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Care and Carelessness 1 by SkyeHigh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:09:41
Updated: 2022-03-20 18:45:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Care and Carelessness 1 by SkyeHigh
  2. (Cup Cake / Pinkie Pie)
  3. F/F, spatula, over chair, otk, non-consensual
  5. (22/04/2014)
  8. ---
  10. sorta flashback scene and connected to (
  13. Pinkie Pie.
  15. That name stands for laughter, fun, happiness, parties, and a good time in general. Wherever she goes, whatever she does, ponies always seem to be happy.
  17. But sometimes that name stands for thoughtlessness, carelessness and poor decisions. And poor decisions lead to trouble, as we all know. Still, she never means to cause any harm, but actions do have consequences.
  19. So right now, that name — or better, that pony — stands nose-first in the corner in the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner.
  21. ***
  23. "Mrs. Cake, I can help you clean up that mess," came the meek comment from Pinkie Pie. She seemed genuinely sorry and sad for the mess and grief she'd caused her adoptive-like mother… again.
  25. While she still had her own parents, albeit far away, the Cakes took her in and cared for the pink pony like she was their own. And the feeling was mutual, both Carrot and Cup Cake always viewed her like she was their own child; also with all responsibilities that came with it.
  27. "Pinkie, dearie," Cup Cake started with an exasperated sigh, "you seem to be forgetting why exactly you're in this corner and why I have to clean up one of your messes in the first place." The older mare wasn't really angry or even mad, she was just tired and exhausted from a long, but very successful, day of work in the small bakery of Ponyville.
  29. Pinkie quickly shut up at that and lowered her head slightly, cleary ashamed and feeling bad about what had transpired not even minutes ago.
  31. While Cup Cake continued to sweep the floor clean of pastry and other sweet stuff, dumping broken plates in the trash and salvaging what was still useable of the equipment, Pinkie did as she was told: 'Stay in that corner, be silent and think about what you have done.'
  33. It all had started out of the desire to be helpful. It seemed like some celebrity or something was visiting Ponyville and, with it, a swarm of fans and more. Since Sugarcube Corner was somewhat famous, a lot of ponies chose to come there, resulting in a shortage of cupcakes and sweets. Closing hour was near and ponies were still waiting for their orders, so Pinkie Pie decided to speed things up in the kitchen.
  35. It was to say, the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner was a sacred place and the Cakes really really didn't like any of Pinkie's toys there, especially not her cannon. But since it was for the greater good, she thought the end would justify the means.
  37. At first, everything went well. She set up several trays of cupcakes, loaded her cannon quickly with frosting and shot it all over the pastries, instead of working on each single one. Another call from the counter for more cupcakes got the party pony in a hurry. Not really looking at what she was grabbing on the table next to her, she loaded again and fired...with disastrous results.
  39. The highly accelerated cutlery, and her little bouncing ball she had loaded along with the frosting, caused a chain reaction, ultimately resulting in a totally wrecked kitchen. It looked worse than if the changeling army had come through. In the midst of all sat Pinkie Pie on her haunches, unharmed, most likely thanks to her Pinkie Sense. She looked around for a few more moments, taking in what had just happened. When the door flew open her gaze was fixed on Cup Cake, like a deer in the headlights.
  41. “Pinkie! What in the name of Celestia are you doing here?”, she demanded, looking none too pleased.
  43. The rest was history, after a quick scolding, Pinkie ended up in the corner and Cup Cake cleaning up. Carrot Cake, meanwhile, was tending to the last customers and offered them alternatives to the now missing cupcakes. No one seemed to mind the change too much and business was going down, again, as usual.
  45. Half an hour later, the kitchen still wasn’t perfect again, but at least there was nothing lying around on the floor anymore, and thus not a possible danger for the twins. Cup leaned on a wall and breathed deeply. That sure was a piece of work and she’d still have more coming later on, and probably the next day. But for now, it was time to deal with a different piece of work. She raised her gaze and looked over to the pink pony whose nose was still touching the wall on the other side of the room.
