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Rarity riding by fetishwritefag

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:03:11
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:25:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Rarity riding by fetishwritefag
  2. (Anon / Rarity)
  3. basically no spanking
  5. (05/10/2019)
  8. ---
  10. >"Anonymous, REALLY, if you're going to have to do this, perhaps you could at least be-WAHAHA-!"
  11. >Rarity's voice shifts several octaves as your weight presses down on her, shuffling to get comfortable on the saddle strapped around the pony.
  12. >She trembles under your weight, bringing her head back up and making an attempt to walk.
  13. >"I don't mean to be rude, darling, but you're... rather heavy."
  14. >She grunts, just about managing to stretch her legs out, only able to walk at about five miles an hour.
  15. "Giddyup!"
  16. >"Oh, you can't be serious."
  17. "Uh uh. Horsies don't talk. They ride."
  18. >Before she has the chance to even attempt to protest, you bring the tight leather bridle from your pocket and fit it over her muzzle, the bit - a little black rod - fitting perfectly between her teeth.
  19. >"Mmmmpph!!"
  20. >With a yank you pull the bridle right and force her head left.
  21. >She's restricted by the tight bands and buckles that press down into her skin; keeping her perfectly in place and completely at your command.
  22. "C'mon, Horsey! You can take me over to that tree, right?"
  23. >You pull her head in the direction of it, hearing a startled, muffled yelp from the unicorn as she makes an attempt to walk you over; still struggling under your weight but doing her best.
  24. >Your hand trails down over her flanks, feeling where the fur grows slightly more fuzzy and silky on her cutie mark.
  25. >You ready your hand and bring it down with an audible smack.
  26. >Rarity squeals, rearing up before charging towards the tree, letting you jump up and down on her back as the canter becomes a gallop.
  27. >You keep a firm grip on the back of the bridle, swinging your arm around to steer her one way and then the other, feeling her respond almost instantaneously.
  28. >After the shock of your unexpected spank has worn off, Rarity reduces her speed and settles into a steady trot once again.
  29. >Your hand reaches back to run along the tight buckles and straps that secure the saddle to her body, reaching along her rump and tightly pressing against her pussy lips.
  30. >Your finger plays with those lips; slick and loose.
  31. >Rarity groans disapprovingly, but she knows she's still ultimately at your will.
  32. >Your thumb finds her ponut, rubbing that twitching ring of rubbery muscle.
  33. >Her legs try to push together to contain her privates, but the strap won't allow her.
  34. >Finally your thumb meets the dock that sits under her tail; tough but fleshy as you press down on it gently.
  35. >She seems to react, a stuttering moan let out into the bit that's filling her mouth.
  36. >You're done teasing her pussy, though; the poor mare has it bad enough.
  37. >As you round another tree you pull Rarity over to one side of the path, dismounting and seeing her rise up into her usual stature.
  38. >Her eyes are glaring at you with fiery, undying anger.
  39. "Would the horsey like a treat?"
  40. >You tug on the bridle and allow the bit to pop out from her mouth.
  41. >"Why, I have NEVER been quite so humili-"
  42. "I said... would the horsey like a treat?"
  43. >She pauses and just stares at you for a second. You produce a fresh carrot, wafting it in front of her to try and entice the mare.
  44. >"Anonymous. This gross humiliation has gone on quite enough. Would you be so kind as to-"
  45. "You want the bit again?"
  46. >"No! I mean... oh, fine!"
  47. >Her mouth opens, accepting the carrot and crunching it. She can't make eye contact with you though. She's far too angry and far too embarrassed.
  48. >"Are you QUITE done?"
  49. >Your hand parts her mane and gives it a ruffle, but you decide her torment has gone on long enough.
  50. >You unfasten the bridle and saddle and immediately she's far more comfortable.
  51. "Hey, what do you think the chances are of me slipping these onto Applejack while she's distracted."
  52. >"Well, if you're particularly keen on having broken ribs I say go for it." She snarls, half-serious and half sarcastic.
  53. >"I just hope now you have this... off your chest, you won't go doing it to me again anytime soon."
  54. "I can't make any promises."
  55. >She hits you with another pouty, fury-wrought glare.
  56. "I mean... of course not, Rarity."
  57. >"That's better."

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