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The Punishment of Celestia - Celestia spanking fic by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:47:17
Updated: 2022-03-17 16:58:19
Expiry: Never

  1. The Punishment of Celestia - Celestia spanking fic by UF
  2. (Anon / Celestia)
  3. M/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, non-consensual
  5. (24/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. It was to be the event of the century, a spectacle like none alive had ever seen before. An example of corporal punishment would be performed for the first time in anyone’s memories and the receiver was to be none other than the much beloved Princess Celestia.
  12. Her crimes had been relatively simple and surely undeserving of the humiliation she was sentenced to receive. A few of days before, it had been discovered that roughly half the servants of Canterlot Castle were receiving payment far beneath the expected minimum wage. Once complaints were levelled, the thrill of a controversy centred on the Princess herself caused the trial’s popularity to snowball until the point where the parliamentary forces of Equestria had realised that they could turn this recent shitstorm into an opportunity.
  14. And so it was that as the sun descended beneath the horizon and Luna’s reign over the sky began, Celestia was sentenced to receive fifty strikes of the paddle, delivered by, much to my surprise, myself.
  16. Now, just to clarify I should probably point out that my inclusion had not been the result of a name drawn from a hat. Ever since my arrival in Equestria, I had been both a loyal servant and a faithful friend to the good Princess Celestia. Our relationship had naturally been acknowledged and so it was declared that for symbolic purposes I would be the one to deliver the blows. It also helped that I had hands with which to hold the paddle.
  18. In the dim, flickering light of the brazier, Celestia was led forwards, flanked on either side by two guards who kept her fixed with a wary gaze. On a raised dais before her rested the stocks that would keep her restrained, two planks of wood supported by a frame, with three half-moon holes at parallel points (the middle significantly larger than the two by its side) so that when they came together they would form a complete circle around the pony’s neck and forelegs.
  20. An eager crowd watched hungrily as their Princess was strapped into place. In an effort to make a profit from this debacle, they had all been charged ten bits for a ticket to the show. This act had been defended as an effort to only display the Princess’s time of weakness to only those who believed themselves truly worthy to bear witness. Also known as those hungry enough to view their monarch’s degradation, that they would loosen their purses without due thought. The turnout was, as one would expect, intimidatingly impressive.
  22. Finally the padlock was secured and Celestia tested the stock’s strength by fidgeting restlessly in its clutches. Naturally, the restraints held fast and she found herself quite stuck. She looked down at her subjects who returned her gaze with a hunger like none she had quite seen before. A casual lick at her lips and she tried to resume her normal dignified air, a difficult feat to achieve with one’s ass raised high above one’s head.
  24. And this would be the point where I join the fray. A stamping of hooves greeted my arrival as I stepped onto the platform amongst the guards and dignitaries. Princess Luna offered me a sly wink as she levitated the paddle into the palm of my hand. For some reason I was given the impression that she would be enjoying this for more than just the example that was to be made.
  26. “Gathered fillies and gentlecolts,” the azure Princess began, striding forwards and taking her place besides her disgraced sister. “As you are well aware, we are here to bear witness to the punishment of our own Princess Celestia for crimes against members of her own staff. Whereas such treatment is not intended to become commonplace in this most peaceful country of Equestria, we do expect that this display will act as a deterrent to all would-be criminals. Let it be known that no pony stands so high above the law that they cannot see the face of justice. With this in mind, I now permit Anon to begin the deliverance of said justice.”
  28. All eyes turned to me. My heart pounded in my chest as I approached Celestia’s flank, the warm taste of bile rising in my throat. Stage fright wasn’t a common occurrence for one such as myself, but under the circumstances it must surely have been difficult for anyone to retain their nerve.
  30. “Anon, please,” I heard a pleading voice say. Celestia did her best to struggle against the bonds at her neck, and I assisted her quest by striding to her side so that I might get a better look at her. “This whole trial is ridiculous. Please, don’t go through with this.”
