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A Lost Bet Chapter 3.1 (Good Morning, Sis) by SkyeHigh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:08:05
Updated: 2022-03-11 17:48:08
Expiry: Never

  1. A Lost Bet Chapter 3.1 (Good Morning, Sis) by SkyeHigh
  2. (Rainbow / Scootaloo)
  3. F/f, hoof, otk, pajamas, semi-consensual
  5. (23/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. A lone ray of light broke through the closed window and hit the little filly directly in the face, making her clench her eyes tightly. She rolled around on the lush bed, subconsciously trying to get some more sleep. It was to no avail however, her body started to wake up, stirring and moving in the process. At last, Scootaloo opened her eyes and wearily studied her surroundings. It took her a few moments to come to terms with her current location. She was slowly beginning to sit up in that big bed that wasn't hers, she knew that much.
  12. As she stretched out her limbs and wings she noticed she was dressed in soft, red pajamas, head to flank. Slowly but surely the realization set in that those were the pjs Dash had bought her just this week and that she was currently laying in her bed. It was just a week after 'certain events' that brought her mentor and herself even closer together.
  14. In that moment the door to the bedroom swung open, revealing the cyan pegasus that took her under her wing and gave her flight lessons and showed her tricks week after week. She said nothing at first and just looked at the filly before her eyes lit up.
  16. "Oh, you're finally awake. I just wanted to get you up."
  18. Scoots wanted to respond but a curious smell invaded her nostrils, keeping her from doing so. She closed her eyes for a moment and sniffed the air.
  20. "Did you make breakfast? That smells like... PANCAKES!" she exclaimed excitedly.
  22. "You're absolutely correct. I've put them on the oven to keep 'em warm, so let’s get this over with and then to eat." Rainbow Dash took a few steps into the room and came to a halt on Scootaloo's side of the bed, looking at her expectantly.
  24. The filly looked confusedly back at Dash but a small sense of uneasiness spread through her stomach. “W-what do you want to get over with?” she asked unsure.
  26. Dash shot her a surprised look, disbelief etched on her face. “Do you want to tell me you don’t remember what we agreed on yesterday?” The quiet tapping of Rainbow’s hoof was another indicator that she was indeed quite displeased with her student here.
  28. “I... uh...” Scootaloo frantically racked her brain to remember the past day’s events. Her drowsiness from just having woken up still was like a hazy veil on her mind. She remembered the last weekend vividly and shifted her pajama-clad rump uneasily on the cloud bed. After that were a few days of her best behavior, Rainbow Dash herself had said so. Then... more training, more fun, and yesterday, on Friday—
  30. “Oh...I s-see...” Scoots said nervously. Realization of what happened yesterday finally hit her with the force of a freight train. After some uneventful days, Scootaloo fell back into her old pattern and on the previous day Dash had warned her about it and what would happen if she wouldn’t keep herself in check. Of course, after a particular trick went wrong for the umpteenth and the older pegasus pointed her flaws out again in all glorious detail, she snapped back at her harshly with all prior warnings forgotten.
  32. Rainbow Dash didn’t bring it up until dinner, but the filly knew she was in trouble then.
  34. ***
  36. “Get ready for bed and wait in my room, Scootaloo. We’ll have to deal with your attitude before bedtime.” Dash’s voice was clear and left no room for misunderstandings. The filly knew what was going to happen, she knew it from the moment on after her outburst, she knew her bum had to pay for her loud mouth once again...
  38. “B-but, Daaaash... you’re not my Mom,” Scootaloo complained in a last desperate attempt to escape punishment.
  40. “Squirt, we’ve been through this once...” Rainbow sighed, slowly getting frustrated with her excuses and backtalk. “You can choose to go now and avoid this spanking, but then flight training is officially over. Discipline and training go hoof in hoof, you won’t get one without the other and also you’ll never get into the Wonderbolts with your lack of discipline.”
  42. Scootaloo looked down to the cloudy floor, obviously unhappy with Dash giving her that choice. Rainbow meanwhile was proud of herself for making that point so very clear. She had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time, but she was making progress with her student, that much was sure.
