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Secrets Revealed by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:50:17
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:48:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Secrets Revealed by Zad
  2. (Big Mac / Cheerilee)
  3. M/F, otk, hoof, consensual, sex
  5. (18/05/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Before they were ever married, the two of them had agreed a long time ago that it was never a good idea to keep secrets in a relationship. Sharing feelings, desires, and fantasies were an important part of keeping everything healthy and vibrant. No good came of secrets.
  12. Cheerilee was not shy about sharing her needs with her husband Big McIntosh, but she wasn’t demanding, either. Being a teacher of the Ponyville school fillies and colts gave her plenty of patience, understanding, and tenderness. Big McIntosh loved this about her and thanked his lucky stars that he was able to find a mare so wonderful. Well, his lucky stars, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
  14. But there was one thing Big Mac, even though they had agreed not to keep things from one another, kept to himself. His most shameful, secretive part of himself that no pony besides himself knew about.
  16. It had all started one specific day when he was a young colt, before his youngest sister Apple Bloom had even been born. Coming in early after finishing his chores early, he would never forget the sight of his sister, Applejack, lying over Granny Smith’s lap on the living room sofa. Her coat was orange, but on her rump he saw the redness as Granny smacked his crying sister’s rear with a wooden spoon.
  18. He fled the room immediately, but the damage had been done. He would never forget that sight, and even though he loved his little sister and never wanted to see her get hurt, spanking itself slowly grew into an obsession.
  20. He had been threatened with a spanking only once, but he had never actually gotten one. His younger, more brash and stubborn sister Applejack, however, had gotten quite a few. A couple of occasions he heard her getting it from Granny again, and he had listened in through the walls. Then when she was much older, it was her turn to discipline his littlest sister Apple Bloom.
  22. It all only escalated when he was a growing teenager, until the first time when he got his hooves on an old book that had a spanking of a filly his age written out in detail. Eventually he had collected more than a dozen books with a mention of spanking within, marked the pages with those parts, and stashed them underneath his bed. He had masturbated more than once to the words inside those pages, even into his young adulthood.
  24. And now, he was married, and the fetish was still lurking in his mind. He and Cheerilee still loved and enjoyed normal sex, but he always felt like something was… missing.
  26. But how would she feel if she knew? If she truly knew what he would have liked to do to her, what would happen? Big Mac was scared to find out.
  28. Tonight, though, he was going to find out. He planned this, waiting for summer break so that any worries of the next school day were not on her mind. He bought a bouquet of beautiful white daisies for when she got back from grocery shopping. It was early evening, and he had already finished his farm work at Sweet Apple Acres early, showered, and arrived back at her home where the two of them now lived together. Now, he just had to wait.
  30. (half an hour later)
  32. It was not a long time before Mrs. Cheerilee walked in the front door. She closed the door and hung up the key on a little peg beside the door, and then walked into the kitchen with the big bag of groceries on her back.
  34. When she saw her husband Big McIntosh sitting there, her eyes widened with surprise. And they got even wider when she saw the humongous bouquet of flowers sitting in the middle of the table. She quickly set the bag down onto the table and went over to him. He smiled back at her, feeling warmth when he saw her happy reaction.
  36. “Oh, Big Mac! You got these for me?” She exclaimed. He nodded his head wordlessly, smiling wide. She went up to them and breathed in their lovely aroma. “Oh, and they’re my favorite kind of flowers, too, white daisies! They look and smell wonderful, honey bun! Thank you!”
  38. She ran over to him and gave him a great big hug, and then a kiss on his lips. Big McIntosh blushed and let her show her thanks as she kissed him several more times on the face and neck. Cheerilee was so bubbly with enthusiasm, and it never failed to make him smile.
  40. “You’re welcome, dear. I got them just for you.”
  42. She kept kissing him, and then she went further and began to snuggle up on his shoulder. He loved the feeling of her cheek on his neck and the warmth of her body, and the closer she got to him, he realized what she was asking him silently. She was obviously feeling up for something tonight.
  44. It was truly the perfect night for his plan. But Big McIntosh was still hesitant. Did he want to risk ruining the mood?
  46. Oh, who was he kidding. Did he want to risk ruining their relationship? That was a question that made him reconsider ever mentioning his secret fetish to her at all.
  48. “You got home so early today, Big Mac.” She said. “Got your work done so fast. A big stud like you deserves a reward for all of your hard work, hm?”
  50. Cheerilee was opening her eyes only halfway. She used the “s” word with him, too. To him, he knew that basically meant she was ready for anything.