  47. ‘Must be real hard for her to keep still for that long,’ she mused to herself. Pinkie’s timeout and the cleanup served the dual purpose of calming herself down and giving Pinkie time to think. Cup really didn’t want to approach the problem at hoof while being angry or even annoyed. Now looking closely at Pinkie, she noticed how she was shifting her weight around on her hooves and trying her best to do as she was told. Cup was quite impressed to say the least and decided to release Pinkie early from her torture… There was still worse to come, things she didn’t really want to, but she had to do.
  49. Having made up her mind, Cup pushed one of the wooden kitchen stools into the middle of the room and went to the stove. Just above her head the cooking utensils were hanging. Usually the Cakes had quite the number, but after the events earlier on, there was only a spatula left hanging.
  51. “This’ll have to do,” the mare mumbled to herself, taking the tool off the hook it was hanging on. It was made of wood with a thin handle, a broad head without any holes, and a slightly curved tip. She experimentally smacked it two times on her own hoof to test its sting and deemed it sufficient. Pinkie flinched visibly at the sound and shuffled nervously on her hooves. She stood still, but inwardly her mind went into overdrive, having the dreadful suspicion what was about to happen… again. It wasn’t 100% sure for her yet, but the signs were all there. After all, her last spanking was still fresh on her mind, being only a couple weeks ago. Still, she desperately hoped for the sake of her rump that Cup Cake was just inspecting her remaining equipment and nothing more. It was usually Carrot Cake who took care of disciplining her, with Cup Cake always tending to the foals in the meantime, so there was a small chance.
  53. Moving back to the stool, Cup laid the spatula down on it and called, “Pinkie, come over here please.”
  55. On the one hoof, Pinkie was so glad to finally leave this monotone and boring sight she had now for over half an hour. But on the other hoof, she was anxious, even scared, to turn around and find out what was waiting for her. Thinking that she didn’t have to face whatever was coming if she wouldn’t see it, Pinkie shut her eyes tightly and turned around, taking a few hesitant steps forward.
  57. Cup Cake, getting slowly annoyed by those antics, chided her, “Pinkie Pie, stop that nonsense please. You’re already in enough trouble.”
  59. Pinkie cringed at that, she was sure now that she was doomed. Opening her eyes only proved her right. Before her she saw the spatula on the stool and Cup Cake standing next to it, waiting patiently.
  61. “Mrs. Cake, please...”
  63. “Pinkie, I’m very disappointed with you. After how responsible you were with the twins I thought I could trust you to handle the kitchen on a very busy day like this. Now look at the wreckage you’ve caused, this will take a while to replace.” Cup gestured to the kitchen with a hoof, emphasizing her point.
  65. “I’m sorry,” Pinkie said quietly, looking to the floor.
  67. “What’s more,” the blue mare continued, “you could’ve severely injured yourself. What you did was outright dangerous! Just exactly what were you thinking, Pinkie Pie?” Cup was fixing Pinkie, who was still looking down, with a look that demanded answers.
  69. Nervously glancing back up, Pinkie gulped quickly before setting to explain. “I...I just wanted to get work done faster so you could spend more time with Pumpkin and Pound.”
  71. Cup’s expression softened at that and she took a step forward to put a hoof around Pinkie’s withers, pulling her close for a short embrace. At first Pinkie was startled by that action, but relaxed instantly again. “That’s awfully thoughtful of you, dearie, but it is our job and we knew today would be busy. Nopony would have minded waiting a few minutes longer, neither the customers nor Carrot or I,” Cup spoke softly to her before letting go and preparing for the more unpleasant business.
  73. “Still, Pinkie Pie, that was incredible careless of you, no matter how good your intentions were.” She went back to the stool and picked the spatula up. “And I hope you understand that I have to punish you for that.”
  75. “M-Mrs. Cake...” the young mare feebly pleaded.
  77. “Come on now, we both have waited long enough. Let’s not delay this any further and get it over with so we can move on.” Cup looked expectantly at Pinkie whose eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape of sorts. When she realized there was no getting out of it, the pink pony sank down to her haunches, looking pleadingly back at Cup Cake.
