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The Price of Pie by SkyeHigh

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:12:12
Expiry: Never

  1. The Price of Pie by SkyeHigh
  2. (Anon / Soarin)
  3. M/M, hand, otk, pie, non-consensual
  5. ---
  7. someone made an edit with Mrs. Cake instead (
  9. ---
  11. >Be Anon in Equestria
  12. >You’re living in the land of talking equines now for about four months
  13. >You never really understood how you ended up here in the first place but it doesn’t matter, you’ve gotten used to this life by now
  14. >At first ponies were very curious about you and offered their help to get around in this foreign world but now you can make a living by yourself
  15. >It helps that you were a baker back in your world
  16. >Mr. and Mrs. Cake gladly accepted your help at Sugarcube Corner
  17. >They told you they could need another hoof to make up for all the messes their surrogate daughter Pinkie Pie causes
  18. >But you can’t complain, you got a good job out of it and a first row seat whenever Pinkie gets punished for her antics
  19. >Oh yes, Mrs. Cake never hesitates to drag Pinkie Pie over her lap and spank her like a little filly when she deserves it
  20. >Hairbrush, wooden spoon, cutting board, spatula... pretty much everything in this house has already made acquaintance with the party pony’s hindquarters
  21. >It's always nice watching, especially when she kicks up a storm because then you can see her pussy and little butthole between her legs
  22. >You also love how she walks around tentatively for the rest of the day with her sore bottom; it’s really cute
  23. >Being a spanko is great
  25. >So today Sugarcube Corner is closed and you have a day off
  26. >You thought it’d be great to have a freshly made pie for yourself instead of just making them for the ponies
  27. >Said pie is cooling off a bit next to you while you relax in your favorite chair and read about the crazy stuff that’s happening in this world in a newspaper
  28. >“Pony Rock Band”
  29. >“Cake shortage in Canterlot”
  30. >”Treehouse almost burnt down by three fillies”
  31. “What a silly world this is,” you mumble to yourself
  32. >In the corner of your eye you see the pie next to you moving as you turn a page
  33. >You sigh
  34. “Not again...”
  35. >The pie leaves the table but you don’t do anything yet and just play along
  36. >As you hear almost inaudible hoof-falls behind you, you dart your left hand back without looking and grab the tail of a pony
  37. “Having plans with my pie, Soarin?”
  38. >You still don’t look back but you can imagine him with the sweat running down his face and the tin of the pie between his teeth
  39. >Eventually you give his tail a good tug and bring the offending pony in front of you, taking his prize from him to get him to speak
  40. >”H-hi Anon!”
  41. >Ever since he has settled down near Ponyville after quitting his Wonderbolts job he made a habit of visiting you every so often on your free days for only one purpose... pie
  42. >Word of your skills got around
  43. “Hello Soarin”
  44. You rub your head with your free hand, the other one still clutching his tail tightly
  45. “Stealing other peoples’ pies again, are we?”
  46. >He lowers his head in shame
  47. >It’s not the first time you catch him doing this and even though you feel somehow flattered he likes your cooking so much you’re getting somewhat annoyed
  48. >“Sorry...” he mutters
  49. “Do you remember what I told you last time I caught you stealing, young stallion?”
  50. >Yes, that last part was absolutely necessary because it gave you the most delightful twitch
  51. >He flinches briefly before looking up to you with an expression of pure disbelief
  52. >”Y-y-you can’t be serious!”
  53. “Oh so you do remember, that saves me the trouble of explaining again.”
  54. >Now the panic sets in and he desperately tries to get away from your grip
  55. >”Anon, no! You can’t s— punish me! I’mma grown stallion!”
  56. “Would you rather like it if I told your wife instead?”
  57. >His expression grows even more horrified
  58. >He knows exactly what she’d do and he’s not willing to risk her wrath
  59. >"NO! She'll put me on diet again! ...and s-spank me too... with a strap..."
  60. >With a look of defeat on his face he comes a step closer and lets out a big sigh
  61. >"You d-do it...”
  62. >You’ve waited so long for a chance to spank a pony and now you finally get it
  63. >Excitement would be the understatement of the year
