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The Sunset on Me by RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:16:56
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:39:55
Expiry: Never

  1. The Sunset on Me by RoyalBard
  2. (Twilight Velvet / Twilight Sparkle)
  4. (12/06/2019)
  7. ---
  9. The energies of the cosmos flared around Twilight. Black wings sprouted from her back and an ominous mask covered her eyes where her glasses had been. Cackling madly, she threw open holes in relaity, ignoring the cries of the ants beneath her.
  10. "Twilight Aurora Sparkle!"
  11. Twilight paused looked down at her mother. "You are beneath me now, Mother. I have tran-OW!"
  12. Velvet jumped, snatched her daughter's ear while she flailed around. "Mom let me go! Mom!"
  13. Velvet held on tight, dragging the magical miscreant towards the benches. "I TOLD you what would happen the next time you threw a tantrum!"
  14. Twilight gasped "I was six!"
  15. "Yes and you're behaving like a six year old now." Her voice softened as she sat down and yanked the struggling teen across her lap. "I realize it's hard to resist peer pressure, but that's no excuse!"
  16. "W-wait, Mommy, you're not going to-"
  17. SMACK! Velvet's hand slapped down on her bared rump. "Spank you? Yes I am. You've earned a good spanking for your behavior tonight!"
  18. "Not in front of everybody!"
  19. Velvet was merciless, bringing down firm spanks on her daughter's pinkening bottom. Twilight squirmed and her wings receded, the dark magic fading away, leaving only a teenage girl across her mother's lap, her skirt pulled up and her bottom being soundly spanked.
  20. Velvet brought down a quick, rapid succession of swats to Twilight's sit spot, leaving her bottom red.
  21. Velvet sighed and helped the crying girl up, wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry Twily, you're punishment's not over yet."
  22. Twilight sniffled and nodded, allowed Velvet to lead her to the wall, her face against the brick, her chastised bottom on display for everyone.
  23. "No rubbing and after this you apologize to everybody."
  24. "Y-yes Ma'am."
  25. Twilight waited, occasionally shifting as she stared at the wall. The cool wind was nice against her bared rump.
  26. After a few minutes, Velvet pulled her into an embrace. "Alright, you're forgiven."
  27. Twilight smiled, pressing her face against her mother's warm bosom, wrapped her arms around her. "I-I'm really sorry."
  28. "I know Twilight, tell them that." Se rubbed her daughter's hair. "If any of them make fun of you, I'll be certain their parents give them the same treatment."
  29. Twilight left her mother's hug, looked down at the ground. Her fellow students and the Canterlot girls were staring at her, a few snickering, but a glare from Celestia quickly ended that. "I'm um, really sorry everybody."
  30. She was surprised to find six girls suddenly wrapping her up in a group hug. They were the rival team. She was briefly confused, but returned the affection.
  31. ""It's okay we all make mistakes." A redhead-Sunset Shimmer?-told her.
  32. "And sometimes we get our butts whooped for it." Applejack offered.
  33. "Not making fun of you about THAT cause my mom's in the audience and she carries her hairbrush in her purse." Rainbow Dash offered.
  34. Twilight giggled. These girls seemed really nice. Maybe...maybe they could be friends?

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