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Redder Than Paint by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:50:57
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:47:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Redder Than Paint by Zad
  2. (Mrs. Merryberry / Scootaloo)
  3. F/f, paddle, over desk, bruises, non-consensual
  5. (10/03/2016)
  8. ---
  10. The orange filly stood frozen in the light of Anon's flashlight.
  12. “Uhh, h-hi, An-n-non!” Scootaloo stuttered, knowing she had been caught.
  14. Tonight, Anon had night watch duty, and he was only an hour into the job when the action started. He was not sure if he had seen a filly or colt actually leave their cabin or not, but when he went to investigate, he found out that he was not wrong after all. Scootaloo, shaking and scared, looked up at him. He gave her a suspicious eye.
  16. “What are you doing outside of your cabin after 11, Scootaloo? You know that isn’t allowed.”
  18. He sounded disappointed. Scootaloo sat down on the leaves while the flashlight he shone on her face glued her to the ground. She looked side to side shiftily, like she was trying to hide something. “Uhh, uh, I… was going to the bathroom!”
  20. Anon’s eyes narrowed. There were bathrooms inside every cabin. “Something wrong with your toilet?”
  22. Scootaloo’s eyes veered left and right again, and her hooves scraped the ground nervously while she sat in front of Anon. It was obvious that she was trying to come up with something that wasn’t true, but Anon still waited to see what she would say because he was curious.
  24. “Because… I just wanted that, whole, bathroom in the woods experience! Yeah! Who needs those silly toilets, right?”
  26. Anon stared down at her nervously smiling face for two more seconds. Then, he took the flashlight off of her for a second, and shone it to her left, where he noticed she had been looking on and off since he caught her.
  28. The light shone on a metal can on the leaves, a can of red spray paint. He put the flashlight back on her.
  30. Scootaloo’s whole act disappeared. Her eyes began to tear up, and she put her hooves together and lied down in front of Anon in fear, begging while she started to sob. “Wait, wait Anon, I’m sorry… please don’t tell Mrs. Merryberry!”
  32. Anon felt a little sorry for Scootaloo, but not sorry enough. He shook his head.
  34. “Scootaloo, I spent almost two whole hours scrubbing the naughty word you graffitied on the troop leader’s cabin yesterday. Two hours!”
  36. Scootaloo sobbed and sniffled. She begged Anon with tears pouring down her face. Anon watched her sadly. “I knoww, I’m sorry! But please, pleaase don’t tell! I won’t do it again!”
  38. “Oh, you can bet on that one, Scootaloo. Because I’m telling her, tonight, and you’re coming with me.” Anon picked up the can of spray paint and put it in his saddlepack. He took a firm hold of Scootaloo’s hoof and pulled her toward Mrs. Merryberry’s cabin.
  40. To be honest, Anon liked Scootaloo. She was a fun filly and had a spunky personality, but she got into trouble way too much when she got carried away, too. Painting the F word on the side of the troop leader’s cabin with spray paint was going too far, and after all of the time Anon had to spend just to get the stain to come out, he knew Scootaloo had it coming to her. That was not Foal Scout behavior, and it needed some serious correction.
  42. Anon led the sobbing little filly to the door of Mrs. Merryberry’s cabin, open until 12:00 o’clock in the morning, and knocked on the door. Scootaloo covered her bottom with her purple tail. Anon heard hoofsteps approaching.
  44. Mrs. Merryberry opened the door and stepped back to see both of her late night guests. She was an older pony with a grey and white mane and wearing thin glasses on her snout. She looked at Anon and Scootaloo and smiled one of her usual smiles.
  46. “Why, hello you two! Is something the matter? I don’t get many visitors this late.” She said with a cheery voice, but Anon could tell that she knew something was wrong. The mare was a bit old, but she wasn’t stupid. She had been around a long time.
  48. Scootaloo looked up at Anon again. She silently begged him with those beady eyes, but he was committed now and Scootaloo was going to get what she obviously needed. Anon pulled out the can of spray paint and put it in front of Mrs. Merryberry on the floor, and pointed to both it and Scootaloo.
  50. “I caught her outside of her cabin tonight, with this can of spray paint. She was the pony who painted the naughty word on your cabin yesterday.”
  52. Mrs. Merryberry looked at the can of paint, and sadly turned to Scootaloo. She shook her head.
  54. “Scootaloo, young filly, is this true? Did you paint that bad word yesterday?”
  56. Scootaloo sniffed. She gulped and sat down on the floor. It was like she was trying to cover her butt with the floor to keep it safe from being swatted with the paddle, a long rectangular one with two rows of holes that was hanging by the big desk of Mrs. Merryberry.