  44. “O-okay... I’ll take your p-pun-punishment,” Scoots spoke while looking up to Dash again.
  46. “Good, then—”
  48. “But pleeeeaseee!” the orange pegasus exclaimed, throwing herself at her mentor’s legs. “Please not today... I don’t wanna have to sleep on my tummy again... Can we d-do it tomorrow?” she asked with hopeful eyes and fixed Dash with the most adorable look she could muster.
  50. Rainbow Dash groaned, that wasn’t fair play. She still wasn’t 100 percent comfortable with that role of a discipliner. “Scoots...” she started before stopping in her tracks. ‘Hmmm, why not let her have it her way? She’ll notice having to walk around during the day with a sore bum isn’t necessarily better than to sleep on one.’
  52. “Alright, you win...” The filly’s eyes widened in glee for a short moment before Rainbow continued. “But you’ll still march up that flank of yours and get ready for bed, and first thing in the morning we’ll deal with your punishment. Am I understood, y-young lady?”
  54. Scootaloo didn’t know what to respond for a moment there while she was looking at Dash’s firm stare. “I... uh... yes, understood!”
  56. ***
  58. While Scoots was reliving the events that led up to this morning in her mind, Dash had taken a seat on the soft bed and threw her a meaningful look.
  60. “Come on, get your butt over here,” she ordered while patting her lap with one hoof.
  62. The orange filly was still sitting on her rump and slowly coming back to, eyes switching back and forth between Dash’s and the lap she patted. Letting out a quiet whimper, she finally moved closer and closer to the older pegasus until she was within reach. She felt herself getting picked up under the arms instantly and closed her eyes in anticipation of the inevitable; being pulled across those knees and feeling them press into her belly just like last time.
  64. Dash, however, made her stand on her two back hooves on the ground between her own legs and still held her steady. “Hooves on your head and hold still!” was the only order and explanation Scootaloo got. The filly complied without complaint, too scared and intimidated to do otherwise. Her hooves rushed instantly atop of her purple mane where they stayed, just slightly touching each other. Rainbow looked back into her eyes, satisfied, while Scootaloo got the urge to avert her eyes to the side. She felt shame and embarrassment over being made to stand this way... exposed... put on display... under Dash’s scrutinizing gaze. Next thing she knew, Rainbow’s hooves moved down to her waist and fumbled with the string of her jammies.
  66. Scoots let out a loud whine before she removed one hoof from her head to stop the other pegasus. Rainbow had pretty much predicted that reaction and intercepted her with a quick swat to the seat of her pajamas. Scootaloo yelled a startled “Ow!” in response and wanted to move her stray hoof now to the stinging spot on her rump. Dash just grabbed said hoof and scolded her immediately.
  68. “Keep your hooves on your head, Scootaloo!” The filly shot the hoof back up to her head and looked back sadly at Rainbow. She fixed the filly with a piercing glance and could already see the wet spots in the corners of her eyes. Thinking that she would have enough to cry about very soon, Dash leaned back again, but held eye contact. Scoots wanted to shy away from the gaze but didn’t break her position this time. Dash sighed inwardly, she didn’t want to seem so angry or even mean, but that filly had to learn to obey some rules.
  70. Nodding to Scootaloo, but mostly to herself, Rainbow got back to work on the string and pried it loose without any further incident. She then grabbed the edges of the red jammies and slowly slid them down to Scoots’ knees, fully revealing her orange, blank flank. The small pegasus whined loudly again and quickly paced on the spot, barely lifting her hooves off the ground. Her wings buzzed all the while nervously, but otherwise she stayed still like she was told. The breeze whirled up by her wings washed over her little bottom and made her shiver.
  72. “Pleeeaseee, Daaash—”
  74. “Save it, Scootaloo. Those pajamas were never meant to be a protection against your punishment. I bought them to keep you warm at night, nothing more. Dashie’s gonna give your back talking, disobedient, bare bum a good and long spanking,” Rainbow informed her and ended any other complaints before she could start them. “After that, everything’s forgiven and we can move on to breakfast. Now... let’s get started.”