  79. “Pleeease, Mrs. Cake, please don’t s-spank me. I’m super sorry about the mess, I’ll clean up everything, and you can keep the next payment and—”
  81. “Pinkie Pie, that is enough, young mare!” Cup interrupted her, rubbing the side of her head to prevent an oncoming headache. “This isn’t up for discussion. You are getting a spanking and that is final, so please bend over that stool now,” she said, smacking the spatula down on the wooden stool.
  83. The smacking sound of wood against wood did nothing to calm Pinkie’s nerves, but she got up to her hooves nonetheless, not wanting to make Cup Cake angry. Whimpering and with tears already in the corners of her eyes, she slowly came closer. Cup nodded in approval and motioned silently with the cooking tool for her to lay down. Pinkie took a few calming breaths, as her heart was thumping at full speed. It felt to her like she was just about to climb into a rollercoaster, getting secured tightly, with no way out anymore until the ride was over.
  85. After a few more moments of stalling, Pinkie obediently laid down on her stomach, sliding forward on the stool until her hips were touching the edge and she could go no more. She grasped the legs of the chair tightly with her fore hooves, while her hinds were barely touching the floor anymore, leaving her rump slightly elevated and vulnerable. Her pink maned head was hanging low, probably in shame, embarrassment or fear.
  87. “P-please...not too h-hard. I’m already sorry.”
  89. Cup Cake wore a pleased smile as she approached the trembling pony, bent over the stool. She had to ignore Pinkie’s plea, because no honest answer would’ve been helpful in this situation. Instead she went to lightly scold her charge. “I’m sorry I have to do this, dearie, but you have to learn to be more careful. You could’ve seriously hurt yourself.” She spoke softly, assuringly while taking the pink tail into her left hoof and pressing it to Pinkie’s croup, balancing herself at the same time. A shiver washed over Pinkie Pie as she thought about how exposed her butt now was, and she could’ve sworn she’d felt a slight breeze even though all windows were closed. She put it off as anxiety, however when she was just about to relax a bit, she had to gasp when Cup Cake lightly tapped the spatula against her right cheek.
  91. “I really adore your antics and I’m not saying you have to be serious all the time at work, but it does not belong into the kitchen,” Cup concluded her short scolding.
  93. “Y-yes, Mrs. Cake. I u-understand,” Pinkie Pie said, bracing herself for the spanking to begin.
  95. Instead of starting right away, Cup swung the tool in the air a few times, trying to find the right strength. She’d never spanked anypony before and thus didn’t want to overdo it. The only experiences she had were from her own fillyhood and from watching her husband during Pinkie’s occasional discipline sessions. If possible, she always wanted to be there to comfort her afterwards. It had something to do with her motherly instincts kicking in.
  97. Feeling content with having found the right amount of force, Cup swiftly clapped the spatula against the rump in front of her and waited for Pinkie’s reaction. The pink pony inhaled sharply at the first spank and tightened her grip on the stool’s legs. Nodding to herself, the older mare continued to spank the pink cheeks up and down, each in turn. Pinkie couldn’t believe just how much that little cooking utensil could sting. Her view on it would certainly change the next time she’d use it in the kitchen.
  99. “Owiee,” Pinkie squealed at roughly the sixth spank already, tears springing into her eyes. “That hur-hurts!”
  101. Cup was undeterred by Pinkie’s early tears, however. She didn’t set a certain number of spanks for Pinkie, but she did have point in mind where she’d know it was enough. Unfortunately for the poor party pony, that point was far away as they’d only started.
  103. “I know, dear. Try to hold still though, it’ll be over much quicker,” Cup Cake instructed when she noticed Pinkie would shift her rear around after each smack. She unleashed a salvo of quick, medium spanks, evenly spread all over Pinkie’s squirming bum, striking a few spots twice to ensure a steady sting.
  105. “Bu-but OWIE! Mrs. Cake, I Ahhah...I’m TRYING!” Pinkie got out, ending on a sniffle.
  107. Instead of shifting around, Pinkie started to stomp her hooves on the ground to cope with the pain. As Cup laid stinging thwack after thwack on Pinkie’s rump, she pushed harder and harder against the ground, moving the stool inches ahead. Cup noticed and moved the pressure on Pinkie’s croup father up on her back to push her upper body down, lifting her rear hooves into the air. Pinkie Pie feebly kicked her legs now without hold, as Cup continued to spank the chubbiest parts of her bottom with precision. With the force she put behind her smacks now, the pink cheeks jiggled slightly with each hit.