  52. Except, Big McIntosh thought, maybe this...
  55. Big Mac smiled back at her. Quietly he sighed and reached over to her, and hugged her close. Cheerilee seemed more than ok with him doing that, cuddling in affectionately. “Hey, dear… I’d love that. But, can we talk for a little, first?”
  57. Cheerilee sighed happily. She was half listening, nodding, “Sure, sure, Big Mac. I can wait a little…”
  59. Big McIntosh had to take advantage of her extremely good mood. The flowers had been a great idea, he decided.
  61. “Ok. I’m glad, because… I need to tell you something.”
  63. “Mmm.” Cheerilee listened. She waited quietly.
  65. Big Mac quickly decided that if he was going to tell her what he was going to tell her, then it would probably be best if he let go of her and talked face to face. So, fighting off the urge to just go right into it here and now and forget about the plan, he did just that.
  67. Cheerilee stepped back and looked at him with a puzzled face. For the first time she began to wonder if something was wrong. “Is everything ok, honey? You look nervous.”
  69. She looked between him and the flowers, making some connections in her own mind. Big McIntosh saw her worry, and he realized that the more he beat around the bush the worse it was going to get. He took a deep breath.
  71. “Cheer… I’m don’t know how I’m supposed to say this. I know we always agreed not to lie, or keep the truth from each other. That’s why I wanted to talk.”
  73. Cheerilee gulped nervously. Her smile was gone. Big McIntosh felt horrible for ruining her happy mood, and began to regret going through with this. It also occurred to him that she might be inferring something else from all of this, and once the thought entered his head he made sure to reassure her on an aside, bluntly.
  75. “I’m not cheating on you.”
  77. That instant, he saw Cheerilee’s face brighten up, and she closed her eyes with a sigh of relief. “Oh…”
  79. “I’m sorry if my flowers or my… everything made you think that’s where I was going.”
  81. “Oh no, it’s fine. I’m just sorry I even thought it…”
  83. She wiped her eyes. He shook his head. “I understand. I’m not offended, Cheer, but... it is pretty serious though.”
  85. Cheerilee was still nervous, but also still a little more relaxed. She looked at him anxiously, waiting for him to finally tell her what was on his mind. “Oh, well ok… did something happen today?”
  87. It really was cruel to keep her guessing for so long, but Big Mac wanted to make sure he said everything right. He practiced aloud before he came home today, and he started what he rehearsed. He shook his head no.
  89. “No, nothing happened. But Cheerilee… what I’m gonna tell you might sound strange, or make you feel a little uncomfortable. But please understand that I love you, and I would never do anything to hurt you or do anything to you without your say so.”
  91. Cheerilee sat on the floor while he recited what he rehearsed. She looked down at her hooves, obviously not sure about all of this but still listening anyway. “Ok. I know, I understand, honey, you know I trust you…”
  93. Big McIntosh breathed in deep. This was it. He stared at the bouquet of white daisies on the table, gathering the courage to finally tell her what had been plaguing him for so, so long...
  95. “Cheerilee… Ok, that’s enough beating around the bush. I’m just gonna say it. Cheer... I’m into spanking.”
  97. The weight that came off his heart as soon as he admitted this to her made him feel like he could levitate off the ground. He breathed hard after he got the sentence out, and he felt his heartbeat speed up. He cringed and stared at her. A hoof over his heart, he felt it beat while he braced himself for her response.
  99. Cheerilee’s eyebrows raised, and she opened her mouth with surprise and a good amount of shock. She didn’t say anything at first, but she eventually managed to start saying something.
  101. “Oh. Ummm... Well… s-so do you mean, I mean, you know---”
  103. She stuttered nervously, blushing. Big McIntosh didn’t inhale the whole time she was starting to talk.
  105. Cheerilee continued, “I… could you care to explain a little more about what you mean by… spanking. Please? Sorry, I just… was NOT expecting that, Big Mac, believe me. I don’t really know what to say right now.”
  107. It was plain as day that she was uncomfortable, but at the same time, she was already asking him a question. Cheerilee may have felt uneasy, but Big McIntosh also could tell that she wanted to know more, genuinely. He tried to relax himself while he made his explanation, but it was hard.
  109. “That’s ok, Cheer. I know it sounds very weird... But ever since I was a colt I always liked it. A lot. I don’t know if that makes me sick, or messed up. But that’s just who I am, Cheer. I’ve never told nopony else about it before, neither... I’m sorry...”
