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Little Learning by RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:15:13
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:43:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Little Learning by RoyalBard
  2. (Celestia / Twilight)
  4. (26/04/2019)
  7. ---
  9. Twilight squirmed as Celestia read them a story. It was a special treat for the princess to come and read to them. They could ask her anything they wanted to after. All the eager little colts and filles were gazing at the Princess with the same adoration adults gave her.
  10. Twilight squirmed again while Celestia, oblivious, read about the tale of Megan and Grogar.
  11. She didn't want to miss anything, but she had to potty. Wetting her pull-ups was a serious no-no that would end with a trip across the teacher's knee.
  12. She pouted. Celestia was getting to the good part. That's when she lost her fight. A crimson blush spread across her face at the growing wet spot. She could try to hide it, but the paddle hanging off a wall discouraged THAT line of thought.
  13. "Twilight!" The teacher snapped, a grey unicorn with a white mane. "Princess, I am so sorry! She knows better."
  14. Twilight looked to the ground. "I didn't wanna miss the good part!"
  15. Celestia sighed and laid the book down. "Little One, you didn't need to do that. I would have paused my reading. Now, you're going to have to reflect on that lesson while sitting on a sore fanny." She glanced to the teacher. "May I administer the punishment? It was my fault, I should have been paying attention and warned her. I noticed her squirming, but thought it mere excitement."
  16. Twilight gulped. Spanked by the princess? But she was so big! Twilight might never sit down comfortably again.
  17. The teacher sighed. "Very well. The punishment is ten spanks and corner time."
  18. Twilight wiggled, but was taken up in Celestia's golden grip. The minute the aura touched her she relaxed. She felt...loved? Loved, even despite her transgression. She bowed her head, accepting the punishment as she was bent across Celestia's knees. Celestia was kneeling, Twilight's rump sticking out for her spanking. Celestia lifted her hoof and rought it down with a firm clap across her bottom. Twilight yelped, but Celestia delivered the next two spanks evenly.
  19. Each spank landed on a different side of her bare rump. Celestia's experienced hoof soundly smacked her bottom. At the fourth spank, Twilight began to cry in earnest. Celestia didn't pause the spanking, delivering three quick slaps to the filly's pinkening bottom. Twilight kicked her legs and Celestia gave two smacks to the back of her legs before swatting her sit spot. She brought up her hoof and gave the last three smacks to the very center of Twilight's rump. Celestia pulled down the rest of the wet pull-ups, setting them aside and gently patted Twilight's stinging behind. "There there. It's for your own good. Now to the corner so you can think about what you did." She picked the filly up and deposited her on the naughty stool in the corner of the classroom. Twilight shifted on the hard stool. The teacher threw the wet pull-ups away and drew a frowny face next to Twilight's nane on a chart. Twilight's ears drooped. Two more frowny faces this week and it'd mean a paddling.She quietly resolved to be good. She'd had mostly smiley faces and it was only Wednesday. Not too late for three smiley faces and a cookie.
  20. Celestia motioned to the little ones and they followed her, though they were clearly confused. "I know you were eager to hear me read and the corner may be too far for you to hear."
  21. They all sat in a circle near the time-out stool. Twilight smiled through her tears. She could hear Celestia's sweet, kind voice reciting the legend of mysterious two-legged Megan and her Pony companions' triumph over Grogar. The teacher patted Twilight's shoulder. "Your time-out's over, Darling."
  22. Twilight went to rejoin the group. Celestia's voice tapered away. "And then...Grogar was defeated!"
  23. She paused. "My little, little Pony. Did you learn your lesson?
  24. Twilight nodded, her face almost as pink as her bottom. "Yes, Princess."
  25. Celestia set the book aside and laid on her belly, across from her. "Will you tell that lesson to the rest of the class?"
  26. Twilight scrunched up her face. the lesson seemed fairly obvious. "Don't wet your pants?"
  27. Ce;estia hid her giggle with a wing. "Well, yes But also, when you need to do something-use the potty for example-" She poked Twiight's flabk with a wing, eliciting a giggle. "Always ask. Nopony will know your needs if you neglect to ask."
  28. Twiliight stared into those eyes. THey were so kind, even though she'd been naughty.
  29. "Understand?"
  30. Twilight nodded. "Yes, Princess."
  31. Celestia wrapped her up in her wings and Twilight froze, then returned the embrace. "You can be a good filly, I know you can."
  32. The hug came to an end and Celestia had to tend to her royal duties. Twilight thought about it the rest of the day. Celestia was firm. but kind. like her mommy, but somehow different. She'd like to get to know her better.

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