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A Lost Bet Chapter 3.5 (The Filly's New Clothes) by SkyeHigh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:08:56
Expiry: Never

  1. A Lost Bet Chapter 3.5 (The Filly's New Clothes) by SkyeHigh
  2. (Rainbow / Scootaloo)
  3. F/f, wooden spoon, hairbrush, otk, pajamas, corner, semi-consensual
  5. ---
  7. (As the title indicates, this is a chapter from some sort of series I've written, but can stand entirely on its own. The only important things are that I started writing after season 3 ended and set it one year in the future, so Scoots can fly but is still without cutie mark and is getting trained by RD. And in the previous chapter Scoots had a 'good talking to' from RD.
  8. Also, this was a present for someone, so it's packed with a few favorites of them.)
  13. "This sucks..." muttered a dejectedly looking orange filly, while walking on a path that lead up to a cloudhouse over a small hill.
  15. "It's so unfair..." she continued on whilst kicking a small pebble. It bounced along a few times before coming to a hold on the pathway.
  17. "Why always me?!" The pebble flew farther this time due to the force of the frustrated kick. Normally Scootaloo would've flown like she always did wherever she went. But not this time...for the very time since Rainbow Dash taught her how to, she didn't feel like flying.
  19. "I don't wanna get sp-sp... again!" Saying the word was still really hard for her, even though no one else was nearby to hear her self-pity and whining. Her butt clenched nervously in fear at the mere thought of her impending doom.
  21. "...I guess I could always just go home. Mom surely doesn't p-punish me." What Scootaloo said was very true, her parents weren't much for discipline and laughed off every mess their daughter got into. But Rainbow Dash was, and she would ensure, like always since that one time, that her little sister was just punished. And while she always felt happiness in being held tightly by Rainbow Dash’s arms and having her bottom rubbed after a deserved spanking, the prospect of going through one wasn’t that appealing. "Sis wouldn't come after me, she said it herself that I had to take it willingly, but... I could never look her in the eye again if I run from this now."
  23. "Stupid...stupid...stupid! How could I forget to take them out before practice?" She almost wanted to smack herself on the head for it but figured she would get some 'smacks' soon enough...too soon for her taste.
  25. "Here goes nothing..." Her musings ended with the arrival at Rainbow Dash's mailbox right below her cloud mansion. Dread filled her stomach and she briefly considered bolting away, before quickly dismissing the thought. Inhaling deeply, Scootaloo tried to steel herself for what was undoubtedly about to come and took off into the air. With slow, deliberate wing beats she ascended higher and higher while wondering the whole time...
  27. "Just how did I get into this mess?"
  30. ***
  33. "Whooohooo," shouted the excited orange filly above the roaring winds in her ears.
  35. Scootaloo was just finishing her morning flight training with some additional loopings. Rainbow Dash watched her star pupil proudly from the sidelines, grinning up at the filly with a broad smile. Scoots had become so much better over the past days, ever since she had started to treat training and Dash's advice more seriously. She still showed her attitude at times, but nowhere near the levels as before... and what was left was dealt with swiftly and effectively.
  37. “You’re improving quite a lot, Squirt!” Rainbow Dash called over to the slowly approaching pegasus.
  39. They did their training always together in the field of the outskirts of Ponyville, just near that old willow tree under which Rainbow was currently standing, a water bottle in hoof.
  41. “I have the best role model,” Scootaloo called back, equally enthusiastic.
  43. “You bet’cha! Now come on, take a drink then we’ll get a shower and start the weekend, eh?”
  45. Up ahead was the weekend of Scootaloo’s birthday, which she wished to spend with Rainbow Dash and didn’t stop talking about for weeks. And with her birthday only one day away, tomorrow on Saturday, the filly’s excitement couldn’t be contained. Her mentor had even agreed on hosting a private birthday party at her mansion for her and the other two Crusaders. So tomorrow evening after Pinkie's party all four would withdraw from Sugarcube Corner and have the best sleepover ever.
  47. “Yes, Rainbow Dash!”
  49. Scootaloo trotted up to the tree where her saddlebags were lying and took a towel and water bottle out of them. While the filly busied herself with hydrating her body, Rainbow Dash noticed a reflection coming out of the bags, caused by Celestia’s sun.
  51. Her curiosity sparked, Dash took a few steps towards the gleam and reached into the bags. “Hey Squirt, what’cha got here?”
  53. Scootaloo spat out some water and froze, this wasn’t meant for Rainbow’s eyes, not now at least. Why were they even still in her bag? “N-nothing, Sis... just some old t-trinket I found... You shouldn’t b-bother with that, hehe.” She hastily hurried over to her surrogate sister, but was too late. The object was already in Dash’s grasp.
  55. “Old trinket? Scoots, they look exactly like those super-expensive extra-limited Wonderbolts flight goggles you pestered me about for—” Rainbow stopped dead in her tracks. “ did you get those? Didn’t you say you’d have to save up 13 months worth of allowance to buy them?” she demanded to know, her stern glance not allowing any evading the question.
  57. “W-w-well you see, Sis... since I-I couldn’t be home on m-my birthday... I g-got them be—”
  59. “You’re only digging yourself deeper into this mess!" Rainbow interjected. She had a pretty good guess how her sister had acquired those. "Here's your one and only chance now, come clean and I won’t add lying on top of your punishment!”
  61. Scootaloo was torn. On one hoof this could just be a bluff, what evidence did Rainbow have? On the other hoof... if she really did, and if she did punish her for lying in addition... then her last meeting with the hairbrush could be considered a warm summer wind compared to the inferno that was to come.
  63. Rainbow Dash did never disappoint to have a sobbing and sorry filly over her lap when she was done, though, the past few weeks she’d only used her hoof anymore as 'reward' because Scootaloo was getting her attitude in check.
  65. “Sooo... what’s it gonna be, Scootaloo?”
  67. The smaller pegasus hadn’t even realized she was so deep in thought until Dash pulled her out of them. The way Rainbow said her name sent chills through her. Scootaloo didn’t think her sister was bluffing, so in hindsight of her upcoming birthday she did the only reasonable thing to spare her rump extra punishment and soreness... confess everything.
  69. She latched onto one of the cyan mare’s forelegs and started babbling, “Yes I stole them I’m so sorry Rainbow Dash I just wanted them so badly and couldn’t take it anymore and saw how they got less and less everyday and so when the shopkeeper wasn't looking I just acted without thinking and I took but I wanted to pay them as soon as I had the bits even though it would take a while...” The filly took a deep breath. “Pleeeeeeeeeease don’t send me home, I’ve been waiting forever for this weekend!”
  71. Rainbow Dash allowed herself a faint little smile at her success, as she wrapped a wing around her little sister. “I’m proud of you that you did the right thing in the end and told me the truth. And no, I won’t send you back, I’m not that cruel, I know what this weekend means to you...” Then her voice grew firm again. “But in return you’re getting a long and hard spanking for this stupid stunt tonight and tomorrow we will return those to the Wonderbolts shop, are we clear?”
  73. “Yes...” came the dejected answer.
  75. While the curt answer would’ve been enough under normal circumstances, Rainbow suspected that she was going a little too easy on her little pupil lately, and it showed... Therefore she decided to take things up a notch again.
  77. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you. Am I still too easy on you, do you need a bedtime spanking tomorrow as well? I have absolutely no problem with spanking you on your birthday and in front of your friends.”
  79. That got Scoots’ attention immediately. “No Rainbow Dash! I mean yes... I mean, yes we are clear, ma’am!”
  81. “Good,” Dash chuckled softly, “for a moment there I thought I had lost my touch.”
  83. She wrapped the other wing as well around the slightly shaking filly. “Hey listen, I like being the fun sister way more than being the strict sister, but you gotta learn that there are some rules in this life. Even I can’t ignore them, and stealing is a very big no-go. Only losers steal and you are not a loser.” The blue wings only tightened around the orange filly. “So your rump will pay the price again, but it’s not the end of the world. We all make mistakes, it’s important that you learn from them and don’t repeat them. And since your parents don’t care much about your discipline, I’ve taken it upon myself to make sure you learn from your mistakes. Can’t let my favorite filly grow up spoilt..." Rainbow then started to stroke her mane in a comforting way and whispered into her ear, "Still I gotta make sure you never ever do this again, so I'm gonna give you a really good one today."
