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A Lost Bet Chapter 3.2 (Temper Issues) by SkyeHigh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:08:28
Updated: 2022-03-11 17:49:26
Expiry: Never

  1. A Lost Bet Chapter 3.2 (Temper Issues) by SkyeHigh
  2. (Rainbow / Applejack)
  3. F/F, hairbrush, otk, semi-consensual
  5. (25/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Rainbow Dash just had gotten comfortable on her big cloud bed with her newest piece of literature, when she heard someone knocking on her door. She groaned inwardly about that perfect timing and hoped Scootaloo didn’t cause any trouble again. The filly was just sent off and her merry way an hour ago, after staying the night and some...parental measurements. Seeing as the knocking persisted and didn't go away, Dash figured it wasn't a mere prank and sprang to her hooves. Still grumbling, she hurried down the stairs and towards the door noticing the knocking had stopped. More curious than ever, the pegasus opened the door to reveal a retreating orange earth pony.
  12. ‘What the... AJ up here? This must be important.’ Applejack seemingly hadn't noticed her call was answered and further trudged away from the mansion. "AJ, wait!" Dash called after her, prompting her friend to turn around.
  14. "Oh, Rainbow... You're here after all."
  16. "Yes, I am, so what's up? What're you doing here at this hour...and how did you get up anyway?" Rainbow asked question after question.
  18. "I... Fluttershy gave me a lift. Poor girl, she had a lot of trouble lifting and earth pony," Applejack responded with a laugh that sounded somewhat forced, before falling silent. Both mares looked awkwardly at each other for a few moments. AJ shuffled her hooves uneasily, while Dash just stared.
  20. "Sooo...wanna come in and talk?" she tried, wanting to say something at least.
  22. The farmer's head jerked up at the offer and she nodded quickly, stepping up to the door again swiftly. Dash was still none the wiser but she had a feeling what her friend wanted here. She turned around and led the way inside like a good host.
  24. Standing in the hallway, Rainbow remembered her spacious interior was quite chilly at this time of the day. "Wanna head upstairs to my room? The clouds there are better at storing warmth than the rest of the house," she explained to the slightly shivering Applejack. Again the only answer was a quick nod of the orange pony. ‘Still not so talkative...what's bothering her?’
  26. Keeping the building questions she had inside to herself for the moment, Rainbow just led the way again, moving up the stairs without making much noise. The soft clouds everywhere were cushioning every step, so she didn't hear if AJ was still following and turned around a few times to look back. Applejack slowly walked behind her, her look was pointed down to her hooves, obviously deep in thought.
  28. Having finally arrived at her very own bedroom, Dash took a seat on her fluffy bed, right next to the discarded adventure book she was reading earlier. She patted the spot next the her, inviting her friend to sit beside her.
  30. The simple and friendly gesture however made Applejack suddenly very apprehensive. Her eyes darted around the room for a short moment, looking for some sort of escape route, and came to rest on the blue pegasus who just looked back with some confusion. Heaving a sigh, Applejack finally decided to comply and cautiously sat down on the bed, though avoiding Dash's questioning gaze and rather staring at her own hooves.
  32. Although Rainbow Dash grew somewhat tired of this game and wanted nothing more than to get back to her book, she waited patiently for some sort of explanation. But it was only when she put a comforting arm around the farmer that she finally spoke up.
  34. Snapping her head back up and locking eyes with Dash, AJ said in a serious voice, "Rainbow...I'm a horrible sister!”
  36. It took Rainbow a few moments to register the words Applejack had just said, and then a few more to come up with a reply. “AJ, I’m sure you’re—”
  38. “I yelled at her because she had my hat I was searching for all day long,” the earth pony continued, interrupting Dash in mid sentence. For a second they just stared into each others eyes, trying to read the thoughts behind them, before AJ resumed observing her fore hooves. “When I saw the state it was in, I lost it... I was so angry...” she continued in a much quieter voice.
  40. “I’ve also had my fair share of problems with Scoo—” Dash had started when she was interjected again.
  42. “I said things I wish I didn’t, I just snapped at her... she just broke out in tears and ran away crying before I had the chance to apologize.” Now that she was finished, Applejack just fumbled her hooves in a nervous manner, waiting for some sort of advice, judgment, scolding, or whatever Dash would come up with.
  44. The pegasus just frowned, she had a good idea what turmoil her friend was going through. Her own relationship with Scootaloo wasn’t that easy either, and she said and did a few things she didn’t mean. She could sympathize only too well with her, but still...