  111. He held his head. He suddenly had a headache, and it was getting worse very quickly. He didn’t look up at his wife as he waited for her to say something.
  113. What she said, however, was not what he expected. Not by a long shot. Her voice was low, but her sweet tone of voice came through like honey.
  115. “Sorry? Why are you sorry, Big Mac?”
  117. Big McIntosh was not sure how to respond to her question. He honestly expected her to sound much more… disturbed? He didn’t know. He still didn’t look directly at her, afraid of the disappointment or something else he might see when he did.
  119. “Oh, I don’t know honey. I guess just because… it ain’t normal.”
  121. Cheerilee smiled, and walked over to the grocery bag. She began to unload the bread and cheese and vegetables from the bag and spreading it out on the table. The mare shrugged her shoulders.
  123. “Well, no… it isn’t. But it’s like you said, you’d never do anything to me if you thought it would hurt me. I believed you, sweetie. So, ahem… do you like to, you know… BE spanked, or…”
  125. Big McIntosh sighed. “The, uh, the other way…”
  127. Cheerilee’s face blushed beet red, and she cleared her throat. She opened up the refrigerator and placed the jug of milk inside. “Oh. I see.”
  129. Big Mac walked over to the other grocery items and placed them into the pantry. “I’m really sorry, Cheer. I’ve just been keeping this hidden for a while, my whole life, and I thought that I should tell you finally, and…”
  131. “And I appreciate that, Big Mac. I really appreciate you sharing this with me today. You don’t have to be sorry. I’m flattered, complimented that you trust me enough to tell me something like this.”
  133. She closed the refrigerator and walked over to him, giving him a hug. Big McIntosh felt a warm relief in his heart when she kissed him on the cheek. “And I’ll think about it, honey. I’ll think about it for you, just… give me a little bit. Ok?”
  135. Big Mac took a second to understand what he just heard. When it hit him, he couldn’t believe it. His mouth hung open for a second until he forced it to close again.
  137. Was Cheerilee saying… no, she couldn’t possibly be saying that she would…
  139. “So… does that mean you’ll, you know…”
  141. “Consider it, yes.” Cheerilee smiled, and blushed so hard her whole face turned red. “And I would still like to do something tonight with you, very much. And Mac?”
  143. She asked him, closing the pantry door. He stammered, “Uh, uhh, y-yes, Cheer?”
  145. “Thank you for telling me.”
  147. (Later that night)
  149. Big McIntosh was sweating bullets from being so nervous.
  151. Cheerilee, in a shocking turn of events, had said she would think about it. Actually think about it! He couldn’t believe it, how well this was actually turning out.
  153. He knew that no matter what her answer was, there was no hard feelings between them. It was truly hitting Big Mac just how much his wife cherished honesty in their relationship, and the realization made him feel beyond happy that she was so understanding.
  155. But still, Big McIntosh really, really wanted her to say yes. He wanted it so bad, to finally go further than just reading about spanking in books and ruining some tissues, and fulfill his obsession on the mare of his whole world.
  157. He was waiting for them in his room on their bed, having lit a scented candle and placed it by the bed for romantic atmosphere. It helped knowing that he and Cheerilee were going to have fun tonight no matter what, so that was something.
  159. When the door cracked open and Cheerilee walked inside, he tried to put on a casual face. She smiled at him with eyes half closed, and batted her eyelashes at him. The mare was definitely ready for a long night, Big McIntosh thought.
  161. “Hey, stud.” She smirked. He smiled back.
  163. “Hey, Cheer.” He breathed out her name. He was salivating already. She walked over to him, licking her lips.
  165. “So… Mack, before we start. Let’s just agree to a few things first, ok?” Cheerilee went up on the bed with her husband, and laid down next to him. She crossed her back legs.
  167. Big McIntosh held his breath as she leaned in, speaking softly into his ear. She took a deep breath.
  169. “Promise to go easy on me since it’s my first time? When you spank me, I mean.”
  171. It was almost embarrassing how fast Big McIntosh’s stallion rod grew as soon as she sweet talked her question into his ear. He began to stammer, but caught himself before he could make a fool out of himself. He relaxed, and then nodded his head.
  173. “Oh! Uh uhh, uh, I m-mean… yes, of course, Cheer. Of course.” He nodded his head affirmatively.
  175. It was happening. It was happening! Cheerilee grinned widely, and leaned in to smooch him. He smooched her back, feeling her tongue on his. She went to speak softly into his ear again.
  177. “And if I say stop, then do you promise to stop?”
