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Rainbow's After Party by Zad

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 19:51:20
Updated: 2022-03-11 20:45:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Rainbow's After Party by Zad
  2. (Rainbow Blaze / Rainbow)
  3. M/f, over bed, leather belt, bruises, non-consensual
  5. (09/05/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Rainbow Dash could normally sneak through the window without being seen or heard. But tonight, luck was not on her side, and she had flown through her living room window to the sound of her father clearing his throat.
  12. Once she heard that, Rainbow felt her heart stop beating.
  14. “Enjoy your night out?” He asked in a menacing voice from the chair he was sitting in. He stood up and walked over to the window, sliding it shut. All the while, he stared at her.
  16. Rainbow Dash froze in fear. Her wings came out at her sides in alarm. Her father’s voice was dangerous, no nonsense and colder than ice.
  18. He was already angry. If he figured out what she’d really been up to, there was no telling how much trouble she would be in.
  20. She had to lie, or else she would never be allowed to leave the house again! Rainbow gulped, trying to think fast. “Uhh… I was just--”
  22. “Whatever lies you are about to tell me, don’t. I can smell the alcohol on you.”
  24. This declaration turned Rainbow Dash’s blood cold. She began to shake where she stood while her dad looked down on her with a rare expression of anger.
  26. That’s when she lost all desire to try and lie her way out of this disaster. Rainbow Dash broke down, sniffling and sobbing.
  28. “I’m sorry, daddy! I’m so sorry, I just… went to a party, but th-they had shots there, and everypony was taking them and I didn’t want to look bad so I… I didn’t know there was going to be alcohol there, I swear!”
  30. This did not seem to calm her father down one bit. His eyes burned when he replied. “Oh, you didn’t, did you? And I suppose you didn’t know that you were grounded tonight and weren’t allowed out of the house because of your bad grades, either? Forgot that little detail?”
  32. Rainbow Dash sank to the carpet floor. She didn’t have the nerve to even look up at him, the shame was so heavy. She shook her head. “I’m sorry…”
  34. “So let’s summarize, Rainbow. You sneak out of the house at night even though you’re grounded, go out and party with a bunch of ‘popular’ deadbeats in a shady area of town… yes, I know where you’ve been, young lady... where a young mare like you could be drugged, raped, or worse, you DRINK ALCOHOL underaged, and then try to sneak back in?”
  36. The list of her wrongdoings he was writing off made Rainbow speechless. It was sinking in now, just how badly she had screwed up. This was the most trouble she had ever been in in her whole life.
  38. Then, she heard him say something that made her skin crawl.
  40. “Go upstairs, Rainbow Dash. To MY room.”
  42. It had been years since she heard her father say that. Rainbow Dash was too stunned to say anything back. She stood and stared at her daddy with a slackjaw.
  44. In Rainbow’s house, those words were uttered only seldomly. What made it worse, was that being a teenager, Rainbow didn’t think she would ever hear them said to her again.
  46. But she knew what they meant. But surely he couldn’t mean…
  48. “Um… dad? Why do you want me to…”
  50. “Because, Rainbow Dash, you are in for the belting of your life.”
  52. She heard anger in his voice. It was shaky, so she could tell. Rainbow Dash’s heart thumped so loud she could hear it inside her head.
  54. Words could not express how horrified, how miserable, and how ashamed Rainbow Dash now felt. Deep down she knew she deserved it, but the word “belt” was enough to make her plead anyway.
  56. She stuttered, “D--Dad, oh gosh Dad, please… you can’t! I’m not a...”
  58. “Ohhh, I can, and I will! My room, right now!”
  60. When Rainbow’s father raised his voice, things were always very serious. He was usually a gentle voiced stallion with a lot of patience, but tonight, there was none of that. There was only a resolve to follow through on his threat.
  62. Rainbow Dash blanched and swallowed her words, and with her heart swelling in fear, she obeyed. “Yes, daddy... I’m so, s---sorry.”
