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Spoon Intro by Goblin

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:04:09
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:29:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Spoon Intro by Goblin
  2. (None / None)
  4. (07/06/2019)
  7. ---
  9. Rosey Glow was a young entrepreneur residing in Canterlot. For a unicorn living in the City of Fashion, she dressed practically, avoiding all of the sparkly and showy dresses of most mares her age. Instead she wore basic glasses with black frames and a tight black business vest. Her coat was a soft white, and her mane, which was pulled into a tight ponytail or bun depending on the day, was a soft rose-colored pink. With her practical outfit and hairstyle, paired with a deliberate gaze that could be equal parts ice and fire, she appeared to most passing ponies to be quite a bit older than she truly was.
  10. On her flank, which was never covered (Rosey thought pants on ponies were a pointless flashy fashion statement) was her cutie mark: A wooden spoon.
  11. Ponies often asked her if her special talent was baking. It was not.
  12. Rosey Glow’s calling was a bit more unique. Nopony in Equestria had anything quite like it.
  13. On the day that she received her cutie mark, she had been at home, babysitting. Her parents had left her in charge of watching over her twin sister, who despite being the exact same age, was not nearly as responsible. Rosey had left her sibling unattended for no more than a moment, and had come back into the room to see her sister recklessly climbing a giant stack of precariously perched boxes. In an instant, without hesitation and on pure instinct alone, she used her magic (which was quite strong for her age) to grab her sister down from her perch, open a drawer, grab a spoon, and drop her sister over her lap. The rest was history.
  14. Rosey’s parents had initially been surprised by the development of their daughters…atypical special talent. Though it didn’t take long for it to start to make sense. Rosey had always had a passion for keeping things organized, had a strong sense of right and wrong, and was always keeping a close eye on her sister. Despite their initial confusion, they were proud of their daughter’s cutie mark, whatever that mark may be.
  15. Yet Rosey Glow’s parents were still uncertain of what this actually meant for their daughter. She was a strong magician, an excellent organizer, and was able to excel at any project she put her mind to but…what would someone with a mark like hers actually…do? How would their daughter make a living? What was her calling? How would she make the world better?
  16. But they had no doubt Rosey would find a way. And she did.
  17. As soon as she was old enough, Rosey packed her bags and moved to Canterlot. With bits on loan from her parents, she was able to get an apartment and rent out a small boutique space on main street. Combining her skills as an entrepreneur, her aptitude in magic, and her carefully honed woodcrafting ability, Rosey Glow created her own business. Simply named: Rosey Glow’s.
  18. “Quaky, please put these out on display. We open in 10 minutes.”
  19. “R-right away Miss Rosey!”
  20. Rosey Glow levitated an open box over to her employee, Quaky Boots. Quaky took hold of it anxiously. Rosey held it in place for a moment to make sure Quaky could get a good grip on it with her jaw. Quaky Boots was a young earth pony with a light sliver coat and a light violet mane curled in all sorts of odd directions. She was naturally a bit shaky, but seemed to be even more so when talking to her boss.
  21. “Do you have a hold of it? Be careful.”
  22. “Yush, I’ve ghot iht.” Quakey said through her clenched jaw.
  23. “After that make sure to unlock the door, flip the sign, and get the logbook ready.”
  24. “Yesh-mish-Roshey.”
  25. “You sure you’ve got it?”
  26. “Yush.”
  27. Quaky then proceeded to turn around, start her slow trot over to the window display, trip over her own hooves and immediately crash into the floor. With her went the box, sending more than a dozen hard wooden spoons that Rosey had been working on sprawling across the floor.
  28. “Quaky, are you alright!??” Rosey ran over to her fallen employee. “Are you hurt??”
  29. Quaky’s looked at Rosey, her eyes filled with terror. “I’m s-sorry Miss Rosey, I’ll pick everything up right away!”
  30. “Quaky, its fine. Are you all right?”
  31. Quaky scrambled to her hooves so quickly she almost tripped again. Rosey Glow steadied her.
  32. “I’m so sorry, Miss Rosey! I don’t know what happened! I’ll pick them all up right away.” Quaky Boots sputtered, tripping over her words.
  33. Rosey placed her hoof on her employee’s shoulder. Their eye’s locked. Quaky quivered.
  34. “Quaky, its fine. It was just an accident. Just…be more careful. Maybe walk next time, alright?”
  35. Quakey trembled a little bit. “Yes Miss Rosey. I’m sorry. Sorry.”
  36. “I know. You go set up the log book, alright? I’ll pick these up.”
  37. Quaky sniffled. “Okay.” She carefully made her way over the counter.
  38. Rosey sighed and began to pick up the spoons. Quaky was extremely clumsy, but Rosey knew she had a good heart. She knew that Quaky was scared of her special talent, but Quaky had been a hard worker in the few weeks she had been here. Rosey so far had never had a reason to use her talent on her. She didn’t believe in punishing accidents, unless they got dangerous (She didn’t tell Quaky that though. She tended to be more careful that way).
  39. Rosey took a close look at a few of the spoons to make sure none of them had been damaged, but she knew they wouldn’t be. Not from a little fall like that. They were made of beautiful, polished, light blonde wood: Golden Oak, to be specific.
  40. It had taken her forever to find some, but her material supplier, a stallion named Oak Hoof, had really come through. Rosey had dozens of kinds of wood tested on herself over the years, and she thought that Golden Oak might be one of the best.
  41. She looked at her latest design, proud of her work. She had been working to develop these for weeks, creating the perfect shape, the best wood, and the perfect finish. Testing, recreating, perfecting. And now that her design was done she had made hundreds. She had a feeling they were going to be good sellers.
  42. At the very bottom of the handle, like with all of her items, Rosey had personally carved her initials: R.G. She took great pride in her work, and wanted people to know that the work was quality, and that the work had been hers. She wanted her items to be remembered. And maybe one day, when some fillies grew up and had fillies of their own, they would know where to come.
  43. Rosey Finished picking up her spoons and placing them lovingly in the window display. She looked out the storefront of her boutique.
  44. Today was the start of Canterlot’s Spring Festival, and even though it was early, the streets were already bustling. Rosey unlocked the door and flipped the sign to open. She had a feeling it was going to be a busy day.

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