  85. Scootaloo was listening intently the whole time with the occasional sniffle in between. “I-I’am,” she hastily added.
  87. “Great, then go get a shower and let’s meet up at my mansion like planned at six. We won't let this ruin your birthday.”
  89. Dash released her hold on the filly and wanted to look her in the eye, only for Scoots to avert her gaze.
  91. Rainbow sighed, she knew what was troubling her sister. "Scootaloo...look at me, please." The orange pegasus nervously looked up again to Dash's face, expecting to see anger, but found a look of understanding.
  93. "That's better... Listen, I'm not mad or upset at you, only very very very disappointed, I promise." Scoots nodded in understanding, feeling a bit relieved already. "I can say that I know what went through your head when you took them, but that doesn't make it right. Just know that I still love you, sis. And after you're punished everything will be forgiven. I even will keep quiet to your parents about it, even though they’d only chuckle about it like always."
  95. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash!"
  97. Satisfied with her little pep talk, Dash mentally patted herself on the shoulder. Just because she had to be strict didn’t mean she had to be heartless. Rainbow cared deeply for her student and she wanted to show Scoots exactly that...with kind words but a firm hoof.
  99. "Then off you go! And don't be late, you're already in enough trouble..." The blue pegasus left the threat hanging in the air and turned around to pick up her stuff and take off without looking back once.
  101. The gust of wind from Rainbow's start combined with her words sent uneasy shivers through Scootaloo. She knew what was coming and that fighting it would be futile, Rainbow had made sure she learned that. Breathing out a heavy sigh, Scoots also picked up her bags and went on her way home to shower just like her sis had told her to.
  104. ***
  107. The sound of tentative knocking interrupted Rainbow Dash in her thoughts. She was currently working on dinner and had somehow lost track of time. Confirming her suspicions, she took a quick look at the clock in the kitchen to see it was exactly 6 and the knocking must be coming from Scootaloo. [i]Seems like she took it to heart.[/i]
  109. The light sound of gently knocking echoed again inside the large mansion. Rainbow put her wooden cooking spoon down next to the steaming pot and slowly trotted towards the door.
  111. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she called out to her visitor.
  113. Upon opening the door, Rainbow Dash’s gaze fell on a slightly shaking Scootaloo.
  115. “H-hey Rainbow Dash, I’m here for—”
  117. “Dinner! Perfect, you’re right on time. Now come in.”
  119. Scootaloo wanted to say something entirely else before Rainbow interrupted her, but she wouldn’t object the prospect of food. She only now realized how hungry she was. In all her worries she’d completely skipped lunch. Still, why Dash was so cheerful eluded her mind, why didn’t she act at least a bit disappointed?
  121. “What’s even for dinner? You never told me,” asked Scootaloo curiously, albeit somewhat hesitant.
  123. The older pegasus was already on her way back in and slowly turned around. “Silly, I told you when I invited you over for the weekend,” she said while shaking her head. “Heh, but then again, all you did that time was jumping around me and squealing in joy.”
  125. Scootaloo blushed slightly at was true, she kinda did the same silly dance like Twilight had once.
  127. “But to answer your question...” Rainbow started walking off again. “We’re having one of your favorites, carrot soup. I picked up a cookbook or two from Fluttershy to do some simple things.”
  129. Now even her favorite soup. Why was Dash being so nice, despite her huge fuck-up from today? Sure, she said the weekend wasn’t cancelled, but was too much to comprehend.
  131. “You coming or what?” the cyan mare called to the still unmoving filly. “You can go ahead and put the plates and all on the table, I’ll be there in a minute.”
  133. Finally snapping out of her thoughts, Scootaloo scrambled of to the cupboard containing the plates and cutlery. “Yes, Rainbow Dash, I’m on it!”
  135. Meanwhile back at the pot, Dash just shook her head, smiling. [i]That filly... it seems like I’ve left quite the impression on her. So silly she is, her bum has nothing to fear... for now.[/i]
  137. “Take it slow, don’t break anything!” Rainbow called over to her all too eager assistant. When the clattering had subsided she returned her attention to the soup and stirred it one last time. “Ah, perfect. Fluttershy would be proud if she could see it... Not that there will be anything left with the Squirt here.”
  139. After Rainbow called over, Scoots stopped dead in her tracks for a second. [i]I don’t even want to imagine what would happen if I broke one of them. Just go slowly for once![/i] She calmed down and resumed her previous activity, decorating the table for dinner. Luckily for Scootaloo it all went rather uneventful after Rainbow’s hint to take it slow.
  141. Not one second after she finished, Rainbow Dash flew in through one of the spacious doors. The house was built for indoor flying, no wonder with this owner, Scoots mused. Dash set the steaming pot down and beckoned Scootaloo to take a seat before doing so herself.
  143. Awaiting punishment forgotten for the moment, Scoots sat anxiously in her seat and stared hungrily at the pot containing her delicious soup. Rainbow saw the expression in her eyes and chuckled quietly. “Go on, no one’s keeping you from it.”
  145. She filled her bowl to the brim before patiently waiting for Dash to do the same, showing at least a bit of courtesy at the table.
  147. Dinner went mostly uneventful, both ponies talked about mostly the almost passed day and Scoots about the coming day, her birthday. It also reminded her of the other reason she was here tonight, and it frightened but also confused her. Her sister didn’t act like usually when she was in trouble. Now that she was finished, the pot empty, the bread eaten and her own bowl almost spotless, the previous thoughts and fears came back. The filly watched Dash finish her own meal silently and sunk farther down in her cloudy seat.
  149. Rainbow had these super soft cloud chairs and recliners everywhere. Scoots made a mental note to be thankful for those the next day. Still, why was her mentor so silent... so calm and relaxed. She acted like nothing was wrong the whole time, the only real emotion came when Scoots confessed her fuck-up. But ever since they parted ways back then she was for the lack of a better word... content. [i]Why is she giving me this nice evening so far? Why is she not yelling at me, send me to my— her room? I don’t deserve this. So why?![/i]
  151. “WHY?!”
  153. An awkward silence filled the space her outburst left. Scootaloo sat on the edge of her chair, hooves on the table where she banged them on. Her gaze was directed at her sister, mentor and closest friend she ever had.
  155. The mare was at her last few spoons to finishing, but she laid the utensil down and looked back at her little surrogate sister. “Why what?” she asked, looking almost amused while doing so.
  157. Scoots was put on the spot there, she thought Rainbow would instantly get it. Now having to explain didn’t occur to her, so she nervously adjusted her seating and squirmed on the piece of cloud furniture. “You know...” she started in hopes the words would come to her. How does one explain she would’ve expected worse treatment here. “See, I just thought... that...” she trailed off again.
  159. The amused smirk never left Dash’s features, she could hardly believe how well this was working. [i]Score for Rainbow Danger Dash! Treating her like normal and letting her think for herself if she deserves it or not works like a charm.[/i] The filly was almost more nervous than in the actual face of impending punishment.
  161. “Yes, I’m listening. What is the problem here?”
  163. Scootaloo could’ve sworn Dash was enjoying playing with her, torturing her. Determination setting in she finally asked the big question, “Why are you treating me so nicely so far? I don’t deserve this, do I?”
  165. Dash pulled back from her position on the table, with both hooves supporting her head and leaning back in her chair. Scoots got startled at the movement and withdrew as well, fearing some backlash to her bold question.
  167. “Well... that’s a question you have to ask yourself. Do you deserve any of this? Do you deserve a fun birthday party tomorrow? Do you deserve happiness? Kiddo... I say yes.” The whole while Scootaloo listened in eager anticipation at what Rainbow had to say. “You’re getting your punishment soon enough and it won’t be light, let me tell you that. But what has that to do with everything else? Nothing. See, I could’ve called the whole thing off, or ground you or let your parents handle that, but we both know that a bit... a lot pain in your rump that fades away after a day will be better.
  169. “I wasn’t always the best at containing my disappointment, I realize that now. What’s the point in giving you even more crap in addition to what you give yourself. And honestly, if you’re asking me this question then I see that you’re already learning. You’re beating yourself already up over this.”
