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NMM's Revenge by WritersBlawked

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:02:25
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:16:30
Expiry: Never

  1. NMM's Revenge by WritersBlawked
  2. (NMM / Celestia)
  3. F/F, paddle, cat-o-nine tails, shakles, bruises, blood, pee, non-consensual
  5. (27/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. Nightmare Moon trotted casually down the dark corridor, her armored hooves clanking softly against the stone floor. It had been a week now since Chrysalis had restored her to her true self, and things weren't going as well as they had hoped. The Changeling Queen had once again proven incapable of defeating the Elements of Harmony, and the six mares were now well on their way to the Changeling hives, intent on defeating the insects once and for all.
  12. Nightmare Moon, of course, had kept up her end of the Queen's bargain. She'd fought valiantly in the assault on Canterlot, defeating scores of Royal Guards, and had dueled her sister in single combat high above the city. The Changelings had eventually been repelled, but Moon had done her part.
  14. And claimed her prize. That was what really mattered.
  16. Stepping into the dining hall of her fortress, Nightmare Moon took a seat at the head of the table, planting her rear on a soft, velvet cushion. She peered over at her solitary guest, seated at the opposite end, and decided to strike up a conversation.
  18. "Dear sister!" she smiled. "Are you enjoying your meal? I hoofpicked that cake especially for you. It's not your favorite, but I thought you might like to try something new."
  20. Across the table, Princess Celestia lifted her gaze from the untouched triple-chocolate cake before her, giving Nightmare Moon an angry glare. She might have been able to enjoy the cake, were it not for the large, drool-coated, grey-black ballgag buckled tightly into her mouth. Her forehooves were shackled to the floor in front of her, with so little slack that she was unable to pull them back to her sides, or even lift them more than an inch or so off the stone floor. The metal collar around her neck was held similarly taut, the heavy iron chain stretching nearly to its limit whenever Celestia sat up straight, and scooting away from the table was therefore impossible. Her hind legs had much more leeway, however, and she found she was capable of standing on all fours, for whatever that was worth. Flying was out of the question, as her wings were bound to her sides. Celestia would have tapped into her vast stores of magic to free herself, but a heavily enchanted golden ring had been slid firmly onto her horn, rendering it about as magically useful as a fence-post.
  22. "Sister," chided Nightmare Moon, "You haven't answered my question. How did you enjoy your cake?"
  24. "Hmmf," replied the Princess, looking away. The rich, fragrant cake in front of her looked more than delicious, and her longing for the dessert hadn't dulled even after being forced to look upon it for two hours. But it was hopeless, and screaming and flailing about would only encourage her captor. Twilight and her friends would discover this place soon, and Luna would be restored to her right mind again. Until then, Celestia would simply have to sit in silence and bear whatever torments Nightmare Moon inflicted on her.
  26. "Not talkative, Celestia?" asked the dark mare. "Well, no matter. Your dear student and most of the Royal Guard are off squashing insects at the moment, so we'll have plenty of time to bond later. For now, we'll just have to play a game or two."
  28. With that, Nightmare Moon got to her hooves and strolled over to the side of the room, retrieving a large leather case she'd left under the windowsill. Returning to the table, she pulled the cake away from her sister and placed the case on the tabletop with a heavy WHUMP. Celestia raised an eyebrow, staring expectantly at Nightmare Moon. The mare of darkness smiled down at her elder sister, before opening the case. Celestia's eyes widened as her captor retrieved a broad wooden paddle, holding it up so the Princess could get a good look at it.
  30. "Today's game is: Just Rewards. Do you recall why I first took this form, sister?"
  32. Celestia nodded slowly, doing her best to maintain her composure.
  34. "Yes, that's correct," continued the dark alicorn. "Loneliness. All of my subjects, all of Equestria even, worshipped you, and shunned me. I had nop0ny, and so what was your solution?"
  36. Celestia looked away, ashamed. She knew Nightmare Moon had given her little choice in the matter, but she was right about one thing. Celestia really had failed her sister.
  38. "That's right, dear sister. You banished me. I was alone and miserable, and so you reacted by sending me off to the moon, to suffer in isolation for a millenia. Well, you used my weakness against me, so I'm going to use yours."
