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Sunset Spankstravaganza by SickFuck

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:04:28
Updated: 2022-03-11 19:30:17
Expiry: Never

  1. Sunset Spankstravaganza by SickFuck
  2. (Luna / Sunset)
  3. F/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, unfinished, non-consensual
  5. (18/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. The Night Guards' armor clanked and rattled as they led their prisoner down a long, dimly-lit stone corridor. The guard at the front of the column dragged her along by a heavy chain connected to an iron collar around her neck, walking so briskly that she stumbled once or twice trying to keep up. An enchanted iron ring had been lodged onto her horn, preventing her from using her powerful magic to escape. It was just as well, because Sunset Shimmer had once been the star pupil of Princess Celestia herself, second only to Twilight Sparkle.
  11. But Princess Celestia wasn't going to help her this time. The guards led the young mare into a sparsely-decorated office chamber, where she was suprised to see Princess Luna sitting at a desk, her usual stern expression fiercer than ever.
  12. "Sunset Shimmer," said the Princess quietly, never taking her gaze off the young mare. "My sister has told me a great deal about you."
  13. "All of it good, I hope," sneered Sunset.
  14. "Your case file told me more," said Luna, narrowing her eyes. "You were twice convicted of illegally using dark magic, and remain a suspect in several other crimes."
  15. "Well, Celestia wasn't much of a teacher. Sure, I can teleport, use telekinesis, smash rocks, and change bunnies into horses, but for anything really impressive, I had to break the law. It's not my fault that your sister made all the real magic illegal. Guess she doesn't want anyp0ny else becoming as powerful as she is."
  16. Luna's frown deepened, and Sunset flashed her a little smile.
  17. "You have nothing to say in your defense, than?" snarled the Princess.
  18. "I don't need to defend myself. Celestia's just afraid of seeing me surpass her."
  19. "Very well, then. You've made your case, now I'll make mine."
  20. Luna stepped out from behind the desk, and strode over to Sunset, until she was right in the unicorn's face. There was cold fury etched upon her features, but Sunset wasn't impressed. None of Celestia's happy little pets were going to scare her.
  21. "Do you know what you are doing to my sister? What you mean to her?" Luna growled. "You were like a daughter to her, and now you've turned your back on her, and started fooling with magics you don't comprehend! I did the same, becoming Nightmare Moon, and as a result I was banished to the moon for a thousand years! We were lost to eachother! And now-"
  22. With effort, Luna checked herself, reigning in her temper. She turned away, taking a deep breath, and then turned back to Sunset, a deadly calm in her eyes.
  23. "Now you want to put her through all of that again?"
  24. Sunset stared wide-eyed, unnerved by the Princess' anger. Someone in Equestria was actually showing some teeth. But still, she wasn't going to be intimidated.
  25. "Just because you couldn't handle it, doesn't mean I can't. I'm twice the wizard you are."
  26. Luna's eye twitched. "Alright, that's it. I've tried explaining things to you, brat. But if you're not going to accept it, than I'm going to have to make sure to impress it upon you."
  27. "Oh, please-"
  28. "I've spoken with my sister, and she's agreed to let me discipline you if you aren't willing to mend your ways. She didn't want to let me, it pained her greatly." A wicked smile crept up Luna's face. "I, however, am glad that I have the chance to straighten you out."
  29. Before Sunset could reply, Luna's horn blazed with eldritch light, and everything went black.
  30. A rough, chafing sensation around Sunset's neck and forehooves woke her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she beheld a clear blue sky, Celestia's sun shining brightly over a grassy field near a stone walkway just outside Ponyville. She tried to move, but found she was unable, her head and forelegs stuck in what felt like a giant plank, as though she had crashed headfirst through a billboard, or had been...
  31. ...locked into a set of wooden stocks.
  32. Sunset's jaw dropped in horror and realization. She struggled to pull herself free, but the framework was of thick, sturdy Oak, and the whole thing was shut with a steel padlock. In desperation, she tried to teleport away, but the magic-suppressing ring was still firmly mounted on her horn. All the magic she'd ever learned wasn't going to save her.