  171. The orange pegasus jumped up from her seat and latched onto Rainbow’s side. “You’re the best, Sis!”
  173. Dash in turn just smiled gently and ruffled that purple mane. “Say that again when you’re face-down, across my lap, cause that where this is going now.” A quick look at the clock on the wall told Dash it was almost seven. “So off you go, upstairs and get dressed in your PJs and ready for bed, we’re going to call it day after I’ve finished with you.”
  175. She grabbed the filly on her shoulders and made her face her again. “Now comes the not so fun part. Go upstairs, get dressed and face the corner until I come to get you, and I really mean until I get you. I’d tell you to think about what you’ve done, but you’re doing that anyways. Punishment starts now, understood?”
  177. Scootaloo stared into those magenta eyes for a while which had so much warmth in them just moments ago. Now the were filled with the intent of dealing with one reckless and naughty filly.
  179. “Yes! Understood... Rainbow.”
  181. “Good. I’ll clean up here and then I’m with you,” Dash told her while she turned around and gathered to be cleaned dishes.
  183. The filly continued to stare for a bit at Dash’s retreating form. Her mind was overflowing with more questions. Out of all one stood out the most. [i]This is really going to happen now, is it? Being punished like a little filly...[/i] Though it really shouldn’t be that alien to her anymore, it would be at least the seventh time that she earned herself a spanking. The first few times she always futilely tried to talk her way out of it, to which Rainbow always amusedly answered ‘It’s really adorable how you’re trying to beg yourself out of a deserved trip over your sister’s knee’, or something like that.
  185. “Was I not clear enough or why are you still standing there?” came the sharp comment from the kitchen. Dash seemed obviously upset about Scootaloo’s current location.
  187. “No! Sorry, Rainbow Dash!” said Scoots before bolting up the stairs and fleeing into the bedroom.
  189. The blue pegasus had to suppress a chuckle and made her way back to the sink where she washed up at a leisurely pace, humming a melody all the while. [i]Seems like the squirt really respects my orders now.[/i]
  191. Back in the bedroom, Scootaloo spotted her nightly garments lying on the bed, neatly folded together in a red pile. Her sister had gotten them for her, made by Rarity and therefore a gift, once it was apparent that she would spend a night or two per week at the floating cloud mansion. Rainbow wouldn’t stand for it not to have fitting clothes for her number one student while she was in her care.
  193. Only upon unfolding them she noticed slight differences to their normal appearance...
  195. [i]Weren’t they always two parts? Oh well, no big deal in having an on— WHAT? What is that thing at the back?![/i] While holding them up in her hooves and further inspecting, Scootaloo noticed another stark difference to her usual PJs. [i]IS THAT A FUCKING BUTT-FLAP?![/i]
  197. Threats and orders aside, this required immediate attention. The filly stormed out of the still open bedroom and ran to the top of the stairs, shouting down, “Siiiiiiis, where are my PJs? Those are not mine!”
  199. Said sister was just cleaning the last of the cooking utensils, polishing it up with great care... the wooden spoon she used to stir the soup, when she heard the call. Though she was not happy with Scoots not being in the corner like told, she was kinda expecting it. [i]Well, it took her a bit longer than expected.[/i]
  201. “What’s the problem with them? And why are you NOT in the corner like I ordered you to?”
  203. Scoots cringed at the last part, but she came this far, she wouldn’t back down. “This here has a f— a butt-flap!” She caught herself the last moment. She did NOT want to deal with additional punishment tonight. “Those are for f-foals.”
  205. Dash walked up to the bottom of the stairs to get a look at Scootaloo. She was currently holding up the garments in question, but shrunk back a bit at Dash’s glare. “I see no problem, cause right now all I see is a disobedient foal, that is not where she’s supposed to be!”
  207. “B-but, D-Dash... they’re not—”
  209. “You’re awfully lucky, cause I’ll let that one slide... IF you do now as you’re told.” Scootaloo backed further down from the stare that told her ‘no excuses’. “Since you’re getting enough for this evening I can’t give you additional punishment anyway... for today. Which means, whatever you’re earning yourself tonight, will be coming back to you tomorrow when your friends are there!”
  211. Scootaloo immediately scrambled off as fast as she could, stumbling over her own hooves a few times in the hallway. Getting it in front of your friends was certainly something she did not want, so she took it to heart. Once in the bedroom she didn’t even bother closing the door and fumbled instead with the zipper on her ‘new’ pajamas. As much as she hated them now, she had no choice, had she?
  213. “Even if she wants to spank me tomorrow I’m just not gonna show up and party somewhere else with the girls...” she mumbled to herself while getting her hooves into the right sleeves and finally poking her head through the opening. “Oh who am I kidding?” she continued her monologue with herself. “I showed up for this because I know I deserve it... and even though Dash never leaves an eye dry, I feel that she loves me. Still hurts like a ton every time.” Scoots closed the zipper and proceeded to stick her wings through the holes, only to notice that said holes were no longer present. “Oh come on!”
  215. [i]No, I can’t risk any more whining to Sis,[/i] she thought to herself. And though she hated to admit it, those pajamas were still quite comfy. “Now corner... before she comes up.”
  217. What our little heroine didn’t know was that Dash was just outside in the hallway, leaning against the wall and listening into Scoots’ debate with herself. When the filly had reached the corner and taken position Rainbow trotted into the room and rummaged through her bedside table. Not a second too early, thought Scootaloo in relief.
  219. The mare paid no real attention to Scoots, heck she wasn’t even getting anything from the room. All she wanted to accomplish was showing some presence and making the filly nervous to no end. And by the amount of sweat that was gathering on her head, she knew she was successful at that. It was only when Scootaloo lifted up a forehoof to wipe it away when Dash spoke up.
  221. “No moving!”
  223. Scoots instantly retracted her hoof and put it on the floor, opting to apologize. “Sor—”
  225. “No talking either! Seriously, I thought you knew the drill by now. The next time is gonna cost you.”
  227. A whiny sound escaped the filly’s mouth, but Dash said nothing about it. She just nodded, content with her sister’s compliance and moved slowly out of the room. She was sure Scoots wouldn’t attempt anything after that demonstration just now. And leaving the door wide open would also ensure she wouldn’t get any funny ideas or a false sense of security.
  229. This time Rainbow had a goal in mind and headed for the living room. Once there she moved toward the closet, reaching for the bottom drawer. She rustled in it for a moment before pulling out a brown box. Rainbow put it on the table in the center of the room and sighed heavily. [i]Oh Scoots... what am I going to do with you?[/i] She played around with the lid for a while, not really sure if she should go for this today. [i]No.[/i] She shook her head. [i]I gotta do this.[/i]
  231. Taking the box under her wing, she quickly ascended the stairs again, though at the top she took it into her hooves again to free her wing and being able to glide soundlessly into her bedroom. She wanted to see if the filly was obeying the time-out rules. And yes, her eyes were greeted with the sight of one stoically standing filly, clad in red pajamas, nose first in that corner.
  233. Rainbow landed on her bed and while the clouds didn’t have that distinctive sound mattresses made whenever you hopped on them, a soft sound of something plopping on a cushion could be heard in the room. Scootaloo’s ears perked up and her posture went rigid, but she dared not make another move. Dash in turn took her sweet time, she carefully placed the box on the bed and just watched the filly.
  235. Now upon closer inspection, Dash could see the very subtle movements Scootaloo made. She could see the slight tremors running up Scoots’ legs, probably from the strain of standing still for so long. [i]It’s been at least twenty minutes now since I told her to be quiet,[/i] Dash mused. Next was the flicking of that purple tail, it was still for a while only to suddenly flick around one, two, three times before coming to a rest again against her clothed flank. She clenched and unclenched that under those bright red PJs, but it was only noticeable if you concentrated on it. Like her tail there was no pattern to it. Lastly there was Scootaloo’s breathing, it sounded normal though a bit strained.
  237. [i]Last trip down, then it’s showtime![/i] Rainbow Dash left the room again and descended the stairs. She was walking this time, letting Scoots know through the almost inaudible hoof steps that she was leaving.