  40. Nightmare Moon seized Celestia's tail in a firm telekinetic grip, and wrenched it upward, forcing the Princess into a standing position, her hind legs just barely touching the ground. The dark alicorn inspected her prisoner's soft, fleshy rump, and then raised the paddle.
  42. "You always had a sensitive rear, sister. I don't imagine all that cake has helped."
  44. Defiant, Celestia gave her captor a contemptuous glare, but Nightmare Moon knew her sister, and could see the fear deep behind her eyes. With a smirk, she brought the paddle flailing down. There was a terrible THWACK! as the wooden blade cracked across Celestia's behind, sending ripples through her doughy cheeks. The Princess lurched forward in her restraints, her nostrils flared and eyes wide with pain.
  46. "Only twenty-four left to go, dear sister," taunted Nightmare Moon.
  48. Celestia gave a muffled scowl, doing what she could to hide her fear. Smiling, Nightmare Moon lashed out once more, and the Princess' rump shuddered under her assault. The paddle struck home again and again, a hot, blistering pain shooting through Celestia's bottom with every blow. She tried desperately to maintain her composure amidst the pain, but it was not to be. By accident or design, the thirteenth blow came just a little low, striking Celestia in a place even more sensitive than her rear.
  50. "MMGGHHMMF!" she grunted, a hind leg rising involuntarily.
  52. "Oops," giggled Nightmare Moon.
  54. Once her silent facade had broken, Celestia was unable to contain herself. The fourteenth and fifteenth paddlings elicited further yelps, and by the eighteenth, she was screaming. The Princess bit hard into the ballgag, her garbled howls filling the room. Nightmare Moon grinned broadly, striking harder and harder, until she finally reached twenty-five. The dark alicorn pulled the paddle far back, and brought it forth with all her might. The wooden blade almost whistled as it came soaring down onto Celestia's rear. With a long, agonized shriek, Celestia slumped back into a sitting position, her tail suddenly free of the dark alicorn's grasp. She panted hard, eyes bulging, and held her red, throbbing rear an inch or two above the floor, not daring to sit down.
  56. "That's a small sample of what I went through, sister," snarled Nightmare Moon, unbuckling her sister's gag and setting it on the table.
  58. "S-small sample...?" replied Celestia, panting heavily. "S-so...I'm to get a stroke for each-"
  60. "Each year I spent in the moon? Don't tempt me, sister. In truth, I'm not sure what I intend to do with you. Kill you? Keep you here forever? Lock you away in the sun? They all seem too good for you."
  62. "I sent you away b-because I had no choice-"
  64. "No choice!?" roared Nightmare Moon. "No choice, but to send me away? You couldn't have helped me to win the love of my subjects? You couldn't have forgiven me, your own sister? Believe me, you had a choice. Don't tell me you didn't."
  66. Celestia gritted her teeth. "Luna-"
  68. "Not another word, dear sister."
  70. Turning to her case again, Nightmare Moon retrieved a second gag, very different from the first. It was a black muzzle with leather straps, and there was a bulging leather sack inside the mouthpiece. On the front of the mouthpiece, Celestia could see a strange threaded socket, as though a large bolt could be screwed into the front of the gag. Nightmare Moon forced the Princess' mouth open with her magic, and slid the muzzle onto her face, pushing the leather sack into her mouth and fastening the straps behind her head. Gagged once more, Celestia let out an irritated growl, dreading her sister's next punishment. The dark alicorn turned back to her case, and retrieved what looked like a metal tray mounted on the end of a foot-long shaft, the end of which, Celestia realized, was threaded. Nightmare Moon pushed the threaded end of the shaft into the socket of her sister's gag and screwed it in tightly, effectively connecting the tray to Celestia's face. The Princess' eyes widened in confusion.
  72. "There," said Nightmare Moon. "Now, do you know what kind of gag that is?"
  74. Slowly, Celestia shook her head, waving the tray around in front of her face.
  76. "That, dear sister, is a forniphilic gag. I could have screwed a feather duster onto it, or perhaps an ashtray, but for now, I would like you to hold something for me."
  78. Nightmare Moon levitated a goblet and wine bottle from the table, and poured herself a drink. Instead of taking a sip, she then placed it onto the middle of Celestia's muzzle-mounted tray, forcing the Princess to hold her head still to keep the tray level and prevent the goblet from spilling.