  64. She sniffed. The normally brash young mare shivered as she walked up the steps, but her father’s voice made her heart skip a beat when she heard him talking behind her.
  66. “You may be, Rainbow. But you aren’t sorry enough, yet.”
  68. Rainbow Dash walked upstairs with those words ringing in her head like bells announcing her funeral.
  70. The rainbow stallion waited several minutes, breathing deeply to calm himself down.
  72. He couldn’t believe it had gotten to this point. The past two years, ever since Rainbow Dash started attending Cloudsdale High School, she had gotten more and more involved in with the wrong crowd. He always made sure to tell her to be wary of certain other young mares and colts, but she had always shrugged him off, telling him that everything was ok and that she would be careful.
  74. Until her grades had started to take a big dive. It was true that Rainbow Dash was not a straight A student, but she had never once performed as badly as she had on her last report card. D’s were not acceptable, and he had decided to ground her for a couple of weeks until she could study and get them back up.
  76. But he never expected this. To him, this was unimaginable. Scary, even. Rainbow Dash hadn’t just gone too far, or just disobeyed him. No, what she had done was dangerous, and possibly even life altering. She could have been hurt, even raped.
  78. As if this wasn’t bad enough, there was one last thing that came into his mind. The Wonderbolts would never take a young mare with a criminal record. He did not mind if her grades were less than A’s, maybe even a C here and there, but there was one thing he knew about his daughter, and that was the fact she would give anything to join them. It was her biggest life’s aspiration, and tonight, she had put herself at risk to squander the whole entire thing.
  80. What he was going to do tonight was not something he wanted to do, but it was what he needed to do.
  82. He had to punish Rainbow Dash. And this punishment, was going to be very severe.
  84. It didn’t matter how big and comfy her dad’s bed was, sitting on it would always feel terrible. Rainbow Dash held her tummy, feeling nauseous from the fear and the alcohol fizzing in her stomach.
  86. She had never drank before tonight, but she guessed that drinking four whole shots in a row was probably not a good idea. Every one of them had burned like the dickens on the way down, and she hated every second of it, but since she was a stubborn filly, Rainbow Dash stomached them for the sake of popularity. Other colts and fillies had taken even more than her, but after the third one many of them barely even noticed.
  88. She felt a little woozy, too. Was this what feeling drunk was like? She didn’t like it one bit. It didn’t feel pleasant at all! Why would anypony want to get drunk? And more importantly, why did she go out and get drunk with them?
  90. One hoof rested on her cutie mark while the other wrapped around her tummy. Rainbow Dash sniffled and wiped her weepy eyes with her hoof, dreading every passing second that brought her closer to when her dad would come into the room, belt in hoof. She had only ever gotten the belt once before in her life, more than four years ago, and it had only been a few licks at the end of a normal hoof spanking. Rainbow Dash could remember how badly they had stung, how much she had cried…
  92. She heard hoofsteps. Rainbow Dash sobbed in fright, and she waited on the edge of the bed with her face hidden by her rainbow tail in front of her face.
  94. The door opened. Her dad walked in, and Rainbow Dash squeaked when she saw what was hanging out of his mouth.
  96. A thick, heavy leather belt. It was dark black in color, and the thud it made on the floor when her father set it down revealed how hefty it really was. To her horror Rainbow Dash realized this wasn’t even the same belt he had used on her all that time ago. This one was bigger, much bigger.
  98. She stared at it with terror in her eyes. Rainbow looked up at her father, expecting to see him glaring daggers at her, or him to bark orders at her to get up and bend over the bed.
  100. But she saw sadness in his eyes instead, and unlike how he had been before, he looked more forlorn than angry at her. He spoke with a quiet, but still commanding voice.
  102. “Before we do this, Rainbow Dash, we need to talk.”
  104. Rainbow Dash’s mouth felt dry. She nodded her head obediently, deferring to him completely in body language and tone. “Y-----Yes, d-daddy?”