  239. It was only a minute after the filly couldn’t hear any more sounds when she let out that huge sigh she had been holding since Dash came in. Shaking some feeling into her legs was the only other thing she dared to do, her sis had proven of being capable to invade the bedroom without making a sound. Unfortunately those movements not only reawakened her stiff legs, but also summoned the urge to pee. [i]Oh great... not only that my legs and wings are stiff and the cloth is itching, no, now I also have to pee.[/i] In an attempt to suppress the urge she moved her hindlegs closer together. [i]I wish Sis would hurry up a bit, I don’t know how much longer I can take this.[/i] Scoots only noticed now how bad it really was, but she wouldn’t dare to make another sound, not with the threat of a huge embarrassment in front of her friends. Dash didn’t do idle threats, whatever she said was also what she did. Another quiet whine escaped her lips and she started to shuffle her back legs slightly. [i]Hurry up, Sis![/i]
  241. Seconds turned into minutes and still no sign of Rainbow Dash. Aside from the occasional shuffle, Scootaloo managed to hold the position. But from time to time she stepped a bit on her back hooves, doing a light version of what some ponies called the ‘potty dance’. [i]I’m gonna burst![/i]
  243. “I saw that!” came suddenly a voice behind Scoots, cutting through the silence like a whiplash.
  245. Scootaloo blanched, her mouth tried to form words while her eyes went wide, but she didn’t want to turn around and confront what she feared was an angry glare.
  247. “Corner time’s up, turn around and come over!”
  249. Turning around, the filly didn’t think it was possible, but she believed her face lost even more color and went even paler than before. Her pupils shrank to the size of pinpricks and her breathing caught. She almost lost control over her bladder and wet herself right then at the sight before her.
  251. Rainbow Dash was sitting on her bed, next to her was a box she’d never seen before, but that was unimportant. Dash held a wooden spoon in her hooves, twisting and twirling it around impatiently. Scootaloo knew right then that sitting was out of question for the remainder of the day and probably the whole next one. She’s never been spanked with a spoon before, but if what Apple Bloom said was true, then that thing left a really fierce sting behind due to the small surface it had. Just a week ago her crusading friend had told her about those awful ten minutes in the kitchen under Granny Smith’s spoon...
  253. Almost sinking to her knees because they were growing weak, Scootaloo tried in a last desperate attempt, “P-please not with tha—”
  255. “Yes, I’m gonna spank you with that spoon. I promised you a hard one for that stunt. And you won’t forget it so soon. So I’m gonna ask one last time now... Come over!”
  257. Very reluctantly, the orange filly made her way over to her waiting mentor who put the utensil down beside her. Every step made her aware of her urges again and she briefly considered asking for permission to use bathroom really quick. But in the end she decided against it out of fear, not wanting to deal with unnecessary extra punishment. She carefully, deliberately placed one hoof in front of another and held on with everything she had to remain in control of that darned bladder. The soup and her drinks at dinner were very good but not that helpful for her situation.
  259. Standing before Rainbow Dash with her head hanging down in defeat, Scootaloo just waited to be grabbed by her ear or something, but instead she felt two hooves lifting her up under the arms. Dash made her sit up on her lap and looked intently at the filly. Her gaze softened a bit at the fearful and slightly confused eyes of her little sister.
  261. “Before we start I want to show you something...” The mare held Scoots with one arm and reached to the side with the other. She picked the brown box up and pulled it close, offering it to Scootaloo.
  263. “Here, open it.” It was a command but missed the steely finality like the previous ones.
  265. Scoots carefully and very curiously removed the lid and gasped at what she saw inside. “Rainbow D-Dash... t-that’s...” Her eyes went a bit teary at the sight before her.
  267. “That is your birthday present,” Dash concluded. “It may be another...” She took a peek at the wall. “...four hours away, but I wanted to show it to you now.”
  269. “Those a-are the same as...mine...” Scoots was at a loss for words. This couldn’t be true.
  271. “Yes, those are the same as the Wonderbolt goggles you stole from the store. The very same day you started pestering me about them was the day I bought them for your birthday. Although...” Rainbow paused mid-sentence, her small smile vanishing from her features. “...I’m not really sure you still deserve them. What do you think, Scootaloo?”
  273. “I...” She snapped her head up to look at Rainbow, wide-eyed. First she showed her this amazing gift and now she said she couldn’t keep it? “But... aren’t I getting p-punished already?” she tried hopefully.
  275. “That’s very true, but... Can you still say with a clear conscience that you deserve it, or should I return them as well?” Dash waited for a short moment until the words settled in before continuing. “Not only did you steal, you also showed a great amount of greed and impatience. Have you forgotten about the story of Spike I told you once, about him and how small it started?”
  277. Scoots grew more and more desperate and devastated with each spoken word. She’d never looked at it that way; Rainbow was absolutely right. The filly dropped the box to the bed and wrapped her hooves tightly around Rainbow, who was a bit surprised. “No, you’re right... I don’t d-deserve them!” Scootaloo’s voice sounded constricted, she was barely holding back the tears that were threatening to spill.
  279. Allowing herself a small grin of victory, Dash took a second before responding. Her cyan hooves enclosed the filly in a gently hug. “There, there... you’re wrong, I never said you don’t deserve them, I just asked.” Rainbow pushed her away just a little to look into Scoots’ pale purple eyes. The wetness in them was evident, but still that stubborn filly held onto them, not allowing them to fall. [i]For now, Sis... Later on it won’t be in your power anymore to stop them. I can’t forget what this is about, no matter how guilty you might feel,[/i] she thought gravely.
  281. “You just proved that you should keep them, by taking responsibility and also because they’ll remind you of what you did every time you wear them.” Upon seeing the confusion, Rainbow went on to explaining. “You offered to give up your present as well as the stolen ones, that shows you’re responsible. Also, the fact that you even showed up here... I’m not your mother, and I’d never force punishment on you. You could’ve avoided it today, but you chose to come here and face it.
  283. “Which is exactly what we’ll deal with now, Scoots.” Rainbow shook her lightly to get her full attention. “You chose this option and now this is happening, you understand?”
  285. “The orange pegasus blinked once and very slowly nodded her head in agreement. “I...understand,” she said quietly, almost whispering.
  287. “Good, then let’s proceed so we can go to bed and put this all behind us.” Dash, once again, picked up Scoots under the arms and gently guided her across her lap. The filly showed no resistance, although she tensed up when Dash’s legs were pressing into her belly. Her urges were temporarily forgotten, but now they came back with a vengeance. The purple maned head was at Rainbow’s left, all four legs suspended in the air with no hold and her clothed rump, at her right as well as the highest point of her body. She squirmed, harder than before in the corner. The feeling was getting worse and worse; she couldn’t contain it anymore.
  289. “R-Rainbow...” she started, raising her head lightly to look back and up.
  291. “Hush now. We’ve got all the time in the world to talk after we’ve dealt with this. You’ll feel better after you had a good cry.”
  293. “B-but Rainbow, I—”
  295. “I said ‘Hush now’, Scootaloo! It’s too late to talk your way out of it!” the mare responded sharply. She continued to take a hold of the purple, unkempt tail and moved it towards Scoots’ back, noticing the squirming and wiggling.
  297. Scootaloo shut up at that, but her resistance to hold in was fading. She’d soon have an accident, there was no chance to go through a lengthy spanking now with keeping the contents of her bladder. She squirmed more and more, pressing her hind legs tightly together.
  299. "Scoots..." Dash threatened.
  301. And finally the desperation won against her fear of extra punishment.
  303. “SIS, I REALLY NEED TO PEE!” she yelled quickly, before her mentor had the chance to intercept her again.
  305. Dumbfoundedly, Rainbow just continued to stare at the little strap on the back of Scoots’ PJs she was fumbling with. It took her a few seconds to process the new information. Then she finally saw it, Scoots’ slightly heaving chest from the outburst, the squirming and clenching of her hinds and the small tremors that ran over her body.
  307. Swiftly, almost panicked, Rainbow unbuttoned the flap covering Scootaloo’s bum and replied hastily, “What are you waiting for? Get moving!”
  309. Not needing to be told twice, the filly bolted off as fast as she could to the door, through the hallway and into the bathroom. Rainbow watched the speedy progress of her little student’s posterior’s advance; the sight of the low-hanging piece of cloth was almost adorable, before it vanished from her view.
  311. Leaning back on the bed, Dash threw a sideways glance to the box. She gave an amused smile and slowly shook her head. [i]What was she thinking?[/i] Rainbow put the present box on the nightstand and picked the spoon up again. It was the very spoon she’d cooked dinner with, and in a few moments it’d cook something entirely else... Twisting it idly in her hoof, she wondered how her favorite fan-filly was faring on the toilet.