  80. “Get up. You’re in for another twenty-five strokes, sister," smiled Nightmare Moon. “But if that goblet falls, I'm going to put the paddle away and give you twenty-five with a cat o’ nine tails.”
  82. Celestia’s eyes widened, and she rose slowly to her feet, careful to avoid spilling the wine. he attempted to raise her shimmering tail to allow her captor an easier target, but lifting it too high placed a painful strain on her still-sore bottom. Nightmare Moon stepped behind the Princess, inspecting her rear. The round, doughy cheeks were still a little pink, and Celestia’s inability to move her tail entirely out of the way spoke greatly of her discomfort. Heartened, Nightmare Moon siezed her sister’s tail with her telekinesis and wrenched it painfully straight up into the air, eliciting a high-pitched “NGF!” from the gagged Princess. Raising the paddle, Nightmare Moon brought it swooping down into her prisoner’s behind.
  84. “MMMPH!,” cried Celestia, and it was all she could do to keep her head still and the tray steady.
  86. THWACK!
  88. “GGNNFF!” She shut her eyes tightly.
  90. THWACK!
  92. “GNNNMMM!” The goblet shook.
  94. THWACK!
  96. “MMMMMFF!” Her cheeks shuddered
  98. THWACK!
  100. “MMMGGGH!” Her eyes snapped back open.
  102. And so it went. The sixth stroke was agonizing, the seventh was a little less so, and the eighth knocked the wind out of her. The pain and embarassment were almost unbearable, and the goblet was wobbling more and more often as the spanking progressed. Each blow left a fresh streak of pinkish-red across the Princess’ behind, and her screams of anger gave way to desperate howls of torment. How could this be happening? She was the shepherd of the Sun and ruler of Equestria, and here she was, being paddled like a schoolfilly? Celestia groaned. She had been hounded by dragons, harassed by Discord, and even cocooned by a Changeling Queen, but none of it compared to this indignity. Nightmare Moon knew what she was-
  104. THWACK!
  106. “NNNGGFF!” Celestia doubled over, and suddenly heard a splash and the clatter of metal. Her eyes snapped open, and to her horror, the goblet lay there on the stone floor, in a puddle of wine. Frantic, she turned back to look at Nightmare Moon. The dark alicorn was beaming widely, a horrible twinkle in her eye.
  108. “Sister, you’ve had an accident,” she grinned.
  110. Celestia froze. This couldn't be happening. Not to her. A blue aura surrrounded the metal tray mounted on her muzzle, as Nightmare Moon unscrewed it from the gag and cast it aside. The dark alicorn then stepped around Celestia, and opened her case once again. From it she retrieved a red-handled cat o' nine tails with dangling black thongs. Nightmare Moon looked the Princess over, considering, and then removed her muzzle, placing it atop the metal tray.
  112. "L-Luna," gasped Celestia. "Listen to me-"
  114. Nightmare Moon's horn blazed, and before the Princess could utter another word, a familiar grey-black ballgag suddenly flew up from the table. The rubber ball forced itself into her mouth, and the straps buckled tightly behind her head. Celestia shook her head about, letting out a string of muffled protests and stomping the floor with her hooves.
  116. "I like that one better. Now, you listen to me, sister," began Nightmare Moon. "I've decided to be generous, and delay your next punishment for an hour or so while I fix myself something to eat. Keep yourself occupied until then."
  118. Nightmare Moon left for the kitchen, and Celestia sat alone for a minute or two, trying to contain her fear. When her captor returned, she bore a hot meal and, to Celestia's bewilderment, a large clock. Taking a seat, Nightmare Moon set the clock on the table, and began to eat. With a hint of magic, she turned the clock to face her captive, forcing Celestia to watch the as the hour of her flogging approached. Beads of sweat began to run down the Princess' face, and she was breathing heavily through her gag. She had barely been able to withstand a paddling, her rear was so sensitive, and so a flogging would be too painful to imagine. And even if she was saved afterward, the welts and long scars would remain on her behind for all her rescuers to see until she could cast a healing spell.
  119. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. Chewing her gag, Celestia sat glued to the clock, feeling her fear grow with each passing minute. Torture and humilation were fast approaching, and there seemed to be no way to avoid it. Finally, she relented. She would give Nightmare Moon what she wanted. Looking up at her captor, Celestia let out a low, moan.