  64. >You gotta be careful though, you don’t wanna be known as a perv
  65. >”Ow ow ow!” the stallion complains as you grab one of his ears
  66. >Why not go all the way if you’re already at it, who knows when you’ll ever get the chance again?
  67. >Plus, he wanted you to do it to escape Rainbow’s wrath so now he gotta live with his decision
  68. “I’m quite disappointed with you, young stallion!”
  69. >You keep up a stern face as he looks back at you
  70. “I thought last time was warning enough, but it seems like I really have to spank you like a little colt.”
  71. >You pick him up effortlessly by his sides and place him across your lap
  72. >This is gonna get awesome
  73. >”P-please, Anon, not too h-hard. I’m sorry...”
  74. >He uselessly moves his hooves around in the air out of nervousness
  75. >You say nothing though and merely lift his long blue tail out of the way and pin it tightly to his back
  76. >A nice view of to pale blue cheeks greets you, ready to spank
  77. >It got awesome
  78. “I hope you’ll learn this time, Soarin”
  79. >With that you lay the first stinging slap on his exposed right cheek
  80. >”Ah!” he exclaims in a mix of surprise and pain
  81. >You repeat the motion on his left cheek and watch it deflate under your palm
  82. >”Ouch!”
  83. >And right again, and left
  84. >You fall into a rhythm, covering his whole naughty rump with hard slaps
  85. >”Please!”
  86. >”OUCH!”
  87. >”I learned my AHH lesson!”
  88. >His slightly pink cheeks beg to differ as you continue without missing a beat
  89. >He’s already squirming and struggling against your grip on his back
  90. “Take your spanking like a big boy, Soarin. Or I’ll have to tell your wife after all.”
  91. >You’re lucky he can’t see you grin like an idiot right now
  92. >All he does is clenching his eyes and nodding his head feverishly
  93. “Good,” you say after a particularly hard smack across his crack, hitting both cheeks
  94. >He jolts in your lap starts whimpering
  95. >His whole bottom is pink, dock to thighs and surely burning
  96. >You decide to put a fast finish, you don’t wanna overdo it after all
  97. >Putting even more effort into your spanks you start
  98. “I hope SMACK you learn SMACK this time SMACK and stop SMACK SMACK stealing from other people SMACK like a bad SMACK little SMACK colt!”
  99. >At the end of your lecture you unleash one last hard salvo across his sit spot, making him kick his hoofsies wildly in the air
  100. >His eyes are wet but he isn’t fully crying, only sniffling
  101. “Shhh... It’s okay, Soarin. It’s over.”
  102. >You speak reassuringly to him and rub his back
  103. >”I-I’m not c-crying!”
  104. >You have to suppress a chuckle
  105. >It’s just adorable
  106. >You release his tail and watch it fall down over his sore cheeks
  107. >As you set him down on his hooves he starts stepping in place and fanning air to his red rear with his wings
  108. >”Ooooh... that really hurt, Anon!” he says accusingly and looks at you with his big teary eyes.
  109. >You chuckle again
  110. “Well, that was the purpose of it”
  111. >He wants to say something but can’t come up with any comeback
  112. “Now then, off you go and remember your lesson. From now on you can expect a spanking every time you steal from me!”
  113. >Soarin shows a little pout at that remark but then only looks at you with a sad expression, flashing his gaze over to the pie on the table for a moment
  114. >A deep sigh
  115. >You know exactly what he wants
  116. “Fine... You can have some pie... Good boys who take their spankings without making a fuss deserve a treat”
  117. >Pulling up another chair to the table you invite him
  118. “Here, have a seat and dig in”
  119. >”Thanks, Anon!”
  120. >He jumps up on the chair overjoyed but forgets about a minor detail
  121. >”OW! OW! OW!” you hear from him as he plants his sore rump on the wooden chair
  122. >You turn to your newspaper again and shake your head
  123. >This guy...
  124. >The spanking gave you quite an appetite yourself though and so you blindly reach over to the table without stopping to read
  125. >Only to reach an empty tin with your fingers...
  126. >Soarin is quick to jump up and make his way to the door, sensing the imminent danger
  127. >”Thanks again for the pie, Anon. Next time I’ll ask!”
  128. >And then he’s gone already before you can say anything
  130. >Somehow you doubt he’ll be a good colt in the future~

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