  313. Scootaloo was almost at her goal when she felt she’d spill everything so close to it. But she’d made it nonetheless and was sighing in sweet relief as she finally could let go. She’d never again try to hold it in for so long. Now that the filly didn’t have to focus on preventing leaking anymore, her thoughts drifted to other things...things that still awaited her. It made her squirm in nervous anticipation on the toilet seat. The cold and hard surface which brought her such relief and feelings of happiness, now felt like it was pressing roughly and mercilessly into her backside.
  315. If it weren’t already enough, Scoots then thought about her outburst in the bedroom mere moments ago. She shivered slightly at just thinking how upset Rainbow must be with her. After all she yelled at her and disobeyed her again...
  317. Finishing her business, she went to the sink to wash her hooves when she noticed a cold breeze washing over her exposed butt. The flap was still hanging widely open, revealing most of her cheeks and even the top of her orange thighs. She hadn’t paid it any attention on her mad dash to the bathroom, but now that everything was taken care of she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by the nature of her garments. They sure were convenient for stuff like this but now she just wanted to close them, and not feel like the main attraction of an exhibition anymore. Through the small mirror in front of her, over the sink, she saw her own reflection of the big mirror behind her. It was obviously for dressing reasons, but Scoots only saw herself standing there, partly undressed, like being on display. [i]This is the view Rainbow will get soon...[/i] She was closely examining her own bum for a little while longer until she averted her eyes. Whining softly in humiliation, she then awkwardly fumbled with the buttons but realized quickly how difficult it was to close the flap without seeing it and doing so behind her back.
  319. Sighing in defeat, Scoots left it like it was and made a move for the door. With every step she took back to the bedroom, her heart started pounding harder and harder against her ribcage. Her wings twitched against the fabric of the PJs, but she couldn’t open them, since somepony thought it was clever to remove the wing holes...
  321. Putting one hoof in front of another at a slow pace got her closer and closer to her demise. Once again, the filly considered the lunatic plan of making a run for it, however... the once again cold feeling of air against her bum made her quickly dismiss such thoughts.
  323. When Scootaloo appeared in the doorframe again, Rainbow ceased her fiddling with the spoon and directed her attention to the approaching filly. “You sure took your time...” Of course she’d heard the flushing and the long timespan until Scoots returned from then on.
  325. Full-panic mode kicked in again instantly and Scootaloo’s eyes went wide. “I... Please don’t be mad... I couldn’t h-help it anymore.”
  327. Dash sighed softly and shook her head with closed eyes. “I’m not mad. You said it yourself... you couldn’t help it anymore. So why would I be mad?” The mare beckoned Scoots closer with a hoof and laid the spoon down with the other. While the filly slowly complied and came closer, Dash spoke up again, “If anything, I’m only disappointed you think so lowly of me as that I would be mad for this.” Scootaloo was standing directly in front of Dash. “That kinda hurts a bit, you know?” She let the faintest smile appear on her face to show she was not entirely serious.
  329. “I’m sorry... I should’ve said something earlier...” Scoots lowered her head in shame.
  331. “I’m sorry, too.” The filly’s head shot up again when she was lifted up to Dash’s eye level. “I should’ve given you the chance to speak.
  333. For the briefest moment the two sisters looked at each other, grinning and happy with how the world was. Only to be disrupted when Dash’s face got serious, for real this time. “We still have something to take care of...” She gently placed the filly across her lap again, head to the left and hinds to the right.
  335. Scoots didn’t make any fuss about it, although she wished the moment they just shared would’ve lasted longer... [i]Longer, or forever would be best...for my butt at least,[/i] Scootaloo thought, shivering slightly at what was to about happen. She noticed with disdain that the flap was still open, her rump uncovered and surely inviting Dash to start.
  337. A minute went by and nothing happened. Both sisters just listened to each other’s slow breathing. One sister sitting on the bed, silently thinking to herself, lost in thoughts. The other one, dressed in red with an orange window at her rear end and ready for bed was nervous, so very nervous. The sweat started gathering on her forehead again, just like during her time in the corner. [i]This is like cornertime all over again, why isn’t she doing anything?[/i]
  339. Almost like sensing Scootaloo’s distress, Rainbow snapped out of her thoughts and slowly moved one hoof up to Scoots’ rump, stroking softly over her cheeks once. The filly almost jumped at the touch and clenched tightly in fear that Rainbow would already start. As nothing more came, she relaxed a bit and laid slack again over Dash’s lap.
  341. “You know why you’re about to get spanked, don’t you, Scootaloo?” Rainbow’s voice was flat, neutral and carried no real emotion. She didn’t speak loudly, she didn’t have to, the room was silent enough to hear a pegasus touching down on a cloud.
  343. “Yes, Rainbow Dash,” answered Scootaloo quickly. She gasped slightly when she felt the hoof on her butt again. This time it stayed there for a spell, rubbing around and feeling the already warm cheeks.
  345. “And I guess I don’t have to tell you how disappointed with you I am, right?” Again her voice was relatively silent, but very clear and it carried as much weight as if she’d yelled. Dash stopped her ministrations, lifted her hoof and saw Scoots’ rump tense up instantly. [i]That’s really cute, kid,[/i] she thought amusedly. Leaning forward, she grabbed the hanging piece of cloth with both hooves and closed the flap for the time being. Patting the now covered rump a few times earned her a squeak from her little sister. [i]Gonna give you a good warm-up first...[/i]
  347. “No, Rainbow Dash, I... I’m also d-disappointed in myself...”
  349. “Don’t beat yourself over it, kid.” ‘Cause that’s what I’m about to do,’ is what she wanted to add, but she had to stay serious. “Stealing is a serious crime, I can’t even begin to understand why you’d think it was a good idea.” Dash got a hold of the purple tail in front of her and pulled it up to Scoots’ back. “But like I said, don’t worry about it, after you’re good and punished, everything will be forgiven... I promise.”
  351. Scootaloo shifted over Dash’s lap when her tail was pulled away, but Rainbow’s fumbling on her back made her somewhat curious. Before she could ask however, her sis was already finished and leaned back again. Pulling her tail back proved futile as it was securely bound to her back. Dash noticed the filly’s confusion and answered the unspoken question. “Just a little strap on the back of these PJs to ensure your tail won’t get in the way.”
  353. After some more fruitlessly tugging, Scootaloo asked, “But why?”
  355. Rainbow sighed softly and patted the clothed rump again, whilst going to explain her reasons. “As you surely have noticed by now, I had some changes made on your nighttime clothes. Earlier today after we both went our ways I brought your PJs over to Rarity for... modification.” Scoots was listening intently to every word and found herself squirming under the soft patting and rubbing. It was slowly driving her crazy. “So this strap for example, ensures your tail won’t get in the way and we both don’t have to worry about it.”
  357. “Seeing as you’ve gotten a spanking every. single. time. you’ve stayed over at my place and wearing those clothes, I found it convenient to have them adjusted for the occasion. Maybe it’ll give you something extra to think about before you do something stupid again.” Rainbow’s soft patting grew into an almost slapping at a few words, which in turn elicited whines of discomfort out of Scoots.
  359. The orange pegasus wanted to protest heavily against that, but she knew what Dash said was true... [i]I always seem to fuck things up...[/i]
  361. Poor filly was so lost in her slightly depressing thoughts that she didn’t notice Rainbow stopping and pressing her left hoof firmly against Scoots’ back. Dash wanted to make sure with a good hold that the filly wasn’t falling off or trying to get away. What got her attention again was when Dash took that wooden spoon into her right hoof and pressed it firmly into Scootaloo’s right cheek.
  363. “Also,” Rainbow Dash picked up where she left off, “maybe an extra sore rear this time will improve your judgment on certain situations in the future.”
  365. Right before Scootaloo had even the chance to respond, the spoon broke contact with her clothed rear as Rainbow lifted it up high, only to bring it down again in a moderate hard whack on the same cheek where it left. The wood made a dull slapping sound due to the clothing, while Scootaloo let out a startled yelp of pain. Rainbow said nothing, determined on staying quiet and letting her actions speak, and lifted the spoon quickly and unceremoniously back up into the air. It came crashing down with another solid spank this time on the left, also right in the center.