  46. “Applejack,” Rainbow started, trying to getting her attention and rousing her from her thoughts. She waited until AJ hesitantly looked back at Dash before she continued. “Look...from what I see you know already what you should be doing now instead of telling me here. So why don’t you go to your sister and explain?” The reason was fairly obvious why she was here, but Rainbow wanted confirmation for her suspicions before she would act on anything.
  48. Feebly tapping her fore hooves against each other, Applejack took a rather embarrassed look on her face. “Well, you see... I’m feeling mighty bad about losing it I thought you’d help me feel a bit better about it before I go back.”
  49. The way she spoke reminded Dash almost of her friend Fluttershy for a moment.
  51. “So you’re asking me to...” Dash asked, leaving the end of the question open, but the small smile on her face was indication enough that she understood.
  53. “Yes...I... Would you give me a, you know...” It didn’t matter that they had this situation a few times now, Applejack still felt very uncomfortable and awkward with asking for it. “Would you give my b-bottom a good s-spanking to help me get over my guilt and make me think the next time I lose it?”
  55. “O-of course I would, AJ. I promised you that, after all,” Dash said while cracking a smile, which was meant to be reassuring.
  57. Applejack felt a mix of relief and anxiousness when the pegasus agreed to her request. She was happy to get help with her guilt, but then remembered what would come with it. ‘This won’t be a picnic...’ Still determined to go through with it, she shifted away from her sitting position next to Rainbow and started to crawl over her lap without even being asked to. Her friend however stopped her before she could settle down in the somewhat familiar position and pushed her back up. Before she could even ask, Rainbow set to explain.
  59. “No, no...this won’t do if you feel that bad about it,” she told Applejack as she let out a deep sigh. The earth pony thought the position didn’t suffice and opened her mouth to ask where she should lie down then. The response she got however, made the words die in her throat.
  61. “Go bring me the hairbrush from my dresser over there.” Accompanying the order, a hoof pointed towards the only dresser in the room, right beneath the big mirror. AJ followed it and stared off into the distance for a while. She came here with the intention of getting punishment, but now with the stakes getting raised it didn’t seem that appealing anymore.
  63. Returning her gaze to Dash, Applejack wanted to object, to bargain, only to encounter the same stare her mother used when she was in the same situation years ago. Her mouth ran dry and no words would come out, only the command echoed inside her head over and over again until she accepted it. She wanted this, no matter how much it’d hurt.
  65. “I...I... Yes, ma’am,” she replied meekly while getting up from her position halfway in Dash’s arms and halfway over her legs. Slowly and without any rush AJ made her way over where the hairbrush rested, thinking about the feeling to walk without problems she would lose soon. Before she picked the instrument up, she looked it over for a short while and imagined before her mind’s eye how it would come crashing down on her flank. Her orange cheeks clenched tightly at the idea of Dash wielding that wooden, white, oval hairbrush; spanking her properly and relentlessly.
  67. A subtle cough behind Applejack snapped her out of her thoughts and she picked up the brush with her mouth, before making back the short trip to the bed. Rainbow Dash accepted the brush and put it down on the sheets beside her. She took a deep breath to calm and collect herself. “Okay, AJ... Last chance to back out. I won’t hold it against you if you do.” Looking into the orange mare’s eyes, she saw determination along with a bit of fear. “After this point it’s not your decision anymore till I’m finished, you’ll be spanked like a naughty foal no matter how much you beg... If this is alright with you then crawl over my knees now.” Dash even patted her lap kinda reassuringly with one hoof.
  69. Applejack flinched at a few choice words but held on strong. Only now at being ordered to get into position did she hesitate for a moment. She swallowed nervously and considered her options carefully, all the while switching her gaze from Dash to the laid down brush and back again. Her once strong resolve was put to the test here. When she asked Twilight for a cloudwalking spell and Fluttershy to get her up to the floating mansion an hour ago, there wasn’t a single doubt on her mind. But this here, this was the point of no return and as such, held a certain gravity.
  71. “Alright...” she mumbled quietly, mostly to herself. Steeling her nerves a final time, the earth pony took another tentative step towards her waiting friend and propped herself up on Dash’s legs from the right side, sliding over slowly. The pegasus slung an arm around her waist and guided Applejack along, adjusting her slightly and settling her comfortably down across her lap. AJ showed no resistance, instead she only feebly swayed her hooves inches above the cloudy floor that filled up most of her vision now. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight, but still one that made her feel uneasy and filled her stomach with butterflies. The other feeling in her stomach, the one of Rainbow’s knees pressing into it, only served to enhance the anxiousness and anticipation.