  32. “If you object to it, why don’t you just break through the stocks? Or better yet, teleport away? Lie low for a while. Buy a false moustache. Cut eyeholes in a newspaper so you can walk around behind it without being detected?”
  34. The alicorn rolled her eyes and tutted in frustration. “Do you think that wouldn’t have yet crossed my mind? If it were possible in the slightest, you can bet that I would have already tried it. Instead, my sister has siphoned off my magic and I’m forced to tolerate this shameful display. It would mean a lot to me if you could just let me go and we can put all this behind us.”
  36. “Anon, please. We don’t have all night,” Luna interjected. I looked back and saw her casting me a curious look, obviously analysing me for signs of weakness. I had already been informed that were I not capable of dealing the punishment, the task would be handed to a royal guard who would be half as lenient as I was likely to be. It was for the best of the both of us if I went through with this by myself.
  38. “I’m very sorry Princess,” I said, fully meaning every word behind it. Before I could give her the chance to respond, I stepped away and out of her line of vision, advancing on her backside and the inevitable punishment that lay in that general area.
  40. “When you’re ready,” a voice said tiredly in my ear. I turned back to regard a bored-seeming Luna who was clearly eager to see the first strike land.
  42. The entire audience waited with bated breath as I adopted the appropriate stance and readied myself to swing. I tested the weight of the paddle, and then glided it through the air, testing it in as many ways as I could. In truth I was simply trying to pad out the time between the waiting and the spanking.
  44. When I could hold off no longer, I reeled my arm back and gave the audience what they had come for. The first of fifty strikes came forth, swiping Celestia across her gorgeously plump posterior and causing her to shift forwards with the momentum. A slight patting noise accompanied it and then silence.
  46. If anything, Celestia looked disgruntled, as one probably would do were they subjected to utter degradation before all their subjects. The pain had had no effect on the monarch. She was too concerned with how she must appear to those unaccustomed to seeing her in such a helpless position of weakness.
  48. “Keep going,” Luna urged and I found myself forced to comply. I raised the paddle and swung it a second time, then a third, a fifth and soon a tenth. My arm was already beginning to grow sore from the consistent motion and at the time I was wondering if Luna might interpret my request for a break a sign of pity, when Celestia let fly the force hiss of pain.
  50. It was by no means a miraculous achievement, but it was surely one worth noting. To break her otherwise stoic demeanour was to me a source of pride and an encourager to continue. Perhaps it was sadistic of me to take pleasure from something as perverse as smacking this beautiful creature on the backside but it was almost irresistible in its joys. There was something hypnotic about the way contact with the paddle would cause the cheeks of her ass to wobble in response, continuing to jiggle and shake like warm jelly even after I had pulled this instrument of torment away and prepared myself for the next smack.
  52. Soon ten multiplied into twenty and from there the count became twenty five. By this point each swing summoned forth a grunt of discontent from the regal pony who was even now still attempting to maintain hold of her composure, yet was finding it ever more and more difficult. Her ivory cheeks were now beginning to glow with a faded red shade, summoned forth by the repeated strikes of cruelty upon her person.
  54. By now the audience was enraptured by the display, their enthusiasm unequivocal. They adored this show, whatever it may have been. To some, it was a performance, their innocent minds not truly wanting to believe that their Princess could be subjected to such harshness by her own people. To others it was an act of justice that deserved to be seen with the sick fascination it presented itself with. Either way, it was just what they wanted and was likely an event that they would never forget in the not-too-distant future.
  56. And how could I blame them for finding joy in this when I was just as enamoured with the proceedings. Deep down I felt sympathy for Celestia as blow number thirty came about to a plea for a halt, but I pushed that away when I remembered the power that I held in my hands. Yes, I won’t deny there was sexual satisfaction drawn from the beating of this pony’s gorgeously big, fat ass but that could not have been all. Oh, for surely to cast her from divinity to disgrace was by far the biggest thrill this action could have provided. To take a god and spank the dignity reserved within out of her hindquarters was power unequalled. A thousand years Celestia had spent, building up respect amongst her citizens and now that was all being swatted away with fifty swings of the paddle.