  58. “Yes... I’m-m sorry, Mrs. Merryberry…”
  60. “And you were out again tonight to spray more paint, young lady? I’m very, very disappointed in you, Scootaloo. That is no way for a Junior Foal Scout to behave! What were you thinking, young filly?”
  62. The little filly didn’t look like she knew what to say, so she just stayed silent. She was crying and shaking already with horror, and she kept glancing at the holey paddle that was sure to be used on her very soon. Mrs. Merryberry was a nice old mare with a heart for kids, even though she could be strict sometimes. But when she was disappointed, Scootaloo could really feel the pain in her heart.
  64. The clock above Mrs. Merryberry’s head showed it was 11:30 at night. That left plenty of time to deal with this matter. She looked up and saw that she had more than enough time before her cabin hours were officially closed, so she walked over to the paddle on the hook by her desk.
  66. She picked it up, and sat on the floor. She looked at Scootaloo.
  68. “You’ve crossed the line, young lady. Scootaloo, come over here now.”
  70. Anon felt a sense of satisfaction when he watched her walk to her doom, but he also felt just a little bit of guilt that he wanted this to happen, too. He liked Scootaloo, and he did not enjoy that she was going to be punished, but he still felt like justice was going to be served. Scrubbing all of her graffiti off the wall made him feel a little pleased that this was happening, too.
  72. Scootaloo dragged her hooves on the wooden floor. She shook her head in fear at Mrs. Merryberry. “Please please please don’t paddle me, Mrs. Merryberry! I’ll be good, I’ll be good!”
  74. “You are getting this, young filly, whether you like it or not! And if you really want to be good, you can start by pulling down your uniform pants and bending over my desk, now!”
  76. Scootaloo heard the command to pull her pants down, and it made her start to cry for real. Bare bottom paddlings were the highest level punishment given at Foal Scout Camp, and this was Scootaloo’s first time being spanked at camp. She had closely avoided getting it many times before, but now Mrs. Merryberry was sick of her antics. It was time for some serious correction, this time.
  78. She did what the grey maned mare said, though slowly. Scootaloo pulled her uniform pants down to her hooves, revealing her bare rump, and bent over the desk. Mrs. Merryberry picked up the paddle, and after she brushed Scootaloo’s tail away she turned to Anon.
  80. “Do you wish to stay here and watch? It’s your choice, Anon. I’m sure no other fillies or colts will leave their cabins in the… ten minutes this will take, and I know you worked hard cleaning up after Scootaloo. Again, it’s your choice.”
  82. Anon liked Scootaloo. But he still wanted to see this. Ten minutes? This was going to be a bad time for her… Anon said yes very quickly.
  84. "I'll stay."
  86. Scootaloo looked over to him from where she was laying, with her pants crumpled up around her back hooves and dangling in the air. She sniffled and said in a whisper, “I’m so-sorry, Anon…”
  88. Mrs. Merryberry laid the paddle across the filly’s bottom, and pressed it into the cheeks to push Scootaloo more into position. Anon stood away from the desk, but he had a clear view of the spanking. He heard what she said, and he felt like she really meant it.
  90. Anon replied, “I accept your apology.”
  92. Scootaloo braced herself by tensing up when Mrs. Merryberry raised the paddle. She sobbed softly, knowing that her bottom cheeks were going to be set on fire in just a few seconds.
  94. “You earned this, Scootaloo. Be a good girl and take your spanking like one.” The old mare said seriously. Scootaloo grabbed the other side of her desk and held on.
  96. “Yes, ma’am!” She cried. Mrs. Merryberry rolled up the sleeve of her blouse and aimed the paddle by tapping it on the top of the curves of both bottom cheeks. Scootaloo crossed her hooves in the bunches of her pants and sobbed with fear.
  98. Anon watched the paddle swing down, slash through the air, and land right on the middle of Scootaloo’s butt with a loud, echoing thwack!
  100. “AaaaAAAAH! Aaahoww!” Scootaloo wailed from just the first spank. The paddle whacked sharp into the skin of her rump and left a red rectangle behind that burned like a campfire. Scootaloo’s eyes filled up with tears, and Anon saw her crying truly start.
  102. He flinched when the paddle swatted her butt again, the loud thwack sounding like somepony stomped on a balloon. Scootaloo did hoofy kicks while she laid in position over the desk, but the pants around her ankles didn’t let them go far. “Waah, OWWW, it hurtss! OWW!”