  106. He scooped up the belt in his foreleg, and walked over to her. But instead of flipping her over and beginning right away, he tossed the belt onto the spot next to her on the bed. Then, he got up and sat down right next to her.
  108. Rainbow Dash bunched her shoulders up when her daddy draped his leg around her. She leaned into him, sniffling and crying softly. He took a gentle hold of her head with his other hoof, pressing her into his chest. A tear formed in his eye, but he sucked it back in.
  110. “Rainbow, when I saw that you weren’t in your room, that your books weren’t even open on your desk… I was shocked.”
  112. Rainbow Dash heard his voice crack with the admission. This made her cry herself, and she shivered against him in guilty cries. “Daddy…”
  114. “But that wasn’t the worst part, Rainbow. When you still weren’t back after 1:00 in the morning… I was scared. I was minutes away from calling the police. And when you came in through the window and I smelled the alcohol on you… it broke my heart, Rainbow.”
  116. His voice cracked again, even though he was trying very hard to keep himself together. But the fear and disappointment he was admitting out in the open were making tears come down his own cheeks. He grasped Rainbow Dash harder.
  118. His daughter, hearing her father cry at her expense, couldn’t hold in it any more. She sobbed, muttering “I’m sorry” in between cries, but she couldn’t speak beyond that.
  120. Rainbow Dash had never felt so guilty, so ashamed and so horrible in her entire life. She felt like the worst daughter in the whole wide world.
  122. It took him many seconds to get himself together again. When he did, he took a deep breath, licked the salty tear from his lip, and spoke.
  124. “This can never happen again, Rainbow. Your whole future, your dream to be with the Wonderbolts, everything is on the line. And I’m going to make sure it doesn’t, tonight. I’m sorry, Dashie, but tonight... you’re getting the thrashing of a lifetime.”
  126. The ultimatum made Rainbow Dash cringe and sob. But at the same time, she knew why it was going to happen. It didn’t matter that she was a teenager, now. What she had done tonight was worthy of every single lick of her daddy’s belt that he was going to give her.
  128. She nodded bravely, and said, painfully, “Yes, daddy…”
  130. He wanted to continue holding his crying daughter forever. But he knew that he couldn’t do that.
  132. It was time to begin.
  134. Rainbow Dash felt her dad gently push her away from him. Her teary face looked up at him anxiously, and when she saw him get up from the bed, she knew with horror that the time had come.
  136. He reached underneath her growing but still petite frame and lifted her up in his strong hooves. She did not resist him at all as he flipped her over, and bent her over the bed. Her rump stuck out and dangled over the edge, and despite being much taller her back hooves still could not quite touch the floor.
  138. She heard him walk over and pick up the belt behind her. The buckle made a metallic clinging sound as he folded the belt it in half. With his gentle but powerful hoof, he situated her on the bed with her rump aimed up and outward and her tail flipped up onto her back.
  140. Her blue bottom cheeks shook and shivered with fear, but they stayed still. The truth was she was terrified, and couldn’t have gotten herself to move even if she wanted to. Even worse, she did want to. She didn’t want to face the awful pain that awaited her.
  141. Rainbow Dash stayed still, though, because it was the right thing to do. Her father laid the thick leather belt across her rump to aim, and Rainbow Dash closed her eyes with a sad whimper.
  143. “I don’t want to do this, Dashie. But I have to.”
  145. He raised the belt. Rainbow prepared herself mentally for the explosion of fiery pain to come.
  147. The belt swished in the air, and…
  149. >THWAP!
  151. Rainbow Dash’s eyes and mouth opened up, as the most concentrated, intense burning stripe of pain she could have ever imagined flared up on her rear, right on the center of her exposed cheeks. She gasped and let out a wail to the ceiling.
  153. “Aaaa! AAAAoow! Oww, oh…”
  155. >THWAP!