  76. Without allowing further protests, Dash grabbed the filly again and laid her gently across her lap; head to the left, exposed rump to the right. She then adjusted herself so she sat more securely on the edge of the bed, keeping Scoots off the bed so she could wiggle and throw her legs around like she wanted... it’d be of no use anyway.
  78. Scoots’ pulse quickened and she felt her heart beating against Dash’s legs. She forced her wings down against her pajama-clad back so she or Rainbow wouldn’t hurt them on accident. When she was being shifted around subtly, her butt twitched in nervous anticipation and her hinds kicked out slightly, only restricted by the jammies around her legs. This position wasn’t foreign to her anymore, as well as the pain that was just about to follow.
  80. Not starting spanking right away, Rainbow took a bit of time to help Scoots relax. She took a hold of her purple tail and pressed it firmly but not uncomfortably to the filly’s back, keeping it out of the way. With her free right hoof, the one that would turn these orange cheeks to a bright red during the next few minutes, she gently rubbed both of them in a comforting way. There wasn’t much fat on them, all that crusading and flight training had Scootaloo in a good shape. Softly tapping each cheek a few times and eliciting some squeals from their owner, Dash spoke up again.
  82. “Yesterday was unacceptable, Scootaloo, you crossed the line! I know about your temper problems at times and I know you only started recently to change for the better, but that doesn’t excuse the way you acted,” Rainbow Dash explained calmly, further stroking that orange rump in front of her. “I also know change takes time and you’re working on it. Still, every time now you cross that line and fall back to old behaviors, you’ll find yourself face down over my knees and get a sound spanking for it. And while you’re crying and bawling afterwards I’ll always hold you in my embrace until you feel better. I do this because I love you and care for you and maybe someday you’ll understand...”
  84. The older pegasus stopped her ministrations and lifted her hoof up high, all was said, now it was time to take action.
  86. “I love you too...” Scootaloo said quietly, almost in a murmur, but Dash picked it up and her resolve wavered for a moment. But she couldn’t show weakness, she had to be strong and help the filly come around with a firm hoof. A blazing butt would see to that.
  88. Waiting just for a few more seconds until Scoots’ bum had somewhat relaxed, Dash brought her hoof down in a good smack right from the start. Scootaloo yelled out in surprise at the pain, but Dash knew she had to start off firmly. She was a tough filly and otherwise this spanking wouldn’t make the impression on her Rainbow wanted it to make.
  90. A light pink mark already formed where the hoof had struck, while Rainbow raised it already over her head again and let it fall in the middle of the opposite cheek. The spanks were by no means really hard but they carried a good amount of sting, enough to let the filly know she meant business. Another two quite firm swats came down on each cheek in turn to begin this spanking proper and leave a dull burning in Scootaloo’s hindquarters, before Dash settled on a steady rhythm of dealing a moderate spank every three seconds.
  92. Scootaloo had clenched her teeth after her initial outcries and only pressed gasps and whimpers through her teeth. She resolutely wanted to keep herself from bawling like a foal like the last time she found herself over Dash’s lap. She rubbed the tips of her back hooves against each other in an attempt to cope with the ever growing stinging feeling in her rump. It was in vain of course as Dash always built up a spank on top of the sting of another, steadily increasing the fire. She was holding still as best as she could and only shifted her butt whenever Rainbow hit the sensitive spots between cheek and thigh.
  94. Rainbow Dash noticed this and spoke up in between spanks. “You know... just let it out... you’ll feel better.” The stubborn filly would only shake her head desperately, but by the way she constantly tried to evade the falling hoof every time, Dash knew it wouldn’t take much more. She redoubled her efforts and struck the naughty flank before her considerably harder, but still alternating between both cheeks and occasionally the sit spots. “There is no shame... in crying... from a good spanking.”
