbed her tail from behind her “oh no you don't I'm not done with you yet. And started to drag her back in. she was struggling to fight him but he was too strong for as she was being dragged back in from her tail. As a panic move she grabbed her bag, anon pulled her inside from the window. Now her entire body are inside the basement. Her bag fell on the ground and she was suspended with her tail. Anon looked at her bag and saw a rope. “Good this is exactly what I wanted” he took her rope and tied her in, he moved her front leg to her back and tied them together with her tail so she can only move with her hind legs which is hard for a pony to do.
  61. anon
  62. >This should slow you down, now be a good girl and wait here. I need to that remote, without it I cannot return to my world
  63. he went back to the pharmacy.
  65. She was laying her stomach down the floor, front legs are tied on her back with her tail. she said to herself. "I always get my self roped in these situations."
  66. She hardly tried to stand up by rolling on the floor and leaning her head on one of the crates, then finally managed to pull herself up. Now she is sitting on the floor with her hand still tied behind her.
  68. moments later anon came back holding a bottle. He walked toward her opening the cap. She read the label on the bottle it was written Castrol oil.
  70. Anon
  71. here drink this it would help speed up the process”
  73. [pony] “what process and what is this, what are u doing to ...
  74. At this time anon was holding her mouth open and shoved the bottle inside her mouth in upwrite position, forcing the liquid to pure inside her mouth. She swallowed the medicine.
  75. [pony] : >eww. Gag. (made her tongue out slack) it tastes really awful.
  76. Then her stomach got upset she stood up looked around and ran toward a ledge she leaned her body on it started to throw up. The remote did not exit her system.
  78. As she stopped. Anon said “well I guess it's the other way around”
  79. [pony] “hey what do u mean by that”
  81. You know exactly what I mean he took a scissors and cut her outfit exposing her fur.he grabbed her in lifted her in the air. Again but this time it was upward. He went toward a hook line that was on the ceiling. And hooked her rope with it, now she is suspended in the air while still being tied up, her arms are behind her back tied in with her tail. Her tail is pulled up making her butt exposed and shifting her weigh a bit. Making her leaned forward as her tail pulling her butt and her back legs up.
  84. Anon went back to the pharmacy and came back holding stuff she did not recognize. She was struggling to see with side of her eyes she saw him holding a bag connected to a hose and other stuff.
  87. The bag was filled with hot liquid he hanged the bag above her and connected the hose with it. The hose was transparent and the nozzle shape looked a bit phallic. Anon start wearing latex gloves. And opened a jar he dipped two fingers in it and went behind her.
  90. Then she felt something penetrated her butt whole, she blushed and yelled “hey what do u think you are doing perv.”
  93. Anon “it's an enema” he was lubricating her butt.
  96. [pony] “what's an enema”
  99. Then anon inserted the nozzle inside her butt.
  101. He opened the valve on the bag, on top of her and the liquid started to fill her colon.
  102. Hey what the hell, take it out. It was strange experience for her. Being tied up and liquid filling her up. as it fulling her up it started to become more uncomfortable by a sec. till she reached her limit and started to squirm around.
  104. Anon closed the valve, and start pulling the hose slowly. “ Hey hold it in” she clenches her butt as she did not want to take a dump in front of him.
  105. then anon made her wear a diaper.
  107. pony
  108. >hey! why are you making me wear this, its so degrading, I can go to toilet you know.
  109. Anon
  110. >I really need the remote, I don't want to take any chances for you to flush it in the toilet. Besides, I cannot let u go on the floor. It would stink the place. So go on do it in the diaper.
  111. pony
  112. >Its so embarrassing I cannot do it
  113. anon
  114. >Hey I'm losing my patient with you, no one told you to brake in and eat my remote
  115. >After I get my remote I'm gonna call the cops on you they would take care of thieves like you
  117. pony
  118. >no not the police, I'm innocent. The Manhattan medico company to sabotage your work
  120. anon
  121. >The medico . explain
  123. pony
  124. >They wanted to hire the Scarlet mane spy to come here and destroy your stuff. I only came here to warn you
  126. anon
  127. >Came here to warn me. how stupid do you think I am. you sneaked in wearing this stupid outfit. Already destroyed some of my medicines and ate my remote. I bet you wanted to this for the reward money. You'll rot in jail
  129. pony
  130. >No please Mr.human don't call the police, I would lose my job and its awful in jail.