  33. "Hey! HEY!" she shouted, turning her head toward Ponyville. "Somep0ny?! I'm stuck! I need-"
  34. "Help?" replied a familiar voice. Sunset turned, and saw Princess Luna standing there, not twelve feet away. The Princess of the Moon was flanked by two Royal Guards, their golden armor glinting in the morning sun. The trio marched toward their prisoner, the two guards taking positions behind her, while Luna gazed down at her. She was about to speak when Sunset started screaming.
  35. "What are you DOING!?" she roared. "You can't just-"
  36. "Oh, shut up," interrupted Luna.
  37. Luna's horn gleamed, and a round, red ball made of rubber with two dangling leather straps materialized out of thin air. Sunset realized what it was the instant before the ballgag shot forward and lodged itself into her open mouth, the straps pulling tight and buckling behind her head. Now gagged, Sunset let out a gurgled scream, shaking her head wildly and pulling at her restraints.
  38. "That is NOT going to help!" Luna bellowed, traces of the Royal Canterlot Voice evident. Sunset froze in panic, her struggles ceasing, and looked up fearfully at her captor. This wasn't something Celestia had devised. She didn't know what this was.
  39. "The only way you are going to get free, is by taking your punishment. Do you want to know what that is?"
  40. Sunset slowly shook her head, beads of sweat running down her face. Luna's horn flashed again, and a sign post appeared, floating before Sunset's eyes. It read:
  43. Sunset didn't scream. She couldn't. Her hind legs wobbled and gave, and her rear sank to the ground. She sat there, quivering in fear, unable to believe what she saw. Luna was going to have her flogged!? Have ponies slash her thirty times a day, for three days, with a whip!? Celestia couldn't have agreed to this. No matter what-
  44. "Oh, stop shaking," chided Luna. "It says 'strokes', not 'lashes'."
  45. Sunset looked up, confused, and again Luna summoned an object out of midair. It was a long, wooden paddle, well-balanced and made of polished Oak.
  46. "WHHT HH FHHK?!" roared Sunset, her words unintelligible around her gag.
  47. "Back before I was banished, public spankings were a common punishment for thieves and other petty criminals," explained Luna, forcing the signpost into the dirt next to Sunset and hammering it into place. "Nowadays, it seems a little excessive, but I think it's a perfect punishment for a little brat like you."
  48. "FHHK HOUH!"
  49. "Nice meeting you too," Luna said, smiling. "Brat."
  50. With that, Luna teleported away, leaving the guards to oversee Sunset's punishment.
  51. Sunset was breathing rapidly, fear and hate coursing through her. She wasn't going to be flogged, she was going to be spanked. Like a schoolfilly. Publicly. Any hick in Ponyville could just waltz up to her and take a whack. She tugged at her hooves, testing her restraints. They still wouldn't budge. With a groan, she hung her head, wondering how it had all come to this.
  52. "'Ey," came a rough voice, and Sunset looked up. It was one of the guards. "I'm Lockdown. Here's how it's gonna go. You get a lunch-and-bathroom break at noon, and another one at dinner. Don't think of escapin', 'cause Skystreak over there used ta be a professional flyer, so without yer magic, you ain't gonna outrun him, and you ain't gonna outfight me. Got it?"
  53. Sunset sized up Lockdown, regarding him warily, and nodded.
  54. "At night, we'll keep ya in the Ponyville dungeon," he continued. "But ya better hope the folks here in Ponyville give ya yer thirty strokes, 'cause if they come up short, I'll hafta give 'em to ya. An' I can hit pretty hard."