  367. Scoots grunted in pain, but handled the second one better than the first. That didn’t mean it hadn’t hurt, oh no. Those two initially hard spanks were quite painful and their sting was already settling in, even though it was over the PJs. The thought of getting spanked on the bare with that spoon frightened Scootaloo greatly. Dash sure didn’t want to give Scoots any false sense of security only because she had the flap closed for now.
  369. Rainbow Dash raised and dropped the spoon methodically in a slow and steady rhythm. Her eyes were focused on her two targets, namely the squirming cheeks of a naughty filly laying across her lap. She never spanked the same spot twice, instead spreading them all over Scootaloo’s bum. The filly squirmed slightly and rubbed her back-hooves against each other in an attempt to alleviate the sting. Whenever Dash’s spoon made a detour the top of the thighs, Scoots would kick out the assaulted leg reflexively and gasp in pain.
  371. The smaller pegasus seemed to take her spanking well so far, keeping still, almost stoically and hell-bent on not making any sounds or showing her discomfort. Underneath however, smaller cracks appeared in her resolve, the slow and moderate hits were slowly but surely taking their toll.
  373. Rainbow never changed her tempo, she wanted to give each spank a chance so let the pain settle in before giving another and building up on top of it. She couldn’t directly see it, but by the way Scoots bit back her own yelps and squirmed slightly, she’d say it was a rather successful approach.
  375. She didn’t count, but roughly around twenty smacks into the spanking there was some change. Scootaloo couldn’t hold back her wiggling and shifting around anymore. Whenever the hard wood impacted on her pajama-clad rear, she’d try to move away from it in a futile attempt to escape the spoon. Rainbow Dash smiled inwardly. [i]We’re finally getting somewhere. Let’s take it up a notch...[/i]
  377. She planted a much harder whack on a more sensitive spot of Scoots’ bum, her right sit spot, and watched it shifting away to the left. “Stop squirming!” Dash ordered and added quickly, after an equally hard smack to the left undercurve, “You’re not going anywhere until that butt is red and sore!” Her magenta eyes were narrowed in concentration and never left their target for a second.
  379. “AH! Y-yes Rainbow Dash... S-sorry.” Scoots grabbed desperately onto Dash’s leg, holding it tightly to keep herself from squirming more. Subconsciously she tugged on her tail, but it wouldn’t come loose as it was tightly bound to her back. After two more hard spanks again to her undercurves, tears started to creep into Scoots’ eyes. One hoof removed itself from the hold on Dash’s leg and threatened to go back to protect her rump. Scoots caught herself at the last moment however and clutched the blue leg tightly again.
  381. Rainbow noticed this and thought with a small grin, [i]Good filly, I’m proud of ya![/i] Then she proceeded to drop the wooden tool again and struck Scootaloo’s left cheek right in the middle, this time however, letting the spoon rest on her trembling flank. She tapped it lightly and saw Scoots flinching involuntarily. “You deserve this, don’t you?” Dash asked, rubbing the spoon over the filly’s quivering butt, giving her a small respite to answer.
  383. “Y-yes, I do...” whimpered Scootaloo. The burning in her hindquarters steadily grew in intensity. She knew she couldn’t keep her eyes from leaking for much longer, yet still, she also knew she deserved it. Rainbow Dash had every right to be disappointed in her, she should’ve never been so stupid to think that stealing was a good idea.
  385. “Good,” Dash said finally, ceasing her rubbing and lifting the spoon up again. “I intend to make you remember it for a long time.” She swung it down across the right side of Scoots’ rump, earning a pained gasp and raised it up instantly again. “I don’t want to ever have to spank you for stealing again, understood?” Dash struck the upper half of Scoots’ left cheek, near her tail, with another clap. For the first time, Scootaloo really kicked her pajama-clad hinds out.
  387. “OWW! YES, understood, R-Rainbow!” The filly followed up with a light sniffle. The tears were stinging in her eyes, though not as much as the dreadful spoon on her bum. “...I’m sorry.”
  389. “I sure hope you’re sorry,” the mare responded calmly, whilst delivering two more smacks, each one just below the previous and making Scoots’ entire left cheek throb in agony. “ means we’re getting somewhere with this.” Another four spanks in quick succession followed, planted all over her right flank, bottom to top. Scootaloo tried to suppress it, but on the fourth hit she let out a muffled yell and shifted her butt to the right. Over the edge of Dash’s knee and almost falling off, Rainbow grabbed the filly around the waist with her left and pulled her back, holding her more securely now.
  391. Scootaloo realized her mistake instantly. “R-Rainbow Dash, wait! I’m—” The rest was cut off by her own pained outcry, as Dash dealt a sharp spank to her right sit spot, followed by another to the same spot and two more to the opposite side. Rainbow watched Scoots’ cheeks bounce slightly under the firm blows, while the filly shut her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth together. A few tears leaked through, running down her cheeks. She tried desperately to keep her body’s urges under control. After all, that’s what her mentor demanded and also trained her for: keeping her own body under control at all times.
  393. “Just what have I told you, not only minutes ago, about squirming?” the rainbow pegasus demanded in a clear and sharp voice. She lowered the raised spoon and just left it hovering over the PJ-covered bum for the time being, but still ready to crash down again if she didn’t like the answer. Scootaloo was nonetheless grateful for the small respite.
  395. She took a few moments, mainly trying to get her composure back. “T-to... to stop it,” Scoots replied finally, the tremors evident in her voice. It wouldn't’ be long anymore until she broke down. “You told me to s-stop squirming... I’m s-sorry...”
  397. “Alright,” Rainbow said in a softer voice, withdrawing the spoon from the airspace over Scoots’ burning rump and setting it aside on the bed. “Just see to it that it doesn’t happen again, understood?” she concluded, while planting a quick slap with her bare hoof right to the middle of the filly’s cheeks.
  399. “AH! Yes, understood, understood!” Scoots noticed right away that it wasn’t the cooking tool which gave her that last smack, but what did it mean? [i]Is it over already?[/i] She knew it couldn’t be, but one could still hope. The only other option was... [i]Oh, no![/i]
  401. Her fears were confirmed when she felt a hoof brushing tenderly over her clothed rear, placing a pat or two, and then fumbling on one button of her drop-seat. The other hoof still held Scoots’ back in place but not as tightly anymore. “I guess that’s good enough for a warm-up.” Rainbow Dash spoke up, but it was more to herself. She pulled the first button free and let the corner of the protective cover hang down, showing some orange mixed with pink underneath.
  403. Just as she grabbed the other button, Scootaloo shot a hoof back, desperately holding onto the edge of the piece of fabric as if her life depended on it. Her eyes were pressed shut and her head was still facing the cloudy floor. “P-pleeeease...” Dash was a little surprised at the outburst. She saw Scootaloo’s thrown back arm shake and her half-uncovered cheeks clench tightly. “Please not on the b-b-bare. It h-hurts so much already...”
  405. It took Rainbow a few moments to snap out of her astonishment. When she did, her first thought was to lash out at that disobedient filly, but she calmed herself. After a particularly deep breath she approached the problem with reasoning. Scoots wouldn’t get out of this no matter what, but she wanted to give her a chance to take it willingly.
  407. “Scootaloo, Sis...” Dash started, to which the addressed filly let out a rather loud sniffle. “I know it hurts and it will hurt a lot more.” She put her right hoof down on Scootaloo’s quivering one, but did not grasp it. It flinched from the touch but held on to the fabric bravely. “But after everything you did, can you honestly tell me you don’t deserve this lesson on your bare bum, hmm?”
  409. “I... I... N-no, I can’t,” she whimpered quietly in defeat, easing her grip on the red flap.
  411. Rainbow Dash smiled at her little sister’s realization. “Good, I’m happy you see it the same way.” She pulled her blue hoof away from the orange one. “Now then... hooves in front again! And, Sis... this was your last warning. The next time is gonna cost you... dearly.”
  413. Scoots gasped in shock and quickly wrapped both of her arms around Dash’s leg again. Though, she freed one again shortly to wipe her eyes dry, before meekly responding, “Yes... Sis.”