  132. anon
  133. >Hmm. I don't want to ruin your life but I but you need to be punished.
  135. pony
  136. >Punishment! Isn't this diaper and that medicine you gave me enough?
  138. anon
  139. >It's not enough I'm doing those just to get the remote... and what's taking you so long
  141. Anon went and hold both her hind legs. And star pushing them up and down forcing a pressure on her stomach
  143. >Stop doing that I cannot hold it much longer.
  145. That's the point you are only delaying the inevitable, just go already.
  146. And so she went. Anon moved away.
  148. After she was done anon unhooked her,held her in by her waist and went back in the store. then upstairs. There was a bathroom he put her on the bathtub's ledge. Half of her body are outside the tub while her butt and back legs are inside. She was still being tied up so she could move much.Anon took her wet messy diaper off.Her face turned into tomato with embarrassment. and there it is.
  150. he got the remote. He put it in the sink them threw the diaper inside the trash. I'll clean that later, now back to you. He turned the shower on, and held the shower head in his hand.
  151. pony
  152. >You know u don't have to clean me, as I can take a shower myself if you just untie me.
  153. anon
  154. >And make you run away, not a chance. He aimed the water at her butt and took the bath brush and started lather it with soap.
  155. Then started to brush her butt.
  156. pony
  157. >Hey that tickles.
  158. Scrubbing back and forth then he went to her asshole and start scrubbing there. She started to squirm around moving her legs. Then anon went down from her butt hole to her clitoris.
  159. She was shocked with the sensation that she felt, and kinda turning her on. being held like that against her well, the embarrassment of someone watching her private area, and being touched down there is all working in boiling heat inside. But she snapped out of it and started to protest in denial .
  160. pony
  161. >Hey Stop that you perv big horny ape you mu#$@%#) $%$#!.
  162. anon
  163. >Hey watch your language potty mouth, you know what we do with someone with dirty mouth like yours.
  164. He took a soap bar and shoved it inside her mouth.
  165. She spat it out
  166. >eww WWW. You S$%$ ^$#
  168. anon turned the water off and flipped the brush around and wham
  169. She froze in place as she did not expect that.
  170. Then came another one wham
  171. pony
  172. >Ouch! What the hell are u doing.
  173. anon
  174. >Isn't it obvious I'm spanking you,
  175. then another one wham
  176. pony
  177. Ouch! But I'm not a filly I'm a fully grown mare.
  178. anon
  179. >You are just a brat to me
  180. Wham. Wham Wam Wham....
  181. He continued spanking her, with the bath brush with each strike goes to each butt cheek. She was feeling helpless as she cannot escape his brute strength and the stinging sensation on her ass. The feeling that her tail being pulled up with the rope... the embarrassment... and the previous turn on... all kept fueling her hornyness. All this while going while she was still being spanked.
  183. Wham wham.
  184. She cannot fight her desire anymore and decided to lose it, so she started to enjoy it, as each stroke came in it kept burning her inside. And she was biting her lips.
  185. WHAM!
  186. Then came another smack. She let go of a moan.
  187. Anon wasn't aware of that. And she was a bit silence and not fighting anymore. So he stopped spanking her.
  188. Her butt was anticipating another strike but it did not come. her pussy was winking.
  189. her red butt is aching for another one.
  190. but it did not come. this feeling made her furious.
  191. Her cheeks are red with embarrassment she wanted him to continue but was too embarrassed to ask. All this helpless made her more frustrated, so she start crying.
  193. Anon
  194. >I think you have learned your lesson
  195. and start to untie her. Stupid filly, but nothing like good old spanking cannot fix
  196. He stood up went to other room and brought a towel she was just kept laying there sobbing, in frustration. He gave her the towel then took the remote with him as he left her be and went outside the bathroom.
  197. 'I think she need time alone to cool of'
  199. ---
  200. that's all I got for now

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