  104. She paused, and then the third spank was delivered across the bottom of her butt. A fourth, fifth, sixth, and so on came after in the same way, and Scootaloo cried and cried from the horrible pain that was roasting her bottom. The old pony left a somewhat long time after every paddle whack for the spank to burn and linger on Scootaloo’s tush, and during those pauses Scootaloo shook and sobbed while her back hooves kicked the wooden desk through her pulled down pants.
  106. Anon saw the color of her butt turn from orange to furious scarlet red in no time flat, and it was getting worse. Mrs. Merryberry was experienced at dealing with naughty fillies and colts, and she had given out plenty of blistering paddle sessions before. The clock was showing that almost five minutes had past already, but the number of paddle swats was not that high by comparison. The way the sting and burn of the paddle lingered while Scootaloo wiggled and kicked, trying to fight the flames, the wait between the spanks was actually a big part of the punishment.
  108. The holes on the paddle made every spank to Scootaloo’s exposed butt blaze like no tomorrow. Anon saw groups of little bruises and even a few blisters popping up on her bottom from the punishment. He could not look away from it, and the way Scootaloo wiggled and twisted side to side showed how bad it hurt.
  110. Thwack went the paddle, and Scootaloo’s weeping and wailing got louder and louder. Whenever she tried to cover her bottom with her tail, Mrs. Merryberry merely pulled it off to the side, raised the paddle and delivered another hard whack to her crimson cheeks regardless. Actually, she would do it right away whenever Scootaloo tried to use her tail to buy time for her butt, and since Mrs. Merryberry ignored the usual long pause in between the spanks, trying to block made it even worse for her.
  112. Three of these whacks in a row made Scootaloo realize that she was just going to make it worse, so she eventually stopped trying and resorted to wiggling and kicking her hooves, with no success. She tried to angle her rear end away, but the paddle still swatted down all the way across her rump and turned her spanked red cheeks even redder. Anon thought it looked like somepony had sprayed Scootaloo’s rump with the red paint can.
  114. “Aaaoooow! Nooohohoo, owww! OWWWW!!” Her bottom wiggled to the left, spank. To the right, spank. Mrs. Merryberry was speeding up her paddling as the time got closer to midnight, and Anon could tell that she was almost done. She breathed heavily from tiredness.
  116. “There will be no more vandalism, graffiti or sneaking out, Scootaloo! You are a Foal Scout, a pony with honor and integrity! You are a bright and good filly, so don’t squander your character, young lady!”
  118. Scootaloo howled as the paddle thwacked down across her swelling red bottom again. It made her weep and howl in guilt and pain. “Yeees, Mrs. Merryberry! Please, OWWOWOW! Ahh aahh!”
  120. Anon was starting to feel worse. He felt that he had seen enough of her spanking, and even though it was almost over, he looked away with pity.
  122. When he did, he saw something move out of the window. A filly or foal’s head went down from the window when he looked in their direction.
  124. Anon gasped, and he walked over to the window to see who the culprit was. When he got there, nopony was there, and with annoyance Anon realized that the only thing he saw was a bit of somepony’s dark colored mane before the pony in question disappeared, almost definitely back to his or her cabin.
  126. He turned around, and Mrs. Merryberry was wrapping up the punishment with a final few fast thwacks. Scootaloo’s pants were hanging off her ankles from all of the hoofy kicks, and when Mrs. Merryberry finally finished and hung the paddle back on the hook, Scootaloo was still writhing around and wiggling her rump in terrible pain.
  128. Her bottom was spanked to a blazing and painful dark crimson, and the paddle holes left many blisters and bruises scattered all over her buttcheeks. Sitting around the campfire was going to be harder for Scootaloo now more than ever. Mrs. Merryberry walked over to Scootaloo, looked over her job well done, and nodded to Anon.
  130. “Very well, that is it. The paddling has concluded. I will keep Scootaloo here while she calms down while you return to your post.” She said with authority.
  132. Anon took another look at the punished filly in front of him, and replied to his supervisor with a “Yes, ma’am” before he left the cabin. He did not know what else to say or do, if he was honest. Mrs. Merryberry would likely spend a lot of time with Scootaloo after the punishment to talk to her, discuss things and so on about what she expected from now on while the filly recovered from the ordeal. She could show her sweet side after a well deserved bottom paddling.
  134. Scootaloo’s crying and sobbing quieted when he walked further away into the woods and shut the cabin door. Once those were gone, only one thing was now on his mind.
  136. Who else was watching from out of the window?
  138. (To Be Continued)

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