  179. She asked with a shakiness in her voice that wasn’t there before. She was still smiling, but Big McIntosh was observant, even when he was as excited as he was now.
  181. This answer had to be serious, he knew. Otherwise, he risked losing this chance forever. He made sure they were both looking straight at each other when he nodded his head once, with finality. “Yes. I promise. If you say to stop, then I’ll stop.”
  183. A drop of sweat trickled down Cheerilee’s forehead. She smiled back at him, but her unease with this whole thing was rather obvious to him. Even though this was the case, if she was willing to do this for him, then Big Mac was not going to persuade her not to.
  185. Cheerilee cuddled up next to him, putting her warm body against his. “Ok. Then it’s settled. Soo… how do you want to do this? I’ve never actually been spanked before…”
  187. Big McIntosh raised his eyebrows. Never been spanked before? Tonight was getting more and more interesting. “Oh, really? Not even as a filly?”
  189. Cheerilee shook her head, giggling. “No. I never needed one, I suppose.”
  191. Big McIntosh was surprised at first, but as he thought about it more he slowly became less so. Cheerilee was not a pony who seemed like she would have been an ill behaved foal, it only made sense…
  193. He was going to have to be extra careful with her.
  195. “Oh. Ok.” He said, and coughed. “Well, we could do it where you, you know, lay down over my legs while I’m sitting down here, on the side of the bed. Like…”
  197. Big Mac moved over to the edge of the bed and sat down with his legs over the side. Then, he pointed at his lap. “Right here?”
  199. There were other positions he could have tried tonight, but of all the ones he knew about, this one was his favorite, though he didn’t want to tell her that yet. The idea of holding his wife over his knee, just thinking about it, made his skin hot. He was a reserved pony by nature, but he was still having a hard time containing his enthusiasm.
  201. Cheerilee looked it over, where his hoof was gesturing and crawled over to him. “Ok. So…”
  203. She began to slide her head and forelegs over his right knee and pull herself over. Big McIntosh helped her climb on, and when she made it all the way over, he placed a hoof on her lower back and gently pushed down. Cheerilee looked over her shoulder at him, and asked “Like this? Is this right?”
  205. Now that she was laying on top of his legs, Big McIntosh felt something that made him pause for a minute. She was shivering, not a lot, but enough that he could feel her shaking against his legs. Poor Cheerilee was willing to do this, but she was also obviously a little scared. After all, everypony knew that spankings were used as a punishment for foals first, and that they hurt…
  207. “Eeyup, that’s what I was thinking…” Big Mac’s dick was almost completely out of the sheath already, and it was standing up next to her purple coat. He looked down at his wife gorgeous, shapely butt, a part of her body that he was well acquainted with already.
  209. But not in this position, not until tonight, that is.
  211. He took a gentle hold of her tail and pushed it away from her rump. Cheerilee’s face was blushing so bad it practically glowed like a candle in the candlelit room. He could surely see everything back there, and despite all of the times the two had shared this bed it was somehow more embarrassing than ever.
  213. She moved her body a little bit over his lap, and she took a deep breath while he adjusted her forward on his legs. Her front legs instinctively curled up and grabbed onto his left left for support, while the rest of her laid comfortably on top of the blanket. Big McIntosh, though, was only focused on the soft, curved rump bent over his lap, jutting out from her position over one knee. Cheerilee sniffed, and calmed herself down with some deep breaths.
  215. Big Mac, on the other hoof, was still almost in disbelief that Cheerilee, his own wife, was lying over his knees, waiting to be spanked. It was even better than he had imagined in his fantasies. Resisting the urge to give her vulnerable butt a big smack right from the start, Big McIntosh placed his hoof down onto her rump gently instead.
  217. “Feeling alright, Cheer?” He asked. He wanted badly to start right away, but he knew he would break her trust and do her harm if he did. Cheerilee’s bottom tensed seductively, invitingly under his hoof.
  219. “Mm hm. Y-yes… a little nervous, but… just let me know when you’re going to start.”
  221. Big McIntosh knew very well she was making a big sacrifice for him tonight. She loved him that much, enough to do something she wasn’t sure about if it meant allowing him to finally experience the real side of his deepest, darkest desire.
  223. He rubbed her butt in a circle, massaging her firm and round cheeks to help her relax. Big McIntosh needed to start out slow, even though he wanted to do the opposite deep down. Cheerilee’s heavy breathing came from excitement and the anxious awaiting of the stinging on her rear that was going to come.
