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I Want To Play A Game by SkyeHigh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:10:40
Updated: 2022-03-11 18:03:28
Expiry: Never

  1. I Want To Play A Game by SkyeHigh
  2. (Gilda / Pinkie)
  3. F/F, paddle, otk, non-consensual
  5. (20/04/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Knock knock knock
  12. Nothing. Silence greeted Gilda's ears, but she wasn't one to give up that easily. She tried again, more forceful this time.
  16. "Come on, Dash! Open up, I wanna talk with you," the griffon almost shouted, clearly annoyed. But once again, silence reigned.
  18. It was a several months after the fiasco around Dash's and Gilda's meetup. The one that was utterly ruined by a certain pink menace... at least in Gilda's own opinion. She didn't care much about Pinkie Pie or what happened the last time she came to Ponyville, she only wanted her old pal back. Even if it meant saying that dreaded s-word. It wasn’t that she missed the pegasus or felt lonely, no, far from it. Well... maybe a tiny bit.
  20. Gilda waited for a few more seconds before sighing in defeat. Either Rainbow was home and didn't want to see her or she was out. Whatever the reason, Gilda knew staying any longer would be a complete waste of time. She frowned, rearranged the brown bag hanging down from her shoulder and started walking off Rainbow Dash's perch, ready to retreat and try another time.
  22. However, just as she closed in on the edge of the cloud to take off, she heard a voice behind her. "Gilda? What are you doing here?"
  24. The griffon whirled around. She knew that scratchy voice by heart. "Dash!" she said in disbelief. "I already thought you weren't home."
  26. The still hovering pegasus slowly set her hooves down on the cloud, folding her wings afterwards. She fixed Gilda with a stare that demanded answers. "I just finished work for the day. Now tell me why you're here, in the town with that ‘lame bunch of dweebs’."
  28. Ouch. Gilda cringed at that. It was exactly what she had said before she left in a fit the last time. And it seemed like her colorful friend hadn’t forgotten about this. "I... Listen, Dash. I want this to be like old times again. The two of us. As friends.” She put on her best winning smile, anxiously glancing back at Rainbow.
  30. Rainbow Dash sighed deeply. It wasn’t that she was against the idea, she was just unsure if it wouldn’t turn out the same way as before. “Listen, Gilda. I’d really like to have things again like they were before. It’s just you’ve changed, I have changed, all has changed.” She moved her hoof in the air in a circular motion. “I don’t know if—”
  32. “Just give me a chance, Dash!” Gilda interrupted her.
  34. Rainbow eyed Gilda closely now. She did seem like she meant it and Dash wanted to believe her, to give her that chance. She was constantly thinking back to all the good times they had, all the fun. And she remembered how hard it was to give all that up when they had to part ways, only to do so again just shortly after they were reunited. Well, she had learned to forgive and forget from the time now since Twilight came to town. Everyone deserved a second chance, after all.
  36. “Alright,” Rainbow stated calmly. “You’ll get your chance.”
  38. “Thanks, Dash, you wo—”
  40. “Under one condition.” This time the pegasus went to interrupt. Gilda stopped in mid-sentence, looking back with an oddly determined expression.
  42. “What is it?” she asked, already dreading what was about to come.
  44. “Peace,” Dash replied simply. Upon the confused look on the griffon’s face she went to elaborate. “I want you to make peace with Pinkie. You don’t have to become best friends, only to get along,” she added when she saw Gilda wanting to protest. “I don’t want ever to have to choose between friends again.
  46. “Tomorrow afternoon I have another pranking session with her, I’ll ask her then about it. You have time until then.” Rainbow turned around to walk to her home after she said her part. She didn’t need to wait for approval. These were her stipulations, easy and simple, just like both of them always preferred it. Had she only waited for a few more moments, Dash would’ve seen the predatory grin that was growing on Gilda’s face after hearing that.
  48. “Will do, Dash,” the griffon called after her retreating friend. Only when she was entirely inside her home, Gilda added quietly to herself, “This is even better than planned. It even gives me a reason to be seen with Pinkie Pie...”
  50. Rainbow Dash wasn't the only reason Gilda came back to Ponyville.
  52. ***
  54. The flight over to Sugarcube Corner was uneventful. Gilda passed a few retreating pegasi, who were obviously on their way home to their families. Dash had said they were finished for the day after all and it was already late in the afternoon. How convenient...
  56. Idly rummaging through the bag hanging from her neck and verifying its contents, Gilda went into a dive, rapidly approaching the door of the bakery.