  96. Scoots let out a muffled yell and shifted harder over the blue legs, even kicking out her hinds from time to time, further moving the jammies down her own legs. She still felt that firm hoof impacting on her cheeks with a steady beat. Right cheek, middle across both, left cheek, left, right, middle. The tears were gathering in her eyes, waiting to be released, it hurt so much. Dash took it up a notch again, mercilessly punishing that rump which had already taken the color of a glowing pink. It wasn’t lost on the filly and she really howled for the first time since the spanking started, banging her fore hooves on Rainbow Dash’s leg while trying to bear with the pain surging through her bum.
  98. “AhaaaOW! Pleeeasee, S-Siiis! I-I-I’m SORRYYY!” The tears were flowing freely from the filly’s cheeks, dripping to the floor and her flailing hooves.
  100. Dash still continued on with the same strength and speed, wanting to drive this lesson home. She didn’t let up even as Scootaloo flailed and writhed and her butt turned a light red under the relentless assault of her hoof. She merely reinforced her grip on the tail and back and continued to put those cheeks to work. The force of the smacks made them ripple faintly.
  102. “It hurtssss! I’m s-sor-r-ryyy!” Scootaloo repeated, and cried out, but it was to no avail. Rainbow kept up the brisk pace, further reddening the bouncing rump. She sometimes would make a detour down to the sensitive under curves and even spank the filly’s thighs to ensure she would remember this spanking for a while. At least she would be reminded of it for the rest of the day whenever she would sit down.
  104. “I know you are sorry now for acting so bad, Scootaloo, but will you keep up that disobedient behavior during practice?” Rainbow asked, spanking all of Scoots’ right cheek, top to bottom with four hard slaps. Her butt violently shifted to the side but was restrained by Dash’s hoof from going too far.
  106. “Noooo, I’ll b-be a g-good giiiirl! Pleaseeee, SIS!” the filly got out as she lay and squirmed there, bawling. One of her hooves threatened to go back and block, but she caught herself before causing her butt even more harm. Rainbow actually smiled at that, it seemed she was getting through to her and Scootaloo would be a better pony after this experience, she was sure of it.
  108. “I’m glad to hear that, Sis, but what will happen if you have that attitude again?” Dash asked again, while lighting up her student’s left cheek as well with four harsh slaps. She had to actually hold her down when she arched her back upwards and howled out again.
  110. “AHHH! I-I-I will get another... sp-span-spanking!” Scoots lowered her front again and just kept on crying. The fire in her rump was unbearable, her cheeks blazing from top to thighs. Rainbow kept it up for a bit longer, spanking Scootaloo’s bum in the center, between her cheeks with a few more smacks and turning it a bright red overall.
  112. “That’s right... your Sis will make sure you stay good,” the older pegasus added with a final hard spank, before letting up. Scootaloo lay limp, sobbing and crying but relieved that it was over. She flinched when Dash softly rubbed her bum, made no complaints however.
  114. The jammies were almost completely kicked off from her hooves, so Rainbow had to rearrange them before she could pull them back up to the knees. She pulled the filly up from her lap and embraced her in her arms, letting her cry away her pain at her shoulder. “Shhh... let it all out, it’s over now,” she reassured. “Sorry I had to do that.” For a few minutes neither spoke a word, one trying to calm down and the other gently rubbing that purple mane with one hoof and the red bottom with the other. Dash just rocked her slightly and felt her fur getting wet with tears that were still flowing down from Scoots’ eyes.
  116. Then while Scootaloo pulled back slightly, hanging back with her two hooves around Dash’s neck and head, Rainbow pulled up the pajamas completely again and smiled at the filly.
  118. “There, all is forgiven now. Go wash your face and then come down to eat... you’re a mess,” she added chuckling, when she saw Scoots smiling as well. Her cheeks had wet stains on them and her mane was totally disheveled.
  120. Scootaloo smirked tearily and wanted to retort something witty before she got another feeling in her lower body. “Uh... gotta go, bad!” She jumped out of Dash’s arms and winced shortly at the burning sensation her movements reignited, before hurrying out of the room.
  122. Rainbow Dash just shook her head while laughing, “That filly... she’ll grow up just fine.” She then too headed out of the room.

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