  58. “Anon –Agh! Please, listen to m-Agh!” Celestia pleaded, her words being consistently cut off by the ever more enthusiastic and ever stronger thwacks of the paddle. “Please, stop it! I-I’ve learnt my –Gaaah! – I’ve learnt my lesson! No more cutting the payment to the – Augh! – servants! No more adding the extra cash to the – Hnnng! – The…the cake funds!”
  60. I paused for a few moments and glanced back at Luna, who responded to my glance with a shake of the head. She had seen through my question before I had even asked it, as though my intentions were made of glass. It had been thirty seven spanks with the paddle, so surely that was as good as fifty. Yet, clearly that was not enough to satisfy neither her sister, nor the crowd who continued to bay for more.
  62. I didn’t even bother apologising to Celestia as I moved onto spank number thirty eight. At this point, all apologies were hollow. I could say that I was sorry until I was blue in the face but that did not change the fact that I was taking this paddle to her ass without even the slightest restraint any more. So hard did I swing the paddle that it fell across her backside with a noise akin to a thunderclap, echoing across the courtyard. I was impressed with how strong Celestia remained, resolutely standing her ground and refusing to do any more than whimper and curse. She bit her lip for the most part in an effort to restrain herself from letting fly anything that might indicate a more blatant weakness in her suffering. I didn’t want to coax this determination from her, yet with each spank and each thwack against her ass and each thrust of hers to escape the biting paddle, seemed to break her down little by little.
  64. Ten paddles she could tolerate, twenty would make her wince. Thirty was enough to make her feel insecure and forty was clearly her limit. Therefore to push her punishment all the way to fifty was more than this seasoned monarch could possibly handle. She had taken sexual punishment before; experimenting with fetishes from all across the globe yet none had been so brutal and so humiliating as this. To be disgraced before all her subjects who brayed with laughter and jeered her with mocking taunts was by far the worst possible fate. None would let her forget this injustice for such a long time that it would be impossible to live down. She would be forever known as the pony who let herself be spanked into submission by the human. Tales would be told of this day and minstrels would sing songs across the courts.
  66. So it was that as strike number forty four thwacked against her ass, Celestia could barely even restrain herself as a bead of a tear ran down her cheek, followed by another and then another. Her face turned bright red and she tried to hide herself beneath her mane as the audience counted down the final smacks of her torment.
  68. “Forty five.” Thwack. “Forty six.” Thwack. “Forty seven.” Thwack. “Forty eight.” Thwack. “Forty nine.” Thwack.
  70. “Fifty,” I declared, reeling my arm back and swinging the last of the blows with more power than any that had come before. The paddle cracked against Celestia’s ass and drew from her a howl of pain, built up by the forty nine strikes from earlier. The final satisfactory cry drew a cheer from the audience and they began to stamp their hooves in approval as the guards finally approached to remove the padlock and to free Celestia released from her prison. She took warily to her hooves, refusing the guards’ assistance and trying her hardest not to look in the least bit fazed by the experience.
  72. “You did well, anon,” Luna beamed, coming to stand by my side. I nodded my thanks and she continued, “I will ensure you will be rewarded for your compliance. Not many would choose to serve as loyally as you and so that is a trait that must be encouraged. Until the next time.” And with that, she moved her attention towards the congregation of dignitaries as they discussed the recent events.
  74. “Anon, a word please,” Celestia said, her voice devoid of any traceable emotion. With heavy feet, I traipsed over to her side, consistently reminding myself that she was being watched at all times by a dozen guards, dignitaries and her own sister. “I do not blame you for your…actions just now,” she began. “But I would expect some compensation.”
  76. “I…I guess that’s alright,” you say. “Whatever you want, if it’s in my power I’m sure it’s the least I can do to make it up to you.”
  78. “I’m glad to hear you say that, anon. Because my ass fucking hurts right now and I won’t be able to sit on my throne without a cushion for a long time. I think it should be well within your power to let me use your face for such a purpose.”
  81. The end

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