  109. “I really hope this lesson is sinking in, Pinkie Pie, because I don’t want to repeat it,” Cup Cake spoke while steering her methodically spanks lower to the top of the thighs where it’d hurt much more. With Pinkie’s already pink coat, Cup couldn’t see any resulting color so far and went on.
  111. “Yes, yes, YES, Mrs. Caaaake. I’m l-learning!” Pinkie yelled and squealed. Tears were starting to leak from her eyes, cutting a path down her cheeks and dripping down from her chin. The burning in her rump was getting more intense with every single smack and she desperately wanted to reach back and stop it, but that wouldn’t do her any good. So she held on to the legs of the stool, not daring to let go.
  113. “Ahaah ahOWIE! Please I-I’m SORRY!” Pinkie started to wail, kicking her hinds out more and more. Cup Cake was standing safely away from them, so she wasn’t bothered too much.
  115. After Cup returned her attention to the pudgier parts of Pinkie’s fanny again, she noticed a brighter shade of pink shining through the fur on her bottom. She took that a signal to start finishing up, bringing the spatula down with more force to drive the lesson home and set those pink cheeks ablaze.
  117. Pinkie Pie noticed instantly, her wailing reaching a much higher volume than before. Not that she cared at all anymore who heard her, if it helped dealing with the terrible pain the spatula inflicted to her burning rump.
  119. “Whaahaa, I’m sorrryyy,” she shouted frantically, starting to squirm again.
  121. One spank strayed from its mark due to the squirming and smacked Pinkie on the side, over her cutie mark. She let out a high-pitched yell and jerked her lower body to the opposite side, nearly knocking the stool over. Cup Cake tried to keep her balance and halted for a moment, giving Pinkie time to breathe. Even though she wasn’t getting any spanks at the moment, the lingering burning was awful. She just laid there hoping it was over now, quietly weeping to herself.
  123. After regaining her balance, Cup sighed in exasperation. “Get up, Pinkie,” she ordered curtly, placing the spatula between her teeth and helping the party pony up by supporting her arm.
  125. Pinkie Pie happily complied, almost jumping up, only to dance slightly in place when she was on her hooves. Her free hoof immediately went back to her burning fanny, rubbing it ever so carefully.
  127. “Thank you, thank yo—” she began to say, before she was interrupted by Cup Cake tugging on the arm she was holding.
  129. The older mare sat her pudgy flank down on the stool and pulled Pinkie down with her, firmly guiding her over her lap and completely ignoring the whimpering complaints. Once in position, Cup reached over Pinkie’s back with her left, tightly holding her around the waist. She took a hold of the pink tail with her right and moved it to the side, also gripping it in her left hoof. This way she had a good hold over the grown pony without giving her any chance to reach back. Lastly she took the cooking tool out of her mouth again with her right, and swinging it up into the air again.
  131. “Not yet, dear, but almost,” Cup said when being able to clearly speak again.
  133. A sob left Pinkie Pie’s lips and she struggled in vain to get up again; the arm around her waist kept her tightly locked in place. “Pleaseeee, no more, Mrs. C-Cake!”
  135. Cup Cake answered by bringing the spatula down on her left cheek with a hard thwack, deflating it slightly. Pinkie instantly screamed and kicked her hooves out, while Cup placed another hard spank on the right. She slowly fell into her rhythm again, cracking down the tool again and again.
  137. The party pony’s wails and shout were becoming incoherent, snot joining the flow of tears down her face. “OWIEE WHaaahaHAA...SORRYYYY!”
  139. Cup Cake felt pity for the energetic pink pony, she didn’t want to put her through so much agony, but she had to teach her a little lesson about responsibility and taking care. As she was painting a red hue over the middle of the pink fanny, she figured it was time to move down for the finale...the finale she’d always experienced herself as a filly.