  122. "Mmmmmmghhh."
  124. "Yes, sister?" replied the dark alicorn. "Would you like to speak?"
  126. "Mmm-hmmm."
  128. "You're going to tell me you're sorry, right?"
  130. "Hmmgh?"
  132. "You're going to tell me you're sorry, that you only wanted to help me, and that you never intended to send me to the moon, correct?" asked Nightmare Moon. "Or are you going to lie about how you wish to join me and rule at my side? Well, don't bother. I know how clever you are, dear sister, and I'm not going to listen to any of your lies."
  134. "Mmmmmggh!" grunted Celestia.
  136. "Scream all you want. In fact-" snorted Nightmare Moon, looking at the clock. "I think it's time for you to scream quite loudly now."
  138. Celestia froze, staring at the clock. Her hour was up. Nightmare Moon swept up her cat o' nine tails and headed straight for her. The Princess began to shake and struggle, pulling hard at her chains, screaming and pleading through her gag, stamping the cold floor in frustration. She looked her tormentor straight in the eyes, imploring her for mercy. With a smile, Nightmare Moon took her place behind the bound alicorn, and seized her tail in a firm telekinetic grasp, pulling Celestia into a standing postion once more. Celestia let out a muffled shriek, and Nightmare Moon brought the whip flailing down.
  139. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. There was a terrible crack, and Celestia screamed in agony. She had keenly felt all nine thongs as they slashed along her backside, leaving thin red cuts across her doughy cheeks. The Princess trembled in pain, unable to think, and Nightmare Moon cackled and brought the cat o' nine tails swiping down again.
  146. The second blow had shaken Celestia to the core, and the third came moments after.
  150. As the lashings progressed, Celestia broke down. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed in pain, her soft rump bleeding and shuddering under Nightmare Moon's assault. As the dark alicorn lashed out again and again, the Princess slumped to the ground, with only her captor's magic keeping her rear raised and vulnerable.
  152. "Aww, do you need little sister to kiss it better?" taunted Nightmare Moon.
  154. The eleventh lash came, cutting deeper into Celestia's bottom than the others, and the Princess' muscles spasmed. Her leg raised a little, and she bit down hard on the ballgag, nearly breaking its surface. Suddenly, she felt a spreading warmth and numbness, and heard the trickle of her urine as it streamed down her leg and onto the floor. Nightmare Moon's eyes widened, and Celestia went red in the face, crying softly.
  156. "Did you just...?" gaped the dark alicorn.
  158. Celestia couldn't answer. She lay on the floor, praying for escape, and a sudden anger took her captor. Gritting her teeth, Nightmare Moon lashed out harder than she ever had, creating further welts and slashes across the Princess' jiggling cheeks. Celestia could barely feel them at that point, her bottom going numb, until finally she heard Nightmare Moon speak.
  160. "Twenty-five."
  162. No further blows came, and Celestia opened her eyes and rose shakily to her feet, feeling the blood streaming from her slashed and pulverized ass. Nightmare Moon looked at her, contemplative, and then raised her horn, charging it with energy.
  163. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. A sudden tingling ran through Celestia's behind, and she could feel a stretching and pulling at her cuts, and the pain faded. Just moments after her bottom had been flogged bloody, it was suddenly soft, whole, and healed. The Princess turned to look at her captor, confused.
  166. "You know, I didn't expect to really break you," sighed Nightmare Moon. "I expected you'd remain defiant. Well, it's no fun torturing somep0ny who won't resist any longer."
  168. "H-hmgh?"
  170. "So, I'll just have to find a better use for you."
  172. Nightmare Moon's horn gleamed, and Celestia was forcibly turned over onto her back, the manacles around her forehooves ripping free of the floor. The dark alicorn strode over to the prone form of the Princess, and brought her own toned, pitch-black rump swiftly down onto Celestia's face.
  174. "Mmmmmfff!"
  176. Celestia's protests were doubly muffled as her sister's muscular cheeks smothered her face, the smell of the dark alicorn's pucker filling her nostrils. Celestia struggled wildly, grunting and squealing in indignation, kicking out with her hind legs, shouting a dozen garbled threats at the dark alicorn.
  178. Nightmare Moon smiled. She was going to like her new throne.

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