  73. When Rainbow Dash was satisfied with how Applejack was positioned, she readjusted her own rump on the edge of the bed and withdrew the arm around AJ’s waist. A look down showed that the farmer had her eyes already closed and the tail moved to the side, waiting for her to start...or be over with; Rainbow didn’t know. When she got a hold of the blond tail and pressed it to Applejack’s back with her left hoof, however, the trapped pony twisted her head around and gazed back startled. It turned to understanding a moment later and she shifted around faintly, bringing both her fore legs up over her back.
  75. “Hold them too...please.”
  77. Dash’s initial surprise faded quickly as she nodded in silent agreement. She briefly released the tail and pinned both of the offered hooves down on it, rendering every possibility AJ had to block useless. The earth pony reflexively tested the hold with pulling lightly at her hooves and noticed they were held tightly. ‘Of course...she’d beaten me at hoof-wrestling after all...looks like I’m going nowhere that soon.’
  79. Still busy fidgeting against the hold, AJ let out a gasp and flinched when she felt the flat, hard surface of what was probably the brush, pressing into her right cheek. Looking back up to the bed confirmed assumption, the brush wasn’t there anymore.
  81. “Try not to struggle too much,” Rainbow requested firmly, but not unkind. She tapped her hairbrush two more times lightly against the exposed rump before her and raised it up for the first spank. Without wasting much time, it came crashing down in a sharp smack to the middle across both cheeks to start the punishment proper. Applejack let out a surprised grunt at the strength and felt the slight burn already spreading through her rump. Another two, equally hard quickly followed slightly lower each, making her wince and grit her teeth.
  83. Dash raised the brush again but paused for a moment, not dropping it right away. Instead she watched the three round, pink marks form at the assaulted spots and let the sting of them settle in. After a few more seconds, she continued wordlessly, smacking the right cheek and then the left firmly in the middle. They deflated for a short moment and jiggled, slowly getting the same pink tinge. Rainbow then went on randomly, only focused on spreading the color and pain equally over the already lightly squirming rump before her. If that was any indication, she’d say the approach was rather successful.
  85. AJ had trouble keeping her whimpers and pained moans down. It was still early into the spanking and she didn’t want to break down already, but the methodically slow and sharp swats made it hard for her. Every single spank had enough time to distribute the burn before the next one followed. When a particularly well aimed smack struck her just above the right thigh, she kicked that leg out. In an attempt to refrain from doing so again, she crossed the left leg over the right one, only to get another one on the left undercurve. Out of reflex, Applejack pulled at her trapped arms, not budging them an inch however. Dash still held them in a vice like grip and didn’t plan on letting them go that soon. Instead she only reinforced her grip and increased the force behind the slow spanks.
  87. It wasn’t lost on Applejack, “Ah!” she gave off as she threw her head back. Her eyes started to water from the ever growing pain in her bum. A firm whack to the side of her left flank made gasp sharply and wiggle her whole rump in the opposite direction. “It hurtsss...” she said, barely above a whisper. Dash merely nodded, opting to stay quiet and save her words for when her friend would need them the the end of this spanking.
  89. In a steady rhythm crack after crack fell down on AJs squirming bottom, which had already taken an even and glowing rosy shade. Dash noticed that all the wiggling had moved Applejack’s rear close to the edge of her legs, so she paused for a moment and pressed the hoof holding the brush against the waist, getting the earth pony securely over her lap again.
  91. The pause only made AJ all too aware of the smoldering fire which burned in her hindquarters. She clenched her eyes tightly when Rainbow picked it up again, letting a few tears leak out of the corners. She knew she deserved every single spank from that hairbrush; she’d lost it over something simple as a hat, she’d made her sister cry, she felt awful...
  93. Rainbow Dash steadily picked up the pace and spanked faster, squarely flattening those sore looking plump cheeks. Applejack didn’t cry out yet but her eyes were blurry, the tears constantly trickling down her face. Her hooves twitched and tugged slightly at their hold whenever Dash would spank one of the sensitive sit spots.
  95. “I’m sorry...” Applejack whispered and shifted her butt to the side after a particular harsh smack across both cheeks.
  97. “I’m so...sorry, Apple Bloom...” she spoke louder this time, letting out a sob she held back so far.