  141. “Pinkie Pie,” Cup started in a clear and loud voice so she would understand it over her loud bawling and the smacking sounds of the spatula. “This doesn’t mean I won’t trust you anymore or give you any responsibility. You will be in charge of the kitchen again, but I expect you to be more careful in the future, are we clear?”
  143. Upon finishing, Cup unleashed one last salvo over the sensitive sit spots, setting them on fire. With Pinkie’s frantic kicking she had to crack the spatula down at an angle, further reddening her squirming rump.
  145. “Yeehehessss, cleeeeaaar! WhaaHAAAA!” Pinkie Pie managed to answer in the midst of her crying, flailing her front hooves and grabbing Cup Cake’s tail for comfort once she touched it and saw what it was through her blurry eyes.
  147. The older mare had to smile at that, but still wanted to finish strong. Redoubling her efforts, she viciously spanked the lower cheeks, left, right, left, right, at a fast pace. A few more spanks and Cup saw a fierce red glow emanating from Pinkie Pie’s rump, as well as she noticed her lessened struggling. It was then that she stopped, letting her spanking arm fall down to her side, dropping the spatula to the floor. She also released Pinkie’s waist from her hold completely and started rubbing her back in a comforting manner.
  149. “It’s over now, Pinkie,” Cup said softly, still rubbing and helping the younger pony calm down.
  151. Even though those were the words she had longer to hear, Pinkie couldn’t answer for now, still too busy crying and sobbing. Her rear was aching so much, but she didn’t dare touch it for fear of making the burning even worse. So she just laid there, trying to enjoy Cup Cake’s ministrations. After a while Cup started humming a tune like she always did when trying to calm her twins. Then, after some time, when she saw the worst of the crying had stopped, she pulled Pinkie slowly up to embrace her and assure her everything was good again.
  153. Pinkie Pie didn’t need to think twice about the wordless invitation and buried her snot covered snout in Cup’s shoulder. She was too big to comfortably sit on Cup’s lap but what did she care, she only cared about the closeness at the moment...and about making no contact with her awfully stinging and throbbing rear.
  155. “I’m sorry,” Pinkie said again, almost in a whisper.
  157. Cup Cake stopped her humming to reply. “Oh, nonsense, Pinkie. Enough of that. There’s nothing to be sorry for anymore, everything is forgiven.”
  159. Happy by this, Pinkie cracked a pained smile as her rump gave another painful throb. She didn’t care much though, and only tightened the hug she shared with her mother-figure.
  161. In that moment the door opened and Carrot Cake walked in, asking, “Are you two fini—” He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the scene he just walked on in. Not wanting to interrupt those two he backed out and closed the door quietly. Only his wife noticed him, as Pinkie was facing away from the door.
  163. A few more minutes passed before Cup Cake reluctantly decided it was time to let go and move on. She pulled away from Pinkie and looked her in the eyes.
  165. “I really hope you don’t make me having to spank you again, Pinkie Pie. I really didn’t like doing this to you.”
  167. “No, no, no, ma’am,” Pinkie shook her head panicked. If there was anything in the world she didn’t want to repeat, it was getting a spanking from Cup Cake.
  169. “Good. Then why don’t you get cleaned up and get some rest? I’ll finish cleaning up here,” the blue mare suggested, letting go of Pinkie.
  171. The party pony jumped out of her arms and noticed instantly what a bad idea that was. The sudden movement reignited the flames in her bum, forcing Pinkie to tap-dance in place for a moment until the worst of the pain faded.
  173. “Owowow, but I want to help you. I was my fault after all,” she responded, making a point there, even though she was in no condition to work when every single movement made her rump burn again.
  175. Cup Cake got up from her sitting position and picked up the discarded spatula, fixing Pinkie with a look. Pinkie flinched away, fearing she’d angered Cup with her arguing and would be getting another spanking.
  177. “Well then,” Cup Cake started before giving a smile and tossing the cooking tool over to Pinkie, “let’s get to work together.” Without waiting for a reply, Cup turned around and continued her cleanup from earlier.
  179. Pinkie, meanwhile also had to smile again, before repeating after Cup Cake, “Woohoo, let’s get to work!” After wincing and feeling the smoldering flames again she added sheepishly, “...carefully.”
  181. THE END

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