  58. “Alright, Gilda, just stick to the plan and you’ll get your sweet, sweet revenge on that annoying pest,” she reminded herself before once swiping a claw through the feathers on her head and walking into the bakery.
  60. Nearing closing hour, the Cakes had retreated to clean up the kitchen and Pinkie Pie was left alone to tend to the counter and last few customers. She was currently busying herself with balancing an empty tray on the tip of her nose, humming quietly to herself.
  62. Seeing the pink pony being so happy with the world and herself only served to make Gilda seethe with barely suppressed anger. But she had to contain herself, it was not the time yet. Taking a few deep breaths helped her calm down again.
  64. It was only then that Pinkie Pie noticed her customer and gasped in surprise. The tray went clattering to the floor as realization set in who just stepped into the bakery. “You... you are—”
  66. She could never finish her sentence because in that moment Cup Cake’s voice could be heard from the next room, chiding Pinkie Pie for the ruckus. “Dearie, please do be more careful at the counter. We don’t have to repeat that ‘talk’ we had about carelessness last week, do we?”
  68. Pinkie averted her eyes from Gilda for a moment to hastily reply into the direction of the kitchen, “N-n-no, Mrs. Cake. I’ll be more c-careful!” She kept her gaze fixed in the direction, waiting for a possible answer, spelling doom or freedom. When none came, she let out a huge sigh of relief and returned her attention to the griffon.
  70. Gasping anew and picking the situation up where Pinkie left it, she started again. “You’re that meanie birdie friend of Dashie!”
  72. “Meaning... birdie... friend,” Gilda repeated quietly to herself in disbelief. This crazy pony really had some nerve, calling her that. “Why, you little...” She took a few quick steps into Pinkie’s direction before stopping herself and growling in frustration. She couldn’t forget about the deal she had with Dash, so first things first. ‘Yes, first I make up with that annoyance and then it’s payback time,’ Gilda thought to herself.
  74. “Hellooooooo,” something called out to the griffon as a pink hoof entered her vision and shook around wildly.
  76. Gasping in shock, Gilda leapt back a few paces and got into a defensive stance. Pinkie, meanwhile, was barely able to hold back her giggles at how good she got Gilda while deep in thoughts. The griffon, however was not at all amused and fought heavily with herself not to explode right there and ruin all her chances. Deeply breathing in and out helped a great deal, and so after a few moments she was ready again.
  78. “Haha,” she laughed sarcastically. “Yeah, you got me real good. Now listen!” she said, demanding attention from the party pony for once. Gilda knew what she had to say, Gilda knew what she had to do, but that didn’t make it any easier.
  80. “Look... I know I wasn’t being that nice last time, but I came back to start over with Dash and also you guys.” Pinkie seemed to take the situation somewhat more serious now and just listened intently, wide eyes staring right back at Gilda. “What I want to say is... What I’m trying to say is... Grrrr! I’m s-s-sorry, alright?” the griffon finished, quickly averting her head.
  82. Pinkie’s eyes went wide when she proceeded what Gilda had just said. Unable to contain her immense joy anymore, she jumped up and down. “Yay, I’m so happy, because when you left Dashie was looking so sad and then I was sad too because I’m also sorry, I shouldn’t have ruined your reunion time, but now I can throw a Gilda-is-our-friend-party, and—”
  84. Gilda ended Pinkie’s babbling prematurely by pressing a claw tightly over her mouth. “Two things: First, no party! Got that?” Without any possibility to speak, Pinkie just nodded in understanding. “Good, second, we griffons have a custom. When we make up with someone, we have to play a little game. Are you alright with that?”
  86. Pinkie Pie’s eyes lit up at the mention of a game and took a step back, freeing herself from Gilda’s claw. “Woohoo, a game! Yes, let’s play! she exclaimed happily. What is it? Hide ‘n Seek? Cupcake eating contest?”
  88. Gilda had to grin at Pinkie’s enthusiasm, that was easier than she had expected. “No, it’s a little special and for that you have to promise me something.”
  90. “Anything,” the pink pony answered quickly.
  92. Gilda could hardly suppress her glee at the naivety of the earth pony. “This game we’re going to play, everything that happens has to stay a secret between the both of us. No one must know. It’s tradition, got it?”
  94. “A secret game, just between us,” Pinkie exclaimed, bouncing joyfully in place. “I promise, I promise, I can even Pinkie Promise!”
  96. “Pinkie Promise?” Gilda repeated, clearly confused and slightly annoyed again.
  98. “Uh-huh, I’ll show you,” the pony said, going through her silly motions. “No one will ever know, that’s a promise.”
