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The Punishment of Zecora - Zecora spanking poem by UF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:47:38
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:02:07
Expiry: Never

  1. The Punishment of Zecora - Zecora spanking poem by UF
  2. (Anon / Zecora)
  3. M/F, paddle, stocks, juridical, poem, non-consensual
  5. (26/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. Of the many powers of authority
  11. And its hold over morality
  12. You discovered first-hand as you approached the stocks
  13. And the zebra trapped between them, held fast by the locks.
  14. Zecora glanced backwards, her eyes lacking belief,
  15. Which you returned with a grimace that offered no relief.
  16. Her head to the floor, her rump to the air,
  17. Her tail raised high so that all else lay bare.
  18. A good friend she had been, and an acquaintance most kind.
  19. Surely hard pressed you would be for a better ally to find.
  20. Yet both fate and those who govern would grant you the power
  21. Over justice and punishment to be delivered this hour.
  22. Her crime was most laughable,
  23. A sin almost affable
  24. But yet sentenced she was all the same
  25. To fifty beats until surely she would be lame.
  26. Different as she was, it was considered a crime
  27. To talk to Gods in little more than a rhyme.
  28. This group of those who held prejudice
  29. Did surely seek to encourage this
  30. For to them, zebras could not ever belong
  31. And that her very presence was nothing short of being wrong.
  32. Though no charges could be pressed
  33. They waited till a moment best
  34. For them to frame her for a theft
  35. And thus an excuse was found to abuse her cleft.
  36. And you would have to play your role
  37. To reduce her to nought but a foal,
  38. For all the humiliation of being beaten by a friend
  39. Would surely bring this façade to a satisfactory end.
  40. Taking the saddle,
  41. Being given the paddle
  42. And with it the powers of justice.
  43. You couldn’t help but feel that something lay amiss
  44. As you held the tool in one clenched fist.
  45. There had to be a detail that everybody missed.
  46. Princess Celestia would observe the proceedings
  47. And be there to monitor every one of the beatings
  48. To her sides, stood two guards
  49. Disgruntled from being taken away from their cards
  50. And surely in a state most surly
  51. That they would compensate by emphasising their figures most burly.
  52. Yet how could this monarch let herself be so fooled?
  53. Surely all the authority with which she ruled
  54. Could be used to prove this poor zebra’s innocence
  55. Or at least offer some other form of penance.
  56. And yet she stood by with a grin most teasing
  57. Waiting for that moment in which you would begin pleasing
  58. Her majesty with your brutal beating
  59. Of a friend until and after she began with her bleating.
  60. “Zecora of the Everfree forest, you have been accused”
  61. She began with a smirk that suggested she were amused,
  62. “Of villainy against the people of Ponyville.
  63. For your crimes of theft you will be beaten until
  64. The count of fifty and my satisfaction reaches its peak
  65. Until then, no objection, I wish not to hear a squeak.
  66. As for you anon, you are charged with deliverance
  67. Of this punishment, which I trust you will not show any resistance
  68. To, nor suggest you are against, in which case the task
  69. Will be put to my guards, a cruel fate for which surely you would not ask.”
  70. There seemed to be no other option but to go on with the proceedings
  71. You clenched Zecora’s buttocks and begged she would not begin with the pleadings.
  72. As you pulled the paddle behind your back,
  73. And readied yourself to deliver the smack
  74. Zecora drew in her breathe and waited for it to begin
  75. And Celestia stood back and watched with a grin.
  76. You thrust the paddle downwards and clapped it against her rear
  77. And she grunted in return, not from pain but from fear.
  78. You turned to the princess, in hopes she might relieve you
  79. Of duty, though instead she simply said sweetly: “Please, continue.”
  80. Though you knew you didn’t want to, you returned to your duty
  81. And slapped the paddle again and again onto her undeserving booty.
  82. Fifteen more times you smacked it against her
  83. Watching the reddening of her once monochrome fur.
  84. She hissed between her teeth at the paddle’s cruel bite
  85. Yet stayed where she was without any hint of a fight.
  86. Surely her behaviour was enough for freedom to be given to
  87. Her, yet again was it said: “the punishment requires you to continue.”
  88. With the paddle in hand you struck a mighty thwack
  89. Bouncing against her ass with a merciless crack
  90. Her pain was clear, though she tried to stay proud
  91. You could hear her complaints as she mumbled aloud
  92. “Forgive me my crimes; I must have done wrong,”
  93. “But surely no action merits torment this strong!”
  94. Heavy fell her words, of which you were inclined to agree
  95. The paddle in your hand felt like the source of all villainy.
  96. Yet as you turned and tried to beseech the princess
  97. The monarch just sighed and continued to profess:
  98. “It is absolutely essential that you continue.”
  99. Added a guard: “Surely abandonment is what a coward would do.”
  100. A gag was put in place to prevent any coercion
  101. And the guards moved closer to prevent your desertion.
  102. You didn’t want to continue but you knew you had no choice.
  103. Authority’s command led you on with authority’s voice.
  104. What difference did it make what you thought wrong or right?
  105. A punishment would be delivered no matter who held the might.
  106. Surely for the both of you things would surely be best
  107. If you stayed where you were and completed the rest
  108. You were thirty strikes down with only twenty to go
  109. And with the zebra now gagged, nothing would break your new flow.
  110. The paddle struck home and her cheeks wobbled hard
  111. The finely sculpted rump, thick as though inflated with lard.
  112. There was strange satisfaction to be seen in the motion.
  113. Watching as though hypnotised, you were struck with the notion
  114. That perhaps you were aroused at holding this power
  115. At the idea that because of you now, Zecora did cower.
  116. As strike number forty rang in the air
  117. You still sighed from the guilt and wanted to free her from despair
  118. Celestia in turn rolled her eyes in her head and said “Come now, anon,
  119. You have no other choice. You must go on.”
  120. And so go on you did, because that’s what you were told
  121. For surely to show resistance, you could not be so bold.
  122. Authority’s command would obscure all emotion
  123. And you would oblige its decrees with pure, cold devotion.
  124. Forty five spanks hung heavy on her cheeks
  125. Leaving a sting would surely remain for weeks.
  126. The tears flowed freely down her damp, sodden face
  127. Chasing each other, as though engaged in a race.
  128. The forty sixth swing and now barely were you thinking
  129. So lost in your task, in your mind you were sinking.
  130. For now as forty seven was brought down with a crash
  131. From this situation, you had made yourself detach.
  132. Her guttural moans of pain and pure anguish
  133. Were enough to make anyone wish
  134. That someone else had been selected for this divine right
  135. And that if they were in charge, they might have been of greater moral height.
  136. Forty nine became fifty and a small cheer was raised
  137. Satisfaction abound, as Zecora’s ass blazed.
  138. She was removed from the stocks and carried away
  139. And you hoped that soon she might forgive you, if not then someday.
  140. Celestia approached and with yet another grin,
  141. She began to taunt you once more: “You are guilty of this sin.
  142. The paddle was not fixed in your hands, yet you complied.
  143. Had you simply said no, I would have revealed that I lied.
  144. Though she was due to be punished, I would not have my guard
  145. Lay a hoof on her backside or cause it to be marred.
  146. You punished this zebra, because I asked you to.
  147. Not because of whatever it was that you wanted to do.
  148. So before you blame me, please think on yourself
  149. And be sure to consider your own mental health.”

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