  225. Big Mac suddenly stopped rubbing, and raised his hoof, not very high and below his neck level. He honored her request, saying, “You ready?”
  227. Cheerilee replied quickly, more quickly than he expected. She was so anxious that she was practically begging him to just start already. “Mm hm!”
  229. Having officially received her permission Big McIntosh focused his full attention on her adorable flanks, staring down at them. He aimed his hoof, and tensed up his shoulders to hold his hoof’s range of motion under control. Then, unable to wait any longer, he finally let it fall.
  231. His hoof smacked lightly down right in the middle of Cheerilee’s rump, clapping against her bared bottom skin. And just like that, Big Mac had finally performed his first actual spank, ever.
  233. Cheerilee yipped, partly from the warm sting her hubby’s hoof left behind, and mostly from the surprise. She did a little jump on his lap, but quickly relaxed once the spank had been delivered.
  235. Big Mac waited intentionally for a good pause, giving his wife time and holding himself back. He was breathing pretty hard already, and Cheerilee was doing the same.
  237. The second spank was another light swat, on Cheerilee’s right flank. She gasped, and did a little jolt on Big Mac’s lap, but settled back down quickly. Big McIntosh felt her reaction, which made him ask, tensely, “You ok?”
  239. Cheerilee was held firmly to his lap, and she nested her head into the blanket and onto his thigh. She nodded fast. “Mmm... yeah. Stings, but I’m fine… you don’t have to stop.”
  241. Big Mac felt her dig herself in, and she became motionless on his knees. She may have been nervous, but she was also committed to truly giving this a chance. Big Mac couldn’t have asked for anything more.
  243. He patted her bottom once, just to let her know he was going to start again, and swatted her another time, not hard but enough to leave a sting on her butt and a little tingle on his hoof. Cheerilee gasped again, but apart from a clenching rump, she stayed still.
  245. Big McIntosh spanked her once every five seconds or so, hard enough to be above a simple tap but not hard enough to cause any pain above a warm sting. He wanted to spank harder, and faster, but he needed to be fair to Cheerilee unless he wanted to do something he would regret forever.
  247. Cheerilee’s bottom was heating up, warm to the touch as Big Mac smacked her cheeks steadily. She was breathing hard, and “mmphed” and “owwed” whenever his hoof spanked the middle of her cheeks straight on. Big Mac settled into the routine for a little while, but decided just now to take the risk and speed up his spanks just a little bit, paying close attention to her body language.
  249. She was tense, and her left back hoof sometimes tensed up and wiggled around in a circle right above the bed, but she was cooperating fully with the heat her rear had been given so far. Big Mac’s eyes were fixed on her rump like heat seeking lasers.
  251. Cheerilee was laying down over his lap right in front of his rock hard erection, which was twitching all the time while the sounds of the spanking became a little louder. This was so much different from just reading from a book, or listening in through the wall. No, he had his wife’s bottom perched on his right thigh, curved perfectly and practically begging to be spanked, and this time, he was the disciplinarian. Not his Granny, and not his sister Applejack, but him.
  253. Time went by and Big McIntosh was starting to feel the tingling on his hoof, as well as see the slight pink color rising up on Cheerilee’s purple bum. He could feel her gripping his other leg in her front hooves tightly, and as the heat spread over her buttocks she began to move her hips a little to the left and right, in rhythm with his hoof’s slow spanks. Adorable gasps and even a whine escaped her, and Big McIntosh had to take a deep breath to stop himself from going nuts.
  255. He was starting to notice a tinge of light pink all up and down her bottom cheeks when, breaking him out of his zone, he heard his wife. Her voice was raised, but not quite a yell, more of a cry.
  257. “O-Ok, Big Mac, stop, please, stop...”
  259. Big McIntosh heard her cry just in time. He stopped his hoof right in the middle of a swing, stopping it just in time before it swatted her tush.
  261. Instead, he set his hoof down across her whole rear and started to rub her rump instead, massaging up to the base of her tail. The heat on her now pink skin made a little bit of pre cum dribble out of his cock, but a frustrated part of him craved more.
  263. He was a little bit ashamed that a small part of him wanted, more than anything, to just ignore her plea and keep going. After all, she was pinned down on his lap, wasn’t she? It was a fact that he was much stronger than her, and if he wanted to, he could spank her here all night and there wouldn’t be anything she could do about it.