  55. Sunset grumbled, and Lockdown turned away. He set up a chalkboard beside her, upon which he scribbled: STROKES: 0. Sunset sat in silence for a while, desperately trying to think of a way to escape. She thought of trying to dart off into the Everfree Forest when they let her out for a lunch break, but until she got the ring off her horn, she'd be defenseless against all the creatures. Maybe she could-
  56. The sound of approaching hoofsteps shook her from her thoughts. A minty-green unicorn mare and a cream-colored Earth pony with a pink-and-blue mane were strolling down the walkway, talking happily to eachother, when they beheld Sunset imprisoned by the roadside.
  57. "Hey Bon Bon," said the unicorn. "Isn't that the mare that Princess Luna was talking about earlier?"
  58. "Huh?" replied "Bon Bon", as the Earth pony was apparently named. "What aree you talking about, Lyra? What mare?"
  59. "You didn't hear? Princess Luna came into town earlier, saying that some mare called Sunrise Something was gonna be publicly paddled for using dark magic."
  60. "Huh. Never heard a word about it."
  61. The two mares approached Lockdown, and Sunset stared in mounting fear as they spoke.
  62. "That's her, huh?" asked Lyra. "The big bad dark wizard?"
  63. "That's her," answered the guard. "Care to give her her due?"
  64. "I dunno. Bon Bon, you think we should?"
  65. "Well, if it's what the Princess asks of us, I guess we should," shrugged Bon Bon. "She's so young though..."
  66. "All the more reason to get her sorted out now, I suppose," Lyra replied. She turned back to Lockdown. "Alright, we'll do it."
  67. Sunset's heart dropped. Lockdown handed the paddle to Lyra, who took it in a firm telekinetic grip and advanced toward Sunset. The captive mare shrank back, sitting down and tucking her tail between her legs. It was to no avail. Lyra grabbed Sunset's tail with her magic, and yanked it upward, pulling her rear up until her hind legs barely touched the ground. Before Sunset could think, Lyra brought the paddle whistling across her backside.
  68. THWACK!
  69. "NGH!"
  70. Sunset lurched forward in her restraints, eyes wide. Her sensitive rump jiggled from the impact, pain shooting through each cheek. She bit down hard on the ballgag, trying to grit herself against the pain, and Lyra brought the paddle down hard again. Sunset winced, and it took everything she had to keep from screaming. She hadn't been the most physically active pony ever, and wasn't accustomed to this kind of pain.
  71. Lyra's third stroke came, and a loud crack echoed through the field. Sunset shut her eyes tightly, doing all she could to suffer with dignity. Keeping Sunset's rear up in the air, Lyra turned to Bon Bon, handing her friend the paddle.
  72. "Alright, that's three strokes. Your turn, Bon Bon!" she chirped.
  73. Bon Bon took the paddle, holding it a little unsteadily, and swung it like a baseball bat. Sunset grunted in agony, keeping her eyes shut. Bon Bon's second swing came just under Sunset's tail, impacting her directly on her soft pucker. Sunset's eyes shot open in surprised anger, and she let out a string of muffled curses. Her bottom was turning a shade of pinkish-red under the two mares' assault. She wasn't sure how much more of this she could stand.
  74. "One more, Bon Bon," said Lyra.
  75. "I'm not so sure, I got her right in her hole that time, and she's pretty frazzled already..."
  76. "It's just one more, than we're done. We can make a complaint to the Princesses later, if you want."
  77. "Well, alright."
  78. Sunset was beside herself with anger. Did they have to be so flippant about this!? But before she could get too upset, Bon Bon brought the paddle flailing down one last time. Sunset recieved a hard, stinging blow across her rear, and couldn't help but scream. Her bottom was red and throbbing, as though it were on fire, after just six strokes. Lyra released her, and she rested her blistered ass on the cool, green grass, trying to stop the searing ache.
  79. Lyra handed Lockdown the paddle, explaining that she and Bon Bon found Sunset's treatment to be unethical. The guard shrugged, and the two mares wandered off toward Ponyville, agreeing to discuss the matter with eachother over tea. Lockdown turned to the chalkboard, erased the zero, and scribbled the number six in its place.
  80. It was going to be a long three days.

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