  157. “AAAH! Aaahohoww!” The second whip came so soon after the first, it took her breath away. It lashed the same spot as the first one, turning the flames into an inferno. Rainbow thumped her back hoof on the side of the bed, and the searing sting was bad enough to cause her vision to become totally blinded by tears.
  159. “Aow, ow, owww…”
  161. >THWACK!
  163. “AAAHH, Aaahahaaa!” Rainbow Dash weeped, hitting the bed with her hoof as the pain overwhelmed her. It was only the third lick, but she couldn’t believe how much it hurt. All she could do was cry.
  165. As the next five spanks came down, Rainbow Dash kicked her dangling hooves in the air, yelling herself hoarse. Her dad spanked her rump again and again, and the loud crack of firm leather snapping against bare skin echoed out every time it landed.
  167. Dad looked at his daughter’s behind closely, aiming carefully before he lashed the belt down. The poor filly’s bottom and hips wiggled under the thrashing, turning and twisting as she sobbed and howled. The belt painted pink stripes on the blue skin of her butt until they all blended together, but he was not going to stop there.
  169. The clock had not moved far, and Rainbow Dash was already starting to kick and wiggle around too much. He knew that she wasn’t doing it on purpose, but it was still preventing him from giving her the belting she needed. So, he leaned against the bed beside her and set his big hoof on her back, on top of her twitching tail, and pushed down hard enough to stop poor Rainbow Dash from moving her rump too far in any direction. Then he kept on spanking, with more speed, force, and accuracy now that she was pinned down.
  171. The whole time, he had to force himself not to listen to her howls of pain and misery. Instead, he watched the color and marks on her flank, only looking at the objective results of what he was doing for when he needed to finally stop.
  173. And tonight, when he said his Dashie was in for the thrashing of her life, he meant it. So, he wasn’t going to stop until her rump was punished severely. However long that took, he was going to go the distance.
  175. Rainbow Dash’s rump felt like somepony was holding a lit torch next to it, but all she could do now that her daddy had her held down was let the tears pool up on the blanket. She had never been spanked this hard, not even close. Every time the belt thwacked her butt, Rainbow Dash tried to buck her hips and kick her legs in desperation, but she was too helpless to move. It was so much worse than when she was laying over her dad’s lap as a filly, suffering only a spanking from his firm hoof.
  177. She wailed, “OOOOWWW DADDY! Aoow! AaaAAAAOW!”
  179. Watching Rainbow cry and struggle made her father’s hoof shake as he wielded the belt. He had to steady his shaking front leg before he could lash it back down. Rainbow was squealing and her raspy voice cracking and breaking as her bottom was set on fire, but he kept darkening her already sizzling red tush to an even darker color.
  181. Rainbow wasn’t sure how she would be able to take any more of this punishment. No matter how much she wiggled and squirmed, the belt never stopped tanning her bare rump. Rainbow Dash knew she deserved everything her daddy was giving her, but she hoped and prayed that her daddy would think her discipline was enough soon. Until then, she had no choice but to accept it, no matter how much her poor butt burned.
  183. The young mare’s wings were a mess. The feathers spread out and wilted on the bed, and they twitched when the belt cracked across her rump. Rainbow Dash felt like she had been laying there forever. She couldn’t believe how much her daddy was spanking her, and he was not slowing down at all. She never could have imagined that spankings could be this long.
  185. Another minute went by, spanking never stopping, and poor Rainbow Dash couldn’t take it anymore. She kicked and pushed against her dad’s big hoof.
  187. “Aauuhuhuhhhh! AAAAAOW, Owww, daddy! I’m SORRYYYY! I’m sorry, daddy! Ahohooow!”
  189. Ever since his mom passed away, when she was only a little filly, Dash always looked up to her father. She may have put on a tough act at school or out in public, but she was the opposite when she spent time with her dad. Rainbow Dash never tried to show her soft side with anypony else but him.
  191. That included crying her eyes out whenever she was spanked. Even though she was a growing teenager, Rainbow Dash still was not ashamed to cry as loudly as she could. Daddy didn’t judge her.