  265. Big McIntosh, though, banished the thought as fast as it entered his brain. It didn’t matter how badly he wanted to keep going, because if he did that, he knew it would destroy Cheerilee. The mare of his dreams who was even willing to give this all a chance, a selfless pony with enough trust in him to stop when she said so despite her vulnerability, was not a mare he would ever hurt for the whole world.
  267. He was lost in his own thoughts while he massaged her bottom. Cheerilee took the time to take a lot of deep breaths, as well as relish the new, softer touch of Big Mac’s hoof on her hot bottom. It may have stung, but it was unexpected to Cheerilee that, below the surface, there was another little part of her that felt hot, as well. And now that she had a breather, the pain level was going down, too.
  269. Finally, she shuffled around a little, grabbed her husband’s leg, and said to him something that made his ears stand up straight.
  271. “Ok, I’m ok… Y-You can keep going, now…” She stiffened up on his lap, and her rump stuck out all the way again.
  273. Big McIntosh’s hoof suddenly stopped massaging. His eyes went wide with surprise, and he felt the hairs on his mane stand up. He looked down at his wife, who was looking straight ahead of herself at the wall. It was obvious from how she was acting that she was serious.
  275. He paused, and then asked her, incredulously, “Wait, so… you don’t want me to stop?”
  277. Cheerilee’s eyebrows raised. She looked back at him over her shoulder, looking puzzled by the question. “Well, no… not anymore. I needed to take a break… why, were you going to stop?”
  279. The question was totally innocent. She wasn’t flirting with him, or smiling, or anything. Just genuinely confused.
  281. It seemed, Big McIntosh thought, that Cheerilee was thinking something that he wasn’t. And that was the best news yet.
  283. Thinking quickly, he shook his head. “Oh, uhh… Was I going to stop? Well, I mean, no… So, how long were you thinking I would…”
  285. He let the question trail off into silence. He was still in disbelief that it wasn’t over, that she actually wanted to keep going, that she had EXPECTED him to keep going… he was in heaven.
  287. Cheerilee’s confused face never changed. She asked, timidly, and with a blush, “I don’t know, honey… how long are spankings supposed to be? I’ve never been spanked before, so I just, you know, kind of thought… oh, I don’t know.”
  289. Things were getting more awkward than ever before. Big McIntosh mercifully cut the whole conversation short.
  291. “Oh. Well…… Yeah, I-I’m just gonna keep going, now…”
  293. He patted her still warm flanks with his hoof. Cheerilee nodded once, and looked back at the wall again.
  295. “Ok. Yeah…”
  297. Big McIntosh relaxed, took a deep breath, and once again began the spanking. He tried to pick up exactly where he left off, both in the strength and the quickness of his spanks.
  299. Cheerilee yipped and gasped again, feeling all the stinging from before suddenly flare up all over again. She had not expected to feel the same amount of pain as before so immediately, and she almost cried out for Big McIntosh to stop again.
  301. But instead, she kept quiet, and decided to just troop through it. He had JUST started, and she felt bad about telling him to stop again so soon. It was already awkward enough before. She didn’t want that to happen all over again… she could get through this, surely!
  303. Big McIntosh’s spanks now only had maybe a couple of seconds in between them, and the smacks were actually a bit sharp. Cheerilee’s back hooves rose and fell, not kicking, but still moving up and down. Big McIntosh noticed that, but he was over the first line of intensity already. He was not going back to the slow paced spanking at the start. Cheerilee gave him another short whine when his hoof spanked her close to her thigh.
  305. “Nnya…” She clenched her teeth. Her gasping was getting more frequent, and her butt was getting much hotter. It was actually starting to hurt, but Big McIntosh was still spanking away.
  307. Cheerilee’s reddening rump was beginning to twitch and move slightly on Big Mac’s knee. The pain was getting worse, but when she really thought about it, she could still take this. She had been more scared of it before, but not that Big Mac had kept her on his lap some more, she was more confident she could do this.
  309. She had told him to spank her tonight. And that meant she wasn’t going to just chicken out if she didn’t have to before a full spanking, however long those were supposed to be, was delivered. If she had to take another break, she would, but she wanted to experience what her husband was talking about in full. She felt like she owed him that.
  311. So, Cheerilee grabbed his leg with her curved forelegs again, braced herself, and gave her husband the reins.
  313. Big McIntosh’s hoof was tingling quite a bit now. He was not spanking as hard as he could by any means, but as a whole minute went by without Cheerilee telling him to stop at his current pace, he was starting to pick things up. He spanked her on all parts of her butt, which was starting to wriggle, and his powerful hoof was turning her maroon purple skin to a bright red. The contrast between the purple and the new red hue made it look like her bottom was glowing. This, of course, made his dick stand up stiff as a pole.