  415. Satisfied, Dash unbuttoned the second button and pulled the drop-seat slowly down. She could see Scootaloo quivering and clenching tightly again in nervous anticipation. The mare placed her hoof gently on the light pink cheeks and traced them all the way down from the tail to the top of the thighs. Right there was a little accumulation of darker pink round spots, probably the penalty swats. But all over were also the same round markings, albeit with a lighter color. [i]Seems like I’ve made a good impression you right from the start.[/i]
  417. She continued to gently brush over the trembling buttocks for a short while. Scootaloo would whimper every time she went over a sore spot. [i]Alright, let’s get this over with...[/i] were her thoughts as she reached for her wooden spoon and strengthened her hold on the filly’s back again. Dash tapped both cheeks once in turn and saw Scootaloo twitching her hind legs ever so slightly in response.
  419. Without any announcement, not that she needed any, Rainbow raised the tool again and brought it down with a moderate clap on the right cheek. She used just the same strength as before, but the spoon was bound to bite harder into Scoots’ little rump due to the missing layer of protection. Instantly, Scootaloo let out a short yell and the tears she’d wiped away sprang into her eyes again.
  421. Rainbow brought the spoon down again and again at a slow pace, spanking all of Scoots’ butt and avoiding the already darker spots. Right cheek under the first, left cheek top, left again lower, left still lower. Scootaloo gasped, yelled and sniffled, but Rainbow kept firm and quiet. The slow hits were painting her rump steadily a brighter pink.
  423. The filly tried her best at keeping still, really, but she was kicking out her hinds more and more frequently. Tears were flowing freely from her face but she didn’t cry yet. Another thwack to a sore spot however made her plead for some mercy. “Ahaa please! Rainbow!” she tried between spanks. “Not so HARD! Please! It... OWW! It hurtSSSSSS s-so m-much.”
  425. Rainbow Dash just sighed, but never stopped bringing down the spoon on the squirming bum in front of her. “I promised you a hard spanking today, Scootaloo!” she replied, putting emphasis on ‘hard’ with two quick and hard spanks to the middle of each cheek. Scoots in turn, shot her head up and choked back a sob. “And I will tan your bum so properly today until I can’t tell anymore where the flap is opened!”
  427. The mental image of herself with a butt so red it matched her PJs made Scootaloo blush in embarrassment. It was drowned out however by the next thwack which landed on her sensitive right sit spot and made her cry out for the first time. Another sob followed the spank to the opposite side. She was slowly breaking down as more hits followed up. Rainbow still concentrated on giving her rump an equal color all over. After another particularly hard smack the burning pain in her hindquarters became unbearable. Scootaloo couldn’t see that well anymore through her blurry eyes, filled with thick tears.
  429. Not thinking straight, she panicked and threw her right arm back again like before, if only to get a minor break from the firm spanking Rainbow Dash delivered. The older pegasus halfway expected this already from her prior experiences with the filly. She quickly snatched the hoof away with her left hoof which had left Scootaloo’s back and forced it down. While pressing the filly’s hoof down against her own back she also delivered the next spank to the naughty rump across her lap without missing a beat, rendering Scootaloo’s attempt for a short break in vain.
  431. [i]I warned you, Squirt...[/i] Rainbow Dash didn’t say anything, though if Scoots could’ve looked back up she would’ve seen Dash’s slightly angered frown. The mare proceeded to bring the wooden tool down again but with more force now and much quicker. She didn’t really look anymore where she hit, only making sure she rained down the stinging blows in retribution.
  433. Scootaloo cried out for real when the assault started. She tried to free her trapped arm or tail but neither came loose. She could only lay there, kicking her hinds out and wail in misery. “P-ple— OW Please! AH! RAINBOW!” Scootaloo wanted desperately to apologize to Rainbow Dash, but it was difficult with the fury that attacked her butt. The smacks came irregularly, some left, some right, sometimes the top of the thighs, sometimes the edges of her flank where her cutie mark would be. “OWIE! S-sorry RainbOWW! SORRY!” Another few sobs came out of her open mouth. Her eyes were shut and leaking tears, while she squirmed her rump around, trying to evade some of the hits. “I’M SORRYYYY SISSSS!”
  435. After that last pained outcry, Rainbow had dealt around thirty fast and hard spanks and was satisfied with the equal light red color adorning Scootaloo’s bum. It was a lot closer now to the dark red edges of fabric surrounding it, but still not enough. It was only then that Dash returned to her previous slower pace of roughly a spank every three seconds. She kept it up for a few more before stopping altogether and resting the spoon on Scoots’ quivering flank.
  437. “I’m s-sorry,” she sobbed again, although much quieter now. The flailing of her legs had also ceased, but her cheeks still burned terribly. She wanted nothing more than to reach back and rub some of the pain out, but her only possibility was trapped and held to her back. Her other arm was useless to do anything due to how tightly Dash held her body to her own. She wouldn’t be able to reach back with her left.
  439. “I believe you, Sis,” Rainbow replied and started rub the spoon over the blazing rear, earning herself a quiet hiss from the filly. “But we’re not done yet. I’ll give you ten more and I want you to count them for me. Then we’re done with the spoon... alright?”
  441. “A-a-alright, Rainbow,” Scootaloo replied shakily and sniffled again after doing so.
  443. Dash merely nodded and lifted up the spoon from her rump. [i]Such a brave little filly...[/i] Scootaloo seemed to brace herself for the inevitable impact, rubbing her back hooves against each other. Not wanting to prolong it anymore, Dash clapped the spoon swiftly across Scoots’ left cheek and waited for the count.
  445. Scootaloo quickly followed up for fear of more punishment. “Ah! O-one.” She arched her back upwards as far as the restraining hoof would allow. Her behind was already quite sore and the spoon marks no longer really fading.
  447. Dash dealt two more in quick succession to the middle of the right cheek, to see how she’d handle them. Rainbow felt Scoots pulling on her hoof again before she noticed it was still held tightly in Dash’s grasp. “Owoww, t-two...t-three.”
  449. “Very good,” the mare praised, “I really hope you’re learning your lesson here.” Rainbow struck her again two times, on the lower parts of both cheeks.
  451. “Wahaa, f-f-four... f-five, I do, I DO! P-please Rainbow...” Another two slightly redder marks appeared on her butt.
  453. “What ‘please’? You’re not talking your way out of this, so you might as well save your breath for counting!” Dash said crisply while smacking the top of the left cheek again and making Scoots almost jump forward in her lap.
  455. “Siiiix... it h-hurts...” Another sob left her mouth.
  457. “I know it does, as it should. Stealing is a serious offense and not to be taken lightly,” Dash explained while bringing down the next spank with a little more force behind it. She waited for the ‘seven’ before continuing her scolding. “Just imagine they caught you... In the worst case they’d have thrown you in the dungeons!”
  459. The filly listened closely and the gravity of Dash’s words reinforced the flow of her tears. She was so stupid to steal... Another two quick spanks, even more forceful, brought her back from her thoughts. “Ohoowww, e-eight, N-NINE!” she yelled out at the much harsher spanks. “I-I won’t d-do it again... P-promise!”
  461. “I sure hope so,” Dash responded before giving one last hard crack with the spoon. This last one actually carried enough force to make Scoots’ bum ripple slightly.
  463. The filly screamed out, “TEN! ...I-I'm s-sorry...” and then cried softly to herself. Rainbow set the spoon aside on the bed and loosened her grip on Scootaloo’s hoof. She knew she wasn’t done yet, her butt was still only light red, in contrast to the darker PJs. Also the severity of Scootaloo’s crimes demanded more. She had to really ensure the filly would think thrice before doing something this stupid again.
  465. A minute or two passed and the only sound in Rainbow’s bedroom was the filly’s soft sniffling and crying. She had completely removed her restraining hoof and leaned back, thinking. It was then that Scoots reached back again tentatively, trying to rub her blazing hot cheeks. Dash saw it, quickly picked up her spoon again and lightly smacked it on the offending hoof, almost like a tap only.
  467. “Ah ah, I’m afraid we’re not entirely done yet.” she told Scootaloo, who retracted her hoof again.
  469. She twisted slightly around, now that she was able to do it again and asked Rainbow, “W-what do you m-mean ‘not done’? You said we were d-done after those t-ten.”
  471. “I said we were done with the spoon then... you’re still getting a bit more,” replied Rainbow, though it pained her to do so and see that shocked reaction in her sister’s face.
  473. “B-but I... p-please!” tried Scootaloo desperately.