  100. Gilda watched on in disbelief at what just transpired. She wasn’t sure if she was dealing with an adult mare here or a 5-years old filly. Not that it mattered, she’d taken care of secrecy and could move on with her plan. So far everything was going well; she’d officially made peace with Pinkie and even got an excuse to play this special ‘game’ with her.
  102. “Alright then, let’s go somewhere else. We need a bit privacy to play. Y’know, big secret and all.” Gilda said, starting to walk to the exit of Sugarcube Corner.
  104. Pinkie Pie threw a quick glance to the clock hanging on the wall and then called back to the kitchen, “Mrs. Cake, I’m closing the shop and go out for a while. I’ll be back at dinner.”
  106. “Alright, dear. Don’t be too late, you still have some cleanup to do,” came the reply, slightly muffled by the door.
  108. “Don’t worry, I wooooon’t,” Pinkie replied in a sing-song voice. Then she sprinted after the retreating griffon, finding her outside again, hovering in the air with strong wing beats. Quickly turning the closed-sign over and locking the door, Pinkie Pie bolted over to Gilda, once again bouncing in place in anticipation for her game.
  110. The griffon flew over to Pinkie, staying slightly above her. She then proceeded to grab the pony around the midsection with her claws and take off, though careful not to actually hurt her...not yet at least. Pinkie wasn’t startled or surprised, but she did look around in wonder as they gained altitude, taking in her passing surroundings. It wasn’t often that she got to fly around and see things from above.
  112. “We’re going to play in the clouds,” Gilda remarked, eying some leftover clouds at the edge of town. Rainbow Dash had said the weather patrol was finished for the day, so she wouldn’t run into anyone, which was just perfect. “But as long as you stick with me and do as I say, nothing will happen.”
  114. Pinkie was not really listening, she was far more interested in the bag Gilda was carrying around her shoulder. She stretched out as far as she could in her passenger position and poked the bag slightly, trying to guess what’s inside.
  116. “Is our game inside that bag?” she asked, looking up to the griffon.
  118. “You could say that,” came the blunt reply. Gilda was far more busy with scouting the area around the cloud she had chosen, but as far as she was concerned, they were all alone out there.
  120. The sun was still up on the horizon, and would stay so for another few hours until it was evening. Plenty of time... Gilda finished her last round around the corner and prepared for the landing. She still held Pinkie with her claws, as she’d fall easily through the clouds, and turned around in mid-air, sitting down on the edge of the cloud. Slightly adjusting herself, she moved around for a moment before letting the pony plop face-down over her lap. Pinkie Pie instantly realized the vulnerable position she was in and a feeling of uneasiness spread through her.
  122. “What sort of game is this, Gilda? she asked unsure, a bit of anxiousness in her voice.
  124. “Oh, a quite simple game,” Gilda replied with a chuckle. She took the pink tail in her left claw and put it on Pinkie’s back, pressing her down again when she noticed that the pink pony was trying to get up. “Since we griffons use it for making up with each other we just call this game ‘I’m sorry’ for simplicity,” she explained, while setting her enchanted bag aside on the cloud an rummaging through it.
  126. When Gilda got what she was looking for she continued her explanation. “It’s very easy, don’t worry,” she laughed, pulling a short wooden paddle out of her bag and holding it into the air. Pinkie looked back over her shoulder and she gasped, eyes wide, at what she saw. It seemed like Gilda was really going to spank her. She tried to struggle again, but the griffon moved her claw to the pony’s croup and trapped her there. Gilda even used her thumb to hold up the dock, to ensure a clear shot on her target.
  128. “Y’see, you win the game by saying ‘I’m sorry’ just the way I want to hear it. That is all, so let’s begin!”
  130. “Nononono, wait, Gilda!” Pinkie frantically exclaimed. She was all for fun and games, but a spanking didn’t sound fun at all. “This isn’t a gam— YOWWCH!” She let out a yelp when Gilda quickly smacked the paddle down across both her cheeks. It was just long enough to cover a pony’s bottom. “I don’t want to play anymore!”
  132. Gilda swung down the paddle again, getting another loud smack of wood meeting flesh. She instantly lifted it up for the next spank but waited, giving Pinkie a moment to catch her breath before saying, “But, Pinkie, it’s griffon tradition, we can’t stop now. Besides, you promised.” Giving a short laugh the griffon continued to rain down a few fast blows all across Pinkie’s bottom.