  315. Cheerilee yelped when his hoof swatted her left buttock right above her very sensitive thigh. Her hips left his leg for a second with a little bounce, a natural movement in response to the pain. Big McIntosh was hypnotized by the way her round tush slowly wagged from side to side while he spanked her, and he felt her hot, heavy breath on the side of his left leg where her head was lying on top.
  317. This was getting to become a real spanking, slowly and steadily. Big McIntosh still felt like he was holding back quite a bit, but he also understood that he did not always know his own strength. Cheerilee was whining and whimpering much more now than only a minute before, and the time between his smacks to her steaming seat had become less than a two seconds apart. At first, every second that passed, Big McIntosh thought that surely now his wife would tell him to stop, but after at least a minute of nothing happening, Big Mac was finding himself feeling a little bit more bold.
  319. He knew he was risking a lot with what he was about to do. Since her first break Cheerilee had been taking this spanking without a word of complaint, and now, he was ready to kick into full gear, using his full strength on the red but still very ready bottom lying over his knee.
  321. Big McIntosh raised his hoof, a little bit higher than where all the rest of his spanks had come from, and with a full punishing stroke, swung it down.
  323. When his hoof spanked her right bottom cheek, it connected hard enough for the sound of the loud smack to make his own ears twitch. Once the spank had landed, Cheerilee gasped, and let out a cry of surprise and pain.
  325. “Ah!” She yelped. Big McIntosh heard the reaction, and it was exactly what he was hoping for. He raised his hoof up again, and in the same speed and strength spanked her left cheek. Cheerilee’s left back hoof went stiff, and another exclamation of “Ahoww!” left her mouth.
  327. Big Mac waited for the cry to “stop.” But when a few seconds passed, all he heard was her labored breathing.
  329. Cheerilee felt the next flurry of hard spanks to her tush absolutely set her cheeks ablaze. Her head popped off the comforter, and she arched her back, but her hubby’s big hoof kept her in place. She had been cooperatively still up until now, but when Big McIntosh began to truly put her rump to work, spanking full force, her back legs crossed, kick, and shuffled around, but it was useless. He was much stronger than her.
  331. Big McIntosh was intensely focused, while his wife squirmed and shook her rear end in a wonderfully unintentional display. Everything else had been the warm up, but now was the real deal.
  333. It had all come to this, from the first day he witnessed his sister Applejack getting it from Granny, through all of the books and eavesdrops and tissues spent, until tonight.
  335. Cheerilee felt the popping sting of firecrackers on her spanked tail every time his hoof whacked down. She gasped and tried to turn her hips and body away, but she moaned with desperation when he simply pushed her back down and pinned her with his left hoof while his right continued spanking. Her bottom wiggled and danced all around, but she couldn’t move it far enough away to avoid the relentless spanks from his hoof.
  337. Her mind raced. How much longer was a spanking like this supposed to be? She didn’t know how much more smacks her flaming tush could take!
  339. “Ahh! Oww, Big Mac!” Cheerilee said with a moan and a cry of pain, “H-How much more? Oh, gosh, oww...”
  341. Big McIntosh stopped for a moment once he heard her voice, thinking it was her telling him to stop. But for the second time tonight, he again misjudged her, and when she asked him the question, he froze for a moment.
  343. A lot went through his head in a few short seconds. He knew she was only asking because she was reaching her limit, but he also still had planned one last thing before this was over, something his own Granny Smith had always done with his little sister to wrap everything up... the big finale.
  345. Cheerilee was sniffling, and a little teardrop was falling down her face. Big McIntosh felt slightly ashamed at how very aroused he became by the sound of her gentle, quiet crying. He knew that this had to end, very soon. But he wanted “the finale” so badly, too!
  347. Suddenly, an idea came to him. A specific amount of time, not too long but long enough, and then maybe she would stick it out until the end…
  349. He said decidedly, “30 more seconds, Cheer.”
  351. Cheerilee breathed hard, and her bottom cheeks tensed up when he made the pronouncement. Her rump so far had really been spanked pretty thoroughly, and 30 more seconds still seemed like a long time for her sore butt.
  353. But she nodded her head and decided to experience the last bit of time over her husband’s lap. She didn’t want to quit, not with only 30 seconds left. “O-Ok…”
  355. That was all she said, before she submitted to the last half minute, with a little whine. Big McIntosh heard her tell him it was alright, and just like that his mind went racing forward.