  193. Rainbow’s father looked up at the clock, and down at his daughter’s rump. Never in his life did he spank Rainbow Dash anything past a minute or two, just enough to tan her rump bright red. Tonight, he had already gone on for almost five, and the results showed. Angry red stripes and even some minor bruising right on the middle of her bottom cheeks showed where the belt whacked her the most, and Rainbow Dash was still struggling under his hoof. He knew he promised Dashie the belting of a lifetime for her behavior, but now he needed to wrap this up.
  195. Only a little more to go.
  197. Her father took a deep breath before each swing. “Your whole future…” THWACK! “... is at stake, Dashie! You’re a better pony than this!!” THWACK! “Do you understand me, Rainbow Dash?”
  199. Rainbow wailed with the new, hard smacks to the underside of her butt. She lifted her head and cried out while her back hooves kicked and crisscrossed. “Yeees, DADDY! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” THWACK! “AAAhoooaaowww! Oww, owww!” THWACK! “Nooo, ohohoowww!!”
  201. Rainbow’s father paused the spanks, lowering the belt. Rainbow Dash twisted her hips and wiggled around, but he didn’t let her get up. Her poor punished posterior was still on fire.
  203. “Don’t give it all up, Dashie! Don’t throw your life away. Those ponies, those fillies and colts don’t know you, what you can do… Be the pony I know you are.”
  205. Rainbow Dash pitifully sobbed and moaned. He laid the belt across her burning bare rump, and raised it above his head. She heard the belt go back up, causing her to panic and beg through her cries. “Noo, no please, Daddy! I’m sorry, aahoow, I’m sorry…”
  207. “Ten more, sweetie. You’re almost done.” He said. He got into a better position, leaning harder into her back and pressing her body down firmly with his front leg while he held the belt in the other. Rainbow Dash’s crimson bottom clenched and shivered, and the added pressure to her body pushed her flanks up into the air. He needed the best target possible for the last ten spanks, with her rump pushed up and out in the air so that the belt could do its work without any hassle. Rainbow Dash just cried, but she stayed still and waited obediently with her well punished tush in the line of fire.
  209. “Don’t move, Dashie.” He said gently. His hoof shook like a leaf.
  211. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and gasped. She sobbed and choked, waiting for her horrible spanking to continue and for the flames to rise up again on her bottom, so red but still positioned for even more correction. But she obeyed him.
  213. “Y-yes, *sob* daddy…” She gave in totally. Accepting her fate, she braced herself and waited for the belt to set her rear ablaze.
  215. She waited, and waited. And waited, and waited…but nothing came. Clenching and unclenching, biting her lip, laying there for so long, just waiting for it...
  217. Then, she heard the belt fall with a sharp thud as the buckle hit the floor. Rainbow Dash stopped breathing, and she felt the added push of her dad’s hoof on top of her back and tail go away.
  219. “What… daddy, what…” She tried to ask, confused.
  221. Her father reached around her, under her tummy. He bodily lifted her up from the bed, and into his waiting hooves, wrapping his wings around her.
  223. Rainbow Dash was frozen, in shock. He was crying, now.
  225. He sobbed. “We’re… we’re done, Dashie. My little Dashie…”
  227. He cried, dragging her to him.
  229. At the start Rainbow didn’t know what to think. Just a minute ago, not even, she had been waiting for the final lashes of the belt, but now, her father had her in his warm embrace.
  230. But soon, Rainbow Dash’s messy face became even more drenched with tears. When she heard her daddy cry, she couldn’t hold in the tears she had left inside of her.
  232. She sobbed, one hoof to her scorched bottom. The other one hugged him back. “I’m sorry, daddy! I won’t do it a*sob*gainnn…”
  234. He rubbed her back up and down and rocked her side to side. “I know, Dashie. I know you won’t… I love you, Dashie.”
  236. After tonight, things were never going to be the same, for either of them.
  238. The End

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