  134. Pinkie Pie yelled, squealed and struggled, but she couldn’t evade any of the hits. It hurt terribly and reminded her of her last paddling she got from Carrot Cake. It wasn’t that this sort of punishment was new to the pink pony, but it also didn’t make it any better for her. Her breath was coming ragged and she’d lost count of how many spanks it were already; twelve, maybe fourteen?
  136. “Pleaseeee, Gilda. I— OWIEE, I d-didn’t mean to ruin your AHAAAA with Dashie! I-I’m sorry...”
  138. The griffon stopped at that for a moment, but still left the paddle resting on Pinkie’s rump to show her it was still there. While this was what she wanted to hear, she was far from being done. “Now you’re getting into the spirit of the game, Pinkie,” she praised, chuckling darkly. “But it’s still not quite the way I want to hear it.”
  140. Gilda resumed the spanking and could see the trembling rump across her lap steadily becoming a brighter shade of pink. Pinkie was already in tears, her fanny burned so badly from that awful paddle. Gilda’s smacks also weren’t light, she had a lot of fun getting different yelps and cries out of the pony.
  142. “I’m s-so-sorry,” Pinkie Pie managed in between the upcoming sobs. She desperately wanted to get off Gilda’s lap and tried squirming and struggling, but she was held tightly. The ever growing burning in her hindquarters was becoming unbearable and it even got worse with every spank. Somewhere in her mind Pinkie wondered if that one time she almost sat on the stove would’ve felt similar.
  144. “Still not quite there,” commented the griffon, not letting up for even a moment. “And I’d quit the struggling if I were you. I don’t know if I can catch you fast enough if you fall down.”
  146. Even though Gilda enjoyed this quite a lot, she kept in mind not spank Pinkie too harshly to leave any longer lasting marks. She knew, after all, that she would meet up with Dash the next day and some ugly bruises would certainly throw up questions. So she decided reluctantly to slowly wrap it up here and now, smacking down the paddle even harder to get some more sweet cries.
  148. It wasn’t lost on Pinkie Pie, in reaction she wailed loudly, kicking her legs wildly in an attempt to shake the sting out of her rear. Of course, none of this helped even in the slightest, as Gilda turned her bottom a nice shade of red, always hitting another part the squirming bum.
  150. “PLEASE, Gilda! Pleaseeeeee... I’m SORRYYY!” Pinkie bawled loudly, before giving in to the pain in her rear and laying limply there.
  152. “Now that was a good one, Pinkie,” Gilda remarked, cracking the paddle down the last few times before letting finally up. “You won the game.” She put the paddle back into her bag and eased the grip on the pony, taking in the view of her soundly punished cheeks for a few more moments.
  154. Pinkie Pie’s chest was heaving, she tried to get in precious air that eluded her during her heavy crying. She noticed it was over but it didn’t matter much, her fanny was still burning and throbbing terribly. Gilda assumed they were done now and wanted to lift Pinkie up again to fly her to the ground. What she didn’t expect however, was that the pony jumped out of her claws and caught her in a bone-crushing vice hug, burying her tear stained face in Gilda’s shoulder.
  156. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing? You’re ruining my feathers. Let go!” Gilda said, angrily, but to no avail. Pinkie clung tightly to her, letting her last tears out while calming down.
  158. “Dweeb...” Gilda jumped off the cloud she was sitting on and glided down to the ground with the pony still attached to her chest. “Here, we’re on the ground, now let go,” she demanded as soon as they were down.
  160. Pinkie finally let go of the griffon, carefully putting her hooves down and the safe earth and instantly shooting one hoof back to gingerly caress her burning rump. “I’m sorry...” she mumbled one last time.
  162. “Yeah, yeah, it’s alright now. We’re good, just don’t forget you silly promise.” Gilda was done with Pinkie and now just wanted to get back to Dash, even though dealing with Pinkie was the other reason she came back to Ponyville.
  164. “I won’t, it’s a Pinkie Promise. Still, that was quite mean from you,” Pinkie said, glaring at Gilda with a pouty face. “It still hurts so bad.” She rubbed her behind faster now, upon realizing simply touching it wasn’t as bad anymore.
  166. “Whatever,” Gilda shot back without really caring what Pinkie said anymore. “Anyways, I’m off. Got some catching up to do with Dash.” The griffon turned around and away from Pinkie, spreading her wings in preparation for take-off. But just when she wanted to jump up...
  168. “Wait, Gilda,” Pinkie started, forcing a small teary-eyed smile, causing Gilda to turn back around and look at her, clearly annoyed at being held up any longer. “Sooooooo, since you made up with Dashie and me, too, does that mean we get to spank you as well as by your tradition?”
  171. THE END (or is it?)

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