  475. “No buts here, Sis! I promised you a well tanned hide, and I still can discern between your bum and your PJs. Besides, like I told you stealing is a serious crime and I never intended to go easy on you this time. Also, lastly, I told you earlier the next time you disobeyed me during the cornertime would cost you! I haven’t forgotten how you moved around!” she explained calmly. “Now, Scootaloo. Get up, go to my dresser and get the brush.”
  477. Scoots’ face lost all remaining color at those last three dreadful words. The tears that were dried for the moment almost sprang up instantly again. “P-pleeeeease, Sis, not the brush!”
  479. “Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash began before she sighed heavily. “Don’t make this harder for both of us... If I have to get it myself YOU WILL get another spanking tomorrow!”
  481. The filly whimpered but nevertheless scurried to her hooves, wincing at the pain her movements brought her butt. With slow, deliberate steps she neared the dresser next to the door. Rainbow’s eyes were on her the whole time, she knew it. Her tail was also still tied to her back so Rainbow would have surely a great view of those two soundly punished cheeks. With no other choice than complying the picked up the brush and placed it between her teeth. When she turned around her mentor didn’t wear that frown anymore, her expression was more relaxed, she even seemed to smile faintly. She looked briefly back to the dresser and saw her own reflection in the mirror over it. Her gaze immediately fell upon her own red bum, clearly visible through the window in her jammies. Scoots sighed deeply and slowly continued on back towards the bed, but in her own cautious steps to avoid more pain to her butt.
  483. The blue mare picked up the hairbrush from Scootaloo once she stood before her, shaking and quivering slightly. She looked at it for a moment before setting it aside next to the spoon. Then Dash proceeded to pick Scoots gently up again under the arms and placed her in the all-too-familiar position over her knee. “Only a bit more, I promise. I gotta make sure you never EVER forget this,” she whispered into her ear.
  485. “I...I-I understand, R-Rainbow...” Scoots’ said, grabbing onto her leg again with both hooves, bracing herself.
  487. Scootaloo then felt Dash poking her back a few times. Curious, she looked back over her shoulder. “Give me your hooves, both of them. We wouldn’t want any more incidents today and that way you can cry and writhe around all you want.” [i]I’d be surprised if you didn’t...[/i]
  489. Hesitantly, she loosened her grip and held her arms up over her back. She felt Dash taking them, folding them together next to each other and pressing them tightly to her back. She tried pulling at them again like before, but realized she couldn’t do anything to free before. Dread started to rise inside her chest. Her wings were useless underneath the PJs; her tail was useless, bound to her back; her arms were useless, held against her back. It was dawning her why Dash had said she could writhe all she wanted, because it wouldn’t change a thing. She was forced to lay there, across her lap by Dash's hoof and take the whole spanking until the end. The realization made her wriggle her hinds slightly and a pitiful whimper escaped her throat.
  491. Rainbow Dash patted the burning rump a few times with her right hoof, only for Scootaloo to try and flinch away from the touch, making the hanging flap wave in the air like a red flag. She was still incredibly sore and even the faintest touch hurt. The cheeks were also very warm to the touch. Shortly after, Dash pulled away and seized her hairbrush again, smiling sadly at it and the memories it brought. She neared the smoldering cheeks again and brushed the cool wood over each buttock once. Again, the filly futilely tried to squirm away, which she realized was impossible; her properly restrained and positioned butt would only move so much.
  493. Rainbow Dash steeled herself and tightened her grip on Scoots' hooves before speaking up, “Alright, Scoots... Last thing, after this we’re done, I promise.” She withdrew the brush from Scootaloo’s bum and took two practice swings in the air with it. The swishing noise made the orange filly’s fur stand on end and her light red butt clenched tightly as if already assaulted.
  495. “And, Sis... remember, Dashie always loves you.”
  497. “Love you too, Sis...” mumbled Scootaloo in return.
  499. The sentiment warmed Dash’s heart, if she only didn’t have to ruin the moment now... But she had a job to finish, so with new resolve she raised the hairbrush high up. [i]I’ll make this quick, and I don’t have to scold you anymore as well. Everything has been said...[/i]
  501. With a loud crack the brush came down for the first time, impacting on Scoots’ left cheek, flattening it shortly before it bounced back again and ready for more. She cried out in shock and pain while Dash planted the next two right beside the first, starting a wide circle over to the right cheek. She planned to apply the brush equally to every inch of Scoots' bum, to make it all a really bright red. Scootaloo let out a fresh wail with every new hit and flailed her legs wildly. Rainbow picked up the pace with every swat, rapidly painting the whole butt a darker color.
  503. “Ahhhh, SIS! Pleeeeeaseee! I’m SORRY!” Scootaloo continued to wail. The tears were once again clouding her sight, but that was only a minor problem. The filly’s whole focus was solely on the neverending blazing pain in her rear.
  505. “I know... almost done,” Rainbow declared quietly as she neared the sensitive undercurve. When she started to spank her down there, Scootaloo’s kicking grew frantic almost looking like she was running away in the air. She also tugged on her trapped hooves once more and trashed around but Dash would only further strengthen her grip on them to ensure they wouldn’t come loose.
  507. As Rainbow passed the top of her thighs, Scootaloo’s bawling increased in volume again. “PLEASEE! No moreee! Sorryyyyy!” After that all she uttered was incoherent due to her cries of pain. Dash wasn’t much impressed, or at least she didn’t show it as she dropped the brush again and again with her fast paced cracks.
  509. As she finished her circle and gave a few more hard spanks to both cheeks in the middle and every other remaining light red spot she saw, Scootaloo’s fight drained out of her. She started to lay limp, still crying and bawling her eyes out in unspeakable pain. At last, Dash brought the hairbrush harshly down three, four, five more times and then placed it on the bed next to the spoon, releasing her hooves as well.
  511. Scootaloo didn’t even notice that it was over, she lay there for a good minute bawling, until she felt her sister gently rubbing over those deeply red cheeks. [i]The right shade of red for a little filly's bum when they're allowed to lay limp and cry after a good and long spanking.[/i] They felt like a living furnace by now. She hissed and flinched at the slightest touch. “There there, it’s over now, I promise,” Rainbow assured. She started to untie the purple tail, while Scoots tried to calm down enough to speak again.
  513. After releasing the tail, Dash proceeded to close the flap and get Scoots ready for bed... only to have slight troubles to see where the buttons were. Rainbow chuckled at this, she didn’t think this little threat would become reality, but she did it nonetheless; Scootaloo's trembling bum was just as red as the drop-seat pajamas. After closing the seat with a little trouble she wanted to pat that tanned bum again but refrained from doing so to not cause Scoots any more pain.
  515. As she picked the filly up for a big hug, she was intercepted as Scoots jumped out of her hooves and clung tightly to her chest, burying her face in Dash’s soft fur. After the initial shock died down, Rainbow wrapped her arms and the her wings around the shivering and sobbing filly, rocking her gently back and forth.
  517. Both pegasi basked in each others presence and embrace for a few minutes, neither one wanting to let go and ruin the moment. As Scoots’ crying has reverted to light sniffling she found her voice again. “Sorry...Sis. A-are you still mad at me?” she asked, inching a bit away to look at Dash’s face.
  519. Rainbow was taken aback by the question, looking back into those red bloodshot eyes. “Of course not, I never was. And you don’t have to be sorry anymore, everything’s forgiven now. When the shopkeeper gives you trouble tomorrow, then it’s my trouble. You’ve been punished for your crimes.” Dash then brought as hoof up and carefully wiped away the remains of her tears.
  521. “T-thank you, Sis. You’re the best!” the filly declared before burying her face in Dash’s chest again.
  523. “Thanks, Scoots... So how about we lay down and get some sleep for your big day tomorrow?” Rainbow glanced at the clock and saw it was already 10pm. “Also, it may be two hours early, but... Happy Birthday!”
  525. Dash’s congratulations were however in vain...Scoots had already fallen asleep while still clinging to her and now continued to snore lightly. Rainbow only chuckled at the adorable sight, in her sleep she had moved one hoof down to her bum and was holding onto it ever so gently.
  527. The mare moved them both to lie down in bed without waking up Scootaloo, placing a single kiss to her forehead before covering them both with a fluffy cloud blanket.
  529. “Night, Sis...” was the last Dash whispered before she too fell asleep.

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