  357. He felt her flaming hot rump with his hoof when he aimed, raised his right leg foreleg high, and started the rapid, hard 30 second spanking finale for her poor, sorry bottom cheeks.
  359. Cheerilee panted for the first three spanks, but when the fourth landed she began to yelp, cry out, and holler. She bucked her hips away from his body, but he was just too strong, and he grabbed her bottom to push it back down onto his lap.
  361. Cheerilee moaned loudly when his hoof swatted her sit spots. She arched her back, trying to pull away from his constantly swatting hoof, but she only served to push her bottom out further in a sharper arc instead, totally exposing the whole curves of her fiery red rump. Big McIntosh counted fifteen seconds, half the time gone, but he kept up the pace.
  363. “Oh, Ooow! OWWOWW! Uh, ahhah!” Cheerilee’s eyes were filled with tears, but she didn’t tell him to stop. She panted and cried while her hubby’s hoof made her bottom dance, and her whole face turned deep red along with her tanned tush.
  365. Big McIntosh’s thighs felt hot from the warmth coming from Cheerilee’s skin, but he was also feeling something else along with the heat. A shiny spot was starting to form, on the blanket… and on his leg.
  366. 25 seconds. Only five left…
  368. Big Mac gave her five extra hard spanks, one for each second right on the middle of her butt. Cheerilee cried out loudly for each one, jumping and squirming cutely on his knees, but she went limp on his lap when he finally finished the spanking, and rested his hoof on her firm, flaming tush.
  370. “Ahh, oh, owww…” Cheerilee moaned with a little kick of her hoof. Big McIntosh was intoxicated by the amount of heat he could feel on her punished cheeks, which were redder than the color of his coat. He had no idea how long he spanked her for, but it must have been a very long time.
  372. He also realized that he could smell her, the scent from between her legs. Cheerilee was still panting, and twitching her bottom in a circle. Big McIntosh began to rub her rear end in the opposite direction, and she gasped hard.
  374. “Cheer? Are you ok, honey bun?” He asked her in a soft voice. His dear wife was still in the same position on his knees, red butt jutting out.
  376. But then, when his hoof rubbed her rear just above her thighs, Big McIntosh felt something on his hoof. When he turned it to look, he saw a shiny, sticky wet spot.
  378. Cheerilee spread her back legs, and her pinned down tail tried to move with Big McIntosh’s hoof on top of it. His dick was harder than a stone, and nearly bursting with pressure held up, but it still hadn’t experienced full satisfaction… until she huffed and puffed out a desperate plea on his lap.
  380. “Ohhh, please… make love to me, Big Mac! Pleaaase!” She said while she wiggled her well spanked rump back and forth, to entice him. Her pussy was even more on fire than her reddened rear, and it was dripping everywhere. It was obvious just how desperate Cheerilee was.
  382. Big McIntosh was, actually, desperate too. And that was why he didn’t hesitate. Powerfully, he picked her much smaller body up from his lap, and with a little squeak from her, he put her down on her back on top of the bed and laid down on top of her.
  384. Warmth from her tanned red tush trapped between their hips, Big Mac wildly humped his dear wife Cheerilee’s brains out while she moaned and cried out his name, his powerful back legs smacking against her bottom over and over again in another unplanned spanking to her sore, flaming butt.
  386. (One hour later)
  388. Cheerilee was exhausted, and she fell asleep soon after their night of amazing, passionate sex had ended. A big switch up, since Big McIntosh was usually the one asleep first.
  390. He couldn’t fall asleep. The whole night’s remembrance wouldn’t let him close his eyes and relax at all. More than once he thought about if it was maybe all just one, big dream, a lifelong fantasy played out in the most orgasmic dream he had ever had, but nothing else more.
  392. But when he cuddled his darling wife Cheerilee to himself, he knew it wasn’t a dream once his hoof drifted down, to touch her steaming hot rear end, burning to the touch thanks to his tingling hoof’s many, many swats.
  394. Against all odds, she hadn’t just tried it out for him. She had tried it out, and it had led to tonight, a moment he would never forget with the most beautiful mare in the whole world. Big Mac silently cried while he squeezed her dead tired body in a big, teddy bear hug.
  396. There was going to be a lot to come for the two of them in the future. And it was all thanks to the strength of their relationship, to agree to just be… honest.
  398. Big Mac finally got to sleep after his eyes slowly closed, smiling peacefully.
  400. The End...
  402. With many sequels to come.

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