  99. “I’M SORRY!” she howled out, arching her back up as Dash cracked the brush down on her bum, hard and fast. She had a light red hue all over already. Applejack had started to cry for real now and struggled noticeably against the strong hoof holding her down, even though she tried her best not to. Rainbow was having none of it however, she tightened her grip on the blond mare’s fore hooves. Dash was determined to have a bawling and sorry filly over her knees by the time this spanking was over, ridding her of her guilt.
  101. “Ahhh! I-it HURTS!” the earth pony wailed, kicking her legs into the air and trying to evade the merciless whacks of the hairbrush...without much success. Still, she didn’t beg for it to be over. She’d specifically asked for a good spanking and wouldn’t plead, no matter how much it hurt.
  103. Rainbow nodded in understanding, her eyes were still focused on the reddening bum across her lap and watched the brush making the cheeks ripple faintly after each firm spank. The struggling died down a bit even though every contact of the hard wood must’ve felt like fire. Applejack seemed to tire out slowly but surely, so she decided to wrap things up now.
  105. “What are you going to do after your punishment is over, Applejack?” Dash asked in a clear voice without letting up for a moment, only AJs cries and the echoes of wood against flesh were louder.
  107. “I-I’m...AHH!” Applejack cried in response to a hard spank on her middle of her right cheek. “...going hooome... a-apologizing to A-Apple BLOOOOM!” She arched her back up to howl out again, only to be pressed down by Dash’s hoof.
  109. “I’m sorryyyyy, DASH!!”
  111. Rainbow pushed even farther with her hoof, lowering AJs front on her left side and elevating her bottom on her right. It also served to stretch out those sensitive sit spots, on which the pegasus wanted to focus the last spanks. She cracked the hairbrush quickly against the undercurves, making Applejack bawl in earnest.
  113. “WAHAA-HAAA!” she wailed when the assault started and frantically flailed her free hooves, but to no avail. Rainbow landed each stinging smack with pinpoint precision, turning the lower parts of Applejack’s fanny a cherry red.
  115. So far she’d counted twelve hard spanks in her head and twenty was her goal. Relentlessly she swung the brush down again and again, every time with uniform strength as to not give Applejack a hint on how much more there were to come. She knew in how much blazing pain her friend must’ve been, but she was sure she didn’t want it any other way. And as AJ screamed her throat raw, further spilling the tears from her blood-shot eyes, Dash was nearing the end.
  117. ‘Seventeen... Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty!’ she counted in her head, dealing the last spanks of the punishment. Dash set the brush aside on the bed and released Applejack’s hooves. The orange pony felt relieved that it was finally over, but the fires in her rump still burned terrible. But more than anything else she wanted comfort right then. Rainbow somehow sensed and knew that longing and pulled her friend up into a hug, sitting farther back on the bed to hold her better. Applejack threw her arms around Dash’s neck and hung her head over her shoulder. Instead of sitting up on Rainbow’s lap, she laid sideways on her waist to spare her bum even more pain. It was soothing for her to have her mane and back stroked in a comforting manner.
  119. “There, there...” Rainbow smiled all the while, embracing her friend in her hooves and letting her cry away her pain and sorrows. She’d stay like this however long AJ wanted her to. It took another fifteen minutes until the last sobs died down and only light sniffles were left. Dash was aware of the wet feeling of tears and snot running down her back, but she didn’t care much about it. A shower in the morning would take care of that.
  121. “You feeling better now?” she asked the orange mare, still softly rubbing her back.
  123. “ rump still burns like Tartarus...but it feels better inside already,” Applejack replied, pulling away from the hug reluctantly and moving one hoof down to her butt instantly. “You didn’t have to go so hard though... a bit less would’ve been helpful already,” she complained, still sniffling.
  125. “Sorry...but you know I don’t do things half-flanked.”
  127. “Yes, yes... I know.” Applejack tentatively climbed down from Dash’s lap on bed to stand on her own hooves again. Every movement though, ignited the fire in her cheeks again and she gritted her teeth to bear the pain. “I should get I only told Mac I needed to clear my head a bit.”
  129. Rainbow nodded in agreement, getting down from the bed as well and bent low next to her friend. “Come on, climb on my back, I need to bring you down anyway and the chilly evening air will cool your butt.”
  131. Applejack felt the heat rushing to her face at the mention of her sore behind, but she knew it was all true. Without complaints she climbed on board, feeling happy not having to move more than necessary and to have a friend like Dash.
  133. With a few flaps of her blue wings, Rainbow was in the air and flew out of the nearest window in her room. AJ knew they’d have all the time in the world now to talk about the stuff that still bothered her on the flight back home...

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